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“看电影 读名著” English Movies and Novels,外国语学院,Syllabus,Part I. Chivalric Literature Part II. Love Story Part III. Science Fiction Part IV. Social Satire Part V. Gothic Novel Part VI. Feministic Literature Part VII. War Literature,Part I. Chivalric Literature,Films: Excalibur (1981) The Mists of Avalon (2001) (Marion Eleanor Zimmer Bradley ),Part II. Love Story,Films: Romeo and Juliet (1954) The Age of Innocence (1993),Part III. Science Fiction,Films: The Matrix (1999) The Matrix reloaded (2003) The Matrix Revolution (2003),Part IV. Social Satire,Films: Vanity Fair (2004) The Great Gatsby (2001),Part V. Gothic Novel,Films: Wuthering Heights (1998) The Ballad of Sad Caf (1991) Northanger Abbey (2007),Part VI. Feministic Literature,Films: Color Purple (1985) Jane Eyre (1983),Part VII. War Literature,Films: Apocalypse Now (1979) A Farewell to Arms (1957),“看电影 读名著” 之 骑士文学篇,苗勇刚,Chivalric Literature,Knight,Knight, mounted man-at-arms of medieval Europe, who served a king or other feudal superior, usually in return for the tenure of a tract of land, but sometimes for pay, as a mercenary. The knight was generally a man of noble birth who had served in the lower ranks as page (仆从) and squire (扈从) before being ceremoniously inducted into knighthood by his superior. At his induction the knight usually swore to be brave, loyal, and courteous and to protect the defenseless.,Crusades knights of the Holy Sepulchre the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem (Knights of Malta) the Order of the Temple of Solomon (Templars) the Order of St. Lazarus,Virtues of a knight,Humility Honor Sacrifice Valor,Compassion Spirituality Honesty Justice,Manifesto of a knight,I will be kind to the weak. I will be brave against the strong. I will fight all who do wrong. I will fight for those who cannot fight. I will help those who call me for help. I will harm no woman. I will help my brother knight. I will be true to my friends. I will be faithful in love.,Chivalry,Chivalry, code of behavior that medieval knights followed. Chivalry was a feature of the High and later Middle Ages in western Europe. While its roots stretch back to the 9th and 10th centuries, the system of chivalry flourished most vigorously in the 12th and 13th centuries before deteriorating at the end of the Middle Ages. However, the ideals of chivalry continued to influence models of behavior for gentlemen and the nobility during the Renaissance in the 16th century.,Chivalric literature,LyricsProvence, France, dawn songtroubadour RomanceNorthern Francetrouvere NovelSpain Anti-RomanceDon QuixoteCervantes,Romance,Romance, literary genre popular in the Middle Ages dealing, in verse or prose, with legendary, supernatural, or amorous subjects and characters. The name refers to Romance languages and originally denoted any lengthy composition in one of those languages. Later the term was applied to tales specifically concerned with knights, chivalry, and courtly love.,Courtly Love,code of behavior that defined the relationship between aristocratic lovers in Western Europe during the Middle Ages. Influenced by contemporary chivalric ideals and feudalism, courtly love required adherence to certain rules elaborated in the songs of the troubadours between the 11th and the 13th centuries and stemming originally from The Art of Loving of the Roman poet Ovid.,Courtly Love,According to these conventions, a nobleman, usually a knight, in love with a married woman of equally high birthor, often, higher rankhad to prove his devotion by heroic deeds and by amorous writings presented anonymously to his beloved. Once the lovers had pledged themselves to each other and consummated their passion, complete secrecy had to be maintained. Because most noble marriages in the Middle Ages were little more than business contracts, courtly love was a form of sanctioned adultery, sanctioned because it threatened neither the contract nor the religious sacrament of marriage. In fact, faithlessness of the lovers toward each other was considered more sinful than the adultery of this extramarital relationship.,Romance,Popular subjects for romances included the Macedonian king Alexander the Great, King Arthur of Britain and the knights of the Round Table, and the Frankish emperor Charlemagne. The Arthurian romances fall into three broad groups: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight are tales that involve the moral testing of a young knight; Tristan and Iseult describe the conflict between passion and duty; Percival, or the Story of the Grail is concerned with the search for the Holy Grail.,Romance,Later prose and verse narratives, particularly those in the 19th-century romantic tradition, are also referred to as romances; set in distant or mythological places and times, like most romances they stress adventure and supernatural elements.,The Arthurian Legend,Arthurian Legend, group of tales in several languages that concern the legendary King Arthur of the Britons, his realm, and the knights of his inner circle. The legend is one of the most enduring tales in recorded history. It first appeared in the 5th or 6th century ad and took its basic form between the 12th and 15th centuries. It continues as a popular subject in modern times.,Arthur,Morgan Le Fay,Merlin,Mordred,Uther,Igraine,Gorlois,Arthur,Guinevere,Lancelot,Elaine,Galahad,Holy Grail,Nimue,Avalon,Fisher King,Abbey,Antor,Camlan,Merlin,Yet some men say in many parts of England that King Arthur is not dead, but had by the will of Our Lord Jesu into another place; and men say that he shall come back again, and he shall win the holy cross. I will not say that it shall be so, but rather I will say, here in this world he changed his life. But many m


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