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A man of contradictions,Helmont 是一个充满矛盾的人,一方面,他是帕拉塞尔苏斯的门徒,是一个神秘主义的化学家。另一方面,他接触了基于实验的新学术,这些实验曾造就了哈维、伽利略和培根。,He believed that mice arose when a flask of wheat and old rags was incubated in a warm dark closet. At the same time Van Helmont was a careful observer of nature: he observed for 5 years to show the growth of plant is depended on water.,自然发生说 / 5年的柳树实验,Van Helmont and digestion,Helmont,赫尔蒙特写过很多有关消化的论著,提出食物是因为身体的内部热量而得到消化的。这是关于消化问题的早期观点之一。,如果这是正确的,赫尔蒙特又将面对另外一个疑问:冷血动物是如何生活的呢?他自己的回答是,冷血动物的消化得到身体中的化学试剂或说“酵素”的援助。这种观点与我们今天所说的酶非常近似。 van Helmont proposed and described six different stages of digestion.,Vitalism 活力论,1. A doctrine that the functions of a living organism are due to a vital principle distinct from biochemical reactions. 2. A doctrine that the processes of life are not explicable by the laws of physics and chemistry alone and that life is in some part self-determining. 活力论的代表人物帕拉塞尔苏斯和赫尔蒙特认为,根本没有什么被动的物质,自然界的一切事物都是活的和自主的,促使它们成长和运动的是其自身的内在生命力,而不是外来的推动。这种观点与当时在自然科学中占优势的机械唯物主义学派相反。,物质以两种根本不同的状态存在,这两种不同状态可以通过他们对于热的不同反应而观察到。这两种物质的状态被称为有机和无机。 无机物可以被融化,但也可以通过移除热度而恢复到原先的状态。,Organic compounds “cooked“ when heated, 有机物在热的作用下被转化为一种新的形式,并且无法恢复到原先状态。该学派认为,有机物与无机物之间最根本的区别在于生命力“vital force“,生命力仅仅出现在有机物质当中。,Vitalism constructed workable scientific models,生命力的概念是一种传统观念,在医学哲学中拥有一个很长的历史:,Vitalism,In the Western tradition founded by Hippocrates, these vital forces were associated with the four temperaments and humours; Eastern traditions posited similar forces such as qi.,Vitalism 活力论,Georg Ernst Stahl (1660 1734),Friedrich Hoffmann (1660 1742),机械主义自然观对医学发展的影响,一、机械主义自然观的形成,二、机械主义自然观对医学的影响,三、评价机械主义自然观对医学的影响,一、机械主义自然观的形成,因果之网中,一切都是必然的,自然界与机械的类比,只注意部分,不注意整体,(Laplace , 17491827),(Descartes,15961650 ),牛顿力学的示范作用与 机械主义自然观的形成,二、机械主义自然观在医学中的影响,用机械自然观诊断和治疗疾病,用机械自然观解释生命和疾病,主张疾病是由力学规律控制的,治病就是对发生故障的器官或系统进行修补,“人体是一台机器”,1、机械主义自然观之下的生命观和疾病观,笛卡尔(Descartes,15961650 ),卡巴尼斯(Cabanis, 1757-1808),拉美特利(La Mettrie,1709-1751),波瑞利(Borelli, 1608-1679),“所有物质都要服从机械规律”,“人是机器”,“心理事件是有机体的机能 ”,“身体具有力学特征”,生命观:,疾病观:,“生理学的疾病观”,“本体论的疾病观”:,疾病是一种实体,一种异己, 是身体正常功能之外的东西。,疾病是一种自然的过程 , 症状是身体对疾病的反应 。,Hippocrates,本体论疾病观的解剖学基础,由解剖观察诸病位置与原因,“病灶”(focus)观念的提出,摩干尼 (Morgagni, 1682-1771),“病灶”观念对疾病诊疗的影响,2、机械主义自然观对诊断和治疗的影响,(1)不断还原的研究进路,相信生命过程具有物理学和化学的基础,推崇仪器的使用和对生命体征的测量,(2)物理学和化学的方法,医学在寻找病因方面不断深入微观世界,(3)“排除异己”的治疗观念,人从环境中独立出来,病理解剖学的建立,细胞学说的建立,基因技术应用于医学,(1)不断还原的研究进路,从器官到细胞再到基因,(2)物理、化学的研究方法, X射线被发现并应用于诊断,伯尔纳的新陈代谢研究开创实验生理学的先河,叩诊法的发明,听诊器的发明,化学与三大常规检测方法的确立,李比希与生物化学研究的奠基,(3)“消除异己”的治疗观念,青霉素的发现与应用,巴斯德建立细菌学说,李斯特发明外科防腐术,三、评价机械论自然观对医学的影响,使医学摆脱神秘主义,走向科学,确立现代的治疗方法。,“头疼医头,脚疼医脚”,忽视整体,尤其是忽视人的 精神性因素。,积极作用:,缺陷:,医学模式的转换: 从机械论模式到整体论模式,恩格尔(George L. Engel),生物心理社会医学模式: (bio-psycho-social medical model),导致人类疾病的不只是生物因素,还有社会因素和心理因素,因而治疗方法除了传统的生物学方法以外,还应当包括社会科学方法和心理学方法。医生应该同时是心理学家和社会学家。医学必须建立在人与其生存环境的和谐适应基础上 。,Medical Practice 医学实践,1. 医疗如何给予和获得 2. 临床医学的诞生 3. 地理大发现之后的药物学,很多时候,普通人在医疗上依赖家庭、朋友和邻居。 The local wisewoman or wiseman who knew herbs and spells(咒语), the blacksmith(铁匠) who set bones, the seventh son of a seventh son, or grandmother and her best recipe: these were the medical resources of first resort for most people. Priests, ministers, and rabbis, and their wives, also visited the sick for solace(安慰) and advice and sometimes to help with nursing. And ladies of the manor showed their noblesse oblige by visits to the homes of dependants, bringing food, medicine, and advice to the sick.,The medical resources of first resort for most people,People have definite desires and expectations on healing,在这样一种环境中,很多医疗实践保持着它的传统特征人们对医疗有着特定的愿望和期待。根据经验,患者或多或少知道他们需要什么。,巴格利维坦率地承认,当他需要为患者治疗的时候,他将依据希波克拉底的原则,而这些原则与其自身的理论体系是截然不同的。换句话来说,这些新理论对于作为一个医生的巴格利维而言,是没有多少价值的。 这一切显示了理论与实践之间的裂隙,医生们所能做的一切只不过是根据他们的经验行事。,Medical sales people,Many medical sales people sought custom(顾客) by selling medicines or removing cataracts(白内障), bladder(膀胱) stones, or cancerous breasts, or repairing hernias(疝气).,Medical sales people,普通的医疗实践者用印刷广告为自己做宣传。Practitioners composed handbills(传单) and broadsides(海报) to distribute on streets, slip under doors, or post in markets, taverns(客栈), and coffee houses. The printed advertisements, like the oral pitches(推销), recounted(详细叙述) the expertise and reputation of the practitioner, listed the ills cured, and where the practitioner or medicine could be found.,University-educated physicians,受过大学教育的医生数量在17世纪大规模增加,特别是17世纪的后半期。,这些医生常常强调,经验必须被嫁接到理论之上,这样才能形成可论证的知识。,科学发展的两条线索再此趋于重合。,University in 17th Century,很多大学强调内在训练,通过授课和讨论对医学哲学表现出高度的欣赏 。 同时,也有很多大学强调世俗学问、临床技术和化学知识。,科学发展的两条线索再此趋于重合。,Thomas Sydenham the father of clinical medicine,西登汉姆 (10 September 1624 29 December 1689) 是一位英国医生,他指出,直接与医生相关的并不是解剖学的实践,生理学实验,而是被疾病所困扰的患者。,在他的医疗实践中,最重要的事情是最大程度上满足患者的需要。,The Father of English Medicine 英国医学之父,Although Sydenham was a highly successful practitioner and witnessed, have a fame as the father of English medicine, or the English Hippocrates, was posthumous. 成就: 1. 天花的冷却疗法; 2. 鸦片酊:鸦片的第一种酊剂形式; 3. 用一种含有奎宁的金鸡纳树皮来治疗疟疾。,Nosology / 疾病分类学,西登汉姆最具代表性的观点:应该绘制一个表现疾病各种客观特征的全面图景。,“The works of Thomas Sydenham“, RG Latham: I believe that the moral element of a liberal and candid spirit went hand in hand with the intellectual qualifications of observation, analysis and comparison.“,Nosology / 疾病分类学,为什么同一种类的疾病,症状和过程具有一致性?因为同种疾病具有相同的致病原因。 这里的原因是明显的和复合的原因,换句话来说,是致病的现象。同时他认为追溯那些间接的原因是白费力气。,疾病分类学暗示了因果性的观念,Acute diseases and Chronic diseases,急性疾病, (比如发烧和感染) He regarded as a wholesome conservative effort or reaction of the organism to meet the blow of some injurious influence operating from without; in this he followed the Hippocratic teaching closely as well as the Hippocratic practice of watching and aiding the natural crises.,Acute diseases and Chronic diseases,慢性疾病 were a depraved state of the humours, mostly due to errors of diet and general manner of life, for which we ourselves were directly accountable.,Sydenhams nosological method is essentially the modern one.,Pharmacopoeia came into being in Europe,1618年; 包括对植物样本的鉴定和复合药剂的制备; 药学和药物说明的参考书。 伦敦药典作为大不列颠王国全国性药典,在当时对药品标准化,促进药品管理方面起了重大作用,至今英国药典在世界上仍有一定权威性。,1618, the royal college of physicians, london.,直到1617年,医药在英国是由药店和食品杂货商共同销售的。在1617年,药店拥有了一种独立的性质,法律规定,食品杂货商不许经营医药。 医生所开药物的制备工作成为药剂师的责任。这使得作为一个配药师的压力大大增加,他们不得不更加准确地配制药物。医学院在1618年5月颁布的药典,医学院的检察官为药剂师管理员赋予权力检查伦敦的药店,销毁了所有没有被忠实地配置的药物。,The Birth of Pharmacopoeia 药典的诞生,At this period the compounds employed in medicine were often heterogeneous(多种多样的) mixtures, some of which contained from 20 to 70, or more, ingredients(组分、配料). And some of them were doubtful.,Pharmacopoeia,New medicine from overseas 海外新药,In th eage of discovery, explorers, missionaries(传教士), and colonizers were returning to Europe with unknown plants, many with supposed medicinal properties.,New medicine from overseas,其中最著名的是秘鲁树皮 (cinchona officinalis),在1630至1640年间被引入欧洲。由基督会士(jesuit priests) 推广。他们将粉末状的金鸡纳树皮发给发烧的人。后来,人们发现这种树皮对于疟疾有特效。奎宁(quinine)和生物碱(alkaloid)都是其中的组分。,Other introductions to Europe from the Americas included the practice of smoking the dried leaves of the tobacco plant, nicotiana(烟草花), brought to England by sir walter raleigh in the sixteenth century, primarily as a medicine.,New medicine from overseas,Thus began the long history of a valuable and much-abused drug, nicotine, one of the plants constituent alkaloids.,探险者还从巴西带回了土根( ipecacuanha)。这种灌木被当地人视为疗效显著的药品。这种植物的根部经干燥后,可以治疗很多疾病:acute diarrhoea(腹泻), such as amoebic dysentery(痢疾), is an effective emetic in some case of poisoning, and, in small doses, in used as a cough expectorant(化痰剂). 当今很多民族药典中仍旧包含这种植物的有效成分,这个事实证明了这种植物的有效性。,New medicine from overseas,Rhyme from st. bartholomews hospital, london, published in 1923: Oh, dover was a pirate and he sailed the spanish main. A hacking cough convulsed him; he had a


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