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课时提能练(十六).阅读理解A(2019桂林模拟)You may be familiar with the following famous people,but have you heard of their graduation speeches,in which they either share their unforgettable experiences or give you some great inspiration?Michael Dell,University of Texas at AustinAnd now youve accomplished something great and important here,and its time for you to move on to whats next.And you must not let anything prevent you from taking those first steps.You must also commit to the adventure.Just have faith in the skills and the knowledge youve been blessed with and go.J.K.Rowling,Harvard UniversityHalf my lifetime ago,I was striking an uneasy balance between my ambition and the expectations from my parents who were not rich.But what I feared most for myself at your age was not poverty,but failure.The fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you know little about failure.You might be driven by a fear of failure quite as much as a desire for success.Steve Jobs,Stanford UniversitySometimes lifes going to hit you in the head with a brick.Dont lose faith.Your work is going to fill a large part of your life,and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work,and the only way to do great work is to love what you do.If you havent found it yet,keep looking,and dont settle.Bill Gates,Harvard UniversityWe need as many people as possible to have access to the advanced technology to lead to a revolution in what human beings can do for one another.They are making it possible not just for national governments,but for universities,smaller organizations,and even individuals to see problems,see approaches and deal with the worlds inequities(不公平) like hunger,poverty and so on.【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了四位世界著名人物的毕业演讲,包括迈克尔戴尔、J.K.罗琳、史蒂夫乔布斯和比尔盖茨。1What Michael Dell said is to urge us to Alisten to our heart Blearn from our mistakesCfollow others example Dpursue our dreamsD推理判断题。根据题干关键词“Michael Dell”定位至第二段,由第二段第一句“And now youve accomplished something great and important here,and its time for you to move on to whats next”可知,迈克尔戴尔认为毕业之时是继续前进的时候;根据第二段第三、四句“You must also commit to the adventure.Just have faith in the skills and the knowledge youve been blessed with and go”可知,他还鼓励人们勇于探索冒险,鼓足信心,用自己的技能和知识继续前进;据此可以判断,迈克尔戴尔鼓励人们追求自己的梦想,故D项正确。2What did JK.Rowling fear most when she was studying in university?AFailure. BHunger.CPoverty. DParents expectations.A细节理解题。由题干关键词“J.K. Rowling”定位至第三段,根据第三段第二句“But what I feared most for myself at your age was not poverty,but failure”可知,J.K.罗琳在大学时最害怕的不是贫穷,而是失败;故A项正确。3What does Bill Gates suggest people do?AMaster as much advanced technology as possible.BWork together to solve some global problems.CMake contributions to the environment.DTake responsibility for their own behavior.B细节理解题。由题干关键词“Bill Gates”定位至第五段,根据第五段内容可知,比尔盖茨鼓励人们协同工作,一起解决全球的饥饿、贫穷等不公平问题,故B项正确。B(2019昆明质量检测)Bats are the only mammals(哺乳动物) that can fly a long distance,but they have another ability.Many bats live a very long time for an animal of their size.European researchers are studying bats to understand why they live so long.They hope to make discoveries aimed at fighting the aging process in human beings.Last week,the group of scientists said they had discovered important biological qualities in some bat species.The group studied bat chromosomes(染色体)The scientists were most interested in structures connected to the ends of the chromosomes.They are called telomeres(端粒),which shorten each time a cell divides.The scientists believe this shortening process causes cells to break down.They say this is what causes aging.The European researchers studied 493 bats from four bat species.The group used information that had been gathered over more than 60 years.Of these animals,the greater mouseeared bat generally lived an average of 37 years.The scientists said it had telomeres that did not shorten with age.Another Myotis hold the record for oldest age,reaching 41 years.The scientists findings suggest that these bats cells have the ability to keep and repair their telomeres.This,they said,helps guard against the aging process.Based on its body size,a bat like the greater mouseeared bat would be expected to live four years.But,these mammals have been found to live nearly 10 times longer than that.The scientists found that only 19 species of mammals live longer than humans when their body size is considered.18 of these are bats.The only exception is an unusual African rat.【语篇解读】该文是一篇研究性实验报告。欧洲研究人员通过研究蝙蝠来了解它们长寿的原因。4What decides bats aging process according to the text?AThe length of telomeres.BThe body size of the bat.CThe types of chromosomes.DThe building of cells.A细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The scientists were most interested in structures connected to the ends of the chromosomes.They are called telomeres(端粒),which shorten each time a cell divides.The scientists believe this shortening process causes cells to break down.They say this is what causes aging”可知,科学家们对连接到染色体末端的结构最感兴趣。它们被称为端粒,每次细胞分裂时它会缩短。科学家们相信这个缩短的过程会导致细胞分裂。他们说这是导致变老的原因,由此可知,端粒的长度决定了蝙蝠变老的过程。故选A。5How long does a greater mouseeared bat generally live?A19 years. B37 years.C41 years.D60 years.B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Of these animals,the greater mouseeared bat generally lived an average of 37 years”可知,在这些动物中,通常大鼠耳蝠的平均寿命为37岁。故选B。6We can learn from the text that Athe scientists have studied bats for more than six decadesB19 kinds of bats could live longer than humansCthe bats studied in the research are of the same speciesDresearchers focus on finding out why humans live longA推理判断题。根据第三段中的“The European researchers studied 493 bats from four bat species.The group used information that had been gathered over more than 60 years”可知,欧洲的研究人员研究了四种蝙蝠中的493只蝙蝠。该组研究人员使用了超过60年间收集的信息。故可推断出选项A的表述“the scientists have studied bats for more than six decades(科学家们对蝙蝠进行了60多年的研究)”是正确的。7In which column of a magazine can you read the text?ALifestyle. BBusiness.CScience.DFashion.C推理判断题。本文是对蝙蝠长寿原因的探究并且研究人员都是科学家,所以应该是在杂志中科研方面的专栏,所以选项C是正确的。.完形填空(2019成都诊断)I asked my grandpa what it feels like to grow old.He took a sip of tea and 1 ,“Have you ever been in a hot 2 when the water ran 3 ?”I told him I had.“Thats what 4 feels like,”he said.“In the beginning of life,its like youre taking a hot shower. 5 ,the water is too warm,but you get used to the 6 and begin enjoying it.When youre young,you think its going to be this way forever.But life goes on like this 7 ”“You begin to 8 it somewhere between your 40s and 50s.The water temperature drops just the slightest bit.Its almost unnoticeable,but you know it 9 .You turn the faucet(水龙头) up to stay warm.One day you realize the faucet cant go any 10 ,and the temperature begins to dropthe warmth is leaving your 11 ”“It feels rather 12 ”Grandpa added.“The water is still 13 ,but itll soon become cold and theres nothing you can do.I enjoyed my life because I satisfied myself 14 the showers of my youth.”Later on that day,entering Grandpas living room,I noticed him 15 in his chair with a blanket 16 his legs;his eyelids closed.His chest was rising and falling 17 I decided not to disturb his sleep,hoping he was dreaming of his 18 ,the enjoyment with family,the warmth of days gone by. 19 ,all of us should value those we love 20 the water runs cold.【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。爷爷形象生动地以洗热水澡为例,向我描述了人在逐渐变老过程中的感受,并表示他对自己青年时期感到很满意。文章建议我们在变老之前要珍惜我们所爱的一切。1A.asked Bcontinued Claughed DwhisperedAA项意为“问”;B项意为“继续”;C项意为“大笑”;D项意为“低语”。根据后面的爷爷的问话可知,本处是爷爷问我。故选A。2A.river Bspring Cshower DpoolCA项意为“河流”;B项意为“泉”;C项意为“淋浴”;D项意为“游泳池”。“a hot spring”指的是温泉,不符合语境。根据下文内容可知,本处爷爷问我是否体验过洗热水澡时水变凉(cold)的感受。下文出现的“a hot shower”是提示,故选C。3A.out Bcold Cwarm DdownB参见上题解析。下文出现的“water temperature drops”“cold”是提示,故选B。4A.desperation BageingCchildhood DhappinessB本处与开篇第一句话呼应,应讲述的是变老(ageing)的感觉。故选B。5A.Obviously BGradually CAt first DFor certainCA项意为“明显地”;B项意为“逐渐地”;C项意为“起初”;D项意为“确定”。根据语境可知,起初水太热了。故选C。6A.speed Bheat Cquantity DqualityBA项意为“速度”;B项意为“热,热度”;C项意为“数量”;D项意为“质量”。起初水太热了,但是你习惯了这种热度并开始喜欢这种热度。故选B。7A.temporarily Bpermanently Cnaturally DfortunatelyAA项意为“暂时地”;B项意为“持久地”;C项意为“自然地”;D项意为“幸运地”。但是生活只会暂时那样。故选A。8A.touch Baccept Cfeel DignoreCA项意为“触摸”;B项意为“接受”;C项意为“感觉”;D项意为“忽视”。大约四五十岁的时候开始感觉有变化。故选C。9A.happened Bdisappeared Cstopped DhurtAA项意为“发生”;B项意为“消失”;C项意为“停止”;D项意为“伤害”。它几乎不被注意,但你知道它发生了。故选A。10A.looser Blower Chigher DfartherDA项意为“更松”;B项意为“更低”;C项意为“更高”;D项意为“更远,更进一步”。根据语境可知,有一天你会发现水龙头开不了更大了。故选D。11A.body Broom Clife DlegsA根据空前的“温度开始下降”可知,本处应为“温暖正在离开你的身体(body)”。故选A。12A.strange Bhelples


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