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Unit 6 what time is it 教学内容总第三十五课时Unit 6 Period 1 Story time主备人: 教学目标1. 能听懂,会说,会读词汇:breakfast, dinner, bed, Mum, lunch, eleven.2. 能听懂,会说,会读句型与日常用语:What time is it? Itsoclock. Its time for Wake up. Hurry up.3. 能有感情地跟读课文,产生珍惜时间的意识。教学重难点1.词汇breakfast, dinner, bed, Mum, lunch, eleven. 句型What time is it? Itsoclock. Its time for breakfast/ class /dinner2.词汇:eleven, breakfast, lunch, dinner, oclock的读音。 3.句型What time is it? Itsoclock. Its time for breakfast/ class /dinner在语境中的运用。教学方法情境讨论与交流、演练学法指导本节课教学优化故事语言呈现方式,促进学生讨论交流,增进了解记忆与自主运用。以趣味阅读为主、演练相结合,促进学生自我建构和输出语言的能力。教学准备 PPT,单词卡片,人物头饰教学时间40分钟课前自主预习听录音,跟读课文,理解课文大意。教 学 过 程二次备课Step 1 Warming up1. (课前,欣赏一首数字歌)T:Just now we listened to an English song.We can hear some numbers.What can you hear? 2. Play a game:Maths game(从中引出数字eleven,twelve的学习)3. Can you say the numbers quickly?(引出clock)Step 2 Presentation and practice1. 学习clock,timeT:The clock goes tick tock,tick tock.It can tell us the time.(学习time)(看板书)T:Whats this? S:Its a clock. T:Can you describe the clock? S:Aclock T:Youre clever.Today lets have a PK,OK?(组与组之间展开竞争)2.学习oclock以及What time is it?并揭题。T:Look at the clock?What time is it?S:Its two oclock.3.学习breakfast,Its time for breakfast.T:What time is it?S:Its seven oclockT:Its time for breakfast.学习breakfast,Its time for breakfast.4. 同法学习Its time for dinner. Its time for bed.5. Play and say:操练对话(玩转盘游戏) A:What time is it? B:Itsoclock.Its time for(最后一组:Its time for story.从而过度到故事时间的学习)6:学习story time(1).Task 1:Watch and chooseWhats the story about?A:Liu Taos DayB: Liu Taos Weekend(2).Task 2: Listen and number(3).Task 3:Read and fill in the blanks.学习Wake up.Hurry up.Step 3 Consolidation1. Task 4:Lets repeat2. Task 5:Lets read3. Task 6:Lets act4. Task 7:Lets retell5. Lets know moreStep 4 Homework1. Read after the tape for three times.2. Design a timetable and discuss with your friend in English. 板书设计 Unit 6 What time is it? - What time is it? -:Its two oclock. Its time for . 作业设计 Class work:抄写单词3+1教后记教学内容总第三十六课时Unit 6 Period 2 主备人:邹丽娟教学目标11. 在第一课时基础上,能进一步建立单词class, bed, OK, eleven, twelve, wake up, mum, oclock, breakfast, dinner,的音、行、义的联系。2. 能理解句型What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for .的含义,并能应用到实际中进行描述。3. 学生能初步听懂、会说、会读单词these, heres=here is ,能初步听懂并会说句型What are these?能理解cartoon time 的幽默之处。教学重难点1. 能理解句型What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for .的含义,并能应用到实际中进行描述。2. 学生能初步听懂、会说、会读单词these, heres=here is ,能初步听懂并会说句型What are these?能理解cartoon time 的幽默之处。教学方法探究学习、归纳、强化练习学法指导以动画参与互动增强趣味性和表演的环节展示。发挥群体合作学习的优势,玩学结合,动静结合,在具体语言环境中输出语言。教学准备 PPT,教学时间40分钟课前自主预习听录音,跟读小诗和发音板块,并注意节奏。教 学 过 程二次备课Step 1 Free talk and motivation 1.Free talk T: Hello,boys and girls.S: Hello.T: How are you today?S: Fine, thanks.2.Brain storm A .Listen and say the next number. B .Listen and say the number before. Step 2 Practice 1. What time is it ? Its . Oclock. Its time for . 2. Lets dub for the storyStep 3 learn to say 1. Watch and answer Liu Tao gets up at seven. How about Bobby? What time does Bobby get up ? 2.Read by yourselves What happened? What cant he find ?Ss: pencil and book. -Wheres my book/ pencil? T: 指导朗读T: Why?Ss: He takes the wrong bag.3. Read again ,answer the questions 再读课文:Whose bag is it?Ss: Its Tinas.T: How do you know that? Ss: Bobby! Thats my bag! Heres your bag.T: Whats in her bag?Ss:中文回答。T: Teach “Whats this ? What are these?”指导朗读T: Now lets read in groups and see who reads the best. (帮助学生理解课文中Bobby着急的心情)4. Listen and repeat New sentence : what are these? What do you want to say to Bobby ?5.Act in roles.Step 4 Consolidation Are you late sometimes? Try to make a new dialogue in four.Step 5 Homework1. Read Cartoon time five times. 2. According to Cartoon time, try to make a new dialogues.板书 Unit 6 What time is it?A: What time is it, please?B: Its oclock. Its time for 作业 Class work:翻译词组教后记教学内容总第三十七课时Unit 6 Period 3主备人:邹丽娟教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读、写本课单词。2、 能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语What time is it? Its . Its time for .3、 能感悟、体验字母Tt的发音/ t /. 4、 会诵读小诗Wake up, Eddie.教学重难点1、能正确地听、说、读、写本课单词。2、 能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语What time is it? Its . Its time for .3、 能感悟、体验字母Tt的发音/ t /4、能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语What time is it? Its . It s time for .并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然教学方法探究学习、归纳、任务阅读、角色表演学法指导本节课教学将以巩固训练为主线,以能力培养、促进应用为宗旨,在具体语言环境中运用所学,内化语法知识,形成语言技能,运用情境教学法、愉快教学法等。教学准备PPT,图字卡,自制卡片等。教学时间40分钟课前自主预习预习Cartoon time,尝试朗读故事并理解意思。教 学 过 程二次备课 Step1Freetalkandmotivation.1.Greetings2.Review cartoon time Use pictures, try to recite.3.PlayagameWhattimeisit?(利用学生之前做的钟表)T: Its . Ss: (拨钟)通过“拨时间快速抢答”的活动让学生迅速反映时间。T:(拨钟)Ss:Its.4. Guessinggame:Itstimeforbreakfast/lunch/dinner.Whattimeisit?(渗透时间的另一种问询方式:Whatsthetime?)Step2Soundtime1.T:Lookatthisclock.Whattimeisit?Itstimeto?出示图片2Itstimetoeat.新授eat(指导朗读t,t,eat)2. T: The clock goes Tick-tock.Now whats the time? Ss: Ten oclock. T: Its time to meet. 新授meet (指导朗读t, t, meet)3. 出示完整的语音句子,诵读。4. 出示单词,读,感知字母Tt/ t /的发音,新授get5.引导学生回忆:你还学过哪些包含字母t, 在单词中发音相同的单词。6. Can you try to make a rhyme like this?完成Ticking time 第三项Step 3 Rhyme timeT: I like rhymes, and I want to share a rhyme with you.1.Listen to the rhyme 2. T: Who is late? Ss: Eddie is late. T: Breakfast is ready. (新授ready)T: Whats for breakfast? Ss: Milk and cake. 指导学生欣赏其中的韵律i / eit /3.呈现歌谣,引导学生跟则节奏说歌谣,也可配以相应的动作,感知歌谣的含义。4Try to make a new rhyme by yourselves. Step4 Revision1.Listenanddraw听录音,在钟面上画出时间。根据画好的时间复述对话。2. Spell these words ,fill in the blanks3.Lookandsay Whattimeisit? Its .oclock. Itstime for . Itstime to . 4.summary 怎样问时间? 怎样说时间? 某个时间到了。 怎样叫醒别人? 怎样叫别人快点?Step 5 Homework1. Finishtheexercises.2.Knowthesoundofthelettert.板书设计 Unit 6 Whattimeisit? Whattimeisit? Its .oclock. Itstime for . Itstime to . 教后记教学内容总第三十八课时Unit 6 Period 4主备人:邹丽娟教学目标1. 熟练掌握单词。2. 熟练掌握句型:Whattimeisit? Its .oclock. Itstime for . 3. 通过练习掌握本单元知识。教学重难点通过练习掌握本单元知识。教学方法听写检测、故事汇报、练习、角色扮演学法指导让学生体验故事表演的快乐,以集中性练习为核心,关注学生听说读写技能的发展,在小组活动中促进学情的交流与综合评价。教学准备单词卡片,PPT习册教学时间40分钟教 学 过 程二次备课Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Free talk3. Game time: Magic eyes. (看到图片说单词,看到单词读出来并拼一拼,看到炸弹说Bomb!)Step 2 Revision1. 复习单词,句型(句型转化) Whattimeisit? Its .oclock. Itstime for . Its time to .2.Have a dictation 3. 复习story time.Step 3 Do exercise.1. 小熊闯关。a.连词成句。b.Act cartoon time2. 完成补充习题。Step 4 Homework1. 听录音,背诵story time和cartoon time的课文。2. 准备默写词汇表单词。板书设计 教后记教学内容总第三十九课时Unit 6 Period 5 主备人:邹丽娟教学目标1.能听说读并拼写单词2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用 Whattimeisit? Its . Oclock. Its time for .3. 学习珍惜时间。4. 能完成课课练上的相关练习。教学重难点1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用 Whattimeisit?Its . Oclock. Its time for .2. 能综合运用本单元所学内容完成练习,并保证一定的正确率。教学方法情景交际法、听读法、针对练习、听写学法指导 本课教学将以综合训练为主线,以语言实践能力培养为宗旨,促进四会能力为目标,夯实语言基础并灵活应用,运用情境教学法、听写、小组检查等学习方法。教学准备PPT,单词卡片,头饰教学时间40分钟教 学 过 程二次备课Step 1 Warming up1.sing a song2. Play a game Flash with the word cards.3. Play a game Find friends.(说出相同类别的单词)例如: apple: pear, banana, orange. cat: dog, tiger, mouse, bird, parrot. penpencil, pencil case, schoolbag. Ten: one ,two, three, four.Step 2 Revision1.Look and say: 看课文图片,复习课文2. Recite: 背诵课文3. Dictation: 默写四会单词和相关词组。巡视时,找出错误率高的词写在黑板上,让孩子当“医生”给错词“治病”。Step 3 ConsolidationWrite something about time .学生可以选择一项感兴趣的作业来做:1. 用“询问时间”为主题,编一个对话进行表演。2. 用数字编一个歌谣。Step 4 Homework: 1.背诵story time和cartoon time的课文。 2.听写重要的单词短语。板书设计 Unit 6 Whattimeisit?教后记教学内容总第二十四课时Unit 6 Period 6 主备人:邹丽娟教学目标1.综合复习Unit 6相关知识,完成Unit 6单元检测题2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用Whattimeisit?及其回答3. 能综合运用本单元所学内容完成练习,并保证一定的正确率。教学重难点1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用Whattimeisit?及其回答2. 能综合运用本单元所学内容完成练习,并保证一定的正确率。教学方法情景交际法、听读法、针对练习、听写学法指导 本课教学将以综合训练为主线,以语言实践能力培养为宗旨,促进四会能力为目标,夯实语言基础并灵活应用,运用情境教学法、听写、小组检查等学习方法。多媒体


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