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FMEA编号Number:页码Page: 准备人Prepared By: 严 重 度 Sev 频 度 数 Oc c 难 检 度 Det 风险 优先 指数 R.P.N . 10 原材料进厂 In-coming Raw Material 原材料规格错误 Material spec is wrong 影响零件性能 affect parts capability 4 供应商送原材料的规格 有错 The supplier send the wrong material 1 每批送货供应商附上材 质证明书 The supplier submit the quality certification every shipping 收料员检查送货单 Material receiver check delivering list 936NANA 20 IQC 检查 IQC Inspection 尺寸检测有误差 measure error 影响后续零件生产 affect parts production next process 3 供应商送原材料的规格 有错 The supplier send the wrong material 2 送货单标明材料尺寸规 格 define the SPEC. of raw-material in the dilivery Bills 1.IQC按送货单核对原材料规 格表 IQC confirm the Raw Material Spec List according to the delivery order. 2.IQC按原材料规格表检查原 材料尺寸规格,以每批2卷, 每卷3个点检查料厚 IQC check raw material spec according to the Raw Material Spec List,check materials thickness by 3 points per coil,2 848NANA 30 移至原材料仓 Move Material to Store 材料转移错误 mistake the rawmaterial 影响后续零件生产 affect parts production next process 3 材料标识不明确 Un-clear label 2 入库前材料上贴来料管 理票 set the label on the Raw-material before store. 生产领料时,操作工和QC对 材料进行确认 Operators and QC verify the material in production line. 848NANA 40 存放 Storage 材料生锈 rust of the material 影响后续零件生产 affect parts production next process 2 1. 材料入库、出库凌乱 。 2. 放置周期过长。 1. Un-sequence in and out store. 2. long term store 4 按照程序要求,材料先 进先出。 Frist in first out QC复查在库 re-check the parts in period. 864NANA 50 移至生产线 Move Material to Production Line 材料转移错误 mistake the rawmaterial 影响后续零件生产 affect parts production next process 3 材料标识不明确 Un-clear label 2 入库前材料上贴来料管 理票 set the label on the Raw-material before store. 生产领料时,操作工和QC对 材料进行确认 Operators and QC verify the material in production line. 848NANA 60 P200T 冲压 P200T Stamping 6.250.15 尺寸超差 is out of tolerance 影响客户装配affect customer assembly 3 冲孔冲头磨损 The tooling punch wears away 2 定期维护保养模具 maintain the die periodically PQC用通止规抽检 PQC check with Pin gauge 848NANA 潜在的失效原因/机理 Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) of Failure 现行过程预防控制 Current Process Controls Prevention 级 别 Class 严 重 度 Sev 潜在的失效模式及效应分析表潜在的失效模式及效应分析表POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (Design- FMEA) 过程责任部门Process Responsibility: 质量部 QA Dept.项目名称 Item: (修订REV): 建议的措施 Recommend ed Action(S) FMEA日期Data(编制(orig):2010.01.25 责任及目标完 成日期 Responsibility /工程部Eng.Dept. 现行过程检测控制 Current Process Controls Detection 频 度 数 Occ 工 1 of 22 FMEA编号Number:页码Page: 准备人Prepared By: 严 重 度 Sev 频 度 数 Oc c 难 检 度 Det 风险 优先 指数 R.P.N . 潜在的失效原因/机理 Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) of Failure 现行过程预防控制 Current Process Controls Prevention 级 别 Class 严 重 度 Sev 潜在的失效模式及效应分析表潜在的失效模式及效应分析表POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (Design- FMEA) 过程责任部门Process Responsibility: 质量部 QA Dept.项目名称 Item: (修订REV): 建议的措施 Recommend ed Action(S) FMEA日期Data(编制(orig):2010.01.25 责任及目标完 成日期 Responsibility /工程部Eng.Dept. 现行过程检测控制 Current Process Controls Detection 频 度 数 Occ 工 780.25 尺寸超差 is out of tolerance 1.影响客户使用。 2.后续磨削无法装夹 。 1. affect customer assembly 2. Can not put in the fixture. 3 1.冲孔冲头磨损 2.模具调试中,送料步 距不对 1.The tooling punch wears away 2.Non-conforming stamping step in the tooling adjust process. 2 1.定期维护保养模具 2.隔离调模品,并要求 操作工严格按照操作指 导书操作。 1.maintain the die periodically 2. Contain the tooling adjust parts and ask operators follow the WI in the production process. PQC用卡尺抽检 PQC check with Vernier Caliper 848NANA 翻边孔内径过大或者 椭圆 flanging hole bigger or smaller 1. 车削后导致32.549 尺寸超差。 2. 内孔车削后无法满 足粗糙度要求。 1. Cause 32.549 out of diemension. 2. Cause the roughness of 32.549 hole out of dimension. 3 1. 合模高度不对 2. 送料步距不对 1. Non-conforming shutter height. 2. Non-conforming stamping step. 2 1. 现场放置操作指导 书,并且要求操作工严 格按照操作指导书操作 。 2. Set the WI site and ask the operators follow it in the production process. 增加翻边孔控制尺寸31.8最 大并要求操作工按照此尺寸 卡尺控制。 Add flanging hole diameter 31.8Max and PQC check it with vernier caliper. 848NANA 翻边高度过低 taller or shorter of the blanging height. 导致车削和磨削后7 尺寸超差。 Cause dimension 7 out of SPEC. after turning and grinding. 3 合模高度不到位 Non-conforming shutter height. 2 1. 现场放置操作指导 书,并且要求操作工严 格按照操作指导书操作 。 1. Set the WI site and ask the operators follow it in the production process. 增加翻边孔高度尺寸控制 7.5+/-0.3并要求操作工按照 此尺寸卡尺控制。 Add flanging hole height 7.5+/-0.3 and PQC check it with vernier caliper 848NANA 60 P200T 冲压 P200T Stamping 2 of 22 FMEA编号Number:页码Page: 准备人Prepared By: 严 重 度 Sev 频 度 数 Oc c 难 检 度 Det 风险 优先 指数 R.P.N . 潜在的失效原因/机理 Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) of Failure 现行过程预防控制 Current Process Controls Prevention 级 别 Class 严 重 度 Sev 潜在的失效模式及效应分析表潜在的失效模式及效应分析表POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (Design- FMEA) 过程责任部门Process Responsibility: 质量部 QA Dept.项目名称 Item: (修订REV): 建议的措施 Recommend ed Action(S) FMEA日期Data(编制(orig):2010.01.25 责任及目标完 成日期 Responsibility /工程部Eng.Dept. 现行过程检测控制 Current Process Controls Detection 频 度 数 Occ 工 37尺寸超差 37 out of dimension 影响客户使用affect customer using 3 1. 合模高度不到位 2. 来料较薄 1. Non-conforming shutter height. 2. thinner of the material thickness. 2 1. 现场放置操作指导 书,并且要求操作工严 格按照操作指导书操作 。 1. Set the WI site and ask the operators follow it in the production process. 1. 每卷材料上线时,检查材 料厚度 1. PQC Check the thickness of material when every coil used. 848NANA 材料厚度超差 material thickness out of dimension. 导致磨削后3.0+/- 0.15尺寸超差。 Cause the dimension 3.0+/- 0.15 out of SPEC. after grinding. 3 来料厚度超差 the thickness of raw- material out of SPEC. 2 将来料厚度控制在 3.25+/-0.05。 Set the thickness of raw-material 3.25+/- 0.05。 每卷材料上线时,PQC 检查 材料厚度 PQC Check the thickness of material when every coil used. 848NANA 平面度超差 flatness out of dimension 1.导致磨削后的平面 度超差。 2.导致磨削后的材料 厚度超差。 1. Cause the flatness afer grinding out of dimension. 2.cause the thickness of the part after grinding out of dimension. 3 合模高度不到位 Non-conforming shutter height. 2 1. 现场放置操作指导 书,并且要求操作工严 格按照操作指导书操作 。 1. Set the WI site and ask the operators follow it in the production process. 增加冲压过程中的平面度 0.15控制并且要求QC抽检。 Add flatness control in stamping process and PQC check it in period. 848NANA P200T 冲压 P200T Stamping 60 3 of 22 FMEA编号Number:页码Page: 准备人Prepared By: 严 重 度 Sev 频 度 数 Oc c 难 检 度 Det 风险 优先 指数 R.P.N . 潜在的失效原因/机理 Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) of Failure 现行过程预防控制 Current Process Controls Prevention 级 别 Class 严 重 度 Sev 潜在的失效模式及效应分析表潜在的失效模式及效应分析表POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (Design- FMEA) 过程责任部门Process Responsibility: 质量部 QA Dept.项目名称 Item: (修订REV): 建议的措施 Recommend ed Action(S) FMEA日期Data(编制(orig):2010.01.25 责任及目标完 成日期 Responsibility /工程部Eng.Dept. 现行过程检测控制 Current Process Controls Detection 频 度 数 Occ 工 60 P200T 冲压 P200T Stamping 翻边孔与地面拐角过 大 bigger radius of the crossing between the flanging and the flatness. 导致磨削后34.5MAX 尺寸超差。 Cause 34.5MAX after grinding out of dimension. 3 合模高度不到位 Non-conforming shutter height. 2 1. 现场放置操作指导 书,并且要求操作工严 格按照操作指导书操作 。 1. Set the WI site and ask the operators follow it in the production process. 增加冲压过程中的尺寸34.5 控制并且要求QC抽检。 Add 34.5MAX control in stamping process and PQC check it in period. 848NANA 毛刺过大 larger burrs 影响零件外观及客户 使用 affect parts appearance and customers usage 2 冲头或凹模镶块磨损 punch and die insert wears away 4 定期维护保养模具 maintain the die periodically 操作工目视检查 1pcs/15mins,PQC目视检 查4pcs/h Operator check with E, 1pcs/15mins,PQC check with E,4pcs/h 864NANA 70 半成品包装 Package in semi-finished product 包装错误 Non-conforming packaging 造成零件表面的压伤 。 Cause the dent in the surface of the part. 3 包装方式不明确 Unknown of the packaging methods. 2 1. 现场放置包装指导 书,并且要求操作工严 格按照包装指导书包装 。 1. Set the PI site and ask the operators follow it after stamping. 传送前PQC确认包装正确后 才可以传送。 QC verify the packaging before delivery 848NANA 80 移至半成品区 Move to semi- finished area 零件转移错误 mistake the part 影响后续零件生产 affect parts production next process 3 材料标识不明确 Un-clear label 2 入库前每卡板贴上传送 单核入库单。 set the delivery notes and receipts notes label on the Raw-material before store pallet. 生产领料时,操作工和QC对 材料进行确认 Operators and QC verify the material in production line. 848NANA 90 存放 Storage 零件生锈 rust of the part. 影响后续零件生产 affect parts production next process 3 1. 材料入库、出库凌乱 。 2. 放置周期过长。 1. Un-sequence in and out store. 2. long term store 2 按照程序要求,材料先 进先出。 Frist in first out QC复查在库 re-check the parts in period. 848NANA 100 移至生产线 Move Material to Production Line 材料转移错误 mistake the rawmaterial 影响后续零件生产 affect parts production next process 3 材料标识不明确 Un-clear label 2 入库前材料上贴来料管 理票 set the label on the Raw-material before store. 生产领料时,操作工和QC对 材料进行确认 Operators and QC verify the material in production line. 848NANA 4 of 22 FMEA编号Number:页码Page: 准备人Prepared By: 严 重 度 Sev 频 度 数 Oc c 难 检 度 Det 风险 优先 指数 R.P.N . 潜在的失效原因/机理 Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) of Failure 现行过程预防控制 Current Process Controls Prevention 级 别 Class 严 重 度 Sev 潜在的失效模式及效应分析表潜在的失效模式及效应分析表POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (Design- FMEA) 过程责任部门Process Responsibility: 质量部 QA Dept.项目名称 Item: (修订REV): 建议的措施 Recommend ed Action(S) FMEA日期Data(编制(orig):2010.01.25 责任及目标完 成日期 Responsibility /工程部Eng.Dept. 现行过程检测控制 Current Process Controls Detection 频 度 数 Occ 工 32.5490.012 尺寸超差is out of tolerance 影响客户装配affect customer assembly 4 1.车刀磨损 2.零件装夹不到位 1.The lathe tool wears away 2.Non-confroming clamping area 2 1. 定期维护保养车床 2. 现场放置操作指导 书,并且要求操作工严 格按照操作指导书操作 。 1. maintain the lathe periodically 2. Set the WI site and ask the operators follow it in the production process. PQC和操作工用气动量仪抽 检 PQC and operators check with AIR gauge 896NANA 内孔粗糙度不良 Non-conforming of the roughness in the inner hole. 1.影响客户使用。 1. affect customer assembly 3 1.车刀磨损 1.The lathe tool wears away 2 定期维护保养车床 maintain the lathe periodically PQC用粗糙度仪抽检 PQC and operators check with roughness machine. 848NANA 材料厚度超差 material thickness out of dimension. 导致磨削后3.0+/- 0.15尺寸超差。 Cause the dimension 3.0+/- 0.15 out of SPEC. after grinding. 5 进刀量过大 longer of the feeding. 1 现场放置操作指导书, 并且要求操作工严格按 照操作指导书操作。 Set the WI site and ask the operators follow it in the production process. PQC用千分尺抽检 PQC and operators check with micrometer. 840NANA 机加工 machining 110 5 of 22 FMEA编号Number:页码Page: 准备人Prepared By: 严 重 度 Sev 频 度 数 Oc c 难 检 度 Det 风险 优先 指数 R.P.N . 潜在的失效原因/机理 Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) of Failure 现行过程预防控制 Current Process Controls Prevention 级 别 Class 严 重 度 Sev 潜在的失效模式及效应分析表潜在的失效模式及效应分析表POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (Design- FMEA) 过程责任部门Process Responsibility: 质量部 QA Dept.项目名称 Item: (修订REV): 建议的措施 Recommend ed Action(S) FMEA日期Data(编制(orig):2010.01.25 责任及目标完 成日期 Responsibility /工程部Eng.Dept. 现行过程检测控制 Current Process Controls Detection 频 度 数 Occ 工 尺寸超差is out of tolerance 影响客户装配affect customer assembly 4 1.车刀磨损 2.零件装夹不到位 1.The lathe tool wears away 2.Non-confroming clamping area 2 1. 定期维护保养车床 2. 现场放置操作指导 书,并且要求操作工严 格按照操作指导书操作 。 1. Set the WI site and ask the operators follow it in the production process. 2. maintain the lathe periodically PQC和操作工用检具抽检。 PQC and operators check with gauge 864NANA 尺寸超差is out of tolerance 影响客户装配affect customer assembly 4 1.车刀磨损 2.零件装夹不到位 1.The lathe tool wears away 2.Non-confroming clamping area 2 1. 定期维护保养车床 2. 现场放置操作指导 书,并且要求操作工严 格按照操作指导书操作 。 1. Set the WI site and ask the operators follow it in the production process. 2. maintain the lathe periodically PQC和操作工用检具抽检。 PQC and operators check with gauge 864NANA 120 半成品包装 Package in semi-finished product 包装错误 Non-conforming packaging 造成零件表面的压伤 。 Cause the dent in the surface of the part. 3 包装方式不明确 Unknown of the packaging methods. 2 1. 现场放置包装指导 书,并且要求操作工严 格按照包装指导书包装 。 1. Set the PI site and ask the operators follow it after stamping. 传送前PQC确认包装正确后 才可以传送。 QC verify the packaging before delivery 848NANA 130 移至半成品区 Move to semi- finished area 零件转移错误 mistake the part 影响后续零件生产 affect parts production next process 3 材料标识不明确 Un-clear label 2 入库前每卡板贴上传送 单核入库单。 set the delivery notes and receipts notes label on the pallet before store . 生产领料时,操作工和QC对 材料进行确认 Operators and QC verify the material in production line. 848NANA 机加工 machining 110 6 of 22 FMEA编号Number:页码Page: 准备人Prepared By: 严 重 度 Sev 频 度 数 Oc c 难 检 度 Det 风险 优先 指数 R.P.N . 潜在的失效原因/机理 Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) of Failure 现行过程预防控制 Current Process Controls Prevention 级 别 Class 严 重 度 Sev 潜在的失效模式及效应分析表潜在的失效模式及效应分析表POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (Design- FMEA) 过程责任部门Process Responsibility: 质量部 QA Dept.项目名称 Item: (修订REV): 建议的措施 Recommend ed Action(S) FMEA日期Data(编制(orig):2010.01.25 责任及目标完 成日期 Responsibility /工程部Eng.Dept. 现行过程检测控制 Current Process Controls Detection 频 度 数 Occ 工 140 存放 Storage 零件生锈 rust of the part. 影响后续零件生产 affect parts production next process 3 1. 材料入库、出库凌乱 。 2. 放置周期过长。 1. Un-sequence in and out store. 2. long term store 2 按照程序要求,材料先 进先出。 Frist in first out QC复查在库 re-check the parts in period. 848NANA 150 移至生产线 Move Material to Production Line 材料转移错误 mistake the rawmaterial 影响后续零件生产 affect parts production next process 3 材料标识不明确 Un-clear label 2 入库前材料上贴来料管 理票 set the label on the Raw-material before store. 生产领料时,操作工和QC对 材料进行确认 Operators and QC verify the material in production line. 424NANA 160 倒角 chamfer 倒角大于0.5c the chamfer more than 0.5 影响零件外观 affect parts appearance 2 倒角限位移动 the limit away 5 定期维护保养机床 maintain the machine periodically PQC用投影仪抽检 PQC check with profile projector. 330NANA 170 半成品包装 Package in semi-finished product 包装错误 Non-conforming packaging 造成零件表面的压伤 。 Cause the dent in the surface of the part. 2 包装方式不明确 Unknown of the packaging methods. 3 1. 现场放置包装指导 书,并且要求操作工严 格按照包装指导书包装 。 1. Set the PI site and ask the operators follow it after stamping. 传送前PQC确认包装正确后 才可以传送。 QC verify the packaging before delivery 424NANA 180 移至半成品区 Move to semi- finished area 零件转移错误 mistake the part 影响后续零件生产 affect parts production next process 3 材料标识不明确 Un-clear label 2 入库前每卡板贴上传送 单核入库单。 set the delivery notes and receipts notes label on the pallet before store . 生产领料时,操作工和QC对 材料进行确认 Operators and QC verify the material in production line. 424NANA 190 存放 Storage 零件生锈 rust of the part. 影响后续零件生产 affect parts production next process 3 1. 材料入库、出库凌乱 。 2. 放置周期过长。 1. Un-sequence in and out store. 2. long term store 4 按照程序要求,材料先 进先出。 Frist in first out QC复查在库 re-check the parts in period. 848NANA 7 of 22 FMEA编号Number:页码Page: 准备人Prepared By: 严 重 度 Sev 频 度 数 Oc c 难 检 度 Det 风险 优先 指数 R.P.N . 潜在的失效原因/机理 Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) of Failure 现行过程预防控制 Current Process Controls Prevention 级 别 Class 严 重 度 Sev 潜在的失效模式及效应分析表潜在的失效模式及效应分析表POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (Design- FMEA) 过程责任部门Process Responsibility: 质量部 QA Dept.项目名称 Item: (修订REV): 建议的措施 Recommend ed Action(S) FMEA日期Data(编制(orig):2010.01.25 责任及目标完 成日期 Responsibility /工程部Eng.Dept. 现行过程检测控制 Current Process Controls Detection 频 度 数 Occ 工 200 移至生产线 Move Material to Production Line 材料转移错误 mistake the rawmaterial 影响后续零件生产 affect parts production next process 3 材料标识不明确 Un-clear label 2 入库前材料上贴来料管 理票 set the label on the Raw-material before store. 生产领料时,操作工和QC对 材料进行确认 Operators and QC verify the material in production line. 848NANA 210 磨削 grinding 粗糙度超差 roughness of the flat out of dimension. 影响客户使用affect customer using 3 砂轮硬度以及颗粒度不 适合。 Non-conforming of the hardness and particle grinding wheel. 2 选择合适的砂轮并将砂 轮规格写入操作指导书 Choose conforming grinding wheel and write it into WI 生产前,QC和操作工检查砂 轮的规格。QC and operators check the Spec. of the grinding wheel. 848NANA out of dimension. 影响客户使用affect customer using 4 1. 磨床磁力过大 2. 磨床工作台有异物 1. Bigger magnetic force of the grinding machine 2. Un-clearn of the working flat. 2 1. 加工特殊的磨削夹具 以减小磁力。 2. 磨削前用切削液洗刷 工作台面。 1. Machining special grinding gauge to reduce the magnetic force. 2. Clearn the working flat before production. QC对每盘的零件平面度进行 抽检 PQC check the some samples of every plate. 896NANA 3+/-0.15尺寸超差 3+/-0.15 out of dimension 影响客户使用affect customer using 3 车削不到位 more or no enough grinding 2 1. 现场放置包装指导 书,并且要求操作工严 格按照包装指导书包装 。 1. Set the PI site and ask the operators follow it after stamping. QC对每盘的零件进行抽检 PQC check the some samples of every plate. 848NANA 7+/-0.3尺寸超差 7+/-0.3 out of dimension 影响客户使用affect customer using 3 车削不到位 more or no enough grinding 2 1. 现场放置包装指导 书,并且要求操作工严 格按照包装指导书包装 。 1. Set the PI site and ask the operators follow it after stamping. QC对每盘的零件进行抽检 PQC check the some samples of every plate. 848NANA 磨削 grinding 210 8 of 22 FMEA编号Number:页码Page: 准备人Prepared By: 严 重 度 Sev 频 度 数 Oc c 难 检 度 Det 风险 优先 指数 R.P.N . 潜在的失效原因/机理 Potential Cause(s)/ Mechanism(s) of Failure 现行过程预防控制 Current Process Controls Prevention 级 别 Class 严 重 度 Sev 潜在的失效模式及效应分析表潜在的失效模式及效应分析表POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS (Design- FMEA) 过程责任部门Process Responsibility: 质量部 QA Dept.项目名称 Item: (修订REV): 建议的措施 Recommend ed Action(S) FMEA日期Data(编制(orig):2010.01.25 责任及目标完 成日期 Responsibility /工程部Eng.Dept. 现行过程检测控制 Current Process Controls Detection 频 度 数 Occ 工 34.5MAX 尺寸超差。 34.5MAX out of dimension 影响客户使用affect customer using 3 磨削不到位 no enough grinding 2 1. 现场放置包装指导 书,并且要求操作工严 格按照包装指导书包装 。 1. Set the PI site and ask the operators follow it after stamping. QC对每盘的零件进行抽检 PQC check the some samples of every plate. 848NANA out of dimension 影响客户使用affect customer using 3 磨床工作台有异物 Un-clearn of the working flat. 2 磨削前用切削液洗刷工 作台面。 Clearn the working flat before production. QC对每盘的零件进行抽检 PQC check the some samples of every plate. 848NANA 220 半成品包装 Package in semi-finished product 包装错误 Non-conforming packaging 造成零件表面的压伤 。 Cause the dent in the surface of the part. 3 包装方式不明确 Unknown of the packaging methods. 2 1. 现场放置包装指导 书,并且要求操作工严 格按照包装指导书包装 。 1. Set the PI site and ask the operators follow it . 传送前PQC确认包装正确后 才可以传送。 QC verify the packaging before delivery 848NANA 230 移至半成品区 Move to semi- finished area 零件转移错误 mistake the part 影响后续零件生产 affect parts production next process 3 材料标识不明确 Un-clear label 2 入库前每卡板贴上传送 单核入库单。 set the delivery notes and receipts notes label on the pallet before store . 生产领料时,操作工和QC对 材料进行确认 Operators and QC verify the material in production line. 848NANA 240 外协清洗 clean outsource 零件表面未清洗干净 unclean of the part 影响客户使用affect customer using 4 供应商对零件表面清洁 度要求不明确 unknown of the supplier to the cleaness requiremnent. 3 采购发图纸给供应商 Purchase publish the drawing to supplier 每批来料QC对清洁度进行检 测。 QC check the part cleaness of every lot. 896NANA 240 外协清洗 clean outsource 零件表面有碰伤 dent in the surface of the part 影响客户使用affect customer using 2 包装不合理 non-conforming packaging 3 与供应商沟通,制订合


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