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,I. 单项选择(10分) ( )1. When did you get your first pair of skates? _. A. For 6 years B. Since I was 7 years old. C. When I was 7 years old. D. Since 6 years ago. ( )2. He raised _ for the charity to help the poor children. A. thousand of dollars B. thousand of dollar C. thousands of dollars D. thousands of dollar ( )3. _ does the first class begin? At 7:40. A. How long B. Where C. When D. How ( )4. Mr. Smith _ here for about two hours. A. has left B. left from C. went away from D. has been away from,( )5. _ of them has an English dictionary. A. Every B. All C. Both D. Each ( )6. _ is really hard _ them to climb up the mountain at night. A. This, to B. It, for C. This, for D. It, to ( )7. Signs can been seen on the road _ can people see them? A. Where else place B. Where place else C. Where else D. Anywhere ( )8. Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick? John _. A. cleaned B. does C. did D. is ( )9. Do you know _ over there? A. What happens B. What was happened C. What is happening D. What did happen,( )10. Im waiting for my friend. If he _, I will go swimming alone. A. doesnt come B. wont come C. will come D. is coming,用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. Thanks for _(send)me the snow globe. 2. I have live in this apartment since I _(come)to China. 3. Whats the _(common)hobby? 4. Im quite _(interest)in the writer job. 5. They _(watch)a video when I arrived there. 6. He _(write)the letter to his pen pal since 9:00 a.m. 7. The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy _(read)history books.,8. How long has he _in the army so far? 9. I think shes good at _(skate)and shes an excellent _(skate). 10. They said they _(raise)money for charity the next week.,根据句意用for或since填空。 1. Its ten years _ we met each other last time. 2. He has taught English _ 25 years. 3. The Greens have lived on the farm _ 1990. 4. They have been practicing the guitar _ two hours. 5.How long have you been a reporter? _ 8 years ago. 6. I havent gone for a walk in the park _ a long time. 7. Hes been collecting stamps _ he was in primary school. 8. Peter has been to summer camp _ 3 times.,根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. 孩子们对玩电脑游戏很感兴趣。 Children are very _ _ _ computer games. 2. 昨天我买了一双运动鞋。 Yesterday I bought _ _ _ sports shoes. 3. 我买不起这本字典了。因为我用完了钱。 I cant afford to buy the dictionary, because I have _ _ _ my money. 4. 非常感谢你把这些精美的邮票送给我。 Thanks a lot for _ _ the beautiful _. 5. 自我7岁起,我就一直听音乐。 I have been listening to music _ _ _ _ _old.,6. 她去过北京两次。 She _ _ to Beijing twice. 7. 你喜欢集邮吗? Do you like _ _? 8. 她今天滑冰滑了多长时间了? How long _ _ _ skating today?,当堂检测,1.My father has been working in the factory _ he was twenty years old. A.for B.before C.since D.after 2. -You look tired. - Yes.I _ computer games for two hours. A.play B.was playing C.have been playing D.am playing 3.-Peter,I think we need to buy a new car. -Oh,no!Were _ out of money ,you know. A.trying B.going C.getting D.running 4.-How long did you swim yesterday? -_. A.Since two hours B.For three hours C.At three oclock D.In two hours,5.-Whats your hobby? -_. A.Collecting movie tickets B.I like it C.I enjoy myself D. It is my snow globe 6.The girl _big eyes is my best friend. A.has B.with C.have D.haves 7.John is a coin collector. He _(collect) for three years. 8.we_(learn) English for two years. 9.He_(watch) TV since I_(come) back from work. 10.Shes been _(swim) for 2 hours.,1.He started_ (learn) English in 1999. 2.They _ (learn) Chinese since2000. 3.She _(have) been _(skate)_ (for, since) five hours. 4.He has been living here _(for, since) he went to china. 5.She has been doing her homework _(for, since) two hours. 6._have you been away from your hometown? For two years.,7.He would like _(collect) shells because t


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