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,高尿酸血症:病因还是标志?,HUA的流行病学,高尿酸血症 男性:8.2% 19.8% 女性:5.1% 7.6% 保守估计:目前我国约有1.2亿, 约占总人口的10% 高血压患者:25%未治疗者、50%服用利尿剂者、75% 的恶性高血压患者伴有高尿酸血症 肾脏病人群常见: 在刚开始透析的患者中约50%具有高尿酸血症 IgA 肾病患者中高尿酸血症的发生率为29.6%,尿酸的特性,弱的有机酸,168D 单价钠盐,分布于血浆、细胞外液,尿酸的代谢与排泄,人类嘌呤代谢的终末产物,来源,排泄,80%经肾排泄,肾小球滤过及肾小管分泌、重吸收 20%经胆道和肠道排泄,外源性:食物中的嘌呤,占体内尿酸20%, 内源性: 体内合成或核酸分解,占体内尿酸80%,在正常人体中,每天约有600mg尿酸产生,同时也有等量尿酸排出体外,以保持平衡状态,尿酸及嘌呤代谢,尿酸排泄减少,目前发现4个尿酸盐转运蛋白(离子通道)参与了人近曲小管对尿酸盐的转运: 生电型的尿酸盐转运子/通道hUAT 电中性的尿酸盐/阴离子交换子hURAT1 有机阴离子家族成员hOAT1、hOAT3 任何一个参与人近曲小管尿酸转运的蛋白质基因突变或多态、功能障碍都会导致其表达量或功能障碍,均可能引起尿酸排泄减少,属多基因遗传。,高尿酸血症的原因,高尿酸产生的原因?,American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 52, No 5 (November), 2008: pp 994-1009,什么是高尿酸血症?,正常嘌呤饮食状态下,非同日两次空腹血尿酸水平 男420umol/l (7mg/dl) 女357umol/l (6mg/dl),无症状高尿酸血症合并心血管疾病诊治建议中国专家共识 ,常见高尿酸人群,Hypertension. 2003;41:1183-1190,高尿酸血症的分型,# 高尿酸血症患者低嘌呤饮食5 d后, 留取24 h尿检测尿尿酸水平 # 尿酸清除率:(Cua, 尿尿酸每分钟尿量/血尿酸) # 考虑到肾功能对尿酸排泄的影响, 以肌酐清除率(Ccr)校正, 根据Cua /Ccr 比值对HUA分型如下: 10%为尿酸生成过多型; 5%为尿酸排泄不良型; 5%10%为混合型,中国医师协会心血管内科医师分会, 中国医师协会循证医学专业委员会,临 床 表 现,痛风,临 床 表 现,肾结石,临 床 表 现,无症状高尿酸血症:患者往往合并肥胖、高血压、高脂血症、糖尿病、动脉硬化、冠心病、脑血管疾病等。,无症状性HUA,无症状性HUA是指血尿酸水平升高,但临床上没有尿酸盐沉积的任何症状和体征。 国际上将HUA定义为:正常嘌呤饮食状态下,非同日两次空腹血尿酸水平男420umol/l (7mg/dl)女357umol/l (6mg/dl),无症状性高尿酸血症的危害,肾脏损害? 冠心病? 心力衰竭? 高血压? 糖尿病? 高甘油三酯血症? 代谢综合征?,高尿酸:危害肾损害?,Cleve Clin J Med. 2008 Jul;75 Suppl 5:S13-6,高尿酸增加肾衰竭风险,Risk of renal failure in a prospective cohort study of 49,413 Japanese men stratified into quartiles by serum urate level. Risk was calculated relative to the quartile with “moderate” serum urate levels.5,高尿酸:危害肾损害?,Cumulative incidence of ESRD according to baseline serum uric acid level in men and women. The study period was from 1993 to 2000. To convert serumuric acid in mg/dL tomol/L, multiply by 59.48.,Am J Kidney Dis, 2004, 44: 642 - 650.,基线血尿酸水平越高,ESRD发生率越高,尿酸与冠心病,芝加哥心脏研究Levine W, Dyer AR , Shekelle RB , et al. Serum uric acid and 11.5- year mortality of middle2aged women : findings of the Chicago Heart Association Detection Project in Industry. J Clin Epidemiol ,1989,42:257-267 美国第一次全国健康与营养调查(NHANES研究) Freedman DS , Williamson DF , Gunter EW, et al. Relation of serum uric acid to mortality and ischemic heartdisease. The NHANES I Epidemiologic Follow2up Study. Am J Epidemiol. 1995, 141:637-644 MONICA研究 Meisinger, Christa, Koenig, Wolfgang, Baumert, Jens, Doring, Angeta. Uric Acid levels are associated with all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality independent of Systemic Inflammation in Men from the general population: The MONICA/KORA Cohort study. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 2008, 28(6): 1186-1192,尿酸是冠心病死亡独立危险因素,尿酸与冠心病,MRFIT研究 Gout and the risk of acute myocardial infarction. Arthritis Rheum 2006; 54:26882696 Krishnan E, Baker JF, Furst DE, Schumacher HR Jr. PIUMA研究 Relation between serum uric acid and risk of cardiovascular disease in essential hypertension. The PIUMA study. Hypertension 2000; 36:10721078 Verdecchia P, Schillaci G, Reboldi G, Rotterdam队列研究Uric acid is a risk factor for myocardial infarction and stroke: the Rotterdam Study. Stroke 2006; 37:15031507 Bos MJ , Koudstaal PJ 美国worksite研究 . Serum Uric Acid and Cardiovascular Events in Successfully Treated Hypertensive Patients. Hypertension. 1999;34:144-150 Michael H. Alderman; Hillel Cohen;,尿酸是心血管事件的独立危险因素,尿酸与心力衰竭,Hyperuricaemia and long-term outcome after hospital discharge in acute heart failure patients. Eur J Heart Fail. 2007, 9: 437-439 Pascual-Figal DA, Hurtado-Martinez Serum Level OF Uric Acid, Partly Secreted From the Failing Heart, is a Prognostic Marker in Patients With Congestive Heart Failure. Circ J 2006, 70: 1006-1011 Hiroshi Sakai, Takayoshi Tsutamoto,研究显示:HUA可作为急慢性心力衰竭死亡的独立预测指标,HUA与高血压,1 7. Jossa F , Farinaro E , Panico S , et al. Serum uric acid and hypertension: the Olivetti heart study. J Hum Hypertens. 1994 ,8 : 6672681Waddington C. Elevated uric acid can raise risk for CHD. Cardiol Today ,1999 ,2 :15. 2 SundstromJ ,Sullivan L D ,Agostino R B ,et al. Relation of serum uric acid to longitudinal blood pressure tracking and hypertension incidence. Hypertension ,2005 ,45 :28233 3 张红叶,李 莹,陶寿淇,周北凡,田秀珍,于学海,杨 军.血清尿酸与四年后血压变化及高血压发病的关系.高血压杂志,2001 ,9 (2): 160-163 4 Feig DI, Johnson RJ. Hyperuricemia in childhood primary hypertension. 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Obermayr, Renate Klauser-Braun.,Use of Allopurinol in Slowing the Progression of Renal Disease Through its Ability to Lower Serum Uric Acid Level.Am J Kidney Dis 2006:47:51-59 Yui-Pong Siu, MRCP, Kay-Tai Leung, MRCP,尿酸与肾损害?,高尿酸血症肾病病理生理基础,尿酸结晶启动炎症反应:激活补体系统、炎性细胞、释放炎症因子及细胞因子,使局部炎症反应放大。 尿酸盐结晶导致梗阻 主要机制:导致肾小球前动脉病变、激活RAS系统和COX2从而血压升高;尿酸是血管平滑肌细胞的有丝分裂原,直接刺激血管平滑肌细胞增殖。,高尿酸血症肾病的临床分型,急性尿酸性肾病:如横纹肌溶解、肿瘤。往往导致ARF。机制为尿酸在远端肾单位的肾小管形成结晶。 慢性尿酸性肾病:首先排除继发性因素。 Scr132umol/L, UA536umol/L Scr132176umol/L, UA595umol/L Scr176umol/L,UA714umol/L,病 理,急性尿酸性肾病:管腔内可见尿酸盐结晶 慢性尿酸性肾病:小管间质的慢性病变,尿酸在远端小管和间质沉积,炎性细胞的浸润,长期可见小球硬化,血管硬化,实验室检查,尿液检查:PH,24H尿尿酸800mg.600mg,判断排泄和生成。 血尿酸:空腹8小时。正常男性:149416;女性89387 影像学检查 肾活检 基因异常及遗传病的检查,治 疗,尿酸一把双刃


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