



明月千里寄相思!Photoshop制作中秋贺卡“露从今夜白,月是故乡明。”中秋佳节,月圆人圆事事圆。在这个团聚的好日子里,祝大家万事如意。在此,与大家共同学习一下Photoshop中秋贺卡的制作,不足之处还望指正。下面先看一下最终效果图。最终效果图1、打开Photoshop CS4软件,执行菜单:“文件”“新建”(快捷键Ctrl+N),弹出“新建”对话框,命名文件为:中秋贺卡制作,宽度设置为:300毫米,高度设置为:150毫米,分辨率设置为:72像素/英寸,如图1所示,然后单击“确定”按钮 完成新建。图12、选择工具箱中的渐变工具,在工具选项栏上设置渐变类型为:线性渐变,单击渐变编辑器按钮,弹出“渐变编辑器”对话框,设置渐变颜色如图2所示。图23、在选择“背景”图层的状态下,利用渐变工具从左向右拖动,填充渐变颜色效果,如图3所示。图34、选择工具箱中的直排文字工具,在页面中输入诗句,设置文字字体为:方正小篆体,字号设置为:25点,文字颜色设置为:黄色,如图4所示。图45、复选背景图层和文字图层,然后鼠标单击工具选项栏上的水平居中对齐和垂直居中对齐,将文字对齐于页面之中,如图5所示。图56、选择文字图层,鼠标单击图层面板下方的添加图层蒙板按钮给文字层添加蒙板。选择工具箱中的渐变工具,在工具选项栏中选择渐变为从前景色到背景色渐变,渐变类型为线性渐变,在选择图层蒙板的状态下,利用渐变工具拖曳蒙板渐变效果,如图6所示。图67、执行菜单:“文字”“置入”,置入花纹素材,适当的调整花纹素材的大小与旋转角度,将花纹放置于页面的右侧,如图7所示。(完成素材调整后,需要把素材层进行栅格化)图78、选择工具箱中的椭圆选框工具,在右上角处绘制一个椭圆形,如图8所示。图8center can only view/control of the cameras. This period monitoring system more zhiqian original Institute of monitoring 179 a camera of number for has increased, reached 203 a, increased camera main consider cover rehabilitation center of part monitoring corner regional and focus regional, increased has 60 a alarm probe, its purpose is reached security full cover, into floor within of personnel of access are has track can found, some focus parts not only to has depending on like information can storage, also to has audio information do can storage, For future extraction information information for foot prepared. While currently social security also in complex period, for like medical facilities such of special public more is should particularly note platform storage capacity calculation way category parameter 1# video collection type D1 D1 camera number D1 camera bandwidth (Mbps) 2 D1 storage days 30 single road single days storage space (GB) 21.1 CIF CIF camera number CIF camera bandwidth (Mbps) 0.512 CIF storage days 30 Single road single days storage space (GB) 5.4 installation location monitoring center extended Cabinet Center storage calculation access 203 road camera 1 sets hard disk total CIF mode storage 32 Taiwan (1T) hard disk total D1 mode storage 64 Taiwan (2T) this period security design in the no put alarm system as a independent of subsystem construction, but interspersed with Yu monitoring system and access, parking management system in the, purpose is to reached depending on audio monitoring, access monitoring, parking monitoring management linkage defense, interconnected Exchange. achieved full, Comprehensive, intelligent security management.


  • 1. 本站所有资源如无特殊说明,都需要本地电脑安装OFFICE2007和PDF阅读器。图纸软件为CAD,CAXA,PROE,UG,SolidWorks等.压缩文件请下载最新的WinRAR软件解压。
  • 2. 本站的文档不包含任何第三方提供的附件图纸等,如果需要附件,请联系上传者。文件的所有权益归上传用户所有。
  • 3. 本站RAR压缩包中若带图纸,网页内容里面会有图纸预览,若没有图纸预览就没有图纸。
  • 4. 未经权益所有人同意不得将文件中的内容挪作商业或盈利用途。
  • 5. 人人文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑,并不能对任何下载内容负责。
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