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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Welcome to this unit教案 牛津版撰写人:_时 间:_ 1、了解与电视节目相关的词汇。 2、了解电视节目的分类。【课前准备】 1. How much do you know about TV? (e.g.) When was TV set invented? Where was TV program made? What does digital TV mean? 2. What kinds of TV programs do you know? Which do you like best?一、语言知识 表时间的介词betweenand. fromto.二、能力训练1.了解关于“电视节目”的词汇和话题。2.写出你所知道是电视节目种类 3.写出你喜欢的电视节目三、课堂学习 All about TV1.TV is one of the greatest inventions in the_ century.2. Who first invented TV? _3. What does digital TV mean ?_4. Which channel is the movie channel on CCTV ? _5. Where are TV programmes made? _6. What can we use to control TV from a distance ? _7. What is the full name of BBC ? _8. What is the famous TV factory in Nanjing ? _9. What is the full name of CCTV ? _10.What are the three original colours ? _11.Do you like watching TV ? _12.Why do you watch TV? _13.Which TV programme do you like best ? _14.How much time do you spend watching TV a day ?15.Its reported that spending too much time watching TV is harmful to your mind and body.16.We call people who spend too much time watching TV in sofacouch potato17.Why is Eddie far too busy to go shopping ?18.Can you tell us what makes Eddie get fat ?19.Do you think that Eddie is a couch potato ?20.Lets see what his life style is like ! debateFor: Its good for students to watch TV in their spare time.Against: Its not good for students to watch TV in their spare time.四、课堂检测一、翻译词组1. far too busy 2. have a sleep 3. at dinner time 4. TV station 5. 去购物 6. 无事可做 7. 我最喜欢的节目 8. 喜欢看电视 二、根据首字母及句意填入适当的单词1.TV is one of the greatest inventions in the t_ _ century.2.This TV programme was made in the s_ _3.CCTV 6 is a M_ _ Channel. 4.I didnt know you were a f_ _ model.三、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.She is too busy _ _ (go) shopping.2.Eddie says a dogs work is never _ _ (do).3. I havent _ _ (watch) TV for a long time because I have to _ _ (prepare) the English test.4.He is a famous _ _ (act) and acted in a drama _ _ (call) Farewell My Concubine. 5.More and more c_ 6.My mother likes watching programmes on _ (cook).7.The boy was trapped in the hole and had nothing _ (eat) for two days.8.Eddie says a dogs work is never _ _ (do).四、单项选择( )1. Of all the stars, the sun is_ . A. the big B. the bigger C. the biggest D. big( )2. The dumplings taste_ . Please help yourselves.A. bad B. soso C. well D. delicious( )3._ her way home, Liu Mei helped a lost child find his mother.A. By B. In C. At D. On( )4._, China will send up a spaceship with people into space.A. Before longB. So farC. From then on D. Long before( )5. That digital camera is too_ and I cant afford it.A. muchB. high C. cheapD. expensive( )6. We cant see the sun_night.A. in B. on C. at D. to( )7. Changzhou lies _the south of Jiangsu and_the west of Wuxi.A. in; inB. on; toC. in; on D. to; on( )8. Its very kind_you to show me they way.A. for B. of C. with D. from( )9. They found_very hard to work out the problem.A. it B. its C. this D. that( )10. How much did the car_you?A. takeB. spendC. cost D. pay五、短文填空Hobo wanted to go shopping today. But Eddie said he was _ too busy _ go with Hobo. He had to watch TV _ 9:00 _ 12:00. Then he would like to have lunch and a sleep _ 2:00 _ 7:00. After that, it would be dinner time. Eddie thought a dogs _ is never _.9A Unit 4 Reading I【学习目标】1、进一步认识和掌握与电视相关的词汇及语段。 2、学会不同电视节目的特征及描述用语。【课前准备】 1、对各种不同的电视节目有初步的了解。 2、结合第一课时的调查,了解学生们喜欢的电视节目。【课堂学习】一、语言知识(词汇理解)direct give an opinion for or against sb. or sth. vote sth. be presented attend to be present at an event award modern, fashoinable up-to-date prizepresentation a person who directs a film一、二、能力训练 根据课文内容判断正误Some people may find this weeks Sports World a bit boring.The World Cup has been held already.All the Music Award are covered live on TV.Fans voted online for their favorite singers.If you are scared easily, dont watch the horror film.The tiger in India are in danger now.People killed tigers on food, skins and bones.三、课堂检测 一、翻译词组1. a weekly round-up of sport _ 6. 采访某人_2. up-to-date information _7. 实况转播_3. cover different sports _8. 本周六_4. such as _ 9. 在网上投票给某人5. a number of interviews / pop stars 10. 宣布结果 _二、根据首字母及句意填入适当的单词1.We have a w_ round-up of what happened in our class every Friday.2. This news programme is really good, it offers lots of u_ information. 3. There are a n_ of fans waiting for the film star.4. My study in school c_ many different subjects.三、用所给词的适当形式填空1. My mother likes watching programmes on _ (cook).3. Last week we had a _(present) in the hall.4. I feel _ when I find this is a really _ story. (bore)5. The boy was trapped in the hole and had nothing (eat) for two days.四、选用所给词的适当形式填空(cover present a/the number of )1.My parents promise to give me a _ on my birthday,2.The firework show wont be _live, we should watch the recorded programme.3.Please tell me about_ the students in your class so that I can count the books for you.4.There was a heavy snow last night. The whole world is _ by the snow now.Nanjing to attend the 10th National Game.6. This book _ the relationship between art and music. I believe you will like it.7. At _, the pandas are facing to many problems. We should try our best to help them.五、根据课文内容,判断正误:正确的写T ,错误的写 F 。( ) 1. We can watch sports news on Saturday afternoon.( ) 2. Sports World covers badminton this week.( ) 3. There are many interviews with the famous football coaches in this weeks Sports World.( ) 4. Beijing Music Awards was recorded last week.( ) 6. Two thousand journalists have voted online for their favourite songs, singers and music videos.( ) 7. Asian tigers are disappearing faster than pandas.9A Unit 4 Reading II【学习目标】1、提高文章阅读能力 2、鼓励学生拥有适度的、合理的业余爱好。【课前准备】 1、加深对课文的理解,并评论不同的电视节目。【课堂学习】一、语言知识not but., be of great value =be very valuablebe crazy about be fond of 二、能力训练最受欢迎歌曲将在下周宣布。_足球迷将发现本周的节目非常令人兴奋。_这部长达两小时的记录片近距离地观察了天鹅的生活。_所有的大牌明星 都将出席本周六的颁奖仪式。_三、课堂检测 一、配对1. round-up A. take part in an event2. up-to-date B. shown on television3. presentation C. a formal event during which gifts and prizes are given4. announce D. a short report of the most important information5. attend E. tell a decision, plans, etc. to the public6. cover F. includes the latest information二、翻译词组1.发送信息到_ 2.免费的音乐会票_3.由某人执导的恐怖片_ 4.一个小时的纪录片_5.自杀_ 6.找出,发现_7.直到才_ 8.充满 _9.害怕,恐惧 _ 10.解开谜团_三、根据句意填入适当的单词1. The results of our exam will be a_ tomorrow. 2. Do you want to win f_ concert tickets? Please send your answers to us.3. Visit our Website for the most _ team standings.4. Therell be a news _ before the station goes off the air.5. The _ of prizes will begin at three oclock.6. It wasnt a recorded show and it was _.7. The mother of the _ victim wept in court.8. The play was _ by Frank Hauser.9. I love the country,_(尤其) in spring. 10. Among the four films, they watch Shreck 2_(有规律地).四、短文填空This Saturday you can watch _ and _ on Sunshine TV. If you watch Sports World, there is _ of what is happening in sports. The pragrammes are mainly about _. There are _ with the famous football players.Murder in a Country House is a _ film. The director is _. In the film, a doctor is found _ in his house. But you wont find out if he was killed or he killed _ until the end of the film. The film is full of _ and _. Tiger Watch will last for _. It talks about _ and how much danger these tigers face. They are disappearing _ than pandas. If you love animals, you might find this programme a bit _ as you watch it. This programme was taken _ between 20xx and 20xx. While watching, you can also enjoy _ of India. Tiger Watch won an award for_.9A Unit 4 Vocabulary【学习目标】 1、进一步了解与电视节目相关的词汇。 2、讨论不同类型的电视节目。【课前准备】 展示不同类型电视节目的图片或视频。【课堂学习】一、语言知识 了解有关电视节目的词汇cartoon game show drama series二、能力训练选择和描述自己喜欢的电视节目。I like . Because .三、课堂检测一、翻译词组1、关注,细看,观察 _ 2、亚洲虎_3、面对危险 _ 4、因为而被杀_5、动物爱好者 _ 6、在印度_7、在两者之间_ 8、在自然栖息地_9、在地球上 _ 10、因而获奖_二、根据句意填入适当的单词1. All of us are expecting them to have a good_ (结局 ).2. Did you watch the horror film named _ (谋杀) in a country house.3. Cindy Clark is a new _(导演).4. She is such an _ (优秀)student that all the teachers and classmates like her.5. My brother likes _ (解决) mysteries.6. The _ (男演员) all did well in the film.7. I will give you two_ (月) time to finish the work.8. Its _ (危险) to play football in the street.9. He was working on the day of his _ (死).10. After twenty minutes_ _(讨论), the students agreed with the teacher.三、用所给词的适当形式填空1. This documentary shows the Asian tiger in its _ (nature) habitat.2. Have you found anything _ (amaze) there?3. Something that is up-to-date includes the _(late) information.4. Would you please tell us your _ (decide)?5. He said he _(prefer) the yellow dress .So his parent bought it for him.6. There are always famous people on these shows _ _ (talk) about their lives.7. If I have time, I _ (visit) one of my old friends in the countryside.8. Sorry, I wont have enough time _(finish) this work alone .9. What makes you _ (think) I am a teacher?10.Don四、根据对话内容填空Sandy: What types of TV programs do you like, Millie?Millie: I like watching _because I learn a lot about nature, history and real life events from them.Sandy: I prefer _. I hope one day I can take part in one of them, answer all the questions and win a great prize!Daniel: I like _because actors are always very funny and they make me laugh.Simon: If I have time, I will watch a_ . There are always famous people on these shows talking about their lives.Amy: I love _so much. My favorite one is Hello Kitty.9A Unit 4 Grammar【学习目标】 1、学会和使用表示时间的介词和连词。2、学会使用副词的比较级和最高级。【课前准备】 1、整理已知的表时间的介词。 2、整理已学的时间状语从句类型。【课堂学习】一、语言知识between and . from to .用before, after, until 来说明事情发生的时间。二、能力训练整理形容词、副词的比较级、最高级的变化规则。fast _ _ hard _ _high _ _ beautiful _ _carefully _ _ well _ _badly _ _ far _ _slowly _ _ regularly _ _三、课堂检测 一、翻译词组1.参加 _ 2.介意做某事_3.学到很多有关的知识 _ 4.生活中的真实事件_5.(未来的)某一天 _ 6.获大奖_7.谈话节目_ 8.电视连续剧_9.在那时_ 10天气预报_二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. These tigers _(kill) for their skin and bones now .2. _(sudden) , they heard a whisper from behind.3. He told me the news while we_(walk) along the river last night.4. The play is better than he _(expect)5. These pictures _(take) in Tibet when I traveled there .6. Before I go to bed , I usually _(have) a shower.7. All the visitors felt very tired after _(climb) the hill .8. I _(interview) three students at my school yesterday.9. -How long _he_(be) a member of your club? -Already two months.10.-What about _(play) chess now? -Good idea.三、用正确的词组填空since, as, when, as soon as, while, if, after, before, until, because, fromto, between and 1. He asked me another question _ I could answer the first one.2. I was doing my homework _ suddenly a dog came in.3. The students sang _ they went along. 4. _ I was writing letters last night, he was watching TV.5. Ill be more careful _ what you have said.7. It is so dark outside _ it is raining. 8. _everyone is here, lets begin our meeting.9. _ I get to Nanjing, I will write to you. 10. _it rains tomorrow, I will not go to Beijing.11. I go to school _Monday _ Friday.12. These programmes are interesting. You must make a choice _ Sports World _ _ Channel V. 四、完成句子1、请告诉他在八点到九点之间给我打电话。Please tell him to call me _.2、 睡觉前你必须把作业都做完。You must _ you go to sleep.3、书读完后,准时归还给图书馆。_ you finish _ the book, return the book to the library _.4 、妈妈在厨房做饭的时候,我在客厅看电视。 Mother is_ in the kitchen _ I am _in the sitting room.5、昨天我沿河边散步时,突然下起了雨。It _while I _along the river yesterday.6、直到我看了这个节目我才知道到老虎处于危险之中。 I didnt know tigers in danger_ I watched the programme. 7、从八点到十点,我不得不练习弹钢琴。 _ 8:00 _ 10:00, _ piano.8、3000名影迷已经在线选出了他们最喜爱的电影。 3000 _ their _ films.9A Unit 4 Integrated skills and pronunciation【学习目标】1、从录音中获取信息来完成报告。2、学会表达同意和不同意。【课前准备】 以“Television viewing habits”为话题进行问卷调查。【课堂学习】一、语言知识 用like, look like, would like, feel like, dislike, unlike, alike, be like.1. These two girls are _.2. He _ his father.3. She _ listening music when she was young.4. My mother likes vegetables very much but I _ them.5. The play is very wonderful! Would you _ to watch it with me?6. We _ flying to Kunming.7. Her last novel is quiet _ her earliest work.8. Whats Asian tiger _?二、能力训练 讨论:Whats your favourite TV programme? How much time do you spend in watching TV?三、课堂检测 一、单项填空1.None of us knew what had happened _ they told us about it.A. when B. until C. after D. though 2.Mrs.Smith was worried about both of her daughters,especially the_ one.A. young B. younger C. youngest D. oldest3.You will catch up with the others _ you work hard. A. if B. until C. before D. while4.You should make a good plan _ you do anything important. A. before B. after C. though D. until5.The boys are playing football_ the girls are singing and dancing.A. as B. when C. before D. while 二、用适当的介词填空:1. There is no secret _ you and me.2. People can make a call _ countries in English.3. The cat is _ the door, so you cant see it.4. The children ask for candies _ house _ house at Halloween.5. Dont read _ the sun. Its bad for your eyes.6. We have no lessons _ 3:50 p.m. and 4:50 p.m. every day.7. There is a lot of news _ todays newspaper.8.Can you swim _ the river?三、 给词的适当形式填空1. He _(not go ) to see the play tonight because he _(see) it .2. He _(learn) over two thousand English words so far.3. While Anna_(write) a letter, the telephone rang.4. What _you_(do) while I was paying for our meal?5. The old printer_(sell) last week .6. I _(fall) off my bike yesterday and _(hurt) myself.7. The students are having a _(week) test.8. Different people have different viewing_(习惯 ).9. He talked _(少) of all at the meeting .10. I got up early yesterday , but _(luck) I got to school late.四、翻译句子1 我妹妹很喜欢吃水果,像苹果、西瓜等。_2.第二十九届奥运会将于20xx年在北京举行。 _3. 那个篮子里装满了各种鲜花。 _4. 我们都喜欢看冯小刚导演的影片。 _5. 自从1978年以来,我们的国家发生了巨大的变化。 _6. 游客们陶醉于西湖的美景之中。_9A Unit 4 Maintask and checkout【学习目标】1、学会写故事梗概。2、学会编写电视节目。【课前准备】 了解电视节目的大体过程。【课堂学习】 一、语言知识 有关电视节目的知识 background, story (place, character list, personalities of characters, activities)二、能力训练 为电视节目编写一个故事。三、课堂检测 一、选词填空(between from before after until while as ) 1. _ I saw the kangaroo, I never knew an animal can jump so high. 2. Ill play badminton with you _ I finished my homework. We dont have much time. 5. Can you watch TV _ 8:00a.m


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