八年级英语上册 Unit 3《Our Hobbies》Topic 2 Section D 教案 仁爱版.doc_第1页
八年级英语上册 Unit 3《Our Hobbies》Topic 2 Section D 教案 仁爱版.doc_第2页
八年级英语上册 Unit 3《Our Hobbies》Topic 2 Section D 教案 仁爱版.doc_第3页
八年级英语上册 Unit 3《Our Hobbies》Topic 2 Section D 教案 仁爱版.doc_第4页




教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Unit 3Our HobbiesTopic 2 Section D 教案 仁爱版撰写人:_时 间:_ and 6. 本课重点活动是1和6。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn a new word:lovely, everybody2. Review some useful sentences:(1)Its hard to say.(2)I dont mind it.(3)They are very popular among young people.3. Review exclamation.4. Review some expressions of likes and dislikes:(1)Li Xiang likes listening to jazz.(2)But Tom hates it because he thinks it is too noisy. Teaching aids 教具乐器/小黑板/录音机/课件/音乐磁带/卡片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)通过播放音乐片断,师生交流和学生表演,既增进师生之间的理解和沟通,又促进学生的英语学习。进一步巩固本话题的功能项目。1. (检查作业。)(同桌互检,选出4份设计精美的个人档案卡片在班级展出。)2. (播放各种类型的音乐片断。)T: Well done! Lets enjoy some beautiful music. (欣赏之后,教师对学生逐个进行提问,谈论音乐、乐队、歌曲、歌手等。如有条件可让会乐器的学生表演乐器。)T:It sounds sweet! What kind of music do you like, S1?S1:Its hard to say. I used to enjoy folk music, but now I like pop music.T:Whats pop music?S1:Rock music, country music and jazz are all pop music.T:Right. They are very popular among young people. Do you like rock music, S2?S2:No, I dont like it at all.T:Why?S2:I think its too noisy.T:Do you like classical music, S3?S3:No, its too serious. I like folk music.T: Whos your favorite singer?S3:Tenger. Hes famous for folk songs.T:What do you think of jazz, S4?S4:Its not my favorite, but I dont mind it. I like country music best.T:Which band is your favorite, S5?S5:Flowers Band.T:What do you think of U2, S6?S6:Its one of the most famous rock bands in the world.T:Is it your favorite?S6:No, it isnt. My favorite band is S.H.E.T:Now I have known your favorite music, singers, bands and songs. I want to know what kind of musical instruments you can play. Please tell me one by one and play it for us. Lets start. (课前准备好乐器,放在班内。)S7: I can play the violin.T: Lets enjoy your performance.(学生在教室前表演。)S8:I can T:Great! You have your own hobbies. Now lets learn about the boys hobbies in 1.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:7分钟)要求学生阅读1,从文章中获取主要信息,并画出关键词,培养学生的快速阅读理解能力。1. (让学生快速阅读1,提取主要信息。) T: We know key words can help us a lot while we are reading. Now please read 1 quickly. And underline the key words. Kangkang piano funLi Xiang jazz wonderfulTom violin happyWang Junfeng drum exciting (师生共同核对并板书。)2. (让学生仔细阅读1,完成1中的表格。)1,please.S1:Kangkang likes piano music very much because it is great fun for him.T:Right. What about Li Xiang? S2, please.S2:He likes listening to jazz because it sounds wonderful.T:How clever! S3, what about Tom?S3:He likes violin music best because it makes him happy.T:Excellent! What about Wang Junfeng? S4, please.S4:He likes playing drums because its exciting.T:Good. He thinks playing the drums is exciting.NameLikesReason Kangkangpiano music It is great fun for him. Li Xiangjazz It sounds wonderful. Tomviolin music It makes him happy. Wang JunfengdrumsPlaying the drums is exciting.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)通过设置细节问题和复述课文,达到巩固1的目的。培养学生口语表达能力。1. (让学生听1录音,并跟读,注意语音语调。回答下列问题。)(1) When did Kangkang begin to play the piano? Who taught him?(2) What does Tom hate? Why?T:Next, lets listen to 1 and repeat it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Then answer the questions on the small blackboard.(两分钟后核对答案。)S1:He began to play the piano when he was eight.S2:A music teacher taught him.S3:Tom hates jazz because he thinks it is too noisy.2. (分组活动。五人一组,复述课文。前四位分别说出四个主人公喜爱的音乐类型,第五位复述整篇课文。评出优胜组。) T: Well done. Boys and girls, work in groups of five, four students act four different roles, and the rest one retells the whole text. At last, choose the winner. OK? Please go.Example:S4:Kangkang likes S5:Li Xiang S6:Tom S7:Wang Junfeng S8:Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)通过创设情景和做游戏,活跃课堂气氛,进一步巩固感叹句的学习。1. (让学生听3录音,填空,完成短文。) T: Oh, wonderful!(教师带领学生,鼓掌表扬优胜组。) Just now, we learnt a lot about Kangkangs and his friends hobbies. Heres good news for you. Theyre going to the party tonight. Do you want to enjoy wonderful music? Do you want to know what they are going to perform? Please listen to the news. Then finish 3 on page 68.(播放录音,核对答案)EverybodySs:How exciting! / Oh, wonderful!(板书领读并让学生猜测词义,要求学生掌握。)everybody=everyone(让学生再次听录音,加深对文章的理解,强调“play+the+乐器”的用法,板书并要求学生掌握。)play the drums, play the violin,play the piano, play the guitar2. (做单词组句游戏,完成2。)(分组活动:教师在课前把2中的感叹句分别写在卡片上,然后把卡片剪开,每个单词均独立分开。课堂上教师把学生分成23人一组,看哪组在最短的时间内把单词组成句子,然后各小组派一名学生把句子写在黑板上,对最先写出句子的前三组给予鼓励。)T: OK. Now lets play games. Youll work in groups of two or three. Everybody has a card and there is only one word on it. You make an exclamatory sentence, using the words on the cards as quickly as you can. Then write it on the blackboard. The first three groups will be winners. Please go.(核对答案。教学生词,要求学生理解carefully并注意它的词性,掌握lovely。)What a lovely dog! How wonderful!What bad weather! How carefully he studies!What beautiful flowers! How delicious!3. (让学生观察总结感叹句结构。)(教师板书,并作适当补充。) a/an + adj. + n. (C)+!What + adj. + n. (U) adj. + n. (pl.C)+!How+ adj. adv.4. (放4a, 4b录音并让学生跟读。) T: Great. Now lets go over 4a, 4b. Please listen and repeat.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)通过做游戏,制作海报和个人档案等方式,锻炼学生独立处理信息的能力,为学生提供实际运用英语的机会。1. (教师设置“摘苹果”游戏来帮助学生复习、巩固本话题的单词。) T: Next well use the words in the topic to play“pick apples”game.(游戏规则:用多媒体出示一棵茂盛的苹果树的图,树上长着很多苹果,每个苹果上都有一个英语单词。有红色的,也有绿色的。请学生上来摘“苹果”;每摘一个“苹果”,就要把“苹果”上的单词读出来并说出汉语意思。开始的时候,教师可请一些成绩相对差一些的学生上来,只要摘下一个会读的单词就可以获得一个“苹果”。单词只限于本话题内的。)2. (教师先设置情境:假设你们班要在教室里举办一个唱歌比赛。) T: Suppose we are going to host a singing contest in our classroom. Can you make a poster about it? Then choose one of your favorite singers and make a personal file for him/her. At last wri


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