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超高层住宅案例收集,20121008刘雅蕴,香港凯旋门,香港贝沙湾,香港擎天半岛,香港晓庐,深圳万科俊园,深圳擎天华庭,澳大利亚黄金海岸Q1大厦,新加坡吉宝湾Daniel Libeskind,Reflections住宅群坐落在新加坡历史悠久的吉宝湾(keppel bay)750米长的海岸线上,建筑群附近有花柏山、吉宝湾高尔夫球场、拉布拉多公园、圣淘沙岛和即将兴建的综合度假村。而这个项目将建造1129间住宅和11座别墅,预期于2011年完工。 该项目占地8.4万平方米,大厦群一共由六座大厦和11座别墅组成组成,大厦和大厦间通过天桥或者低层别墅连在一起。建筑呈现出惊人的倾斜状,外观光滑、弯曲,而建筑又非常高,因此建筑上层之间的间隙特别大。建筑细节的设计都是为了增加人与大海和风景之间的距离,建筑群更是被周围茂密的树林所环绕。而有些别墅正是设计在塔楼的顶部,可以一览吉宝湾全景。,MVRDV Teda Urban Fabric天津,An urban plan for housing and retail in Tianjin, China. The plan foresees a development of towers and low-rise typologies following the old street pattern following be it densified the traditional urban setting. The re-introduction of Chinese residential typologies and creation of public space are further characteristics of the plan that is about to be completed. Recently, in China, many old neighborhoods are being replaced by new ones. The existing urban patterns are being erased and a new town is built without any specific links to what was previously there. In case of TEDA town, re-using most of the existing tree lined street, gives a series of plots on which the program can be positioned. To combine the street feeling with the total requested amount of square meters, a mix of towers and low-rise typologies was proposed. Each tower is combined with an open space, opening up the dense pattern of the existing streets. The towers are positioned to combine light and views and leave enough space for low-rise developments. The low-rise housing is organized in pure patio houses and in townhouses of 3-4 layers. On the main streets the ground floor can be used as shops and studios. Parking is organized in several underground garages.,MVRDV GWANGGYO POWER CENTRE (SOUEL),MVRDV wins Gwanggyo Power Centre Competition, near Seoul, South Korea (Rotterdam, December 3rd, 2008) The Daewoo Consortium and the municipality of Gwanggyo announced the MVRDV concept design for a dense city centre winner of the developers competition for the future new town of Gwanggyo, located 35km south of the Korean capital Seoul. The plan consists of a series of overgrown hill shaped buildings with great programmatic diversity, aiming for high urban density and encouragement of further developments around this so-called Power Centre, one of the envisioned two centres of the future new town. Since the beginning of the millennium local nodes with a high density concentration of mixed program are used in Korean town planning. These nodes consist of a mix of public, retail, culture, housing, offices and leisure generating life in new metropolitan areas and encouraging further developments around them: the Power Centre strategy. The Gwanggyo Power Centre will consist of 200,000m2 housing, 48,000m2 offices, 200,000m2 mix of culture, retail, leisure and education and 200,000m2 parking. This divers program has different needs for phasing, positioning and size. To facilitate this all elements are designed as rings. By pushing these rings outwards, every part of the program receives a terrace for outdoor life. Plantations around the terraces with a floor to floor circulation system store water and irrigate the plants. The roofs of these hills and the terraces are planted with box hedges creating a strong, recognizable, cohesive park. This vertical park will improve the climate and ventilation, reduce energy and water usage. As a result a series of overgrown green hills appear in the landscape. The site is surrounded by a beautiful lake and forested hills, the design aims to create a landscape on top of the new program that enlarges the green qualities and that links the surrounding parks by turning the site into a park.,MVRDV,THE CARVED OUT TOWER In the center of the Fiero Milano development, a residential high-rise forms together with a neighboring office tower a monumental twin pair that symbolizes the ambitions of the new neighborhood: a mix of housing and working. The residential tower is conceived as a stone figure, that counterbalances the glass and transparency of the office tower. It shelters its domestic component. The apartments are grouped around a core, which allows for different apartment types and sizes. By carving out parts of the floor plates, a series of protected, communal niches are created. The adjacent apartment are being given access to terraces. By connecting these terraces with stairs a communal spirit can be achieved. It forms almost Balinese pocketparks with communal aspirations. It allows for apartments with neighborhood possibilities. A combination of cosmopolitan housing and suburban qualities. The terraces create addresses for the otherwise anonymous apartments. Glass curtains protect the pockets from extreme climatic conditions. These curtains are suspended from the ceilings of the niches by means of steel wires. The glass plates are operable by simple mechanisms allowing for open air conditions on nice days.,MVRDV,The demand for a new tower in Rdovre, the near periphery of Copenhagen, raises the issue as to what kind of tower should be added to the skyline of the capital. Should it be a sphere, a spire, a cube? And is it only form that counts? Can one imagine a tower that is more than merely form-driven? What content can be given to the new tower? Can it criticize and improve the somewhat commercial and hollow iconic architectural developments of the last years? After several booming years, the recent Danish real estate economy is relatively unstable and unclear. Right now, the housing market is slowing down, and developments focus more towards office-space. That demands, particularly in places like Rdovre, situated between Copenhagen and the eastern countryside, for a new concept for the upcoming buildings. One that shows flexibility. Where offices can easily be transformed into housing - and vice versa. Where smaller units can be transformed into bigger ones - and vice versa. How to realise this flexibility? By creating a tower that is a grid structure with a minimal pixel size, any configuration can be imagined and filled in. The grid-size of 7.8 x 7.8 m combines a good parking grid, a proper housing unit and office type (a unit of 7.8 x 7,8 x 4 m, approx. 60 m2 or 240 m3), that can easily accommodate a large variety of tenants, e.g. young people that want to live close to the city and starters in the office market. Small offices and home offices a vertical SOHO! The units, or pixe


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