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河北省沧州市盐山中学2018-2019学年高二英语6月月考试题第I卷第一部分:听力第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. How is the woman probably feeling?A. Sad B. Excited C Regretful2. What kind of books does the woman like reading now?A. Science fiction B. Detective stories C. War stories3. How is the man going to the zoo tomorrow?A. By bike B. By underground C .By bus4. What are the speakers talking about?A. Whether to check their luggage B Which plane to take at preseryC What to do after landing5. Where is the bicycle?A. Behind a tree B. In a parking lot. C By a street light第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分225分)6. What did the man forget to buy?A. The sugar B. The cookies C. The coffee7. What did the woman just do?A. She cleaned the kitchen B. She painted the bathroomC She returned her library books请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Where will Marta go to work?A. In New York B. In Atlanta C In Oakland9. What does the woman expect?A. A promotion B. A new office C. A pay rise.请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10 What kind of flat does the man want?A. A one-bed studio B A two-bedroom apartment C. A four-bedroom flatII. What are most of the apartments in the town centre like?A Modern B. Small C. Old12. Why doesn t the man like living in a village?A. He can t get much privacy B. He can t find a suitable iob thereC. He can t ride a bike in mountains请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Who does the man plan to buy books for?A. His nephew. B. His brother C. His son14. Which of the following books has no words?A. Hurricane B. Sector 7 C. The Loathsome Dragon15. How many books does the man want to buy?A. Two B. Five C. Seven16. What does the man say about Art &Max?A. It tells how to paint B. It is a wordless book C. It is a story of two lizards请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What activity will be held in the tent?A. A party B. A test C. A lecture 18. During which activity will the listeners receive special training first?A. Horse-riding B Sailing. C. Climbing19. Why will the listeners walk across the hills on Wednesday?A. To practice reading maps B. To learn to take photographsC. To enjoy the beautiful scenery.20. When willthe listeners begin their end-of-holiday trips?A. On Wednesday morning. B On Thursday morning.C On Thursday afternoon第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) AAt thirteen,I was diagnosed(诊断)with a kind of attention disorder.It made school difficult for me.When everyone else in the class was focusing on tasks,I could not.In my first literature class,Mrs.Smith asked us to read a story and then write on it,all within 45 minutes.I raised my hand right away and said,“Mrs.Smith,you see,the doctor said I have attention problems.I might not be able to do it.”She glanced down at me through her glasses,“You are no different from your classmates,young man.”I tried,but I didnt finish the reading when the bell rang.I had to take it home.In the quietness of my bedroom,the story suddenly all became clear to me.It was about a blind person,Louis Braille.He lived in a time when the blind couldnt get much education.But Louis didnt give up.Instead,he invented a reading system of raised dots(点),which opened up a whole new world of knowledge to the blind.Wasnt I the “blind” in my class,being made to learn like the “sighted” students?My thoughts spilled out and my pen started to dance.I completed the task within 40 minutes.Indeed,I was no different from others;I just needed a quieter place.If Louis could find his way out of his problems,why should I ever give up?I didnt expect anything when I handed in my paper to Mrs.Smith,so it was quite a surprise when it came back to me the next daywith an “A” on it.At the bottom of the paper were these words:“See what you can do when you keep trying?”21The author didnt finish the reading in class because_.Ahe was new to the classBhe was tired of literatureChe had an attention disorder Dhe wanted to take the task home22What do we know about Louis Braille from the passage?AHe had good sight. BHe made a great invention.CHe gave up reading. DHe learned a lot from school.23What was Mrs.Smiths attitude to the author at the end of the story?AAngry. BImpatient.CSympathetic. DEncouraging.24What is the main idea of the passage?AThe disabled should be treated with respect.BA teacher can open up a new world to students.COne can find his way out of difficulties with efforts.DEveryone needs a hand when faced with challenges. BIn ancient Egypt,a shopkeeper discovered that he could attract customers to his shop simply by making changes to its environment.Modern businesses have been following his lead,with more tactics(策略)One tactic involves where to display the goods.For example,stores place fruits and vegetables in the first section.They know that customers who buy the healthy food first will feel happy so that they will buy more junk food(垃圾食品)later in their trip.In department stores,the womens shoe section is generally next to the womens cosmetics(化妆品)section:while the shop assistant is going back to find the right size shoe,bored customers are likely to wander over and find some cosmetics they might want to try later.Besides,businesses seek to appeal to customers senses.Stores notice that the smell of baked goods encourages shopping,so they make their own bread each morning and then fan the bread smell into the store throughout the day.Music sells goods,too.Researchers in Britain found that when French music was played,sales of French wines went up.When it comes to the selling of houses,businesses also use highly rewarding tactics.They find that customers make decisions in the first few seconds upon walking in the door,and turn it into a business opportunity.A California builder designed the structure of its houses smartly.When entering the house,the customer would see the Pacific Ocean through the windows,and then the pool through an open stairway leading to the lower level.The instant view of water on both levels helped sell these $10 million houses.25Why do stores usually display fruits and vegetables in the first section?ATo save customers time.BTo show they are high quality foods.CTo help sell junk food.DTo sell them at discount prices.26According to Paragraph 3,which of the following encourages customers to buy?AOpening the store early in the morning.BDisplaying British wines next to French ones.CInviting customers to play music.DFilling the store with the smell of fresh bread.27What is the California builders story intended to prove?AThe house structure is a key factor customers consider.BThe more costly the house is,the better it sells.CAn ocean view is much to the customers taste.DA good first impression increases sales.28What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo explain how businesses turn people into their customers.BTo introduce how businesses have grown from the past.CTo report researches on customer behavior.DTo show dishonest business practices.CIf humans were truly at home under the light of the moon and stars,we would go in darkness happily,the midnight world as visible to us as it is to the vast number of nocturnal(夜间活动的)species on this planet.Instead,we are diurnal creatures,with eyes adapted to living in the suns light.This is a basic evolutionary fact,even though most of us dont think of ourselves as diurnal beings.Yet its the only way to explain what weve done to the night:Weve engineered it to receive us by filling it with light.The benefits of this kind of engineering come with consequencescalled light pollutionwhose effects scientists are only now beginning to study.Light pollution is largely the result of bad lighting design,which allows artificial light to shine outward and upward into the sky.designed lighting washes out the darkness of night and completely changes the light levelsand light rhythmsto which many forms of life,including ourselves,have adapted.Wherever human light spills into the natural world,some aspect of life is affected.In most cities the sky looks as though it has been emptied of stars,leaving behind a vacant haze(霾)that mirrors our fear of the dark.Weve grown so used to this orange haze that the original glory of an unlit nightdark enough for the planet Venus to throw shadows on Earthis wholly beyond our experience,beyond memory almost.Weve lit up the night as if it were an unoccupied country,when nothing could be further from the truth.Among mammals alone,the number of nocturnal species is astonishing.Light is a powerful biological force,and on many species it acts as a magnet(磁铁)The effect is so powerful that scientists speak of songbirds and seabirds being“captured”by searchlights on land or by the light from gas flares on marine oil platforms.Migrating at night,birds tend to collide with brightly lit tall buildings.Frogs living near brightly lit highways suffer nocturnal light levels that are as much as a million times brighter than normal,throwing nearly every aspect of their behavior out of joint,including their nighttime breading choruses.Humans are no less trapped by light pollution than the frogs.Like most other creatures,we do need darkness.Darkness is as essential to our biological welfare,to our internal clockwork,as light itself.Living in a glare of our own making,we have cut ourselves off from our evolutionary and cultural heritagethe light of the stars and the rhythms of day and night.In a very real sense,light pollution causes us to lose sight of our true place in the universe,to forget the scale of our being,which is best measured against the dimensions of a deep night with the Milky Waythe edge of our galaxyarching overhead.29According to the passage,human beings_.Aprefer to live in the darknessBare used to living in the day lightCwere curious about the midnight worldDhad to stay at home with the light of the moon30The writer mentions birds and frogs to_.Aprovide examples of animal protectionBshow how light pollution affects animalsCcompare the living habits of both speciesDexplain why the number of certain species has declined31It is implied in the last paragraph that_.Alight pollution does harm to the eyesight of animalsBlight pollution has destroyed some of the world heritagesChuman beings cannot go to the outer spaceDhuman beings should reflect on their position in the universe32What might be the best title for the passage?AThe Magic Light BThe Orange HazeCThe Disappearing Night DThe Rhythms of NatureDIn 2004,when my daughter Becky was ten,she and my husband,Joe,were united in their desire for a dog.As for me,I shared none of their canine lust.But why,they pleaded.“Because I dont have time to take care of a dog.”But well do it.“Really?Youre going to walk the dog?Feed the dog?Bathe the dog?”Yes,yes,and yes.“I dont believe you.”We will.We promise.They didnt.From day two(everyone wanted to walk the cute puppy that first day),neither thought to walk the dog.While I was slow to accept that I would be the one to keep track of her shots,to schedule her vet appointments,to feed and clean her,Misty knew this on day one.As she looked up at the three new humans in her life(small,medium,and large),she calculated,“The_medium_one_is_the_sucker_in_the_pack.”Quickly,she and I developed something very similar to a Vulcan mind meld(心灵融合)Shed look at me with those sad brown eyes of hers,beam her need,and then wait,trusting I would understandwhich,strangely,I almost always did.In no time,she became my fifth appendage(附肢),snoring on my homeoffice couch as I worked,cradling against my feet as I read,and splaying across my stomach as I watched television.Even so,part of me continued to resent walking duty.Joe and Becky had promised.Not fair,Id balk(不心甘情愿地做)silently as she and I walked.“Not fair,”Id loudly remind anyone within earshot upon our return home.Then one dayJanuary 1,2007,to be exactmy husbands doctor uttered an unthinkable word:leukemia(白血病)With that,I spent eight to ten hours a day with Joe in the hospital,doing anything and everything I could to ease his discomfort.During those six months of hospitalizations,Becky,12 at the time,adjusted to other adults being in the house when she returned from school.My work colleagues adjusted to my taking off at a moments notice for medical emergencies.Every part of my life changed;no part of my old routine remained.Save one:Misty still needed walking.At the beginning,when friends offered to take her through her paces,I declined because I knew they had their own households to deal with.As the months went by,I began to realize that I actually wanted to walk Misty.The walk in the morning before I headed to the hospital was a quiet,peaceful time to gather my thoughts or to just be before the days medical drama unfolded.The evening walk was a time to shake off the days upsets and let the worry tracks in my head go to white noise.When serious illness visits your household,its not just your daily routine and your assumptions about the future that are no longer familiar.Pretty much everyone you know acts differently.Not Misty.Take her for a walk,and she had no interest in Joes blood counts or bone marrow test results.On the street or in the park,she had only one thing on her mind:squirrels!She was so joyous that even on the worst days,she could make me smile.On a daily basis,she reminded me that life goes on.After Joe died in 2009,Misty slept on his pillow.Im gratefulto a point.The truth is,after years of balking,Ive come to enjoy my walks with Misty.As I watch her chase after a squirrel,throwing her whole being into the hereandnow of an exercise that has never once ended in victory,she reminds me,too,that no matter how harsh the present or unpredictable the future,theres almost always some measure of joy to be extracted from the moment.33Why didnt the writer agree to raise a dog at the beginning of the story?AShe was afraid the dog would get the family into trouble.BIt would be her business to take care of the dog.CHer husband and daughter were united as one.DShe didnt want to spoil her daughter.34The story came to its turning point when_.AJoe died in 2009BJoe fell ill in 2007Cthe writer began to walk the dogDthe dog tried to please the writer35What is the message the writer wants to convey in the passage?AOne should learn to enjoy hard times.BA disaster can change everything in life.CMoments of joy suggest that there is still hope ahead.DPeople will change their attitude toward you when you are in difficulty.第二节 阅读七选五(本大题共5小题,共10.0分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Everyone can benefit from making an effort to practice gratitude (感激) every day. The following three steps can help you start feeling more grateful, and appreciative of the good things in your life:Notice the Good Things in Your Life 36Pay attention to the small everyday details of your life-nature, people, community, shelter, creature comforts like a warm bed or a good meal. And then start a gratitude journal. Making a commitment to writing down good things each day makes it more likely that we will notice good things as they happen.Enjoy the Feeling of Gratitude There are moments when you naturally, right then and there, feel filled with gratitude. These are moments when you say to yourself, Oh, wow, this is amazing! or How great is this! Pause.37Let it sink in. Enjoy your blessings in the moment they happen.Express Gratitude Expressing gratitude is more than being polite.38Show your appreciation to someone who really did something nice. Say: It was really kind of you to., You did me a big favor when., or Thank you for being there when.39Hold the door open for the person behind you, even if it means waiting a little longer than you normally would. True gratitude doesnt leave you feeling like you owe other people somethingafter all, if youve done someone a favor, you probably dont want the person to feel like you expect something back in return.40A.Its about showing your heartfelt appreciation.B.Notice and absorb that feeling of true gratitude.C.You can also express gratitude by doing a kindness.D.Its all about feeling good and creating a cycle of good.E.Start to notice and identify the things you are grateful for.F.Help someone without letting the person find out it was you.G.Its amazing what you notice when you focus on feeling grateful.完形填空(本大题共20小题,共30.0分)When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say sorry,41number! and move on. But when Dennis Williams42a text that clearly wasnt intended for him, he did something 43. On March 19, Dennis got a group text44him that a couple he didnt know were at the hospital, waiting for the45of a baby. Congratulations! But I think someone was mistaken, Dennis46. The baby was born and update texts were47quickly from the overjoyed grandmother, Teresa. In her48, she didnt seem to realize that she was49the babys photos with a complete stranger. Well, I dont 50you all but I will get there to take pictures with the baby, replied Dennis before asking which room the new 51were in. Much to the familys surprise, Dennis stuck to his 52! He turned up at the hospital 53gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy. Lindseys husband was totally 54by the unexpected visit. I d


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