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单元检测卷(五)满分:150分时间:120分钟第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Who washed the vegetables?AThe man.BThe woman.CThe mans mother.2How much cheaper is the blue one than the white one?A$10. B$20.C$30.3What does the man suggest the woman do?AGo back home.BBring an umbrella.CCheck the weather report.4What are the speakers talking about?AA museums paintings.BA famous painter.CA museum.5What does the man want to eat today?AFish and cabbage.BChicken and fish.CChicken and a salad.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6Where is the man from?ACanada. BAmerica.CChina.7Whats the relationship between the speakers?ANeighbors. BColleagues.CClassmates.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题 。8Why will the man go to the airport?ATo see off his boss.BTo pick up his grandparents.CTo catch a flight to Italy.9Where does the conversation take place?AAt the womans office.BAt the mans home.COver the phone.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10What was the man busy doing just now?AMeeting his boss.BAnswering a phone call.CWorking on a project.11How did the woman get here?ABy subway. BBy car.CBy bike.12What do the speakers have in common?AThey both like cycling.BThey both worry about their health.CThey both care about the environment.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13How old is Mary now?A18. B20.C21.14What is Marys brother?AA fashion designer.BA model.CA photographer.15From whom did Mary receive the earrings?A. Jenny. BHer boyfriend.CHer brother.16What will the man most probably do tomorrow?AChoose a gift himself.BAsk for advice on picking a dress.CCelebrate his girlfriends birthday.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17What day is it today?AMonday. BTuesday.CWednesday.18Which season is the weather report about?ASpring. BSummer.CWinter.19What does the weather reporter suggest people do?AWear warm clothes.BDrink more water.CSleep outside.20What is the next program about?AThe international news.BThe local news.CThe traffic report.答案:15ABBAC610CBBCB1115CCBCB1620BBBCC听力材料(Text 1)W:These dishes taste very good. Did you make them?M:No. My mother was here this morning. She cooked all of them. I just washed the vegetables.W:You should learn cooking from her.(Text 2)W:What about this white bike? Its very cheap. It is 100 dollars.M:But the blue one is even cheaper. It is only 80 dollars.W:But it is not as nice as the white one.(Text 3)M:Jane, dont forget your umbrella! The weather report said it is supposed to be rainy this afternoon.W:But I left my umbrella at my room. I will go back upstairs. Wait here, please.M:Alright.(Text 4)M:How did you like the paintings in the museum?W:Most of them were amazing. But some of them were so difficult that I didnt quite understand them well. And they looked very strange.M:I totally agree.(Text 5)W:Sir, would you like some fish? It is very fresh.M:Thanks, but I just had some fish yesterday. And today I want to try something else. I would like fried chicken and a cabbage salad.W:Certainly, Sir. Would you like anything to drink?(Text 6)W:Hello, nice to meet you! My name is Alice.M:Im Henry. Nice to meet you, too, Alice. So are you from America?W:No. I am Canadian. But I studied in America as an exchange student for two years and I really enjoyed it. Are you Chinese?M:Yes. I was born in Beijing, but I also studied in the US for two years. After I came back to China, I started working here. Since this is your first day in the company, let me show you around.W:OK. That would be great. And I think Ill like working here. The people here seem very nice.(Text 7)M:Hi, Eva, this is Ben speaking. Im sorry to tell you that I cannot go to your office tomorrow afternoon.W:What happened?M:My grandparents are coming back from Italy tomorrow. Their flight will arrive at around 4:30 pm. I must go and pick them up.W:Why dont they just take a taxi? Theyve traveled to Italy, havent they? Im sure getting back from the airport is a piece of cake for them.M:Sorry, but Ive promised them Ill go to pick them up. I dont want to let them down. Besides, they have a lot of luggage.They bought many gifts for their grandchildren.W:OK. So when do you think you can come to my office?M:What about the same time the day after tomorrow?W:Sorry. But I wont have time the day after tomorrow. What about 10 am tomorrow?M:OK. That works for me. See you then.(Text 8)M:I am sorry to have kept all of you waiting. I had something important to deal with just now.W:So what was so important?M:My boss called me just now. He asked me about my plan for our new project.We talked for about twenty minutes. Where is Mr Jackson?W:He just called to say that he would be here in fifteen minutes.M:Why?W:He said that there was a traffic jam and that he would be here soon.M:He shouldnt have driven his car. If he took the subway every day, he wouldnt get stuck in traffic.W:Well, Mr Jackson loves driving. He goes everywhere in his car.M:I dont like driving. I love using the public transport. I think it is good for the environment.W:I agree. Actually, I cycled here. I love cycling. It is not only good for the environment but also good for my health.(Text 9)M:What a nice dress! Mary, you look really good in it! Are you going to a party tonight?W:Yes. Jenny is throwing a party tonight. Its her eighteenth birthday. She has invited many people. Im sure Im going to have a great time there. Werent you invited?M:No. Im not a friend of hers. So did you buy the dress especially for the party?W:Actually, I didnt buy it. It was a gift from my brother. He gave it to me on my twentieth birthday two weeks ago. Hes good at picking dresses, isnt he?M:Certainly he is! What is your brother? A fashion designer?W:No. He works for a magazine. He takes photos of models for the magazine. My friends like going shopping with my brother because he gives them very good advice. But he has a very busy work schedule.M:Oh, I like your earrings, too. Are they also a gift from your brother, too?W:No. Theyre a gift from my boyfriend James. Im sure he asked my brother for help. You know, he isnt good at picking gifts. But I love this pair of earrings.M:Im considering buying a dress for Lucy. Her birthday is just three weeks away. Do you think your brother could help me?W:Well, I have planned to go shopping with my brother tomorrow afternoon. Why not join us?M:OK. Thatd be great! Thanks, Mary.(Text 10)M:Good morning, this is Jesse Williams with your Tuesday weather report. We had a hot and sunny day yesterday. The temperature was 36 . It is expected that todays temperature could climb to as high as 38 by the late afternoon. Right now, only an hour after sunrise, the temperature in our city is already 29 . Unfortunately, there is also no rain for the next five days. This is bad news for the thirsty forest in our city. Wednesday is forecast to be hotter, reaching 40 degrees with a surprising 28 overnight. It is the hottest August day since 30 in 2015. The good news is that it will be windy tonight. So it seems that setting up a tent in the backyard may be the only way to catch some sleep tonight if you dont have an airconditioner. When you go out, please wear your hat and sunglasses. Thats all for todays weather report. The traffic report in the morning is as follows. Thank you for listening.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AHave you ever thought of getting away from the present life and doing something completely different? Well, here are some people who have done just that.Back to the landIn his early forties, Peter Van Der Groot was a successful salesman. He had a large beautiful home. But Peter worked long hours, and he saw little of his home and family. He enjoyed his job, but he was never there to see his children growing up. Then last year, the firm (公司) he worked for closed down, and, unexpectedly, Peter had the chance to do something different.So Peter and his family sold their house in London and moved to the countryside. They bought a smaller house with some land. Today, Peter is more relaxed. He spends time with his children, and he has seen them change into healthy, happy kids. Hes started working on his land, growing fruit and vegetables. Now he and his family have a common, but comfortable life.Life in the sunHusband and wife Rob and Manda Brent used to be teachers, but they have both given up their jobs, and neither of them plans to return to the school where they worked in Birminghams city centre. Now they live in Italy, where theyve bought a farmhouse in Tuscan Hills. “Were going to offer bed and breakfast,” said Rob. “Weve never had our own business before, so itll be quite a challenge (挑战). And weve borrowed a lot of money from the bank to get started.”“In this first threemonth period, were settling in and repairing the farmhouse,” said Manda. “Then well open our doors to guests.” Bed and breakfast will not be the only way for them to get money, though. “The farm has got olive (橄榄) trees and the equipment (设备) for producing olive oil.”主题:人与自我生活【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。文章介绍了Peter夫妇和Brent夫妇为何要改变以前的生活方式。21What caused Peter to change his life?AHe lost his job.BHe led a hard life.CHe had to care for his kids.D. He wasnt satisfied with his job.答案与解析:A推理判断题。由第二段中的the firm he worked for closed down. Peter had the chance to do something different可知,由于公司倒闭,失业的Peter有了改变生活的契机。22What change has taken place since Peter moved to the countryside?AHe lives a busier life.BHe has set up his own firm.CHe has built a large beautiful house.DHe spends more time with his family.答案与解析:D细节理解题。对比Peter前后的生活worked long hours. was never there to see his children growing up和Today, Peter is more relaxed. He spends time with his children可知,搬到乡下生活的Peter有更多的时间陪伴家人。23What experience have Rob and Manda had?ASelling farm produce.BRunning a school in Italy.CServing breakfast for months.DTeaching in a Birmingham school.答案与解析:D细节理解题。由第四段中的Husband and wife Rob and Manda Brent used to be teachers. worked in Birminghams city centre和never had our own business before可知,Rob和Manda有当老师的经验。24What will Rob and Mandas farmhouse be mainly used as?AA farm. BA hotel.CA school. DA restaurant.答案与解析:B推理判断题。由第四段中的offer bed and breakfast和最后一段中的well open our doors to guests可知,Rob和Manda的农舍主要是用作旅馆。BResearch has shown that music has an important effect on ones body and psyche (心灵). In fact, there is a growing field of health care known as music therapy, which uses music to treat diseases. Even hospitals are beginning to use music therapy. This is not surprising, as music affects the body and mind in many powerful ways.Research has shown that quick music can make a person feel more alert, while slow music can produce a calm, deep thinking state. Also, research has found that music can change brainwave activity levels. This can help the brain to change speeds more easily on its own as needed, which means that music can bring lasting benefits to your state of mind, even after youve stopped listening.Breathing and heart rates can also be influenced by music. This can mean slower breathing, slower heart rate. This is why music and music therapy can help reduce the damaging effects of longterm stress, greatly promoting (促进) not only relaxation, but health.Music can also be used to bring about a more positive state of mind like helping to keep worries away. Music has also been found to bring many other benefits, such as lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of strokes. It is no surprise that so many people are considering music as an important tool to help the body become or stay healthy.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了音乐对于人们的身心健康有很大的影响。25What can we infer about music therapy?AIt is a type of music.BIt is a research about music.CIt is a kind of musical effect on diseases.DIt is the method of using music to help treat diseases.答案与解析:D细节理解题。由文章第一段的“. known as music therapy, which uses music to treat diseases.”可知“音乐疗法”是利用音乐来治疗疾病。故D项正确。26According to the second paragraph, we can know that _.Amusic with different speeds has different effectsBquick music is not good for ones healthCslow music can help one to think more calmly and slowlyDmusic will have less benefits after one stops listening答案与解析:A细节理解题。文章第二段的第一、二句主要讲了快节奏音乐与慢节奏音乐对人的不同影响,因此A项表达正确。27The reason why music can help deal with stress is that _.Ait is used by many hospitalsBit can help change brainwavesCit does good to breathing and heart ratesDit can bring a more positive state of mind答案与解析:C细节理解题。由文章第三段的“. mean slower breathing, slower heart rate. reduce the damaging effects of longterm stress”可知,更慢的呼吸和更慢的心率可以减少长期压力带来的危害。故C项正确。CTheres nothing like Christmas in New York City. Among hundreds of traditions, one of the most beloved is the Metropolitan Museum of Arts famous Christmas tree. People from around the world visit the Met daily and are impressed (印象深刻的) by the 20foot tree and its special decorations.Instead of the usual decorations, beautiful angels (天使) and candles hang from the tree. At the base are lifelike handmade figures of townspeople of Bethlehem doing their daily tasks, as well as animals. The room is warmly lit, and theres beautiful Christmas songs softly playing, creating a feeling of calm that is really hard to find during Christmas.Jasmin, an Australian student studying in the United States, says that the tree is “wonderful because you dont often see trees like this.” And she says that her “favorite part of the tree is the beautiful angels.”The tree has a rich history behind it. The decorations and figures were gifted to the museum by collector Loretta Hines Howard. More than 200 eighteenthcentury figures were given to the Museum starting in 1964, and they have been displayed (展览) each holiday season with a Christmas tree. Each year, new angels and figures are added to the collection and display.If you want to fully experience the beauty of the figures, youll need to get close to the tree, most easily done when there arent many visitors surrounding (围绕) it, so try to visit early in the day or on a weekday if possible. Each year they change how the figures are placed and with so many beautiful pieces in the collection, its easy to find something new to examine.主题:人与社会文化【语篇解读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了在纽约大都会艺术博物馆展出的著名的圣诞树。28What is special about the Christmas tree in the Metropolitan Museum of Art?AIt has a long history.BIt welcomes visitors all year round.CIt is displayed with special figures.DIt is the highest Christmas tree in New York.答案与解析:C细节理解题。由第一段中的its special decorations和第二段中的Instead of the usual decorations. At the base are lifelike handmade figures. animals可知,这棵圣诞树底部周围有一些特殊的塑像,这使得它与众不同。29How do visitors probably feel when entering the display room?AWarm. BLucky.CPeaceful. DSatisfied.答案与解析:C细节理解题。由第二段中的The room is warmly lit. calm可知,展览室有温暖的灯光和柔和的圣诞颂歌,给人一种平静的感觉。30What can we infer about the figures?AThey grow each year in number.BThey were made by Loretta Hines Howard.CThey show peoples life in the 20th century.DThey are especially popular among young people.答案与解析:A推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的Each year, new angels. collection and display可知,每年都有新的天使和塑像加入到展览当中,因此,塑像的数量逐年增加。31Which of the following is the best title of the text?AChristmas in New YorkBMeet the magical Christmas treeCThe Metropolitan Museum of ArtDThe perfect place to spend your Christmas答案与解析:B主旨大意题。文章介绍了一棵著名的圣诞树,包括其地理位置、形态特征、特殊之处等。故B项最能概括文章大意。DWhen a fire happened in East Africas biggest secondhand clothes market in Nairobi, Kenya last week, the manager, William Ruto, went there at once to tell traders that the government would do everything to help them to rebuild their business.But perhaps Ruto should have answered a more important question: whether Gikomba market will be in business a year from now if a ban (禁令) on the importation (进口) of secondhand clothes into east Africa comes into force.In January, east African head of states suggested that Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania should stop importing used clothes to help the local textile industry (当地纺织业)Kenya alone imports around 100,000 tonnes of secondhand clothes a year many of which were sent to shops in the west. An Oxfamowned secondhand clothes shop in Senegal sees, for example, a Forever 21 dress once worn by a young woman in London find its way into the room of a university student in Kenya. But if the ban goes to reenter the market they lost to cheap imports from abroad.The collapse (崩溃) of Kenyas textile industry dates back to the early 1980s, when it opened up the local market to secondhand clothes. The clothes soon caught the eye of the young population, leading to the collapse of many of Kenyas textile factories.According to local media reports, there were 500,000 people working in the textile industry in the 1980s. Today, that number has fallen by more than 96% to around 20,000.Banning the importation of used clothes is the governments latest effort to save an industry and to recreate some of those lost jobs. But, a ban could hurt another group of Kenyans who depend on the secondhand clothes trade to make a living.主题:人与社会社会【语篇解读】本文是议论文。文章探讨了禁止进口二手衣物将会对肯尼亚造成的影响。32Why did Ruto come to Gikomba market after the fire?ATo tell traders about a new ban.BTo bring traders hopeful i


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