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,Marketing Channels,Newspapers Personal Selling Direct Mail Flyers Radio Posters Television E-mail Telephone Internet,3.1 important definition of MARKETING 3.1 营销的定义,Marketing is a social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchange products and services of value with others.,PHLIP KOTLER,满足别人并获得利润。,市场营销是个人和集体通过创造、提供并同他人自由交换产品和价值以满足需求和欲望的一种社会过程。,Is marketing equivalent to selling?,Selling You care about selling the product-closing the sale with a potential customer Marketing You care about the wishes and the needs of your clients- establish a relation with your client Selling is part of marketing,Multiple Choices,Michael Wang, the manager of Unishirt Corporation, is concerned with the planning and conception of his product, its pricing policy, and the distribution strategy. These activities are all part of _. A. management B. production C. accounting D. marketing In order for exchange to occur _. A. a complex social system must be involved B. Each party must have something of value to the other party C. A profit-oriented organization must be involved D. Organization marketing activities must also occur,Suppose someone refuses to buy your goods by saying that they have just bought the goods of another brand, as a marketer, what will you do?,Inquire the customer about why he chose another brand so as to know competitors better,Inform the customer of advantages of your brand and he may recommend your brand to his friends or relatives.,Note down the customers information to keep in touch with him later,Differences between selling and marketing,Development of Marketing philosophies P.13,Production concept,Product concept,selling concept,Marketing concept,Societal marketing concept,1950s 2000s,1920s early 1950s,1850 1920s,relationship concept,Production concept,Build products at lower prices,Minimize costsmass production by developing assembly line,Product concept,Offer the best quality but ignore the customers needs,Selling concept,Maximize sales by aggressive selling “hard sell”,Marketing concept,Fill the customers needs Require sound research into what customers want and need,Societal marketing,Consider the ethical consequences and collective needs of society,Relationship marketing,Build relationship with bussness partners,Production Orientation (生产观念),Product Orientation (产品观念),Selling Orientation (销售观念),Marketing Orientation (营销观念),Consumers prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive,Consumers favor products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features,Consumers will buy products only if the company aggressively promotes/sells these products,Focuses on needs/ wants of target markets & delivering value better than competitors,Exercises,1. A “marketing concept” business sees life from the perspective of who? A. Customers B. The government C. Suppliers to the business D. Employees 2. The key feature of a marketing-originated company will be _. A. they invest heavily in advertising to outperform their competitors B. they use market intelligence to understand competitor activities C. they use feedback from customers to outperform their competitors D. they sell their products at a lower price than their competitors,3. Peters company does an excellent and efficient job of putting thousands of NitPickers on the assembly line every day. One problem with this _ approach to marketing is the failure to consider whether Nit-Pickers also meet the needs of the marketplace. A. customer orientation B. sales orientation C. marketing orientation D. production orientation,The Marketing Mix,What is the Marketing Mix ? It is the set of marketing tools that the organization uses to pursue its marketing objectives. 2. From the viewpoint of the organization is a self-centered “p” approach 3. From the viewpoint of the consumer it is a “c” approach.,A,The four Ps form the basis of the marketing mix. If you want to market a product successfully, you need to get this mix right. Match the Ps 1 to 4 to the definitions a) to d),1 Product 2 Price 3 Promotion 4 Place,a) the cost to the buyer of goods or services b) informing customers about products and persuading them to buy them c) where goods or services are available d) goods or services that are sold,(1) Detail contents of 4P(4p的基本内容),Marketing Mix (营销组合),A comprehensive plan or strategy: 4Ps Product: special appeal for consumers in aspects like quality, utility or image 产品策略:要考虑在产品的质量、用途、外观等方面对消费者的吸引 Price: take costs, rivals prices and pricing regulations into account 定价策略:要考虑产品成本、竞争者定价、价格调整等方面 Promotion: making a product and its benefits known and stimulating consumers demand for it 促销策略:以各种有效方式向目标市场传递信息,以刺激其购买欲望 Place: channels of distribution and timely transportation, make goods and services available 分销策略:将产品和服务及时送达到消费者手中的渠道和路径,Price(定价策略),Cost Rival Example for DangDang V.S. Amazon Their price of the same books are almost the same. One falls, the other never rises. customers Example for Ikea For white-collar workers who can not afford the price which has top grade. Price mid-range, European design, but the price is suitable for urban white-collar workers,Factors affecting the price,Promotion(促销策略),Including: Advertising-the most common measure Personal selling-the most effective measure Sales promotion- the short-term effect People Relationship-the most reliable measure Example for Coca-Cola,Robert Lauterborn: Customers needs and wants: what are customer needs? Cost to the customer: how much would they like to pay for the product? Conveniences: how to make the convenient buying? Communication: how to conform customer needs with company benefit?,product,price,place,promotion,Marketing Mix,4Ps and 4Cs,Product Price Promotion Place,Customer needs and wants Cost Communication Convenience,The view of Seller,The view of Buyer,Multiple choices,1. Which is the only element of the marketing mix where decisions made impact directly on a business revenues? Price B. Promotion C. Product D. Place 2. Geoff, the marketing manager of a manufacturer of hearing aids, is considering the use of a direct mailing campaign to increase sales. Which element of the marketing mix is he concerned about here? A. Place B. Product C. Promotion D. Price,A,C,3. If a companys customers are concentrated in a small geographic area and the company sells technical products, which promotion method will it most likely use? Sales promotions B. Public relations C. Advertising D. Personal selling 4. A marketer that wanted to include detailed explanations in advertisements would be most likely to use _. A. Magazine B. radio C. cinema D. television,D,A,5. In the weeks before Christmas, Ada sells a 12-pack of a branded larger at a 305 discount off the normal retail price. This is an example of _. Sales promotion B. advertising C. Price competition D. point-of-sale selling销售网点 6. All of the foll


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