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学习、复习方法,备考误区:,题海战术:本末倒置(Foci on output rather than input) 背词汇:备考就是背词汇,背词汇成为复习的唯一活动;只做历年试题,屡受打击; 阅读理解:要做好阅读理解就必须读懂每一个单词,具备超大的词汇量 没计划:有时间,有心情就看点;几天不看也没关系;有的是不练兵,直奔沙场,只能是落荒而逃。,备考误区:,作文:考前从未练习过。考试时,想到哪写哪,想到啥写啥,无逻辑,更无让阅卷人员赏心悦目之笔,满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪。龙飞凤舞者,不忍卒读者,改了涂,涂了改,面目全非。,如何备考,英语学习成为一种习惯: 制定适合自己的学习计划 自控:保证计划的顺利实施,如果没有自控力,更希望学生能参加辅导班,在一天的学习中,老师的讲解学多知识点、语法、学习方法,肯定比自己去玩,或者是随便看看要有效的多。 精读与泛读结合 整理并能灵活运用核心词汇、词组、句型: abandon a family/car/project/hope; abandon himself to despair;,词汇:,重点记核心词汇,如,complete, finish, end, close, conclude, accomplish ,condense, contract, shrink 词汇记忆要求:在使用中记忆,最好能记忆例句。词汇与结构,完形填空,作文都起着举足轻重的作用。,词汇,记忆时,有重点的记,尤其是核心词汇。 如何掌握单词: 词性、词义、词组、例句、搭配 absorb: water/knowledge The book s him. ed in his work. an ing film,搭配: Importance: acquire/assume/attach/be aware of/emphasize/gain in/highlight declined/grew/increased vital/utmost/secondary/real,要求:120个词汇左右,30分钟,给出大纲。 You are required to write an essay about how your daily schedule has changed since you became a college student. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline given below: 1 课堂学习日程 2 业余生活的安排 3 和中学有什么不同,写作建议: 1、记忆一些好的英语词组、句式; 2、避免汉语式的、自造的句子; 3、逻辑清晰; 4、句与句、段与段之间有逻辑关系; 5、有可能,多读一些英语材料 6、练习写作,1、 Have a great influence on ( 对 有很大的影响 ) ;play a key role/part in Computer plays a crucial part in peoples life. 2. There is no denying that + S + V ( 不可否认的 ) There is no doubt that + 句子 ( 毫无疑问的 ) There is no denying that it is very necessary for you to pass the exam for four-year college.,3. So + 形容词 + be + that + 句子 ( 如此 以至于 ) : The house is so expensive that I cannot afford. 4. the more, the more The more you read the book, the more interested you are in it. 5. the reason why is that The reason why I am late is that I have a flat tyre.,6. On no account can we + V ( 我们绝不能 ) : On no account can we waste natural resources. 7. It is time + S + 过去式 ( 该是 的时候了 ) It is time we began study English, mathematics, and computer. 8. When it comes to education, most people hold that education is a life-long study.,9.People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation. 10. They point out that physical exercise contributes directly to peoples health. 11.Proper measures should be taken to stop smoking and great efforts should be made to protect children. 12. An increasing number of netizens tend to play games on Internet.,13.Many students complain that it is so few buses in their college town that they have to spend a lot of time waiting for a bus, which is often crowded with a large number of passengers. 14. An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement.,15. A proper part-time job does not occupy students too much time. In fact, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of their time on study. 16. Any government, which is blind to this point, is doomed to pay a heavy price. 17.The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.,18. No one can deny the fact that a persons education is the most important aspect in his/her life. 19. In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live a longer life. 20.We should spare no efforts to enhance our abilities of every kind to meet the needs of the society.,翻译,英译汉、汉译英(35分) 英译汉的关键:理解文章,词汇、短语、句式。用通顺的汉语表达出来。 You have to walk your electric bike when you enter the gate of the college. 汉译英:掌握必备的词汇、词组、句式。 只要我们不灰心,我们就能找到克服困难的方法。 As long as we dont lose heart, well find a way to overcome the difficulty.,启发: 平时积累许多词汇、词组、句式。并经常阅读,练习。 翻译的技巧建立在坚实的基础知识之上,并辅以练习。 归根结底,大家还是要平时多记单词、词组和句式。,完形填空(20分),考的是阅读理解和语法词汇的结合。 05考题:The native Americans, the people we call the Indians had been in America for many thousands of years before Columbus arrived _ 1492. A. at B. in C. for D. since The Indians were kind to the early _. A. residents B. builders C. emigrants D. settlers 启发:关键还是词汇、词组、句式、语法。阅读是对这些知识的运用。,阅读理解(4020=60分) 读懂文章的大意和细节,对照题目,选出合适的答案。 看懂词汇、词组、句式语法百科知识 05年考题:Human feelings are affected by color unconsciously. Manufacturers have discovered by trial and error that sugar sells badly in green wrappings, that blue foods are considered by consumers as tasteless. 重点:读懂。,阅读理解(60


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