



教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册 1-2复习教案 外研版撰写人:_时 间:_教学目标知识与技能1. The vocabulary of module 1-2:2. Different tenses in junior high school 过程与方法Practice and consoladation 情感态度与价值观Patience and the persistence 教学重点是什么一 Differences of words .(近义词辨析)1.be afraid of doing /be afraid to do sth. 2. die, dead , dying, death.为什么Because it is important to master the useage of the words which have the similar meaning 如何体现巩固The teacher and the students discuss the words which have the similar meaning教学难点是什么Differences of words .(近义词辨析)1.be afraid of doing /be afraid to do sth. 2. die, dead , dying, death.为什么The students are often confused about and make mistakes when they use them .如何突破强化Make the students understand the ugage of the words .and do some exercises about them .教学方法practice教具使用教学过程课题导入情景选择问题设置课堂检测师生活动教学目的:1. 通过具体的写单词活动让学生复习这些单词,查漏补缺.2. 让学生通过读了解并理解这几组近义词的用法,3. 再通过练习巩固所学最终达到能够灵活应用。4. 通过做选词填入适当的句子来培养学生 对句子及词的理解及应用能力。学生主体化教学方案共案学生主体化教学方案个案Teachers activity Students activity Teachers activityStudents activity1.The teacher ask the Ss to go over the vocabulary in Module 1 2. The teacher ask the Ss to read the explainations about differences of the words. .(近义词辨析) on the studying plan I. be afraid of doing /be afraid to do sth. II. . die, dead , dying, death.3. Then do the relative exercises for consoladation 4.Do the exercise about choosing words for the sentences。The teacher ask the students to read the words first ,then read the sentences one by one tofill in the blanks .the teacher can give some clue to help the students.Ss write out the words Module 1 Wonders of world and Module 2 great books Key words and key phrases.译一译,并组词。1. ancient_词组: 2. meeting 词组 3. call 词组 4. event 词组 5. listen up, 词组 6. do some reviews about 7. a fantastic idea 8. look forword to 9. light 词组 below 词组 练一练: 1.(20xx福州)她不害怕在公共场合说英语。(be afraid to, in public )_2.Ts full.Im _we cant get on .A. sorry B. afraid C. worried D. happy 3.-Will you be free this Saturday ?-. _. IA. I am not afraid .B. I am afraid not.C.I am afraid D. Im not afraid so. (1) 练一练:用die, dead , dying, death.选词填空。1. His grandmother _ two years ago.2. He has been _ for two years.3.He is _, so the doctors try to save him.4.It makes me sad when I think of my little dogs _用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。Thought ,not any more ,in fact, as far as, great , wise ,opinion ,start , repect, millions of 2. _ ,he will never give up .3. The old men _by all the people of the small village because he is so helpful.4.China is a _country with a long history.5.In my _, you should say sorry to her.6. He _ cry _ when I made faces.7.The factory _by Toms uncle.8.There are _ tourists every year.9.Confucious _ influence us today.10._I can remember,I have seen you.课堂小结In this lesson ,we revise the vocabulary of M 1-2 and the grammar 板书设计 Revision of Module 1-2 Differences of words .(近义词辨析)be afraid of doing /be afraid to do sth. (1) be afraid to do sth.不敢去做某事(2) be afraid of doing sth.担心(出现不良后果)(3) Im afraid that +clause (从句)用来礼貌地表达可能令人不愉快的消息(4) 回答他人提问时,可用省略形式“Im afraid so (not).2. die, dead , dying, death.这四个词都与“死”有关(2) (1)die是终止性动词,意为死亡,断气指生命的 结束。强调动作。(3) dead是形容词译为“死的, 无生命的”,常与be 连用,表


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