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1. admirationn. a feeling of respect and liking for sb./sth. 钦佩,羡慕 e.g. We have a great admiration for the peoples heroes. 2. anacondan. 大水蟒 3. antn. 蚂蚁 4. bamboon. 竹(竿) 5. banksiden. the slope of a bank especially of a stream (尤指溪流的)岸坡 6. barevt. expose, uncover 使露出,裸露 e.g. The dog bared its teeth. 7. be dying to do sth. /for sth.desire (to do) sth. eagerly 非常想做某事(或得到某物) e.g. She was dying to tell them the good news that she had won first prize in the speech contest. 8. blindn. a covering that can be pulled down over a window 窗帘 9. boan. 大蟒蛇 10. bown. 船头 11. braidn. a length of woven hair, rope, etc. 辫子;辫状编织物 12. bulbn. 电灯泡;球状物 13. butterflyn. 蝴蝶 14. canen. 藤条 15. clattervi. move quickly and noisily; (cause to) make continuous loud noises by hitting hard objects against each other 喧闹地移动;(使)咔嗒咔嗒地响 e.g. She dropped the bucket and it went clattering down the stairs. 16. cowln. 僧侣穿戴的头巾(或带头巾的长袍) 17. crocodilen. 鳄鱼 18. cuckoon. 布谷鸟,杜鹃 19. danglevt. hang or swing loosely 摆动;悬垂 e.g. A kite is dangling from a telephone wire. 20. dartvi. move suddenly and rapidly 迅疾地飞(奔) e.g. The boy darted behind the sofa as his father stormed into the living room. 21. dazzlinga. too bright to be seen easily 耀眼的dazzle vt. blind with bright light 使眼花,使目眩 e.g. His second film has been a dazzling success. 22. decorationn. 装饰,装饰品 e.g. When will they finish the decoration of the bathroom? 23. dinghyn. a small open boat that one sails or rows 小帆船,划子 24. disembarkvi. leave a ship or airplane after a voyage 上岸,登陆 e.g. I looked towards the plane. Six passengers had already disembarked. 25. dissolvev. fade away, disappear 消散,消失 e.g. The characteristics of gases vary widely. Some gases are transparent, some dissolve in water, and some have a strong smell. 26. downstreamad. 向下游;在下游 e.g. We drifted downstream. 27. dugoutn. (also dugout canoe) 独木舟 28. Ecuadoriann. 厄瓜多尔人a. 厄瓜多尔的 29. eeln. 鳗,鳝鱼 30. explorern. one that explores, especially one that explores a geographic area 探险家,考察者 31. fireflyn. 萤火虫 32. fleetn. a number of warships under one command 舰队 33. flockn. a group of certain animals (动物)群in flocks in groups 成群地 e.g. Penguins are gregarious birds and are found in flocks even at sea. 34. foamn. 泡沫,水沫 e.g. We see foam on water with a lot of soap in it. 35. freshlyad. recently, newly 刚才,新近地 e.g. This is Richard, who joined our team freshly. 36. fringen. the outer edge or limit of sth. 边缘,边界 e.g. Near the outer fringes of the solar system lies dark blue Neptune, a gas giant that probably has no true surface. 37. fussvi. bustle about; give too much attention to small and unimportant matters 忙乱;大惊小怪 e.g. As soon as they saw the manager the waiters began fussing around the tables. 38. get ones hands oncatch hold of, find or get (sth.) 抓到,得到 e.g. I wish I could get my hands on a copy of Harry Potter. 39. glidevi. move quickly and silently with ease; fly through the air without power 轻快无声地走;滑翔 e.g. At the sight of me she glided across the dance floor to greet me. 40. guavan. 番石榴 41. hammockn. 吊床 42. headwatersn. the place where a river begins 源头 e.g. Do you know where is the headwaters of the Yangtze River? 43. heapn. an untidy pile of something 一堆,大量 e.g. He left his books in a heap on the floor. 44. heronn. 苍鹭 45. high-pitcheda. (of sounds) very high in pitch 音调高的,尖声的 e.g. a high-pitched debate 46. hollown. a space sunk into something 洞穴 e.g. The explorer fell into a muddy hollow while walking in the forest. 47. hopvi. (of a person) jump on one foot; (of a bird or other animals) jump with two or all feet at once(人)单足跳,跳跃;(鸟和其他动物)齐足跳 e.g. The birds hopped about and pecked the earth briskly, looking for seeds and insects. 48. hushvi. be or become silent 安静下来,变得安静 e.g. Having cried for half an hour, the little boy hushed. 49. idlyad. in an idle manner 空闲地,懒惰地 e.g. Since weve got a long holiday we spend a lot of time watching TV, drinking, shopping, or just stay at home idly. 50. illuminevt. shine light on 照亮,照明 e.g. The sky was illumined by flashes from the volcano. 51. impalevt. pierce with a sharp stake or point 刺穿,钉住 e.g. The boy fell out of the window and was impaled on the fence. 52. in (all) silencewith (complete) absence of sound or noise (完全)不出声地 e.g. The kids were listening to the music in the classroom, in complete silence. 53. in detailwith specifics 详细地 e.g. The police asked the victim of the robbery to describe what happened to him in detail. 54. in the heart ofin the center of 在中心 e.g. Apartments in the heart of the city are too expensive. 55. jeansn. 牛仔裤 56. kingfishern. 翠鸟 57. loopvt. form or bend into a loop 使成环状 e.g. She looped the scarf round her neck and went out into the cold night air. 58. loosevt. untie, release 解开,放开 e.g. The hunter loosed the arrow without warning. 59. lopvt. cut, chop 砍,斩 e.g. He had his arm lopped off by an electric saw. 60. machete-hewna. 用大砍刀砍削而成的 61. mothn. 蛾,蛀虫 62. mutevt. reduce or stop the sound of 减弱(或停止)的声音 e.g. At the sight of their teacher walking into the classroom, they muted their voices. 63. nightjarn. 欧夜鹰 64. now.now.at one time.at another time. 忽而忽而 e.g. The junior officer who came into the room looked nervous; his eyes swiveled quickly, now this way, now that, as if he were scanning the room for danger. 65. nunn. 修女,尼姑 66. oarn. a pole with a flat blade pulled by hand to row a boat 桨 67. opaquen. not clear enough to allow light through 不透光的,不透明的 e.g. Milk is often stored in opaque containers to prevent vitamins from being destroyed by light. 68. out of rangetoo far away to be reached, seen or heard 在射程外的,够不到的 e.g. We thought that we were out of range of their rifles until the bullets started kicking up the dust in front of us. 69. out of sightno longer in view 在视野以外,看不见 e.g. The woman didnt go into the house until her daughter drove away and slowly faded out of sight. 70. out-of-the-waya. far away from cities and difficult to reach 偏僻的 e.g. Their destination this time is a quiet, out-of-the-way resort. 71. paddlev. 用桨划(船) e.g. Canoes can be paddled by one or more persons. 72. paichin. 巨滑舌鱼(南美食用大型淡水鱼) 73. parrotn. 鹦鹉 74. piranhan. 水虎鱼(南美产的一种小鱼) 75. plodv. walk slowly and heavily on(在上)缓慢而沉重地行走 e.g. Dont bother him right now. Hes plodding through a mountain of paperwork. 76. Quechuan. 盖丘亚族(南美印第安人分支)语;盖丘亚族人 77. rainforestn. 热带雨林 78. reputevt. believe, consider 认为,称为 e.g. She is widely reputed to be 25 years younger than her husband. 79. riversiden., a. 河边(的),河畔(的) e.g. His father used to live in the riverside cottage in Wales. 80. roofingn. 屋顶 81. sandbarn. 沙洲 82. shallown. (usu. pl) a shallow place or area in a body of water 浅水域,浅滩 83. shorelinen. 海岸线 84. slapvt. shoot; hit with something flat 弹射;拍击 e.g. Catherine responded to the mans attempt by slapping him. 85. slingn. 弹弓 86. slumpvi. sit or fall down heavily 重重地坐下(或倒下) e.g. Kennedy had been hit and slumped to the floor of the automobile. 87. smearvt. make (sth.) dirty;spread (a thick liquid, etc.) over a surface 弄脏;涂抹 e.g. Dont smear the glasses; Ive just polished them. 88. Spanishn. 西班牙语 89. spattervt. scatter (drops of liquid, etc.) on a surface 溅,洒 e.g. Hot grease spattered in all directions. 90. spectaculara. extraordinary; very attractive or impressive 与众不同的;引人入胜的,壮观的 e.g. The British Museum, one of the most spectacular museums in the world, is renowned for its extensive and diverse collection. 91. stripn. a long narrow region of land or body of water; a long narrow piece 狭长的地域(或水域);条,带 e.g. About 30 million people live along the Californian coastal strip. 92. stripeda. 有条纹的 e.g. She looked slim in her green and white striped shirt. 93. stumpn. 树桩 94. swarmvi. move in a crowd 成群地移动,蜂拥 e.g. A dark cloud of bees came swarming out of the hive. 95. swathn. a long strip 长列 96. take apartseparate into its different parts 拆开,分开 e.g. When I was young, my parents never blamed me for taking my toys apart. 97. tanglevt. catch in or as in a net, trap; mix together or intertwine in a confused mass 使卷入,使陷入;使缠结,使混乱 e.g. I have the sort of hair that tangles easily. 98. tarantulan. 鸟蛛,狼蛛 99. thatchn. 盖屋顶的材料;茅草屋顶 100. theepron. (古)(thou的宾格)= you 101. thongn. 皮带 102. thrashvi. move wi


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