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2019年临沂市初中学业水平考试模拟试题(一)(考试时间:100分钟满分:100分)第卷(选择题共55分)一、听力测试(共15小题,计15分) (一)听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。1 2. 3._4. 5._ (二)听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。6A.In a yard. BIn the hospital. CIn a bookshop.7A.Its interesting. BIts exciting. CIts relaxing.8A.Yes, she has. BNo, she hasnt. CWe dont know.9A.Since 2019. BSince 2019. CSince 2009.10A.Her Chinese teacher. BHer classmates. CHer friends.(三)听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。短文读两遍。听短文前,你们有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。11John wants to become a doctor.12John wants to get married very soon.13Johns wife wont be interesting.14John wants to have a lot of children.15John will travel to India.请同学们翻到第卷,先找到第四大题。你们将有5秒钟的准备时间。二、单项填空(共15小题,计15分)选择最佳答案。16Come on, boys! Nobody will help us. We have to depend on !Ayourself Bmyself Cyourselves Dourselves17 the help of his teacher, he become good at English.AWith BOn CFor DUnder18Mr. Smith looks serious, but in fact he is very pleasant and .Afriendly Bcold Ccareless Dfamous19If you see any litter on the school playground, youd better .Agive it away Bpick it upCturn it off Dput it on20You spend much time on the Internet, its bad for your eyes.Acan Bmay Ccant Dneednt21Dont put the glass there, someone it.Abreaks Bbroke Cwill break Dhas broken22I will take a bus rather than driving. It is .Afar Bsafe Cfarther Dsafer23Dont make any noise. We to a piece of wonderful music.Awill listen Bare listening Clisten Dhave listened24Jim had no why Lisa left the party without a word.Aneed Bidea Cmind Dchance25Im sorry, Jack, Talking aloud in the library .Adoesnt allow Bwasnt allowed Cisnt allowed Dwont allow26Its only seven pm. I wonder .Maybe she had something important to do.Awhy she left so early Bwhy did she leave so earlyCwhy does she leave so early Dwhy she leaves so early27Harrys mom looks young and beautiful. Its hard to imagine she is already her .Ain; fifty Bin; fiftiesCon; fifties Din; fiftieth28If Peter , please ask him to leave a .Acome; notice Bcomes; messageCcome; sentence Dcomes; information29He has for two years. Two years a long time.Aleft home; are Bleft home; isCbeen away from home; is Dbeen away from home; are30Look! Someone the classroom.Well, it wasnt me, I didnt do it.Ais cleaning Bwas cleaningChas cleaned Dwill clean三、阅读理解(共25小题,计25分)AThree rich ladies met every day by the river. They sat there and talked the whole day. Once the three ladies quarreled(争吵). One of them said. “Look, how white and beautiful my hands are!” Another one said, “My hands are more beautiful.” The third one said, “Mine are the most beautiful ones.” An old beggar(乞丐) woman came up to them. “Beautiful ladies,” she said, “Im hungry. Please give me something to eat.” But the three ladies gave her nothing. They only asked, “Tell me, old woman, which one of us has the most beautiful hands?”A peasant(农民) woman was also sitting by the river. She was poor and her hands were rough(粗糙的)because of hard work. The old woman came up to her and said, “Im hungry. Please give me something to eat.” The peasant woman took out her only cake she had and gave her a half.The old woman ate it and drank some water. Then she took the peasant woman by the hand, brought her before the rich ladies and said, “Now, I shall tell you whose hands are the most beautiful. The hands of the poor peasant woman are rough because of work, but they give us food; they are far more beautiful than your hands which have never done anything.”根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。31The three ladies quarreled one day in a boat.32The third lady had the most beautiful hand.33An old beggar woman came to the three rich ladies to ask for some food first.34The peasant woman had a lot of food.35The peasant woman was much kinder than the rich ladies.BYou dont have to be a weatherman to tell people about the weather. If you notice the animals, the sky and the world around, you can predict weather on your own.Examine the moon or sun, but do not look at the sun directly or it will hurt your eyes seriously. If you see a ring around the sun or moon, then warm weather follows. A golden ring around the moon warns us that a storm is on the way. A watery yellow sunset is a sign that rain may be near. Feel the direction of the wind. A wind blowing from the east shows that a storm will probably happen. A wind from the west means a sunny day. Monitor the clouds. There are three things about clouds you should look for: movement, color, and change. As a rule , the higher the clouds, the better the weather. And the lower the clouds , the worse the weather will be.The rainbow has a message, too. If you see the sun in the east and a rainbow in the west, the rain may be coming your way. If the sun is in the west and the rainbow is in the east, the rain will be moving away from you. Look at your shoes as you walk through the grass in the morning. If the grass is wet with dew (露珠), then you can expect dry weather. But if the grass is dry, then it will be wise of you to take your umbrella.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。36The underlined word “predict” probably means “ ” in the passage.A观察 B研究 C预测 D改善37According to the passage, is a sign of fine weather.Aa rainbow in the west Ba watery yellow sunsetCa wind from the west Da golden ring around the moon38When the clouds lift up, can be expected.Aa storm Ba heavy snow Cwind movement Dbetter weather39The last paragraph mentions ways to tell us about the weather.Atwo Bthree Cfour Dfive40The main purpose of the passage is .Ato warn us of bad weather like storms Bto share knowledge about weatherCto tell us about the work of weathermen Dto show us the importance of weatherC根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。第一个方框供4145小题选用,第二个方框供4650小题选用。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。AyoungestBprofessionalClikelyDgrows upEwonFscienceEach year, the news magazine Time For Kids selects several young people to serve as TFK kid reporters. These kids are not 41 reporters, but they still have to interview some important people.Martin, who lives in New York, is a computer buff, plays the piano, and wants to be an airline pilot when he 42 . When he got the assignment from TFK to interview Andrew Hsu, he wanted to talk about 43 . After all, Andrew had just become the 44 winner of the Washington State Science and Engineering Fair. The 11yearold scientist 45 the grand prize for identifying a particular genes that plays an important role in keeping the human body healthy.AfreeBmeetCreceiveDalsoEimprovingForganizationMartin soon discovered that being a science whiz(专家) is just one of Andrews achievements. Hes 46 an athlete who competes in swimming. But the main thing Andrew wanted to tell Martin about was the World Children Organization (WCO). Andrew started this 47 along with his brother Patrick. This project is meant to help improve the lives of children.Andrew and Patrick believe that 48 education is the best way they can make a positive difference for children. They know that there are places where a 49 education isnt available to kids. To help 50 that need, Andrew and Patrick had the idea of producing videos about science, math, and languages for children in countries where there arent enough qualified teachers.答案:41. 42. 43. 44._45. 46 47._48. 49. 50._ DBody language is one of the most powerful means of communication. 51 People around the world show all kinds of feelings, wishes and attitudes that they might never speak aloud. The most universal facial expression is the smile. People usually smile to show happiness and make people feel comfortable. But sometimes it does not always mean that we are truly happy, however. Smiles around the world can be false, hiding other feelings like anger, fear or worry. 52 However, the general purpose of smiling is to show good feelings. From the time we are babies, we show unhappiness or anger by frowning. 53 Making a fist and shaking it almost always means that someone is angry and threatening another person.There are many ways around the world to a show agreement, but nodding the head up and down is used for agreement almost worldwide. 54 Being respectful to people is based on each culture, but in general it is probably not a good idea to give a hug to a boss or teacher. In almost every culture, it is not usually good to stand too close to someone of a higher position. 55 With so many cultural differences between people, it is great to have some similarities in body language. We can often be wrong about each other, so it is an amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do!根据短文内容,从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容通顺完整。AMost people also understand that shaking the head from side to side means disagreement and refusal.BThere are unhappy smiles,such as when someone “lost face” and smiles to hide it.CIt is often even more powerful than spoken languages.DWhen you lie, you might put on a false face.EStanding at a little distance with open hands will show that I am willing to listen.FIn most places around the world, frowning and turning ones back to someone shows anger.答案:51. 52. 53._54. 55._ 第卷(非选择题共45分)四、听写(共5小题, 计5分)听写。听对话,根据对话内容完成下列句子,每空词数不限。对话读三遍。听对话前,你们有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。56Where did the woman want to go?She want to go to the 57What did they need?They need 58What did the weather report say?It said there was tonight.59How far did the store be away from their home?The store is from their home.60What will the man do if the woman doesnt come back in an hour.He will 五、词形转换 (共8小题,计8分)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词。61He had an awful feeling that everyone was laughing at .(he)62Several longawaited movies will finally in the theatres this month. (arrival)63Pushing kids so hard from such an early age is likely to have some results. (harm)64The flowers are arranged in a classic basket. (beautiful)65It took (direct) from CCTV over a year to shoot(拍摄) the documentary The Third Polar.66Every day, Mr Smith spends much time correcting our .(pronounce)67The students will learn from experience about the of planning. (important)68In America, is the age when one can begin full day kindergarten. (fourth)六、动词应用 (共7小题,计7分)根据短文内容,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。Mr. Jenkins has several big shops in the city. Hes very rich but he does his best to pay the persons who work in his shops less. And they all hate him.Several months ago a young woman borrowed thirty thousand dollars from him. But she couldnt return the money to him in time. He went to her and made her give her ring to him which cost more than fifty thousand dollars. He put it into his wallet and went home happily. But when he got to the bus stop, the bus 69 (leave). He hurried to get on and left his wallet outside. He didnt find it until he got home. He hurried 70 (make) promise, “If someone finds my wallet and returns it to me, I 71 (give) half the money to him.”An old woman who 72 (wait) for another bus that day found the wallet. She sent it back to Mr. Jenkins. But he changed his mind.“There are two rings in my wallet,” said Mr. Jenkins, “I wont give half the money in my wallet to you until you return the other ring to me.”“I 73 (see) only a ring in the wallet,” the old woman said and took the man to a judge and told him what 74 (happen) to them. The judge said to Mr. Jenkins, “Im sure you have lost a wallet in which there are two rings and some money. But there is only one ring in this wallet. I 75 (not think) its yours. Wait for some days. Perhaps someone will be able to return your wallet to you.”Then the judge turned to the old woman and said, “Take the wallet home. If the loser doesnt go to get it back in three days, it will belong to you.”答案:69. 70. 71. 72._ 73 74. 75._ 七、阅读表达 (共5小题,计10分)根据短文内容回答下列问题。In many western schools, sports day is a big event. Children take part in competitive(竞争性的) sports and try to break school records and take the first place.Sports days, or sports meetings, are usually held in the warmer seasons, either at the beginning or the end of the school year. They are also called field days. Primary school sports days are fun. They usually have activities such as the egg and the spoon race and the sack race. Other events include the skipping race(跳绳) and the threelegged race. In middle and high schools, sports days include many of the common track and field events(田径项目). They are more serious and competitive than primary school ones.Students parents and other relatives also come to the school on sports days. They watch children play. Many schools in the West have “mothers and fathers” races for parents to take part in!Although sports days are exciting, they also have some problems. According to some reports in the USA, sports days have become too competitive to be good for students. Some parents put too much pressure on the children. Some schools dont have “mothers and fathers” races any more as there is much fighting and cheating.76What do children try to do when they take part in sports meetings?_77When are sports days usually held in the school year?_78What are primary school sports days like?_79Who would come to the school to watch children play on sports days?_80Do sports days have problems in the writers opinion?_八、书面表达(计15分)假如你是王昆,你的美国网友Tom对中国的传统节日“春节”非常感兴趣,请你以“My Favorite Festival”为题,写一封email,给他做一下介绍。1要点包括:节日简介、节日准备、节日活动等;2不少于60词。3提示:the Spring Festival, traditional, get together, clean up, be dressed in . Subject: My Favorite FestivalFrom: Wang KunDear Tom, . _Wang Kun参考答案15 CDABE610 CABBC1115ABBBB1620 DAABC2125 CDBBC2630 ABBCC3135 BBABA3640 CCDAB4145 BDFAE4650 DFEAB5155 CBFAE56k, some bananas and chicken58a snow warning59.30 minutes driving60call the nunciation67importance68.four69.had left70.to make71will give72.was waiting73.saw74.happened75.dont think76They try to break school records and take the first place.77Sports days are usually held, either at the beginning or the end of the school year.78Primary school sports days/They are fun.79Students parents and other relatives.80Yes, they do.The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival to the Chinese people. Several days before the new year, we begin to prepare for it. My parents buy meat, fish and vegetables. Houses are cleaned up.On the Eve of the new year, the whole family get together and have a big dinner. After the meal we watch “the Spring Evening” on TV until twelve oclock. On the first day of the new year, each of us is dressed in new clothes. When meeting others outside, we say “Happy New Year” to each other. We pay new year calls to friends and relatives. That day my parents and relatives give “Redbags” (money) to us children. All of us have a great time.Wang Kun【听力原文】(一)听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。1They want to sell the soft toys and give the money to a Childrens Home.2Country music is a traditional kind of music from the southern states of America.3Children all over the world love the Monkey King.4Disneyland is an amusement park with a special theme.5My grandfather loves drinking tea and collecting tea sets.(二)听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。6W: What can I do for you?M: I want to buy a book called Harry Potter.Q: Where are they?7W: Would you like to go to the Palace Museum?M: Thats a good idea. Ive been there before. Its such an interesting place.Q: What does the boy think of the Palace Museum?8W: Peter, are your parents at the hotel?M: No, theyve gone to the


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