



摸底竞赛六年级上学期小学英语期末真题模拟试卷卷(二)时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 选出下列单词中划线部分发音不同的选项( )A .eatB .seatC .bread2. 找出下列单词中不同类的单词( )A .visitB .willC .take3. I go to school . Because my home is next to my school.A .by bikeB .by busC .on foot4. Im , so Im going to the hospital to see a doctor.A .illB .sadC .happy5. Mike is going to be a head teacher. (同类词)A .word bookB .fishermanC .tonight6. 他们参观了汽车博物馆。_7. 该是晚饭的时候了。_8. _was your summer holiday?It was great.A .HowB .How manyC .How much二、词语练习(30分)9. Dont be . You should take a deep breath.A .happyB .warmC .angry10. My mother _to go to Hongkong .A .wantB .wantsC .wanted11. 选出你所听到的句子( )A .There are thousands of blue whales in the worldB .There are ten thousand blue whales in the worldC .There are hundreds of blue whales in the world12. I went to_ _ _.(故宫)13. 你朋友经常边玩电脑边吃薯条,你应该对他说: A .You should exercise a lot and eat healthy food.B .You should eat a lot of candy and chocolate.C .You should play computer games more.14. The Earth needs our helpCan we do to help it? A .somethingB .everythingC .anything15. Tim enjoyed _ in the sea.A .swimB .to swimC .swimming三、提升练习(30分)16. 连线,找答语Lets fly kites. _ A. I went to the restaurant.When did you go to Shanghai? _ B. It means you cant park here.What did you do a moment ago?_ C. I like playing chess.Whats your hobby? _ D. It sounds good.What does it mean? _ E. Two years ago.17. Who _(come) home late yesterday?18. I _ _( watch ) TV in the room .19. Christmas is the _(important) holiday in the UK.20. 选出正确的应答语。Have you got Chinese dragon kites ?_ A、No , she cant .Whats your hobby ?_ B、There are 193 .Can you speak English ?_ C、Yes , he really likes dancing .Tell me more about Thanksgiving Day ?_ D、Yes , we have .How big is New York ?_ E、Taking photos .How many member states are there in the UN ?_ F、Yes , I can .Pleased to meet you . _ G、Its got more than eight million people .Can Laura speak Chinese ?_ H、Its a train .Does he like dancing ?_ I、We have special meals .What is it ?_ J、Pleased to meet you , too .21. Bobby likes eating bananas.(对划线部分提问)22. 用“and”或“but”完成下列句子1. (1)Ive got a kite , _I cant fly it .2. (2)Sam has got a dog _he often plays with it.3. (3)Ive got a postcard _its from my pen


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