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Active Reading 2,Text,不同文化的童年 1 每当我回顾20世纪七八十年代我的童年时光,并将它与现在孩子的童年相比较时,就会想起句名言:“往昔是异国他乡,那里有着不同的习俗”(可参见L.P.哈特利的小说传信人 ) 。甚至在相对短暂的一段时间内,我也能够察觉到儿童的生活以及人们对待儿童的方式上所经历的巨大变化。,Text,2 回顾更久远的岁月,我可以看到现在和古代童年生活的巨大差别。如今的儿童责任很少,他们生活的主要内容是玩耍而非工作,上学而非劳动,在家里呆着而不是和外界交往,消费而非生产。这种变化也是最近才显现出来的。一百年前,12 岁的孩子在工厂打工是完全可以接受的事情,而现在,这会招来社会服务机构的介入,其父母和工厂主会被起诉。,Text,3 有两位美国作家,芭芭拉埃伦里奇和迪尔德丽英格利希,她们简要地概括了过去和现在人们对儿童的期待的差异。在比较美国现在的儿童和殖民地时期(16001776)的儿童时,她们写道:“今天,如果一个四岁的孩子能自己系鞋带就很了不起了。而在殖民地时期,四岁的女孩会织长筒袜和连指手套,能做复杂的刺绣,六岁就能纺毛线了。一个善良勤快的女孩被称为夫人而不是小姐,这是为了表彰她对家庭经济的贡献,严格说来她不是一个孩子了。”,Text,4 对儿童的看法不断变化着,这使得许多社会科学家宣称童年是一种“社会建构”。他们用这个术语来说明不同的地区对童年的理解是不一样的,虽然所有社会都承认儿童与成年人有区别,至于他们之间有何不同,人们对儿童又有何期待,不同的社会给出了不一样的答案。,Text,5 社会人类学家在研究那些跟西方国家持有不同世界观的民族时也表明了这个观点。琼布里格斯研究过加拿大北极地区的伊努伊特人,她描述了在这些社会群落中成长是怎样大体上被看成是一个获得思想、理性和理解力(伊努伊特人称之为 ihuma)的过程。,Text,小孩子不具备这些素质,所有才容易生气,常常会哭,无法理解群落所面临的诸如食物短缺之类的外在困难。由于无法跟他们讲理,即便讲了他们也不明白,父母对他们很宽容、很温和。一直要等到他们年龄大一点,并开始有自己的思想时,父母才会尝试着去管教他们,约束他们。,Text,6 相反,根据海伦莫顿的研究,太平洋岛国汤加的儿童经常挨父母和哥哥姐姐的打。人们认为儿童和成年人相比更像疯子,因为他们缺乏被大家看重的社会能力(汤加人称之为 poto)。小孩子经常因为笨手笨脚而挨骂,他们连摔跤都会被嘲笑、呵斥,甚至被打。,Text,人们认为儿童很顽皮,都是因为淘气他们才哭闹,或者要东西吃。在大人看来,三至五岁的儿童尤其任性,因此他们打这个年龄段的孩子也打得最狠。父母们相信,只有靠训导和体罚才能使孩子获得社会能力,所以他们用一种在外人看来非常严厉的方式对待孩子。,Text,7 在其他的例子中,有关儿童的观念则截然不同。例如,西非的一个叫孟加拉的很小的族群认为,不管说什么、用什么语言说,小孩子都能听明白,并且能理解。另一位人类学家阿尔玛戈特利布对孟加拉族进行了广泛的研究,孟加拉族人认为小孩子出生前居住在灵界,在那里他们通晓人类所有的语言,能理解所有的文化。,Text,灵界的生活很惬意,小孩子在那里有很多朋友,他们通常极不愿意离开那儿,来到地球上的家庭中(本奥克雷的小说饥饿之路就描述了一个小孩在灵界和人世之间往返的故事) 。他们出生后仍然与那个世界保持长达数年的联系,如果没有得到良好的照顾,他们就可能要返回灵界。因此,父母们悉心照料孩子,以免他们受到诱惑,回归灵界,而且对他们也有几分敬畏,因为他们具备大人所不具备的通灵的本领。,Text,8 在英国及其他西方国家,越来越多的人认为儿童缺乏能力,依赖性强。但也不是全世界的人都持这种看法。在很多社会里孩子从小就开始工作,寻找各种机会为家里挣钱。以看管孩子为例,在英国,14岁以下的儿童在没有成人监督的情况下照看其他孩子是非法的,因为人们认为他们缺少看孩子的能力和责任心。,Text,而在其他文化里,情况并非如此。米歇尔约翰逊曾写过西非的富拉尼族女孩四岁就得照看年幼的弟弟妹妹,要打水、拾柴,六岁就得舂米、挤奶、做黄油,并和妈妈一起到市场上去贩卖这些东西。,Text,9 另一位人类学家拿破仑沙尼翁证实了在世界的另一端,地处亚马逊雨林的亚那马莫族孩子的童年与西方孩子的童年有什么不同,以及那里的男孩儿女孩儿们跟世界其他地方的男孩儿女孩儿的成长方式的差异。他写道,亚那马莫族女孩儿很小就得帮妈妈做家务,到十岁就开始管家。,Text,到十二、三岁时可能就结婚生子了。男孩儿的责任则要少得多,他们比女孩儿晚结婚,可以玩到十八九岁。西方的童年观在这里根本不适用,因为这里的人们对儿童的能力和责任有着完全不同的理解。,Text,10 社会人类学家探寻的是在他们所研究的族群里人们是如何看待童年,以及儿童扮演的角色问题,而不是研究那些地区的童年观是否符合西方的观念。他们这么做是为了避免把外界的观念强加给那些持不同世界观的人身上,或者是为了避免对其他民族养育孩子的方式作价值观方面的判断。西方人可能会反对八岁的女孩儿打工,反对12岁的女孩结婚, 但在他们自己的族群里,这些事情被视为童年生活的一个积极的常态。,Text,的确,在非西方人看来,许多“正常的”西方育儿方式极其怪异,可能对孩子是有害的。让孩子在自己的屋里呆着,想吃东西的时候不给他们吃,或者任由他们哭闹而不赶快去安抚他们,这些在很多社会里都是不对的事情,会让人觉得西方人根本不懂得如何照看孩子。,Text,11 童年是一种处于变化之中的社会现象,具有持续的吸引力,并且不断受到关注。从跨文化角度来看待这个问题能展示出世界上各种各样的童年生活,并警示我们不要随意干涉或指责那些生活方式及世界观跟我们不一样的人。所有的社会都承认儿童和成年人是不同的,他们有自己独特的品性和需求;人类学家和社会科学家感兴趣的是每个社会对儿童的天性都有什么样的看法,以及这些看法又如何影响儿童的生活。,Text,Words & Phrases,transformation,prosecution,ethnic,largely,incapable,knit,mitten,wilful,mischievous,competence,leniency,external,colonial,consumption,tempt,contact,famished,earthly,reluctant,extensively,intervention,intricate,embroidery,anthropologist,radically,outsider,harsh,dependent,incompetent,reverence,Words & Phrases,childcare,firewood,perspective,impose,bizarre,notion,unsupervised,irresponsible,negatively,continual,fascination,Words & Phrases,in appreciation of,reason with,tell sb. off,fall over,take exception to sth.,tend to,Words & Phrases,L.P. Hartley L.P. 哈特利,Barbara Ehrenreich 芭芭拉 艾伦里奇,Deirdre English 迪尔德丽 英格利希(美国作家),Jean Briggs 琼布里格斯(人名),the Canadian Arctic 加拿大大北极群岛,Tonga 汤加(南太平洋岛国,在汤加群岛上),Tongan 汤加人,Inuit 伊努伊特人(美洲爱斯基摩人),Helen Morton 海伦 莫顿,Words & Phrases,Ben Okri 本 奥克雷(人名),Michelle Johnson 米歇尔 约翰逊,Fulani 富拉尼人 (居西非尼日利亚一带),Yanamamo 亚那马莫人 (亚马孙河土著),Amazonian 亚马孙河的,Napoleon Chagnon 拿破仑 沙尼翁(人名),Alma Gottlieba 阿尔玛 戈特利布(人名),Beng 孟加拉人,transformation n. C a change into someone or something completely different, or the process by which this happens 彻底改观;变化过程 e.g. 1. In recent years, the movie industry has undergone a dramatic transformation. 近年来,电影产业经历了巨大的变革。 2. The international situation is undergoing a complicated and profound transformation . 国际形势正经历复杂和深刻的变化。 Word family: transform v.,Words & Phrases,consumption n. U (fml.) the use of sth. such as fuel or energy, or the amount that people use; the process of buying or using goods, or the amount that people buy or use (燃料或能源等的)消耗,消耗量;(商品的)消费,消费量 e.g. 1. The government is determined to reduce the total energy consumption . 2. Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, whose overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women. (CET4-2000-06) 啤酒是最受男性饮酒者欢迎的酒类,他们对啤酒的总消费量远高于女性饮酒者。 Word family: consume v. consumer n.,Words & Phrases,政府下决心减少整体能源消耗。,intervention n. C, U a situation in which someone becomes involved in a particular issue, problem etc. in order to influence what happens 干涉;干预;介入 e.g. 1. We do not need further government intervention. 我们不需要政府进一步干涉 。 2. This is one reason why early intervention is important. 这就是早期干预为什么重要的原因之一。 Word family: intervent v.,Words & Phrases,prosecution n. C, U the process or act of accusing someone of a crime and asking a court of law to judge them 起诉;指控 e.g. 1. The prosecution lawyer cross-examined the defence witness. 2. The police brought a prosecution against the driver involved. 3. There have been several successful prosecutions for drug smuggling recently. 近来有几起毒品走私活动被检举立案。 Word family: prosecute v.,Words & Phrases,控方律师诘问被告一方的证人。,警方对涉嫌的司机提起了诉讼。,colonial a. relating to a system or period in which one country rules another 殖民制度的;殖民时期的 e.g. 1. It is a classic example of colonial architecture. 它是殖民地建筑的一个典范。 2. The former colonial possessions are now independent states. 以前的殖民属地现已成为独立的国家。 Word family: colony n.,Words & Phrases,knit v. make sth. such as a piece of clothing using wool and stick 编织;针织 e.g. 1. Im knitting him a sweater for Christmas . 我在给他织毛衣作为圣诞礼物。 2. She knitted a blanket for the baby. 她给宝宝织了一张毯子。,Words & Phrases,mitten n. C a type of glove with one part for your thumb and another part for your fingers (拇指分开、其他四指连在一起的)连指手套 e.g. 1. There is a hole in the thumb of his mitten. 他手套的姆指上有个洞。 2. For milder weather, caps and mittens are unnecessary. 天气比较暖和时,没有必要戴帽子和连指手套。,Words & Phrases,intricate a. very detailed in design or structure 复杂精细的;盘根错节的 e.g. 1. Nature is an intricate system. 大自然是个复杂精细的系统。 2. This is a novel with an intricate plot. 这是一本情节错综复杂的小说。,Words & Phrases,embroidery n. C, U the activity of decorating cloth with coloured stitches; a design of coloured stitches on cloth 刺绣;刺绣品 e.g.,Words & Phrases,1. These women take pride in their embroidery. 这些妇女以她们的刺绣而自豪。 2. Better go to heaven in rags than to hell in embroidery. 谚宁可空而有志,不可富而失节。,anthropologist n. C a scholar and researcher who studies human societies, customs and beliefs from a social perspective 人类学家 e.g. 1. The anthropologist contrasted two cultures in his lecture. 这位人类学家在讲座中将两种文化进行对比。 2. Remember that you are an anthropologist, not a judge or policy maker. 记得你是一位人类学家,而非一位法官或决策者。 Word family: anthropology n. 人类学,Words & Phrases,Social anthropologists are scholars and researchers who study human societies, customs and beliefs from a social perspective, which may be distinct from the focus of physical anthropologists or linguistic anthropologists.,Words & Phrases,largely ad. mainly 大部分地;主要地 e.g. 1. Cheques have largely replaced money as a means of exchange. 作为交易方式,支票已经很大程度地取代了现金。 2. A teacher must be capable of infinite patience. This, I may say, is largely a matter of self-discipline and self-training, for we are none of us born like that. (CET4-2003-06) 教师必须能够做到无限耐心。我要说,这主要是自我约束和自我训练的问题,因为我们没人天生就是那样的。 Word family: large a.,Words & Phrases,incapable a. unable to do sth. 无能力的;不会的;不能的 e.g. 1. He was incapable of fulfilling the terms of the contract. 他没有能力履行合同条款。 2. I knew that she was incapable of telling a lie. 我知道她不会撒谎。 Word family: incapability n. Antonym: capable a. capability n.,Words & Phrases,external a. coming from outside a place or organization 外界的;外部的 e.g. 1. Low birth weight may be caused by external factors, such as smoking during pregnancy. 新生儿体重轻可能是由外部因素导致,例如在孕期吸烟。 2. The external environment also matters, in at least three respects. 外部环境也很重要,这至少可以从三个方面说起。 Antonym: internal e.g. We have no interest in interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. 我们没兴趣干涉他国内政。,Words & Phrases,leniency n. U a punishment that is not as severe as it could be 宽大;仁慈 e.g. 1. The judge showed leniency to the prisoner. 法官对该囚犯给予宽大处理。 2. The accused asked for leniency. 被告请求宽大处理。 Word family: lenient a. 宽大的;仁慈的 e.g. You should be lenient with them. 你应该仁慈待人。,Words & Phrases,competence n. U the ability to do something in a satisfactory or effective way 能力;技能 e.g. 1. There is no doubt of his competence for the task. 毋庸置疑,他有能力完成这项任务。 2. Wed like to keep our core competence in-house. 我们想把自己的核心竞争力保留在公司内部。 Word family: competent a. e.g. He is a highly competent teacher. 他是一个非常有能力的教师。 Antonym: incompetent a. incompetence n.,Words & Phrases,mischievous a. a mischievous person, especially a child, enjoys having fun by causing trouble 爱搞恶作剧的;爱捣乱的 e.g. 1. I was pretty mischievous when I was a kid. 我小时候很顽皮。 2. Im sorry to bother you, but your child is too mischievous. 对不起打扰你,不过你的孩子太调皮了。 Word family: mischief n. U e.g. The boys are always up to some mischief or other. 男孩子们老是这样或那样捣蛋。,Words & Phrases,wilful a. done deliberately in order to cause damage or harm 任性的;固执的;枉为的 e.g. 1. Gates is a very wilful little boy whos constantly being punished for not doing as hes told. 盖茨是一个非常任性的小男孩,总是因为不听话而受罚。 2. Sometimes kids who are described as difficult or wilful just need a little extra love and attention. 有时候有些被认为是固执难管的小孩只是需要一点点额外的关爱和关注。,Words & Phrases,harsh a. harsh actions, words, judgments, or laws are strict, unkind, and often unfair (措施) 严厉的;(话语)难听的;(法律)严酷的 e.g. 1. The judge is known for his harsh judgment. 那位法官素以判决严厉而著称。 2. Harsh words were spoken in the dressing room after the match. 比赛后大家在更衣室里恶言相向。 3. The law has been harsher on soldiers than it has on civilians. 法律对于士兵比对平民更严格。,Words & Phrases,outsider n. C someone who does not belong to a particular group or organization 局外人;外人;非成员 e.g. 1. Although shes lived there for ten years, the villagers still treat her as an outsider. 她虽然在那儿住了十年,村里人仍视她如外人. 2. From the day that I joined I was made to feel like an outsider. 从我加入的那天起,我就感到自己像个外人。,Words & Phrases,radically ad. if something changes radically, it changes completely or in a way that is very noticeable 根本地;彻底地 e.g. 1. We need a radically different approach to the problem. 我们对这个问题需要采取截然不同的方法。 2. If these ideas were really taken seriously, they would change education radically. 如果这些想法确实能被认真对待,那么教育界将发生根本性的变化。 Word family: radical a.,Words & Phrases,ethnic a. relating to a group of people who have the same culture and traditions 种族的;民族的 e.g. 1. The countrys population consists of three main ethnic groups. 该国人口包含三个主要民族。 2. Most learners were from ethnic minority groups. 多数学习者来自少数民族。,Words & Phrases,extensively ad. in a widespread way 全面地;广泛地;广博地 e.g. 1. He traveled extensively to escape from boredom. 他到处旅游以解烦闷。 2. Around here apple trees began to be planted extensively in 1953. 1953年,这一带开始大规模种植苹果树。 Antonym: intensively Word family: extensive a.,Words & Phrases,reluctant a. not willing to do sth. 不愿意的 e.g. 1. They are reluctant to retire when they reach their retirement age. (CET4-2006-06) 当达到退休年龄时,他们不愿意退休。 2. The central bank has been reluctant to raise the rate. 中央银行不太愿意提高利率。 Word family: reluctance n. e.g. “I am ashamed,“ said Sissy, with reluctance. “我感到惭愧,”西丝吞吞吐吐地说。,Words & Phrases,earthly a. (literary) relating to life on earth rather than to heaven 尘世的;世间的 e.g. 1. The earthly world can not live without music and dance. 人间不能没有歌舞。 2. The ancient Greeks regarded the bull as the earthly form of a god. 古希腊人认为公牛是某位神在俗世的化身。,Words & Phrases,famished a. (infml) very hungry 饿急了的 e.g. 1. Whats for supper? Im famished. 晚饭吃什么?我饿坏了。 2. She was famished, having had no food or sleep for thirty hours. 她饿坏了,三十个小时没吃没睡。 Word family: famine n. See also: The Famished Road.,Words & Phrases,contact n. C, U communication between people, countries, or organizations either by talking or writing 接触;联系;交往 e.g. 1. People who dont read newspaper are sometimes referred to as non-readers. Non-readers are more likely to live in rural areas and have less contact with neighbors and friends. (CET4-2002-06) 不看报纸的人有时被称作非读者。非读者多是住在农村、和邻居朋友接触较少的人。 2. Jury members must avoid contact with the defendants and their families. 陪审团成员必须避免与被告及其家属联系。,Words & Phrases,tempt vt. (often passive) make you want to do or to have sth., especially sth. that is not good for you 引诱;吸引 e.g. 1. He was tempted into a life of crime by greed and laziness. 他受贪婪和懒惰的诱惑步入了罪恶的人生。 2. “Do you want another drink?” “Im tempted.” “再来一杯吗?” “欲罢不能啊。” Word family: temptation n.,Words & Phrases,reverence n. U a strong feeling of respect and admiration for someone or something 尊敬;崇敬 e.g. 1. These students have reverence for their teacher. 这些学生很尊敬他们的老师。 2. I stood there, gazing down, and feeling a reverence for these spectacles of the natural world. 我站在那里俯瞰,对自然界的奇观心生敬意。,Words & Phrases,incompetent a. lacking the ability or skills to do something 无能力的;不胜任的;不称职的 e.g. 1. It is obvious that the new typist is incompetent. 新来的打字员显然不能胜任工作。 2. The financial crisis exposed many boards as weak and incompetent. 金融危机暴露出许多董事会的软弱和无能。 Antonym: competent Word family: incompetence n.,Words & Phrases,dependent a. requiring someone or something for financial, emotional, or other support 依靠的;依赖的 e.g. 1. The countrys economy is dependent on tourism. 该国经济依赖旅游业。 2. Older people may seek their own friends rather than become too emotionally dependent on their children. 老年人可以找自己的朋友而不会在情感上太依赖子女。 Antonym: independent Word family: dependence n.,Words & Phrases,childcare n. U the job of looking after children, especially while their parents are working (尤指父母上班时)儿童保育,儿童照管 e.g. 1. A lack of adequate childcare is making it difficult for women to return to work. 缺少足够的儿童保育措施,妇女很难重返工作岗位 。 2. People earning low wages will find it difficult to pay for childcare. 工资低的人们很难支付儿童照管的费用。,Words & Phrases,unsupervised a. not supervised or under constant observation 无人监督的;无人管理的 e.g. 1. Reliable workers are generally unsupervised. 可信赖的工人通常无需监管。 2. The problem of unsupervised youth does not end with the breakdown of the traditional family. 无人看管的青少年存在的问题并没有随着传统家庭的解体而结束。 Antonym: supervised Word family: supervise v. supervisor n.,Words & Phrases,irresponsible a. done or said without thinking of the possible results of your actions or words 不负责任的;无责任感的 e.g. 1. To protect the Poconos natural beauty from irresponsible development, the Nature Conservancy named the area one of Americas “Last Great Places”. (CET4-2005-06) 为了保护波克诺山自然风景区免受不负责任地开发,大自然保护协会把这个地区称作美国“最后的胜地”之一。 2. An irresponsible person deserves to be blamed and punished. 一个无责任感的人应该受到责备和处罚。 Antonym: responsible Word family: responsibility n.,Words & Phrases,firewood n. U an object that explodes when you light it and produces coloured lights and loud noises 木柴;柴火 e.g. 1. Families in the hills consume firewood. 山里人家都用木柴。 2. The firewood was so wet that we couldnt get it alight. 木柴太湿,点不着。 3. We sent three people out to gather up firewood for the fire. 我们派三个人出去搜集生火的火柴。,Words & Phrases,notion n. C knowledge or understanding of something 概念;感知 e.g. 1. I havent the faintest notion what youre talking about. 你们说什么,我一点概念也没有。 2. She had only a vague notion of what she wanted to do. 她要干什么她自己也只知一二。,Words & Phrases,impose vt. force someone to have the same opinion, belief, etc. as you;introduce something such as a new law or new system, and force people to accept it 把(自己的观点、信仰等)强加于;实施,推行(新的法律、制度等) e.g. 1. His mother always imposes her views on him. 他母亲总是将自己的想法强加给他。 2. Those are rules and regulations imposed by the national government . 这些都是中央政府推行的规章制度。,Words & Phrases,bizarre a. strange and difficult to explain 古怪的;怪诞的;奇异的 e.g. 1. The old man has a really bizarre character. 那个老人性格确实很古怪。 2. She was advised to see a doctor for her bizarre behavior . 她举止怪诞,被建议去看医生。 Synonyms: odd, eccentric Word family: bizarrely ad.,Words & Phrases,negatively ad. not optimistically; harmfully; in a harmful manner 消极地;负面地;有害地;不良地 e.g. 1. If other people react negatively, thats their problem. 如果别人反应消极,那是他们的问题。 2. If you think negatively, then you may doom yourself. 如果你想法消极,你会给自己带来厄运。 Antonym: positively Word family: negative a. e.g. I think the movie has some negative effect on kids. 我认为这部电影对孩子有些负面影响。,Words & Phrases,continual a. continuing without stopping; repeated many times, often in a way that is harmful or annoying 从不间断的;不停地 e.g. 1. Ive had enough of their continual arguing. 我受够了他们无休止的争吵。 2. Her proposal met with continual rejections. 她的建议一再遭到拒绝。 Word family: continually a. e.g. Our data base is being continually updated. 我们的数据库在不断升级。,Words & Phrases,Cf: continuous In precise usage, continual means “frequent, repeating at intervals” and continuous means “going on without pause or interruption”, and can be used to refer to space as well as time. e.g. The wate


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