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高等院校研究生英语系列教材,综合教程(下) INTEGRATED COURSE,Unit 10,Business and Economy,Content,Starting out Reading Focus Reading More Practical Translation Focused Writing Final Project,Task 1 Look at the cartoons carefully and work in pairs to discuss the implied meanings behind them on Page 280.,Starting out,Starting outTask 1,Starting outTask 1,Starting outTask 1,Starting outTask 1,Task 2 (1) Imagine that the members of your group have decided to start a business. Talk about what type of business you could develop. You could open a store, manufacture a product, provide a service, or do any other type of business. Work together to produce a business plan, which you will present to the whole class as a report. Your business plan needs to cover the following points. (P280),Starting out,The name of your business The type of your business The location of your business Why your business would be unique or special Why your business would be successful,Task 2 (2) Discuss which of the businesses presented you think would be successful. Why? What factors are important in starting a new business? Do you think you would be a successful entrepreneur? (P280),Starting out,1) What was the story like in 2005 and 2009 about Lenovo? 2) What were the problems with Lenovo according to analysts? 3) What were Lenovos two key drivers of growth? 4) What is good news for Lenovo? 5) What does it imply by saying that “strategy is less important than the companys Chinese roots”?,Watch the video clips and finish the exercises.,Marketing Across Cultures,Reading Focus,Reading Focus,Reading Focus Global Understanding,(Paras. 1-2),(Paras. 3-11),(Paras. 12-14),Introduction,Supporting Evidence: a. General Motors sold their Nova model badly in Latin America because _. b. Coca Cola didnt achieve its initial success because _ _.,Cultural awareness in marketing plays a crucial role because there are not only subtleties to every culture but plain taboos as well.,Reading Focus Global Understanding,“no va” means “it doesnt go” in Spanish,the translation of the soft drinks name read “bite the wax tadpole”,Body (Paras. 3-11),Reading Focus Global Understanding,A. It is important to visit the target market. (Paras. 3-5) Supporting Evidence: a. Such a visit enables you to _. b. Such a visit is a good chance to _. c. The poor sales of “large, economy-sized” boxes of detergent in Japan resulted from the fact that _ were very tiny and _ _.,become aware of the target market,absorb the present-day culture,Japanese retail establishments,local housewives had to make purchases on foot,Body (Paras. 3-11),Reading Focus Global Understanding,B. Various cultural factors have impacts on purchasing behavior. (Paras. 6-8) Two Suggestions: a. Dont make generalizations about the target language. b. _.,Combine superstition and language for amplified effect,C. There are certain “donts” in advertising. (Paras. 9-10) Supporting evidence: a. In the EU and much of Asia, _ _. b. _ should be taken into account in designing visual advertising.,comparisons in advertising are not accepted or allowed,Local differences in non-verbal behavior,D. It makes sense to pay attention to not only national borders but also _. (Para. 11).,regional patterns,Conclusion (Paras. 12-14),Reading Focus Global Understanding,Each aspect of culture is worthy of our attention, so it is wise to _ _.,have someone with local knowledge of the target culture advise you,Task 2,Choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the sentence from the text. (P289),Key: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8,C,A,C,D,C,A,B,C,Reading Focus Detailed Information,Critical Thinking,Reading Focus,Step One Work together with your partner to answer the following questions based on the text youve just read.,In the passage, the author suggests that language and superstition should be combined for amplified effect. Do you think so? Personally, would numerals have any effect on your purchasing decisions? Why or why not? What did you think of them? In the passage, the author mentions that “For an EU campaign, it might be okay to tout the merits of your products, but not okay to use comparative methods common to a US campaign.” What do you think about the role of advertising in business?,Reading FocusCritical Thinking,Step Two Discuss in groups the following questions.,Reading FocusCritical Thinking,In the passage, the author points out that there are subtleties and nuances to every culture, and there are just plain taboos. Please give some examples about Chinese taboos. According to the author, it is definitely best to have someone with native knowledge of the target culture advise you. Suppose you have been asked to talk about “Doing Business in China” to a group of foreign business people. What tips on doing business in China would you include in your speech?,There are subtleties and nuances to every culture, and there are just plain taboos. (Para. 2) 参考译文: 每一种文化都有它的微妙和特别之处,同时还有一些忌讳。 Here, “plain” is used for emphasis, meaning that there are things you should undoubtedly avoid doing. However, “plain” can have alternative meanings as follows: 1) The document, written in plain English, tells you about your new policy. 2) You dont need any special skills for this job, just plain common sense. 3) a politician with a reputation for plain speaking 4) The interior of the church was plain and simple.,clear and simple,Reading Focus Language Point,used for emphasis,honest and direct,not decorated or complicated,2. Our own culture tends to be “invisible” to us, while differences we run into when abroad strike as strange, funny or exotic. (Para. 2) Paraphrase: We usually dont notice subtleties and nuances in our culture (maybe because we tend to take them for granted). However, when we are abroad, we will encounter cultural differences, which may impress us as strange, funny or foreign. Compare: run into; run over; run after; run through e.g. By the time she was fifteen Maria was already _ men twice her age. The driver failed to negotiate a bend and _ a tree. Could we _ Act 3 again, please? The cat was _ and killed by a bus.,Reading Focus Language Point,running after,ran into,run through,run over,3. Prices for the simplest purchases are subject to negotiation. (Para. 3) Compare: be subject to; be subjected to be subject to: “受限于”,“服从于”,“易受” e.g. 1) Trains are subject to delay(s) after the heavy snowfalls. 2) This offer is subject to our final confirmation. be subjected to:“遭受”,“经受” e.g. 1) The suspect was subjected to cross-examination at the police station. 2) On this test, the cars will be subjected to rough treatment deliberately.,Reading Focus Language Point,4. The simplest cultural differences can strand the grandest plans. (Para. 4) 参考译文: 即使是最普通的文化差异也能使最宏伟的计划泡汤。 Here, “strand” is a verb, metaphorically meaning “make unable to be implemented”. Originally, it means “to leave sb./ sth. in a place from which they have no way of leaving (使搁浅)” e.g. 1) The strike left hundreds of tourists stranded at the airport. 2) The ship was stranded on a sandbank.,Reading Focus Language Point,5. The typically American “large, economy-sized” boxes were far too big and bulky for the tiny Japanese retail establishments. (Para. 5) 1) Here, “Large, economy-sized” means “packed in large packages so that the goods cost less than in smaller packages”. Generally, the larger the quantity, the lower the price per unit of measurement. 2) “Establishments” refer to “organizations, institutions or businesses”. e.g. The hotel is a comfortable and well-run establishment. She is now running a small government research establishment.,Reading Focus Language Point,6. Beyond concrete demographics, these attitudes are not as easy to circumscribe and pin down; (Para. 6) “-scribe” is related to “write”. Compare: circumscribe; inscribe; transcribe; ascribe; describe e.g. 1) The interview was recorded and then _. 2) The watch was _ with her name. 3) The police asked me to _ exactly how it happened. 4) He _ his failure to bad luck. 5) The Presidents power is _ by Congress and the Supreme Court.,transcribed,inscribed,describe,Reading Focus Language Point,ascribed,circumscribed,7. These beliefs are so prevalent that hospitals in Hong Kong were flooded with near-term pregnant mothers in August 8, 1988 8/8/88, demanding induced delivery or even Caesarian sections so that their babies would have lucky birthdays. (Para.8) Here, “term” means the end of a womans pregnancy when the birth of her baby is expected (分娩期). Thus, “near-term” means “approaching the end of her pregnancy (临产期的)”. “induced delivery” and “caesarian section” means “人工引产” and “剖腹产手术” respectively.,Reading Focus Language Point,“delivery” has different meanings in different contexts. e.g. 1) Most Indian restaurants _ (提供免费送货上门服务). 2) She had a very easy delivery with her second child. 3) His speeches were magnificently written but his delivery was hopeless.,offer free delivery, 顺产, the way to give a speech,8. It can be a big mistake to assume a pan-Asian market or a “Latin American” or “European” buyer. (Para.11) “pan-” is added to the beginning of adjectives and nouns to form other adjectives and nouns that describe something as being connected with all places or people of a particular kind. e.g. a pan-European defence system the Pan-American Games panacea (灵丹妙药),Reading Focus Language Point,9. Cuisine affects not just companies that trade in foodstuffs, but also appliances, cookware, storage ware, serve ware, packaging, and franchise food and hospitality companies. (Para. 12) In the sentence, “cookware” refers to articles used for cooking food, “serve ware” refers to articles used for serving food, and “storage ware”, for storing things. “Franchise food and hospitality companies” refers to restaurants and coffee houses, bars, etc. which are operated but not owned by local managers. “Hospitality companies” refer to coffee houses, tea houses, or bars where people go not to eat food but to socialize with other people.,Reading Focus Language Point,Task 1,1) When you go to the fair, _ the quacks (江湖医 生) selling spurious medicinal herbs. 2) He found that the food served at the school canteen was nothing but _.,Complete the following sentences with an appropriate word or phrase from the box. Change the form if necessary. (P291),beware of,unpalatable,amplify delineate discretionary engrained strand supplant unpalatable beware of sweep through pin down,Reading Focus Vocabulary in Action,3) Neurological models of language attempt to _ what these steps are and how they interrelate. 4) _ habits from ones own language are difficult to overcome when learning a new language. 5) By advertising widely, a manufacturer can _ the demand for a product. 6) Some would argue that New York has _ Paris as the center of new culture.,delineate,Ingrained,amplify,supplanted,Reading Focus Vocabulary in Action,amplify delineate discretionary engrained strand supplant unpalatable beware of sweep through pin down,7) We know someone has been stealing, but its difficult to _ who it is. 8) I was given a(n) _ fund to use for emergencies. 9) There I was, _ in Rome with no passport and no money. 10) The hurricanes that _ the Gulf Coast region inflicted significant damage on the technological and power infrastructure.,pin down,discretionary,stranded,swept through,Reading Focus Vocabulary in Action,amplify delineate discretionary engrained strand supplant unpalatable beware of sweep through pin down,“Difficult-to-define” and “shoot-from-the-hip” are two compound adjectives, which are formed when two or more adjectives work together to modify the same noun. These terms should be hyphenated to avoid confusion or ambiguity and are only used before nouns. These adjectives usually appear in spoken English and newspapers. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English, using compound adjectives. 1) He had _ (那种乐天派的样子) that made even his occasional mischievousness delightful. 2) There was _ (一种“我不是跟你 这样说过吗!”的神情) on his face.,that happy-to-be-alive attitude,an I-told-you-so air,Reading Focus Vocabulary in Action,Task 2,3) What he follows is _ (一种为了达到目的可以不择手段的哲学). 4) _ (惊心动魄的时刻) followed as he narrowly missed a head-on collision with a green van! 5) The December Copenhagen climate conference has been billed as _ (一个千载难逢的机会) to sign a deal to combat climate change. 6) As a result, the situation on the Korean Peninsula has now gone beyond the limits of danger and turned into _ (一触即发的局面).,the-end-justifies-the-means philosophy,A heart-in-the-mouth moment,a now-or-never chance,a touch-and-go situation,Reading Focus Vocabulary in Action,7) Most companies took _ (观望 的态度) toward the new policy. 8) The basketball team is a _ (求 胜心切的) old champion team. 9) The rules will encourage both parties to be more cooperative and adopt _ (一种开诚布公的方式). 10) If _ (朝九晚五的生活方式) isnt for you, youre a good candidate for a freelance career. 11) He spoke in _ (一种 “你不看看谁 在讲话”的傲慢口吻).,a wait-and-see attitude,too-eager-not-to-lose,a cards-on-the-table approach,a nine-to-five lifestyle,Reading Focus Vocabulary in Action,a look-whos-talking tone,12) This little store is marked by _ (昼 夜服务). 13) The government is proclaiming _ (萝卜加大棒的方法) to the problem. 14) Montelongo is a classic example of _ (白手起家的人) who provides inspiration to many people. 15) This is _ (风雨无阻的野餐) since we can move indoors if necessary.,around-the-clock service,a carrot-and-stick approach,a rags-to-riches man,a rain-or-shine picnic,Reading Focus Vocabulary in Action,Task 3,Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word from the box. Change the form if necessary. (P292),Key 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10-,exquisite,soothe,equivalent,literally,effective,havoc,posted,notify,clumsy,autonomously,Reading Focus Vocabulary in Action,Warren Buffett - The Sages Story,Reading More,Reading More,Text Exploration,Critical Thinking,Language Points,Vocabulary in Action,1,2,3,4,Work in groups to decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the passage. (P302),Key: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10,F,F,T,F,T,T,T,T,F,F,Reading Focus Text Exploration,Critical Thinking,Reading More,Step One Work together with your partner to answer the following questions based on the text youve just read.,Reading MoreCritical Thinking,In the passage, Buffett is described as a person who feels “discomfort with technology”, and “His methods of investing and strategizing were extremely out of fashion and against the grain in the dot-com explosion of the late 1990s”. We can infer from this that Buffet does not have much belief in modern technology and the Internet. Does Buffetts ideas strike a chord with you? Would you follow his example to achieve success in the future? What, as you may have concluded from the passage, has contributed to Buffetts success?,Step Two Discuss in groups the following questions.,Reading MoreCritical Thinking,It appears that Warren Buffett can always make a sensible choice when there is one. What do you think weighs most in making such choices?,Warren Buffett won awe-inspiring success by “eschewing the trendy and faddish in stock investment”, but in many cases we find it much easier to achieve what we have aimed at by following the fashion in the same field, rather than taking a road less traveled. What would you choose to do: go with or against the fashion? Use examples to support your points.,1. Worth about $30 billion, Buffett is one of the worlds richest men, second in the United States only to Gates, and one of the very few of his class to attain such fortune solely on the strength of stock investments. (Para. 1) be second only to: used to emphasize that something is nearly the largest, most important etc.) e.g. The euro will have a circulation second only to that of the dollar. The spreadsheet application is second only to word processing in terms of popularity.,Reading More Language Point,2. The chairman of Omaha, Nebraska-based Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett has been known to refer to his annual stockholders meeting as a “Woodstock weekend for capitalists.” (Para. 1) “-based” combines with nouns referring to places to mean something positioned or existing mainly in the place mentioned, or operating or organized from that place. e.g. a Washington-based organization; a London-based firm of accountants “Woodstock” originally refers to a music festival, held over three days in 1969 near the town of Woodstock in New York State, where about 500,000 young people went to see rock, pop, and folk singers and bands, such as Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, and The Who. Here “Woodstock Weekend for Capitalists” refers to Buffetts annual shareholders meeting held in Omaha every spring.,Reading More Language Point,3. If one invested just $10,000 into Berkshire Hathaway in 1965, when Buffett first assumed control, by the end of the century one would have turned that initial investment


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