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期末检测卷(七)第I卷(满分110分)一、单项选择(20分)( )1.I still remember my first teacher _ we havent seen each other for a long time.A. until B .however C .although D.so( )2.This photo often makes the girl _of her teachers in the primary school.A.to think B. thinks C. think D .thinking( )3.English is _useful language. If you want to be _ excellent student, you must study hard at it.A.a, a B. an, an C. an, a D. a, an ( )4.The soup tastes really _,but the chicken smells_.A.well. badly B. well, nice C. bad, good D. delicious, nicely( )5.I cant save the pictures on the computer. Can you tell me _ ?A.how to do B. how to do itC. what to do it D. what should to do it( )6.Hangzhou is_ beautiful place that _many people come to visit it every year.A.such, so B.so, so C. such a, so D. such a, such( )7.We _ TV at home this time last night.A. were watching B. watched C. have watched D. would watch( )8. If I _ time tomorrow, I will go to visit my grandfather.A. have B. will have C. would have D. am having( )9. What do you think he will _ ten years?A. be forB. be atC. be toD. be in( )10.Most students in our class _ TV twice a week.A. watch B. watched C. will watch D. are watching( )11. I like_ color of your coat. Ill buy _blouse like this colour.A. the, the B. a, a C. the, a D. a, the( )12. John wants to be a_, so he often helps sick people in the hospital.A. reporter B. doctor C. scientist D. cook( )13.He told me he_late for this meeting.A. might B. maybe C. may be D. could ( )14.-_ I take photos in the hall?-No, you_.A.Can, neednt B. Must, mustnt C. Could, wont D. May, mustnt( )15. In April, the weather in some places in Shanxi was really changeable. People still remember they have _four seasons in a week.A.organized B. experienced C. described D. changed ( )16. The heavy snow didnt _the international airlines.A.pay attention to B. add to C. make a difference to D. keep to( )17. Daming had trouble _out the math problem.A.work B. worked C. works D. working( )18. He is as sly as a fox. Youd better_him.A.find out B. run after C. keep away from D. catch up with( )19. They warned us _the glass of the window.A.to break B. not to break C. break D. breaking( )20.- What bad weather! Its raining heavily! - _ ! We can not go climbing today.A.Perfect! B. Bad luck C. What a surprise D. Sorry二、完形填空Therere some _1_ in culture (文化) between Thailand and our country. Different from China, In Thailand, people usually do not _2_ when they meet for the first time. Usually, they do “wai”. When the younger person “wais” the older person, he places his palms (手心) together and bows a little. If the hands are high, it shows the great respect (尊敬). The older person then will do the _3_ as a return. People can do this _4_ they are standing, sitting or even walking. If _5_ doesnt offer you a “wai”, then it is polite to shake their hands. At that time, you can smile and bow your head out of respect. A “wai” can also _6_ “thank you”, “Im sorry”, or “goodbye”. However, people dont do “wai” to children, waiters and so on. So, _7_return a “wai” to a child, or a waiter. You can just nod and smile to them. When you visit somebody, and have a _8_ with the host (主人), it is polite to leave a little food in your bowl. It is to show that you are full. However, as in most other countries, it isnt polite to ask for a _9_ helping. So, if you want to have more, eat up all the food in your bowl. And then the host will think that you are still _10_. If you plan to visit Thailand, you should pay attention to these traditions.( ) 1. A. differences B. troubles C. questions D. problems( ) 2. A. shake hands B. warm up C. play jokes D. cheer on( ) 3. A. different B. common C. same D. usual( ) 4. A. when B. while C. after D. before( ) 5. A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. no one( ) 6. A. mean B. match C. pronounce D. mind( ) 7. A. often B. always C. sometimes D. never( ) 8. A. conversation B. meal C. class D. meeting( ) 9. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth( )10. A. hungry B. healthy C. thirsty D. serious三、阅读理解AI was very lucky to spend my perfect holiday this year. I spent two weeks in Florida in November. The trip included a seven-night cruise (乘船游览) . In my opinion, you cant do anything special at home but you can do something on holiday, such as sitting around the beach or getting drunk like a tramp (流浪汉). I liked to explore and do something special during my holiday. Firstly, I loved Disney so I went to Disneyland in Florida three times a week in my trip. I would also go to the Disney parks in Paris within six months after this trip. Then I spent a week on Oasis of the Seas (The second biggest cruise ship in the world, just short of its sister ship) going to Haiti, Jamaica and Mexico. There was a park, a rock climbing wall, an ice skating ring and other things on board. I lived in a big room. It had upstairs and beautiful glass windows. It was my first cruise. I was so curious that I counted the number of lifeboats (救生艇) on board and made sure whether there was someone waving to me in an island near by.( )1.The writer spent the holiday in _ in Florida. A. September B. November C. December D. February( )2.How often did the writer go to the Disneyland in Florida in his trip? A. three times a week B. once two weeks C. three times six months D. once a month( )3.What were there on the board according to the passage? A. an ice skating ring, a park, a rock climbing wall and some lifeboats B. a park, a rock climbing wall and many peopleC. beautiful glass windowsD. upstairs and other things( )4.The underlined word “curious” means “_” in Chinese. A. 疯狂的 B. 遗憾的 C. 好奇的 D. 自然的( )5.From the passage we can learn that _. A. the writer visited Disneyland in Florida and Paris on the trip B. Oasis of the Seas is a room which has upstairs and beautiful glass windows C. there wasnt a park or a rock climbing wall on board D. the writer went to Haiti, Jamaica and Mexico by shipBA big fire happened to a tour bus on Sunday morning. 35 people died in the accident, and two of them were children. “The bus was carrying 55 people,” the speaker of the county government Yizhang said. According to the latest news, eleven people were sent to the nearest hospitals, and four of them were badly hurt.The accident happened at about 10:20 am, when the bus crashed into the guardrail (碰撞护栏) on its way. Then the fire happened after the oil leak (汽油泄漏), according to the government. Photos taken at that time showed big clouds of black smoke (烟) rising from the bus, and another showed the black bus after the fire was put out. A survivor(幸存者) named Huang said the driver told them the bus door could not open, and the driver then went out from the window next to him. Quickly Huang broke a window with a fire extinguisher (灭火器) in order to get out. The government said they would do all-out efforts to save peoples lives in the accident, find out the reason of the accident, and stop this kind of accidents from happening.( )1. How many survivors were there after the accident? A. 11. B. 20. C. 35. D. 55.( )2. When did the fire happen? A. When the bus crashed into the guardrail B. After big clouds of black smoke (烟) rose from the busC. After the oil leakedD. At about 10:20 am( )3. What can we know from Huangs words? A. He broke the window himself. B. The driver used a fire extinguisher to break the door. C. The driver helped him get out. D. The driver told the people on the bus not to open the door.( )4. Which of the following is TRUE? A. In fact there were 90 people on the bus. B. The bus crashed into the guardrail after being on fire. C. The bus caught fire after the oil leak. D. The fire accident happened in the evening.( )5. What is the best title of the passage? A. Be Careful When Driving B. The Survivors in an Accident C. A Careless Driver D. A Terrible Accident任务阅读:Helping others is the greatest quality of human. It costs nothing but the person who gets it, gets everything. We can help people in thousands of ways. Financial (经济上的) Help: There are many people who need financial help. Many students cant finish their study because their parents dont have enough money. Many disabled (残疾的) people cant make enough money to live. We must help these people who are less lucky in all possible ways. We can help a student finish his study, and we can help a disabled person to live a happy life. Mental (精神上的) Help: Life is full of troubles, sadness and worry. Many people cannot _ these feelings. We can try to provide mental help for those people. We can help them to fight against the terrible situation. We can show them that life is beautiful and good times are coming. This mental help is another kind of help. Physical (实际的) Help: We can help old men or children cross the road. The most important is that helping others gives pleasure. So it is our duty to help people in need without thinking. Helping others is helping ourselves, sharing the kindness and living a peaceful life. 1. Why many students can not finish their study? _ 2. Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. _ 3. Please list the ways of helping others that the writer wrote in the passage. _ 4. Fill in the blank with one word. (请在文中空白处填入一个合适的单词) _5. Give a suitable title for the passage. (请给文章拟一个合适的标题) _第II卷任务阅读1._2._3._4._5._四、词汇(一)根据音标写单词1./flu/ _2./pkit/ _ 3./k:n/ _ 4./ haid / _ 5./medisin/ _ 6./prip/ _7./kwait / _8./ s:vis/ _ 9./ siris/ _10./ imdin /_(二)根据句意和和汉语意思完成句子1.The local people are _(friend)to us.2.The meat is ready but the vegetables are not_(do).3.Good morning, ladies and _ (gentleman)! Welcome to our hotel.4.Can you give me some advice on _(tradition)life in Britain?5.A large number of students_(like) PE best of all the subjects.6.The bus _(服务) in our city is becoming better and better.7.We are _(可能) not able to finish the work on time.8.I met a_(可怕的) storm on her way home yesterday.9.You must be _(开玩笑)!五用动词的适当形式填空。1.Our teacher warned us _ (not play) football in the street.2.I need to do some _ (clean) on weekends.3.Its good for your health _ (do) exercises.4.While Tom _ (listen) to music, his mother was cooking.5.H was waiting _ (get) on the bus when I saw him.6.Three fifths of the desk _ (be) painted red.7.Mr. Black _ (write) a letter at this time yesterday.8.The students stopped _ (talk) when the head teacher came in.9.Dont forget _ (take) your pen because you might want to write something.10.I have trouble _ (learn) English.六翻译(一)翻译短语1.无事可做 _ 2. 一.就. _3.最好不要做某事 _ 4.避开,不和.接触._5.尝起来有一点酸 _ 6.收到某人来信 _(二)翻译句子1.那对她来说太暗了,她什么也看不见。(too.to)_2.当交通灯变成红色的时候,一辆车突然出现了。(while)_3.但是它描述了全世界正在发生什么。(describe)_4.收到你的来信很高兴,我等不及要见你了。(hear from)_七书面表达 越来越多的汽车进入我们的家庭,改善了我们的生活,但同时也带来很多问题,如堵车和车祸等,给家庭和社会带来极大的危害。作为中学生,我们应该怎样做呢? 请写一篇有关交通安全的短文(80词左右,题目和第一段已给出,不计入总词数)。内容包含: 1.遵守交通规则,如走人行道,过马路走斑马线; 2.别在街道上或马路上玩耍或踢球; 3.劝父母不能酒后驾车; 可以适当增加内容,使短文通顺、过渡自然。 参考词汇:sidewalk人行道,zebra-crossing斑马线Traffic safety With more and m


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