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大学英语综合教程5课后答案【篇一:全新版大学英语综合教程5(第二版)unit1-8课后答案】bulary i. 1. allot2. go through fire and water3. reside4. sobbed5. made no mention of6. sacrifice7. came upon8. rhythm9. volume10. something of a ii. 1. i stayed on as an assistant professor. 2. i hold it to my ear because i want to hear time tick away. 3. the salary is not wonderful, but the duties are light. 4. the moral of the lesson is not to talk to strangers. 5. yes, but it cannot hold a candle to huangshan. iii. 1. the nasty smell from the kitchen made her stomach churn. 2. when she sank into drunkenness, she was able to forget her sorrow. 3. in the 1500 meters, martin and parker came first and third respectively. 4. the two hills shunner fell from the north and lovely seat from the south flank the famous butter tubs pass. 5. levi, in gratitude to joshua, gave a party for him. iv. 1. ambition-ambition-regardless of 2. discourse-by way of 3. is engraved-inward v. 1. have come upon/across2. had come out3. come on/up4. came across5. comes down to 6. came around/to7. comes to 8. came through 9. came up with10. comes up usage 1. the wilsons 2. mark twain 3. annie johnsons 4. another winston churchill 5. a mrs. burton6. a budweiser 7. a monet8. an old ford comprehensive exercises i. cloze 1. text-related 1. go through fire and water2. salary 3. give-no peace 4. sink into5. ambition 6. by way of7. expressive8. churned9. engraved10. not hold a candle to 11. inward 2. theme-related 1. success 2. literacy3. significantly 4. promoting5. appropriate6. too 7. later8. repetition 9. invented 10. less ii. translation although my grandmother was illiterate, she had a good stock of myths and legends. when i was young i gave her no peace, constantly asking her to tell me stories. after she had finished her housework, she would lift me onto her lap and tell stories, all the while rocking me in rhythm.having noticed my interest in stories, my parents lost no time in initiating me into reading. they bought many storybooks with illustrations, and whenever free, they would read these stories to me over and over again. by and by i had a vocabulary large enough to read on my own. unit2 vocabulary i. 1. 1) appetite 2) destructive 3) agency 4) processed 5) saturated 6) utter 7) hoisted 8) referring to 9) retrieve 10) unfortunately 2. 1) peter was chasing the dog and tom was riding the wooden horse in the garden. 2) they all looked on except one young man. he took her to the hospital instantly. 3) i laid charges against the company and won the case. 4) if we want to stay competitive, first of all we need to modernize our factory. 5) they got irrigation water from the dammed rivers. 3. 1) except in the oases the desert is almost devoid of vegetation, although some stunted, thorny shrubs grow in the western sahara. 2) the fruits growing wild in the coastal forest are edible. 3) the national security agency made recommendations for improving safety standards in airplanes / to improve safety standards in airplanes. 4) the beatles enjoyed success on a scale unparalleled by any previous pop group. 5) the emergence of language was a defining factor in the evolution of modern humans. 4. 1) are bound to attract more consumers, particularly children and young of products. 2) in the eyes of some businessmen, consumers health profits. 3) comfortable with, at your own pace. while stopping consuming any products for meat consumption is a step in the right direction. 5. 1) get over 2) got to 3) get through 4) get over 5) get by 6) get away7) got in 8) get out 9) get along 10) get away with ii. collocation 1. i asked her why she didnt make use of her talent and on the graduation day. 2. uncle tom, the long-suffering slave in harriet beecher stowes uncle toms 3. but also with the environment. 4. 5. being chased by a bear. 6. my friend when i asked her whether shed found all the money shed lost. 7. 8. people with mood disorders often they toss and turn, restlessly occupied with negative thoughts. comprehensive exercises i. cloze 1. text-related (1) exclude (2) stubborn (3) devoid of (4) bow to (5) potent (6) drawbacks (7) contaminating (8) heightened (9) infected (10) come second to 2. theme-related (1) consumption (2) between (3) packed (4) evident (5) population (6) encouraging (7) grave (8) against (9) criticize (10) itself unit3 vocabulary i. 1. 1) invitation 2) eloquent 3) concede 4) contradictory 5) conceals 6) guilty 7) generalize 8) get caught in 9) for now 10) as a last resort 2. 1) non-smoking area. johns very intolerant of people who smoke. 2) she is an interesting character, and a bit of a mystery to me. 3) because it does not reveal their marital status. 4) we are planning on trekking through the malaysian rainforest. 5) he muttered something under his breath that i couldnt understand. 6) they may need to wear protective rubber gloves and clothing. 7) the chairperson said sometimes unemployment tempted the youth into criminal activities. 8) though she never admitted it, the look on her face when i mentioned james name gave her away. 3. 1) throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. 2) the hill farmers lot has never been easy and in recent years has been assailed by a series of major crises. 3) as with most people in his family, grey is a great talker when hes in the mood to talk. 4) few people find it necessary to condemn white lies on the grounds that they are not real lies. 5) all the evidence of your qualifications and skills that backs up the claims you 4. 1) everything us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. to disregard what the world thinks of us is not only2) the future. 3) those considering an adventurous safari in central africa should on the road. thus they should decide for themselves whether such potential risks 5. 1) go around / round 2) go for 3) went off 4) go on 5) is going on 6) go about 7) go along 8) go through 9) go by 10) go over ii. usage 1. the manager was chatting with the chairman of the board about something that concerned the future of their cooperation and i could tell that he 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. comprehensive exercises i. cloze 1. text-related (1) go along (2) honesty (3) straightforward (4) indulge in (5) what about (6) dodge (7) assert (8) absurd (9) resort (10) juggle 2. theme-related (1) asserting (2) go along (3) because (4) part (5) mistakes (6) exceptions (7) end (8) resort (9) dying (10) freedom【篇二:全新版大学英语综合教程第二版第三册课后习题答案-第五单元】lass=txttext a content questions 1. he wrote them on a ship on the way to the island of tulagi in the south pacific on thanksgiving day, 1943. 2. preparing a traditional thanksgiving dinner featuring roast turkey made the writer extremely busy. 3. the writer was thinking about thanksgiving. 4. he decided to write letters to show gratitude to those who had helped him in his life. 5. he had always accepted what they had done for him, but never expressed to any of them a simple “thank you.” 6. he decided to write to his father, his grandmother, and the rev. lonual nelson, his grammar school principal. 7. his father had impressed upon him from boyhood a love of books and reading. 8. he remembered that each morning nelson would open the school with a prayer over his assembled students. 9. he recalled how his grandmother had taught him to tell the truth, to share, and to be forgiving and considerate of others. and he thanked her for her delicious food and for all the wonderful things she had done for him. 10. his reading of their letters left him not only astonished but also more humbled than before, because they all thanked him rather than saying they would forgive him for not having previously thanked them. 11. the writer learned that one should learn to express appreciation for others efforts. 12. the writer wished for all people the common sense to achieve world peace, and find the good and- 1 -2- language sense enhancement i. 1) decades2) undergoing 3) had done wrong 4) welcome reassurance 5) appreciated 6) brought back 7) relatives 8) accomplish 9) consume 10) representing language focus vocabulary 1. 1) sprinkled 3) reversed 5) at sea 7) statement 9) in secret 11) weep 2) in turn 4) repay 6) traditional 8) longed for 10) unloaded 12) under way 2.1) stretch out 3) hope for 5) put away 7) got to 2) make out 4) turns (it) over 6) brings back 8) go about - 2 -ii. collocation 1, fond of 3. thoughtful of 5. conscious of 7. guilty of 2. sick of 4. confident of 6. critical of 8.ashamed of iii. usage 1. to know what people really think, pay regard to what they do, rather than what they say. 2. it is cooperation, rather than conflict, that will enable you to achieve your success. 3. ann made students think for themselves rather than telling them what to think. 4. i think ill stay at home this evening rather than go / going out. 5. most people are content to let perfect days happen at random rather than plan / planning for them. comprehensive exercises i. cloze (a) 1) at sea 3) reverse 2) turning over 4) got to - 3 - 5) repay 6) gratitude 7) assembled 8) immersed in 9) unloading 10) swift (b) 1) instead2) possessions 3) richer 4) breath 5) cherish 6) special 7) specific 8) shining 9) miracles 10) gift ii. translationchinese translations of texts ab 第五单元 表达谢意 课文a 写三封感谢信 那是在二战期间的1943年,我是个年轻的美国海岸警卫队队员。我们的船,美国军舰军市 - 4 -一号已出海多日。多数船舱装着成千上万箱罐装或风干的食品。其余的船舱装着不少五百磅重的炸弹,都小心翼翼地放在有软垫的架子上。我们的目的地是南太平洋图拉吉岛上一个规模很大的基地。 我是军市一号上的一个厨师,跟岸上的人样,那个感恩节的上午,我们忙着在准备一道以烤火鸡为主的传统菜肴。 当厨师的都知道,要烹制一顿大餐,摆上桌,再刷洗、收拾干净,是件辛苦的事。不过,等到太阳快下山时,我们总算全都收拾停当了。 我想先去后甲板透透气。我信步走去,一边深深呼吸着空气,一边慢慢地踱着步,头上仍戴着那顶白色的厨师帽。 可我脑子里似乎还在搜索着别的什么一某种我能够赋予这一节日以个人意义的方式。大概过了半个小时左右我才意识到,问题的关键也许在于把thanksgiving这个词前后颠倒一下那样广来至少文字好懂了:giving thanks。 表达谢意就如在祈祷时感谢上帝那样,我暗想。对啊,是这样,当然是这样。 可我脑子里仍一直盘桓着这事。 过了片刻,如同晨曦初现,一个更清晰的念头终于涌现脑际要感谢他人,那些赐我多恩惠,我根本无以回报的人们。令我深感不安的实际情形是,我向来对他们所做的一之泰然,认为是理所应当。我一次也没想过要对他们中的任何一位真心诚意地说一句简单的谢谢。 至少有七个人对我有过不同寻常、影响深远的帮助。令人万分难受的是,我意识到,他们中有一半已经谢世了因此他们永远也无法接受我的谢意了。我越想越感至懂愧。最后我想到了仍然健在的三位,几分钟后,我就回到了自己的舱房。 我的信是这样开头的广出海在外度过的这个感恩节,令我回想起您为我做了那么多事,但我却从来没有对您说过自己多么想感谢您”我简短回忆了他们每位为我所做的具体事例。 例如,我父亲的最不同寻常之处在于,从我童年时代起,他就让我深深意识到要热爱书籍、热爱阅读。事实上,这一爱好渐渐变成一种家庭习惯,晚饭后大家围在餐桌旁互相考查近日所读的书以及新学的单词。我对书籍的热爱从未减弱,日后还引导我自己撰文著书。多少次,当我看到如今的孩子们如此沉迷于电子媒体时,我不由深感悲哀,他们很少,或者根本不了解书中所能发现的神奇世界。 我跟纳尔逊牧师提及他如何每天清晨和集合在一起的学生做祷告,以此开始小镇初中的一天。我告诉他,我后来所做的任何有意义的事,都至少部分地是受了他那些学校晨祷的影响。 在给外祖母的信中,我谈到了她用了种种方式教我讲真话,教我与人分享,教我宽恕、体谅他人。我感谢她多年来让我吃她烧的美味菜肴,离开她后我从来没吃过那么可口的菜肴。最后,我感谢她,因为她在我的生命中撒下美妙的遐想。 睡觉前,我这三封信都送进了船上的邮袋。我们抵达图拉吉岛后都寄了出去。 我们卸了货,又装了其它物品,随后我们按熟悉的常规,再次出海。一天又一天,一星期又一星期,我个人的经历渐渐淡忘。我们在海上航行时,有时会与邮船会合,邮船会带给我们家信,当然,这是我们视为最紧要的事情。 每当船上的喇叭响起广大伙听好!邮件点名!”200名左右的水手就会冲上甲板,围聚在那两个站在宝贵的鼓鼓囊囊的灰色邮袋旁的水手周围。两人轮流取出一把把信件,大声念出收信水手的名字;叫到的人一边从人群中挤出来,一边应道:“来了,来了!” - 5 -【篇三:大学英语综合教程第1册第2版 unit1-5 答案】e page5 text comprehension 1. decide which of the following best states the authors purpose of writing. c 2. judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false. 15 t t t f f 3. answer the following questions 1. what made the authors grandpa cry sadly? the mere thought of his sons death in that terrible war in italy made him cry. 2. how long had grandpas son been in the war? three months. 3. what is the implication of the authors grandpas words never say goodbye? they mean never give in to sadness. 4. what did grandpa ask the author to do even if he and his friends had to part? he asked him to always remember the joy and happiness of the times when he first said hello to his friends. 5. what caused the author to return to the old house? his grandpa was gravely ill. 6. why do you think the authors grandpa smiled at him during his last moments? his grandpa must have felt greatly relieved when he realized that the author had finally found out the essence of his words. 4. explain in your own words the following sentences. 1. our big old house had seen the joys and sorrows of four generations of our family. 2. i planted these roses a long time ago before your mother was born. 3. many son left home to fight against fascists. 4. take the first friendly greeting and always keep it deep in your heart. page 69 vocabulary i. explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. 1. the only home. 2. 3. 4. don5. ii. fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form. a. instead 2. confronted with 3. lock away4. welled up 5. summon6. brief7. stared8.whispering 9. evil10. give in iii. choose a word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.14 d b b b5 8 a d b c iv. fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in its appropriate form and note the difference in meaning between them. 1. shudder shake a. shakingb. shuddered c. shaking d. shuddered 2. answer reply 1. answer b. replyc. reply d. answered 3. common general a. general b. general c. general; commond. common 4. small tiny a. smallb. tiny c. tiny d. small 5. give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used. iv. anguish: pain, grief, sorrow, agony v. softly: loudly, harshly, roughly vi. sadness: sorrow, grief, dismay vii. conspicuously: inconspicuously, unnoticeably viii. tiny: small, little ix. part: meet, gather x. gravely: seriously, severely, hopelessly xi. brief: lengthy, long 6. fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given capitalized word in brackets. 1.industrial2. description3. suspicion 4.assistant 5. unemployed 6. proof 7.examination 8. farther page 1012 grammar i. complete the following sentences using the simple past, past progressive or past perfect. a. were bathing; were looking; were playing b. was sitting; was reading c. was leaving; was; arrived; learned; had left; found; had used d. were playing; heard; hid; took e. was cycling; stepped; was going; managed; didnt hit f. gave; thanked; said; had enjoyed; knew; had not read; were g. had played; reached; entered h. was running; struck ii. complete the following passage with the proper form of the verbs given. left; spent; had been travelling; appeared; was; were crossing; could; arrived; was sleeping; stopped; came; were getting; was; had not arrived; would be iii. correct the errors, where found, in the following sentences. 1. talked was talking had remembered remembered was working had been working had resigned resigned iv. fill in each blank with the proper form of the verb in brackets. 1. take 2. to play 3. lifted 4. barking 5. played 6. to say 7. beaten 8.bite; slither 9. drop 10. lying v. rewrite the following sentences according to the example. 1. poor as/though he was, he was honest. 2. terrible as/though the storm, we continued our journey. 3. hard as/though he tried, he was unable to make much progress. 4. tired as/though i was, i went on working. 5. much as i would like to help you, im afraid im simply too busy at the moment. 6. much as i admired him as a writer, i do not like him as a man. 7. strong as/though he was, tom couldnt lift it. 8. bravely as/though they fought, they had no chance of winning. page 13translation 1. translate the following sentences into chinese. a) 我十岁那年,突然要搬家,从我唯一知道的家搬走,心中痛苦万分. b) 我们似乎有许多不同的方式说再见,但它们都有一个共同之处, 那就是令 人感到悲哀. c) 有一天,一场可怕的战争爆发了,我的儿子,就像许许多多的儿子, 离乡背 井与极大的邪恶战斗去了. d) 我在自己的心灵深处搜寻那些构成我们友谊的特殊感情. 2. translate the following sentences into english, using the words and phrases given in brackets. 1. he has prepared answers to the questions that he expects to confront during the interview. 2. his sad story touched us so deeply that we nearly cried. 3. the two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing. 4. when he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. 5. people from shanghai can understand suzhou dialect with ease, for shanghai dialect and suzhou dialect have much in common. 6. hey and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years. 7. he finally gave in to his daughters repeated requests to further her education abroad. 8. we locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday. 9. although we have parted from each other, i hope that well remain good friends 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.and that we will care for and help each other just as we did in the past. 10. at that critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics which would make it possible to conquer the enemy. integrated skills i. dictation throughout history / the basic unit of almost every human society / has been the family. / members of the family live together / under the same roof. / they share the economic burdens of life / as well as its joys. / the family head usually has considerable influence / in arranging marriages, / selecting careers / and determining all important moves and purchases / by any member of the family. / particularly in conditions / where society or the state / does not give aid / and the responsibilities of the family are greater, / this large group / provides better protection / in times of economic or other emergency. ii. fill in each blank in the passage below with one word you think appropriate. 1. later 2. push 3. what 4. puzzled 5. custom 6. bec


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