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酒店前厅英语培训,培训师:林俊秀,一、酒店基本概论,1.酒店基础设施英语识别 2.酒店各部门岗位英语识别:各部门名称英语识别/各岗位职位英语识别 3.前厅各岗位英语识别:各服务点名称 4.前厅基本物品及单据英语识别: 5. 房间物品英语识别:房间各设施物品英语识别,第一节:酒店基础设施英语识别,一、房间设施: 1.单人房-single room sil rum 2.双人房-double room dbl rum 3.标准间-standard room stndd rum 4.豪华客房-luxury room lk- rum 5.豪华套房-luxury suite lk swit 二、休闲、娱乐设施: 1.游泳池- swimming pool swm pul 2.酒吧-bar br 3.茶室- tea room ti rum 4.健身房- exercise room kssaz rum 5.咖啡厅- coffee shop kfi p 6. 棋牌室-chess and card room ts nd krd rum 7.桌球室-snooker room snk rum,三、会议、商务设施: 1.会议室- Conference room knfrns rum 2.商务中心- business center bzns snt 3.多功能厅-Multifunctional hall 四、其他设施: 1.餐厅-restaurant/dining-room rstrnt/dan rum 2.厨房-kitchen ktn 3.大厅-lobby lbi 4.休息区-rest area rst ri 5.洗衣房-laundry lndri 6.停车场-parking area prk ri 7.公共区域-PA(public area) pblk ri,第二节:酒店各部门岗位英语识别:各部门名称英语识别/各岗位职位英语识别,1.行政办公室-Executive Office 总经理-general manager denrl mnid 副总经理/市场营销总监 vice-general manager /Director of sales and marketing 2.人力资源部-Human Resources Dept 人力资源经理-The human resources manager hju:mn ris:siz mnid 人力资源文员- The human resources clerk hju:mn ris:siz kl:k 行政文员-administrator dmnstret、司机-driver draiv,3.财务部-Financial Dept 财务主任-director of finance 出纳-cashier ki 审计员-auditor :dit 采购经理-purchasing manager pts mnid 采购员-purchasing agent pts eidnt 仓管员-warehouse keeper whaus ki:p 会计-accounting kant 4.控制中心-control of center Dept 销售代表-sales representative seilz reprizenttiv 话务员-operator preit、 礼宾部-concierge k:nsi 预订员-reservations clerk rezveinz kl:k 电脑部主管-computer department kmpju:t dip:tmnt 前厅部-front office frnt fis,5.营运中心-Operations Center Dept 房务部- rooms division ru:mz divin 洗衣部-laundry department l:ndri dip:tmnt 管事部-steward department stjud dip:tmnt 餐饮部-food and beverage department (fu:d nd bevrid dip:tmnt)、 厨师-chef ef 男/女服务员-waiter/waitress weit wetrs 6工程保安部( Engineering and Security Dept) 水电工-plumber plm 维修工-repairman ripemn 保安员-security officer sikjuriti fis,第三节:前厅各岗位英语识别:各服务点名称,1.前厅主管- front office supervisor frnt fis sju:pvaz 2.大堂副理- assistant manager sistnt mnid 3.总机话务员-operator preit 4.预订员- reservations clerk rezvein kl:k 5.男/女接待员-host/hostess hust hsts 6.接待员-receptionist rsepnst 7.行李员-bellboy/bellman belbbelmn 8.收银员-cashier ki 9.行李房-baggage office /room bid fis/ru:m,9.行李寄存处-checkroom tekru:m 10.接待室-reception office risepn fis 11.入住登记处- registration desk redstren desk 12.问讯处- information desk nfmein desk 13.预定处- reservation desk rezvein desk 14.售报处- newsstand nju:zstnd 15.休息厅- lounge laund,第四节:前厅基本物品及单据英语识别,1.旅客登记薄-hotel register hutel redist 2.贵重物品-valuable vljubl 3.服务指南-guide service aid/svs 4.菜单-menu menju: 5.小册子-brochure bruu 6.支票-check/cheque tek 7.钱/货币-money/currency mni/krnsi 8.证件-voucher vat 9.身份证-identity card aidentiti k:d 10.价目表-price list prais list,11.小费-tips tips 12.房费-room rate/price/rent ru:m/reit/prais/rent 13.地图-map mp 14.账单-bill bil 15.表格-form f:m 16.市价-market price m:kit prais 17.账目-accounts kants 18.价目表-price list prais list 19.手续费-procedure fee prsi:d fi: 20.电话簿-telephone directory telifun direktri 21.叫醒-wake up / morning call weik p / m:ni k:l 22.全价-full price /full rate ful prais/ ful reit,第五节:房间物品英语识别:房间各设施物品英语识别,一、洗漱用品: 1.牙膏-toothpaste (tupest ) 2.牙刷-toothbrush (tubr ) 3.口杯-cup (kp ) 4.毛巾-towel (tal ) 5.剃须刀-shaver (ev ) 6.梳子-comb (kom ) 7.镜子-mirror (mir ) 8.洗脸盆-washbasin (wbesn ),二、淋浴设施、用品: 1.浴室-bathroom (brum) 2.浴盆-bath tub (btb ) 3.淋浴喷头-shower head (au hd) 4.沐浴露-bath foam (bfom) 5.洗发液-shampoo (mpu) 6.香皂-toilet soap (tlt sop) 7.浴衣-bathrobe (brob) 8.浴巾-bath towel (btal) 9.浴帽-shower cap (au kp) 10.脚巾-foot towel (ft tal) 11.拖鞋-slipper (slip) 12.睡衣-pajamas (pd:mz),三、床上用品: 1.床-bed (bed) 2.床单-sheet (i:t) 3.床垫-mattress (mtris) 4.被子-quilt (kwilt) 5.被套-coverlet (kvlt) 6.枕头-pillow (pilu) 7.枕套-pillowcase (plkes) 8.毛毯-blanket (blkit),四、照明设备: 1.灯-lamp (lmp) 2.台灯-desk lamp (desk lmp) 3.日光灯-fluorescent lamp (fluresnt lmp) 4.吊灯-chandelier (ndl ) 5.床头灯-bedside lamp (bedsad ) 6.壁灯-wall lamp (w:l lmp ) 7.灯泡-bulb (blb ) 8.灯罩-lampshade (lmped ),六、其他: 1.窗帘-curtain (k:tn) 2.窗子-window (windu) 3.衣钩-hook/peg (huk pe) 4.衣架-clothes-hanger (kluz h) 5.地毯-carpet (k:pit) 6.垃圾篓-rubbish basket (rbi b:skit) 7.垃圾袋-garbage bag (:bid b) 8.卫生纸-toilet paper (tilit peip) 9.烟灰缸-ashtray (tre) 10.阳台-balcony (blkni) 11.桌子-table (teibl),11.椅子-chair (t) 12.转椅-swivel chair (swvl t) 13.摇椅-rocking chair (rki t) 14.叠椅-folding chair (fld t) 15.凳子-stool (stu:l) 16.沙发-sofa (suf) 17.茶几-tea table (ti: teibl) 18.房卡-room card/key card (ru:m k:d/ki: k:d) 19.屏风-screen (skri:n),四、酒店基本单词量,1.基础数字 2.序数词 3.星期 4.月份 5.季节 6.节假日,第一节:基础数字、序数词、星期、月份、季节、节假日,1.基本数字(1-10): one、two、three、four、five、six、seven、eight、nine、ten 2.序数词(第一至第二十): first、second、third、fourth、fifth、sixth、seventh、eighth、ninth、tenth、eleventh 、twelfth 、thirteenth 、fourteenth fifteenth 、sixteenth 、seventeenth 、eighteenth 、nineteenth 、twentieth 、 3.星期: 星期一-Monday (mndi) 星期二-Tuesday (tju:zdi) 星期三-Wednesday (wenzdi) 星期四-Thursday (:zdi) 星期五-Friday (fraidi) 星期六-Saturday (stdi) 星期日-Sunday (sndi),4.月份: 一月-January (dnjuri) 二月-February (februri) 三月-March (m:t) 四月-April (eiprl) 五月-May (mei) 六月-June (du:n) 七月-July (du:lai) 八月-August (:st ) 九月-September (sptemb) 十月-October (ktub) 十一月-November (nuvemb) 十二月-December (disemb) 5.季节: 春节-Spring (spri) 夏季-Summer (sm) 秋季-Autumn (:tm) 冬季-Winter (wint),6.节假日: 、西方节日: 情人节-Valentines Day 愚人节-All Fools Day 母亲节-Mothers Day 父亲节-Fathers Day 感恩节-Thanks Giving Day 圣诞节-Christmas Day 、中国节日: 新年:-new years day 春节-Spring Festival 元宵节-the Lantern Festival 端午节-Dragon Boat Festival 清明节-Tomb-Sweeping Day 中秋节-Mid-Autumn Festival,二、基本对话,1.礼貌问候语:基本问候标准礼仪,基本对客招呼 2. 电话用语:接电话标准及问候语 3.致歉答谢用语:对话标准 4.征询用语:基本对话标准 5.指路用语:基本用语标准 6.提醒用语:基本用语标准 7.告别用语:基本用语标准,第一节:礼貌问候语:基本问候标准礼仪,基本对客招呼,Good morning/afternoon/evening,sir/madam. 早上/下午/晚上好,先生/夫人。 2How do you do! 您好!(初次见面) How do you do ? 您好! Nice to meet you . 很高兴见到您。 How are you ? 您好吗? Fine ,thanks. And you ? 好的,谢谢。您呢? Welcome to our hotel /restaurant/shop. 欢迎您到我们宾馆/餐厅商店/来。,Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel . 愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。 I hope you will enjoy your stay with us . 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。 客人刚入店时 I hope you are enjoying your stay with us . 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。 客人在饭店逗留期间 I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us . 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。 客人离店时 Have a good time ! 祝您过得愉快!,第二节:电话用语:接电话标准及问候语,1.拿起电话时: “早上好/ 下午好/ 晚上好, (这是)_(部门/ 部份名称)。 我是,我可以帮您吗? “Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening, (This is) (Name of your department/ outlet) .speaking. May I help you?” 2. 挂电话前: “多谢您的来电。”“Thank you for calling.” 3.Would you like to leave a message ? 您要留口信吗? 4.Pardon ? 对不起,请再说一遍好吗?,第三节:致歉答谢用语:对话标准,1.Im sorry . 很抱歉。 2.Excuse me . 对不起。 3.Im sorry . Its my fault . 对不起,那是我的过错。 4.Sorry to have kept you waiting . 对不起,让您久等了。 5.Sorry to interrupt you . 对不起,打扰您了。 6.Im sorry about this. 对此表示歉意。 7.I apologize for this. 我为此道歉 .,8.对不起,打扰您了。 Im sorry to trouble you/Im sorry to disturb you/Im sorry to bother you. 9.失礼了。 Sorry for my impoliteness. 10.对不起,打扰一下好吗? Excuse me for interrupting you. 11.对不起,这是我的错。 Im sorry. Its my fault. 12.对不起,耽搁了。 We are sorry for the delay. 13.对不起,让您久等了。 I m sorry to have kept you waiting so long,第四节:征询用语:基本对话标准,1.Can/May I help you ? 我能帮您什么吗? Yes ,please . 好的。 2.What can I do for you ? 我能为您干点什么吗? 3.What can I do for you ? 我能为您做点什么吗? 4.Is there anything I can do for you ? 有什么我能为您效劳的? 5.Just a moment , please . 请稍等一下。 6. May I use your phone ? 我能借用您的电话吗? Yes ,of course . 当然可以,第五节:指路用语:基本用语标准,1.方位名词: 上(up)、下(down)、前(front)、后(behind) 左(left)、右(right) 2.方位组合词: 往上(go up) 往下(go down) 往左(turn left) 往右(turn right) 3.基本对话: 上楼/下楼 Go upstairs/downstairs 在二(三) 楼 Its on the second(third) floor. 对不起,请问盥洗室/电梯 在哪儿? Excuse me. Where is the washroom/lift? 请这边走。 This way ,please,往左(右) 转。 Turn left/right. 在大厅附近大门 Its in the lobby near the main entrance. 在地下室走廊尽头 Its in the basement at the end of the corridor. 请跟我来 Follow me please. 请一直往前走 Please go straight ahead.,第六节:提醒用语:基本用语标准,1.Mind(Watch) your step. 请走好。 2.Please be careful. 请当心。 3.Please dont leave anything behind. 请别遗忘您的东西. 4.Dont worry. 别担心。 5.Please take it easy. 请放心 6.Please dont smoke here. 请不要在这里抽烟。,第七节:告别用语:基本用语标准,1.Goodbye. 再见. 2.See you later. 等会见。 3.Good night. 晚安。 4.See you tomorrow. 明天见。 5.Goodbye and thank you for coming. 再见,谢谢您的光临。 6.Goodbye and hope to see you again. 再见,希望再见到您。 7.Have a nice trip! 一路平安! 8.Wish you a pleasant journey! Good luck! 祝您旅途愉快! 9.我们期待您的再次光临。 We look forward to your visit again,三、前厅岗位基本操作对话,1、入住服务(check in): 2、结账服务(check out): 3、预定服务(reservation):,1、入住服务(check in) C : Good afternoon , sir . Welcome to our hotel . May I help you ? 下午好,先生,欢迎您入住我们酒店,我能帮您些什么吗? G: Yes. I booked a room one week ago . 是的,我前一周已预定了一个房间 C: May I have your name please , sir ? 先生,请问您贵姓? G: John Smith. 约翰-史密斯,C: Just a moment , sir . While I look through out list. Yes , We do have a reservation for you , Mr. Smith. A single room with bath . Youve paid 2000 Yuan RMB as a deposit . Is that correct ? 先生,请您稍等一会。我看下清单,是的,史密斯先生,我们这里有您的预定。一个带浴室的单人间,您已经支付2000元的预定金,是这样的吗? G: Thats it . 就是这样。 C: Would you please fill in this registration card , sir ! 先生,请您填写这张登记表。 G: Sure . Here you are. I think Ive filled in everything correctly . 可以,给你,我想各项内容都填对了。,C: Let me see Name , address, nationality, passport number , signature and date of departure . Oh , here , sir . You forget to fill in the date of departure. May I fill it in for you ? You are leaving on 让我看看.名字,地址,国籍,护照号码,签名,启行日期。 喔,先生,这里,您忘记填写这个启行日期了,我可以帮您填写吗? 你离开 G: October 24. 十月二十四日,C: May I see your passport , please ? Thank you ,sir. Now everything is in order . And here is your key . Mr. Smith . Your room number is 1107. Its on the 11th floor and your room rate is 500 RMB per night . Here is your key card with all the information on your booking, the hotel services and the hotel rules and regulations on it. Please make sure that you have it with you all the time. You need to show it when you sign for your meals and drinks in the restaurants and the bars. 能把您的护照给我看看吗?谢谢!现在所有手续都办好了,史密斯先生,这是您的房间钥匙,您的房间是1107号。它在第11层楼,您的房费是每晚500元。这是您的房卡以及所有预定信息,酒店服务和酒店规章制度都在上面,请您务必随时带着它。以便当你在餐厅用餐和酒吧消费挂账时,需要它来证明。 G: Yes, Ill keep it with care , thank you . 好的,谢谢,我会小心保管的。 C: I hope you enjoy yours stay with us. 希望您在这儿过的愉快。,2.结账服务(check out) C: Good morning. Sir,Can I help you? 早上好,先生,我能为您做些什么? G: Yes. I would like to check out. Could I have my bill. Please? 好的,我想结账,我能看下我的账单吗? C: Certainly, sir, May I know your name and your room number, please ? 当然可以,先生,能把你的名字和房间号告诉我吗? G: Dennis black, Room 1108. 丹尼斯-布莱克,1108号。,C: All right. Here


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