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专题二 介词和动词短语,高考英语 (浙江专用),题组一 介词,三年模拟,A组 20172019年高考模拟考点基础题组,1.(2019浙江名校协作体二模,60)The word cryptology comes the Greek“kyptos logos”. It means “hidden word”.,答案 from 句意:“密码学”这个词来自希腊语“kyptos logos”。意思是“隐藏字”。本 句中,所填单词和之前的单词一起组成come from,表示“来自”之意。,2.(2019浙江江山中学一模,61)A girl big eyes from Jiangshan High School won first prize in the contest.,答案 with 句意:在比赛中, 来自江山中学的一位大眼睛的姑娘获得了一等奖。本句中,with 意为“具有”。,3.(2019广东华南师大附中期中)It is unbelievable that the old man leads a simple life his great wealth.,答案 despite 句意:令人难以置信的是,尽管很富有,但是那位老先生过着简朴的生活。根据 句意可知,此处用despite,意为“尽管”。,4.(2019浙江宁海三中月考)The father said that he was sure his son could achieve the goal time.,答案 in 句意:父亲说他确信他儿子迟早会达到目标的。in time迟早。,5.(2018浙江宁波5月模拟,57)Take plastics an example.,答案 as 句意:以塑料为例。take.as an example表示“以为例”。,答案 by 根据“一个人得到一本书有两种方法,其中一种方法就是通过购买”和分析句子 成分可知,paying for it在句中作方式状语,故答案为by。,6.(2018浙江台州一模, 59)There are two ways one can own a book. One is to get the ownership paying for it, just as you pay for clothes and furniture.,7.(2018浙江绍兴二模,64)We should be open various ideas, but always think and decide for ourselves.,答案 to 句意:我们应该对各种各样的观点持开放态度,但总是独立思考和决定。be open to 对开放。,8.(2018河北名校联盟, 68)Apart the academic benefit, life at university can also allow stu- dents to develop their interests in many fields.,答案 from 句意:除了学术上的好处,大学生活还可以让学生在许多领域中发展自己的兴 趣。apart from除了。,题组二 动词短语,1.(2019浙江建德期末联考,65)But I am concerned the friendship with Sally. What should I do?,答案 about 考查动词短语。句意:但是我很在意和Sally的友谊。我该怎么办呢?此处,be concerned about是固定短语,表示“担忧”,故填about。,2.(2019上海虹口期末)You must take advantage this chance to get clear of the history of the castle.,答案 of 句意:你必须利用这次机会搞清楚那个城堡的历史。take advantage of利用。,3.(2019浙江衢州期末)The study shows that body language can give a lot about your mood.,答案 away 句意:研究表明肢体语言可能会泄露许多你的情绪。give away泄露。,4.(2018浙江杭州一模, 63)I ended as a manager of this company after years of hard work.,答案 up 句意:在多年的辛苦工作之后,我最终成了这家公司的经理。end up最终成为。,5.(2018江淮十校联考, 64)He was satisfied it, and drove it to work in the very next day.,答案 with be satisfied with sth.对某事/物感到满意。,6.(2017浙江3月大联考, 57) It occurred me that I had an opportunity to perform an act of kindness.,答案 to 句意:我突然想到我有一个可以做善事的机会。occur to表示“(主意或想法突然) 浮现于脑中,被想起,被想到”。,B组 20172019年高考模拟专题综合题组 题组一 介词,1.(2019安徽合肥一模,55)The man hesitated for only a moment taking a deep breath and said,“Yes, Ill do it if it will save her.”,答案 before 考查介词。此处的语境是那人只犹豫了一下就深吸了一口气说他愿意。be- fore意为“在之前”。,2.(2019浙江宁波北仑4月模拟,65)His desire was that no child would ever spend Christmas a special Christmas fruit!,答案 without 考查介词。句意:他的愿望是所有的孩子都在圣诞节有一个特殊的圣诞水果! 根据句意可知此处用without,双重否定表示肯定。,3.(2019浙江宁波五校模拟)I, behalf of everyone in our class, welcome you to be here.,答案 on 句意:我代表我们班的每一个人欢迎你来这里。on behalf of为固定词组,意为“代 表”。,4.(2019浙江萧山一模,59)The woman said she was by no means annoyed; the contrary, she was glad to hear the different opinion.,答案 on 句意:那个女士说她一点儿都不生气,正相反,她很高兴听到不同的意见。on the contrary意为“正相反”。,5.(2018浙江名校联盟二模, 64)The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is that we can entirely be free dust.,答案 of/from 句意:雨季最令人愉快的事是我们可以彻底地远离尘土。be free of/from表示 “远离”。,6.(2018浙江金丽衢一模,56)He put an advertisement a newspaper for a man to work in his office.,答案 in in a newspaper意为“在报纸上”。如果表示的是报纸里的内容,要用介词in,不用 on。,7.(2018浙江金华十校一模,64)She says every time she reads a new poem, she thinks of the theme and tries to write one her own.,答案 on 句意:她说每次当她读到一首新的诗歌的时候,她都会思考其主题,并尝试自己独立 地写一首。on ones own 意为“独立地”。 易混辨析 on ones own 的意思是“独自地;独立地”,而of ones own的意思是“属于某人自 己的”。如:I did one on my own. 我自己做了一个。I have a bedroom of my own. 我有一个属 于我自己的卧室。,8.(2017浙江鄞州4月模拟,61)The nighttime snacks are not good your health.,答案 for 句意:夜间的零食对你的身体健康不利。此处考查固定词组be good for sb./sth.。,9.(2017浙江宁诺附中质检,65)When you are talking to someone by texting, physical touch does not exist at all, which can limit the connection the people in the communication.,答案 between 句意:当你和某人通过短信交流的时候,身体的接触根本不存在,这会限制交 流的人之间的联系。考查介词。此处指在交流双方之间,所以用between。,题组二 动词短语,1.(2019湖北武汉十二校联考,58)In the past, the village was almost cut from the world.,答案 off 句意:在过去,这个村庄几乎与世隔绝。cut off使与外界隔绝。,2.(2019上海静安二模,61) Still angry, the girl turned the boys request for another ap- pointment.,答案 down 句意:由于还在生气,那个女孩拒绝了男生再次约会的请求。考查动词短语。 turn down拒绝。,3.(2019河西三地市联考,62)On their arrival there, they got down the serious work.,答案 to 句意:一到那里,他们就开始认真工作。get down to 开始做。,4.(2018浙江金丽衢十二校二模,62)Everyone else stepped over the book I had put the floor purposely.,答案 on put.on.意为“把放在上”。,5.(2018山东济宁联考,62)So when Angelicas post office was informed of closure in the 1980s, resident Pat Kaake came up a plan to save it.,答案 with 句意:所以在20世纪80年代,当Angelica的邮局被告知将要关闭的时候,居民Pat Kaake想出了一个计划来拯救它。come up with意为“想出”。,6.(2017浙江名校协作体4月,63)Nowadays, in my second semester, I feel like I have almost adapt- ed the university life.,答案 to 句意:现在,在我的第二个学期,我感觉我基本上适应了大学生活。动词短语adapt to 表示“适应”。,C组 20172019年高考模拟应用创新题组 Passage 1(用适当的介词或副词填空) In the chemistry lab,because 1 a students carelessness,the tube cracked and the liquid in it caused a fire on the table.Fortunately,he put it out 2 time at last. In fact,it is common to have some small accidents caused 3 carelessness.I used to enjoy cook- ing,so I always sought a chance to cook.However,the desire led 4 an accident. Once I stayed 5 home alone.I decided to cook.I put all the food I needed 6 a pot.Then I had to wait 7 it to boil.In order to kill the waiting time,I went to watch TV.Only in a few minutes was I fascinated by a wonderful programme.It was about half an hour later that I remembered my food.I turned 8 the cooker immediately but unfortunately the food ran over 9 the pot.I was blamed and had to clean the kitchen. So we should pay attention 10 everything we are doing to avoid accidents.,答案 语篇解读 本文为记叙文。作者通过自己的经历告诉读者在日常生活中应该处处小心以免 发生意外。 1.of 设空处后的中心词为名词carelessness,设空处前为because,由此可判断设空处填of。be- cause of是介词短语,意为:由于。 2.in 句意:幸运的是,最后他及时将火扑灭了。in time及时。 3.by 句意:事实上,由于粗心而导致一些小事故很常见。by意为:被,由。本句中“caused.” 作定语,修饰accidents。 4.to 句意:然而,这种欲望却导致了一次事故。lead to是动词短语,意为:导致。 5.at 句意:一次我独自待在家里。stay at home为固定短语,意为:待在家里。 6.into 句意:我将我所需要的所有食物都放进一口锅里。o.将放进。 7.for wait for为固定短语,意为:等待。 8.off turn off关闭煤气、电路等。 9.from run over from从中溢出。 10.to pay attention to为固定短语,意为:注意。,Passage 2(用适当的介词或副词填空) My husband and I were paying a visit 1 my parents in Tucson.We went to a fast food restaurant 2 dinner together.My husband went to the counter to order dishes and I stood with my parents. My dad is 90 years old.He can hardly see very well and walks 3 a stick.I was scanning the restaurant,waiting to sit at the first table that was more convenient than others.A woman who was sitting with her son made eye contact 4 me and asked me to come to her.With a puzzled look 5 my face,I pointed 6 myself and said,“Me?” She nodded and said,“Yes,you.”I walked to the table and she said,“Bring your family here.I can finish eating at the counter.My son is 7 a hurry to leave anyway.” My eyes were filled with tears as she wiped 8 the table and guid- ed my dad to the seat. I always believe that there are naturally kind people 9 this world.This woman has set a good example 10 her son,who is a really lucky guy.,答案 语篇解读 本文为记叙文。作者一家去一家快餐店吃饭,由于老父亲行动不便,作者想等着 坐第一张桌子,因为那张桌子比其他的更方便。这时一位女士主动给他们让座还帮他们擦干 净桌子,并帮着搀扶作者的老父亲坐下,这使得作者深信世上还是好心人多。 1.to pay a visit to为固定短语,意为:拜访。 2.for 句意:我们去了一家快餐店一起吃饭。for表示目的,意为:为了。 3.with with表示使用工具或手段。 4.with make eye contact with sb.为固定短语,意为:用眼神交流,目光相遇。 5.on 此处表示“我脸上的表情”,故用介词on。 6.to point to为固定短语,意为:指着。 7.in in a hurry为固定短语,意为:匆忙,仓促。 8.down wipe down the table表示:把桌子彻底擦干净。 9.in in this world为固定短语,意为:在这个世界上。 10.to set an example to.为固定短语,意为:为树立榜样。,题组一 介词 1.(2019江苏,27)Favorable policies are effect to encourage employees professional devel- opment.,历年高考试题汇编,答案 in 句意:为了鼓励员工的职业发展,一些有利的政策开始生效。in effect生效。,2.(2018北京,14)Good morning, Mr. Lees office. Good morning. Id like to make an appointment next Wednesday afternoon.,答案 for 句意:早上好,这里是Lee先生的办公室。早上好,我想预约下周三下午的 见面。本题考查介词的基本用法。appointment for.在此处表示“的预约”。,3.(2018天津,11)Bob thought he couldnt go to the party because he had to write a report, but he went all.,答案 after 句意:由于得写一份报告,鲍勃原以为自己参加不了那场聚会了,但是他最后还是 去参加了。本题考查介词短语。after all还是,终究。故填after。,4.(2018江苏,33)Chinas soft power grows in line the increasing appreciation and under- standing of China globally.,答案 with 句意:中国软实力的增长是与全球对中国不断增长的欣赏和理解紧密相连的。 考查介词短语。in line with为固定短语,意为:与相似;与紧密相连。,5.(2017北京,35)Many people who live along the coast make a living fishing industry.,答案 in 句意:很多居住在沿海的人都从事捕鱼业谋生。本题考查介词。in表示“从事某 种工作”,符合语境。,6.(2017天津,12)When you drive through the Redwood Forests in California, you will be trees that are over 1,000 years old.,答案 among 句意:当你开车穿越加利福尼亚州的红杉林时,你会置身于树龄超过一千年的 树木之中。设空处应该用介词表示“在之中”,故用among。,7.(2017江苏,32)Determining where we are in relation our surroundings remains an essen- tial skill for our survival.,答案 to 句意:通过对比我们周围的环境来确定我们的位置仍然是我们生存的重要技能。 本题考查介词短语。in relation to sth.“相对某事物而言”,符合语境,故此处填to。,8.(2016浙江,6)That young man is honest, cooperative, always there when you need his help. short, hes reliable.,答案 In 句意:那个年轻人诚实且有合作精神,当你需要他帮忙的时候,他总是在那儿。简言 之,他是值得信赖的。in short 简言之。,9.(2016浙江,7)The study suggests that the cultures we grow up influence the basic pro- cesses by which we see the world around us.,答案 in 句意:这项研究表明我们成长的文化影响我们看待周围世界的基本环节。本句采 用定语从句的形式考查介词。“we grow up ”为定语从句,先行词为the cultures,将先 行词代入定语从句后为:We grow up in the cultures.故设空处填介词in。,10.(2015浙江,10)Most people work because its unavoidable. contrast,there are some peo- ple who actually enjoy work.,答案 By 句意:大多数人工作是因为那是不可避免的,相比之下,还有一些人是真的喜欢工 作。by contrast相比之下,对比而言。,11.(2015浙江,17)These comments came in response specific questions often asked by local newsmen.,答案 to 句意:对于当地新闻记者常常问起的特定问题,这些评论正好作出了回复。in re- sponse to作为对的回应。,12.(2015浙江,3)Have you ever heard of the trees that are homes animals both on land and sea?,答案 to 句意:你听说过成为在陆地上和海里的动物的栖息地的树吗?be home to为固定搭 配,意为:是的栖息地。,13.(2015重庆,10)Last year was the warmest year on record,with global temperature 0.68 the average.,答案 above 句意:去年是有记录以来最温暖的一年,全球气温超过了平均气温0.68摄氏度。 根据语境可知此处表示“在之上,高于”,所以要用介词above。,14.(2015江苏,34)Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around but Thomas Edison.,答案 for 句意:要不是Thomas Edison,许多现在让我们获益的东西都不会存在。根据句意 和该句中的虚拟语气可知答案为for。but for要不是。,15.(2015安徽,33)They believe that there are transport developments the corner that will bring a lot of changes for the better.,答案 around 句意:他们相信交通的发展就要到来了,这将会带来很多更好的变化。around the corner就要到来。,16.(2015福建,22)A common memory they all have their schooldays is the school uniform.,答案 of 句意:他们对于他们学生时代的共同记忆是校服。本句包含一个定语从句“they all have their schooldays”,将先行词memory代入定语从句后为:They all have a common memory their schooldays.由此可见设空处填of。of可用于说明动作的名词之后,表示动 作的对象。,17.(2015福建,32)Human life is regarded as part of nature and,as such,the only way for us to sur- vive is to live in harmony nature.,答案 with 句意:人类生活被认为是大自然的一部分,严格说来,我们生存的唯一方式是与大 自然和睦相处。in harmony with与协调。,18.(2015湖北,30)This meeting room is a non-smoking area.I would like to warn you ad- vance that if you smoked here you would be fined.,答案 in 句意:这间会议室是无烟区。我想事先提醒你如果在这儿吸烟的话你会被罚款 的。in advance提前,事先。,19.(2015陕西,12)The little pupil took his grandma the arm and walked her across the street.,答案 by 句意:那个小学生挽着奶奶的手臂带她过了马路。take sb.by the arm“挽着某人的 手臂”。此处的by表示“抓着(物体或身体的某个部位)”。,20.(2014重庆,7)She drove so fast at the turn that the car almost went the road.,答案 off 句意:她在转弯处开得如此快,以至于车差点偏离公路。off 离开,偏离。,21.(2014福建,22)Our club is open to everyone regardless age,sex or educational back- ground.,答案 of 句意:我们的俱乐部对所有人开放,不分年龄、性别和教育背景。regardless of不管, 不顾。,22.(2014浙江,10)While staying in the village,James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything return.,答案 in 句意:在村庄停留期间,James无私地和村民分享他所拥有的一切,不要求任何回 报。,23.(2014浙江,12)Facing up to your problems instead running away from them is the best approach to working things out.,答案 of 句意:面对你的问题而不是逃避它们才是解决问题的最好办法。instead of 而不 是。,24.(2014陕西,14)The Scottish girl blue eyes won the first prize in the Fifth Chinese Speech Contest.,答案 with 句意:在第五届汉语演讲比赛中,那位有着一双蓝色眼睛的苏格兰姑娘获得了一 等奖。with表示“具有”。,25.(2014江西,33)It is unbelievable that Mr.Lucas leads a simple life his great wealth.,答案 despite 句意:令人难以置信的是,尽管很富有,Lucas先生过着简朴的生活。despite 尽 管。,题组二 动词短语,1.(2019江苏,24)More wind power stations will spring to meet the demand for clean energy.,答案 up 句意:为了满足对清洁能源的需求,更多的风力发电站将会迅速出现。spring up迅 速出现;突然兴起。,2.(2018天津,3)At first Robert wouldnt let his daughter go diving, but eventually he gave as she was so confident about her skills.,答案 in 句意:起初罗伯特不让他女儿去潜水,但他最终还是妥协了,因为她对自己的(潜水) 技能很自信。本题考查动词短语。give in屈服;让步;投降。,3.(2018江苏,25)Developing the Yangtze River Economic Belt is a systematic project which calls a clear road map and timetable.,答案 for 句意:开发长江经济带是一个系统化的工程,这项工程需要一个清晰的路线图和时 间表。考查动词短语。call for 需要;要求。,4.(2017天津,5)Mr. and Mrs. Brown would like to see their daughter settle , get married, and have kids.,答案 down 句意:Brown夫妇想看到他们的女儿定居、结婚生子。settle down表示“过安定 的生活,安定下来”,符合语境。,5.(2017江苏,25)Working with the medical team in Africa has brought the best in her as a doctor.,答案 out 句意:在非洲医疗队的工作让她作为医生的才能得到了最大限度的发挥。本题考 查动词短语。bring out意为“使显现,使表现出”,符合语境,故填out。,6.(2016浙江,12)When their children lived far away from them, these old people felt cut from the world.,答案 off 句意:当孩子们住得离这些老年人远时,他们就觉得与世隔绝。cut off使与外 界隔绝。,7.(2016天津,14)I hate it when she calls me at workIm always too busy to carry a con- versation with her.,答案 on 句意:我讨厌上班时她给我打电话我总是很忙,没法和她进行谈话。carry on 进行,从事。,8.(2016天津,12)Im going to take advantage this tour to explore the history of the castle.,答案 of 句意:我打算利用这次旅行去探索那座城堡的历史。take advantage of利用。,9.(2016天津,8)Mary was silent during the early part of the discussion but finally she gave voice her opinion on the subject.,答案 to 句意:在讨论的前期玛丽一言不发,但最后她就这个话题发表了意见。give voice to 表露心声,表白心迹。,10.(2016江苏,30)Many businesses started up by college students have taken thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation.,答案 off 句意:多亏宽松的创业环境,很多大学生创办的公司都已经取得成功了。take off成 功,起飞。,11.(2015江苏,27)The university started some new language programs to cater the country s Silk Road Economic Belt.,答案 for 句意:这所大学开设了一些新的语言课程来满足该国丝绸之路经济带的需要。 cater for满足的需要。,12.(2015江苏,29)The whole team count Cristiano Ronaldo,and he seldom lets them down.,答案 on 句意:整个队都指望着Cristiano Ronaldo,他很少让他们失望。count on意为:指望, 依赖。,13.(2015天津,10)Tom had to turn the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy.,答案 down 句意:因为太忙了,


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