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Mainland Undergraduate Students Admission for HKU & HKUST,MingSchool,Why We Prefer HKU to PKU,University Life with More Freedom You can choose plenty of courses depending on your own interest, as long as you can meet the general requirements of the syllabus of your program. You have sufficient credits for free electives and you can choose your interested major and minor throughout the whole 4-years university life. You do not have to take any compulsory courses like Shigang, Sixiu, Maogai or Junli.,Why We Prefer HKU to PKU,High Education with More Future Orientation You are supposed to learning practical materials rather than solely theories for your future professional career. Over 90 percent of mainland graduates take up professional jobs or go abroad for further research study upon graduation. HKU enjoys high frame among employers from Big Four, ibanking and consulting industries around the world. HKU ranks No. 23 in 2013 QS Universities Ranking, while PKU, THU and FDU are all around No. 50.,Why We Prefer HKU to PKU,Daily Life with More Special Experience You are encouraged to experience more in your daily life. University always invites professors of various backgrounds from high education institutions around the world to give speakings throughout the whole academic year. You are encouraged to talk with different people and involved in community service. You will have special holiday for field trip and go around to see things from a different perspective.,University Life in HKU & HKUST,Academic Life Popular and high-ranking major: i. Bachelor of Business Administration BBA (Accounting & Finance), BBA (Information System), BBA ii. Bachelor of Economics and Finance iii. Bachelor of Science Risk Management, Actuarial Science, Statistics iv. Bachelor of Engineering Computer Science, Electronic Engineering,University Life in HKU & HKUST,Hall Life HKU place great emphasis on “Whole Person“ Education through its various hall culture. Hall is the residential place for students and all halls have their own culture and expectations for their residents. Students are encouraged to participate actively in hall activities, including inter-hall competitions of dancing or sports and community services.,Procedure of Online Application,Who Are Choosing HKU & HKUST HKU and HKUST aim at admitting outstanding mainland high school graduates and the number is increasing every year. Many of our fellow students reject the offer from PKU, THU or FDU and decide to go to HKU and HKUST even without scholarship. A total number of 363 mainland students were selected and accepted the offer from HKU last year (2012).,Procedure of Online Application,How to Apply for HKU & HKUST Finish online application form and complete required application materials including Personal Statement, Awards, etc. Pay the application fee after finishing your application materials, and then your application can be regarded as successful. Fill in the results of your NJCEE as soon as possible after the exam and wait for the interview invitation.,Procedure of Online Application,Who Will Be Selected Satisfactory NJCEE results are necessary but need not to be as high as most people may imagine. It is possible for you to be selected if you rank prior to No. 1000 in your province since HKU and HKUST not solely focuse on your academic performance. Your soft skills incuding critical thinking skills and leadership manners are examined during the interviews, which can be trained through specially planned courses.,Interview Skills with Application,How to be a successful leader, group player and time keeper? To be a leader, you need not necessarily to be aggressive or talk about your opinions all the time. The key is to provide practical access to solving the problem. Good group player is supposed to show brilliant ideas and listen to others sincerely, to doubt, to question what is wrong with your discussion and to raise solutions. Time keeper is also essential in terms of controling the direction of your discussion with time going by and remind your groupmates of time.,Interview Skills with Application,How to analyze the topic raised by the professor? For example, you are asked to talk about whether homosexual marriage should be legalized in China. The topics of HKU and HKUST in university entrance interviews are usually highly controversial. As long as you can form your own argument with logic and show your critical thinking ability, you can perform quite well.,Interview Skills with Application,What? Homosexual marriage is highly cotroversial as many people think it unnatural and opposed to the evolution law of human beings. However, there are a lot of homosexual lovers in China and some insist that they should be treated equally without discrimination. Related information: Homosexual marriage is regarded legal in most states in the U.S and this topic has recently become increasingly popular in China.,Interview Skills with Application,Why? For: Marriage is based on love rather than sexuality. All citizens have the right to build up marriage relationship with their beloved ones. Against: Homosexual should not be accepted as it is unnatural and may bring many social problems to the society, which decreases the social stability.,Interview Skills with Application,How? Do some scientific research to find out whether homosexual marriage is not good for the social stability. Have a better psychological care for homosexual families. Pay more attention through community management. Refer to the experience of other developed countries to see the long-term effect of homosexual marriage to the whole society.,Interview Skills with Application,When you do not understand the topic introduced by the professor well, how can you still behave well without showing that you do not know what he is talking about? When you come across a word that you do not know how to express it in English, how to avoid the embarrassment the moment when you suddenly stuck? When you want to oppose to someones argument, how to behave gently so that you can raise your own brilliant ideas without being regarded as aggressive or impolite?,Interview Skills with Application,More private experience, information, skills and tricks are from HKU & HKUST student teacher assistants, those who have a better understanding of what the professors are expecting. All in our specially designed Hong Kong Universities Entrance Interviews Preparation Course,Interview Preparation Course for U,Course Title Hong Kong Universities Entrance Interviews Preparation Course Target Students High school graduates aiming at Hong Kong universities, or those who are going to attend HKU or HKUST entrance interviews after the results of NJCEE are obtained by the universities, or those who want to get training in critical thinking, which is essential in modern society and is expected in various high-level interviews,Interview Preparation Course for U,Distinguishing Feature Combine lectures by native tutors and tutorials by teacher assistants from your target universities together. Native tutors are supposed to help you adapt language environment as quickly as possible and make you think as native speakers do, while teacher assistants from your target universities are more familiar with university entrance interviews and better at providing you with their own experience and skills.,Interview Preparation Course for U,Two Sessions with the Same Content and Different Time First Session: 6.14 - 6.16 Second Session: 6.21 - 6.23 (Both days are inclusive, happy luches with sharing by tutors and teacher assistants from your target universities and majors are included) From 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, 8 hours for intensive mock interviews every day, 24 hours in total.,Interview Preparation Course for U,Day 1: Walking Part - Introduction Brief introduction to group interviews, including general process and intention, what is expected by the interviewer(s), etc. Day 2: Running Part - Intermediate Expose students to intensive mock interviews, with technical teaching on oral English and expression skills. Day 3: Flying Part - Advanced Expose students to intensive mock interviews, with skills training on topic ana


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