



教学资料参考范本新北师大小学英语三年级下册Unit 11 Green berries (1)教案撰写人:_时 间:_Unit 11Green berries教学目标:知识:1. 学习故事,初步感知故事内容。 2. 结合故事内容学习句子 How are you ? Im not well Whats the matter ? My stomach hurts .能力:1. 使学生根据课文插图和课件理解故事内容。 2. 使学生能在课件的辅助下说出故事大概内容,能运用How are you? Im not well. Whats the matter ?My stomach hurts .询问身体状况。情感:1. 向学生渗透主动帮助、关爱他人的情感教育。 2. 使学生明白吃东西前要洗手,不能贪多,应形成良好的生活习惯。重点: 1. 理解故事内容。 2. 功能句型的实际应用。难点: 1. 正确地运用功能句型进行口语交际。 2. 独立完成Mocky写给Peter的信。实践活动:分角色读课文 / 情景表演 /Read and write 教学过程一、Warming up 1. Free talk T:Hello , boys and girls , how are you today ?Ss: Im fine .T:Who can ask me ?S:How are you today , miss Shen ? 师板书:How are you ? T:Im well . 师板书: Im well . T:Here Im well means Im fine . 2.引入课文:Show CAI about Ken T: Whos he ?Ss: Hes Ken .T: Lets greet him . Ss: Hello , Ken , how are you ?T: Lets listen what Ken says .(放录音)Ss repeat: Im not well.(板书呈现)T: If you stay with Ken , what will you do ? S:.渗透情感教育:主动关心别人,帮助别人。T: Why does Ken say “Im not well”? Lets watch the story. 二、学习故事1. 整体感知:1) Play the story without words . Q1: What does Ken eat ?Q2: What happens to Ken ?2)学习单词:stomach / hurt(板书: My stomach hurts)T: Ken isnt well , Who will help him ? Lets watch again .2. 借助课文插图理解故事情节1)使用课件播放图1图4Q: Who help him ? S: Mocky and Uncle Booky . 板书:My stomach hurts .T: For Ken , is Mocky a good friend ?2)使用课件播放图6图9 T: How does Uncle Booky help him ? S: .板书:Whats the matter ? Drink this , please .3)使用课件播放图10 Q: How is Ken the other day ? 师板书:Im better . Watch and repeat .学生看书自己读课文:质疑 T: Why does Kens stomach hurt ?渗透情感教育:不能吃得太多,注意个人卫生。5.Roleplay the story 1) 出示课件:引导学生说出相关联的句子。2) 分角色复述故事。(Ken / Mocky / Uncle Booky )6. Write the letter to Peter1)T: Mocky is better now, he wants to write a letter to his friend Peter , look , heres the letter , can you help him finish the letter .3) Show Ss letter . 4)Have a break: Listen and do: Touch your nose .三、Practice 1) Ask and answer (CAI 呈现图片)2)Pair work (see the doctor) (CAI 呈现图片)四、Set homework1.复习课文。2把课上学到的句子应用实际生活之中。2.(How are you ! What s the matter ?My (ear)hurts .)3.向Mocky Uncle Booky 那样,主动关心、帮助身边的朋友。板书设计: Unit 11 Green b


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