



Unit 2 What time is it ?-Part A练习题一、判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同,相同打“”,不相同打“”( ) 1. A. girl B. dirt C. birth( ) 2. A. number B. hamburger C. nurse( ) 3. A. breakfast B. bread C. teacher( ) 4. A. lunch B. run C. uncle( ) 5. A. play B. today C. way二、看图片,连线A. kid B. run C. dinner D. lunch E. breakfast三、选择合适的答案( )1. School is _.A. over B. go C. come( ) 2. _ is it now?Its 5 oclock. A. How many B. What colour C. What time( ) 3. Its time _ lunch.A. to B. at C. for ( ) 4. Its 8 a.m. Its time for _.A. PE class B. dinner C. lunch( ) 5. Its time for music class.Lets _.A. read and write B. jump and run C. sing and dance四、连词成句1. class, time, English, Its, for (.)_ 2. some, Lets, milk, drink (.)_ 3. there, is, What, it, time (?)w w w._ 4. the, Lets, to, playground, go (.)_ 五、补全对话并判断对错(选择句子并填到合适的位置上,只填序号)Mike: 1. _Wu Yifan: Im in London.Mike: 2. _Wu Yifan: Its 12 at noon. 3. _Mike: Im in Beijing. 4. _ 5. _Wu Yifan: Goodbye.Mike: Bye.A. Its time to watch TV.B. Its 8 p.m.C. Where are you?D. Its time for lunch.E. What time is it?根据上文,判断对错。对的写“T”,不对的写“F”。( ) 6. Wu Yifan is in London.( ) 7. Wu Yifan has to (必须) have PE class now.( ) 8. Mike is in London, too. w w w.( ) 9. Its 4 oclock in Beijing.( ) 10. Mike is going to (将要) watch TV.参考答案:一、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二、1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. E三、1. A 2. C 点拨:既然回答:“五点整。”那么肯定是问几点了。3. C 点拨:lunch是名词,所以用Its time for.4. A5. C四、1. Its time for English class.2. Lets drink some milk. 3. What time is it there?4. Lets go to the playground.五、1. C 点拨:既然回答“


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