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Module 3 The Violence of Nature Integrating Skills,. 根据音标及词义写出正确的单词 1. _ n. 灰, 灰烬 2. _ vt. (火山的)爆发; 喷发 3. _ n. 火山 4. _ n. 地震 5. _ adj. 吓人的; 可怕的,ash,erupt,volcano,earthquake,terrifying,6. _ adv. 感激地; 满怀感谢地 7. _ adv. 幸运地; 幸亏 8. _ adv. 满怀希望地 9. _ adv. 幸运地, 幸亏 10. _ n. 损害,thankfully,luckily,hopefully,fortunately,damage,. 根据英文释义写出对应的英语单词 1. to spoil or destroy something ( ) 2. about an event, period or thing that happens or exists before the one you are talking about ( ) 3. something that might happen or be true ( ),ruin,previous,possibility,4. an action or statement telling someone of a possible problem or danger ( ) 5. about something happening or existing all over the world ( ) 6. always doing things, especially with energy and enthusiasm ( ),warning,worldwide,active,. 根据汉语意思补全短语 1. according _ 根据, 按照, 照来说 2. turn _ 翻转 3. fall _ 倒塌 4. cover an _ of 占面积 5. do damage _ 对造成危害 6. in _ 总共, 总计,to,over,down,area,to,all,. 根据语境写出黑体部分短语的汉语意义 1. Wood catches fire easily when it is very dry. ( ) 2. It was the naughty boy who set fire to the building. ( ) 3. The firefighters at last put out the forest fires two days later. ( ) 4. No one knows what took place when he was out. ( ),着火,放火烧,扑灭,发生,1. ruin vt. 毁坏 *She returned home and found all her furniture had been ruined by the flood. 她回到家发现所有的家具都被洪水毁坏了。 *He ruined his chance of promotion by his rudeness to the boss. 他由于对老板不礼貌而断送了晋升的机会。,【归纳拓展】 ruins n. 废墟,遗迹 in ruins 成为废墟 come/go/run to ruin =fall into ruin 毁灭,灭亡;崩溃,瓦解,*Did you see the ruins of a bombed-out office block? 你见到被炸毁的办公楼的废墟了吗? *The hotel was in ruins after that big fire. 那场大火过后,旅馆成了废墟。 *After that, the empire came to ruin. 在那之后,整个帝国走向毁灭。,【即学活用】用ruin的适当形式填空。 After the tsunami(海啸)passed away,all the villages and towns were in _, and no being was seen. They both argued all the time during the party,which completely _ the evening for the rest of us.,ruins,ruined,完成句子。 He _ by drink. 爱喝酒使他落得身败名裂。 An earthquake left the whole town _. 那次地震使整个城镇成为废墟。,was ruined,in ruins,2. terrifying adj. 吓人的,可怕的 *The hurricane lasted for two days. It was terrifying! 飓风持续了两天,太可怕了! *He had a terrifying experience when the flood hit the city last year. 去年洪水袭击这个城市的时候他有过一次可怕的经历。,【归纳拓展】 (1)terrify vt. 使恐怖;惊吓 terror n. 恐怖;恐惧 (2)terrified adj. 感到恐怖的;害怕的 be terrified of. . . 对感到恐惧 be terrified at. . . 因害怕 be terrified that. . . 害怕 be terrified to do sth. 害怕做某事,*I was terrified at the thought of walking in the dark. =I was terrified to think of walking in the dark. =I was terrified of walking in the dark. =I was terrified that I would walk in the dark. 一想到在黑天走路我就感到恐惧。,【名师点津】 英语中一些表心理变化的动词,其-ing和-ed形式通常起形容词作用,在句中作定语或表语。-ing形式表示“令人的”,常用来修饰物;-ed形式表示“某人感到的”, 用来说明人的感受。,【思维延伸】 常见的以-ing与-ed结尾的形容词有: interesting 有趣的;引起兴趣的/interested 对感兴趣的 surprising 令人惊奇的/surprised 对感到惊奇的 exciting 令人兴奋的/excited 对感到兴奋的 moving 感动人的/moved 受感动的 inspiring 鼓舞人心的/inspired 受到鼓舞的 puzzling 令人迷惑的/puzzled 感到迷惑的,【即学活用】用terrify的适当形式填空。 Last night I heard a _ sound. 昨晚我听到了可怕的声音。 He was _ at the sight of the ruins after the hurricane. 飓风过后看到一片狼藉他非常害怕。 His _ was so great that he could do nothing. 他非常恐惧,不知道如何是好。,terrifying,terrified,terror,The ruins of the buildings after the hurricane _ everyone present. 飓风过后建筑物一片狼藉,让每个在场的人都感到非常恐惧。,terrified,His voice shows that hes greatly . A. terrified; terrified B. terrified; terrifying C. terrifying; terrifying D. terrifying; terrified 【解析】选A。句意: 他那害怕的声音表明他非常害怕。terrified表示人内心的害怕, 可用来修饰名词look, expression, voice等, 表示“害怕的表情或声音”; terrifying look/voice表示“令人害怕的表情或声音。,3. warning n. 警告 *Fortunately, we had plenty of warning. 幸运的是,我们收到了足够多的警告。 *The red light is a warning sign for stop. 红灯是一种停止行进的警告信号。,【归纳拓展】 warn v. 警告;提醒,预先通知 warn sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 warn sb. against sth. 警告某人提防某事 warn sb. not to do sth. warn sb. against doing sth. 提醒/告诫某人不要做某事 warn+ that-从句 警告;提醒,*I was warned of the man. 有人警告我要提防那个人。 *Our teacher warned him against smoking. =Our teacher warned him not to smoke. 我们老师警告他不要吸烟。 *I warned them that there might be snakes in the woods. 我提醒他们树林里可能有蛇。,【即学活用】完成句子。 _,I didnt get caught in the rain. 多亏了妈妈的警告,我没有挨淋。 He _ the roads were icy. 他提醒我们路上结了冰。 He had been warned _ to anyone. 已警告过他不要跟任何人说。,Thanks to my mothers warning,warned us that,not to talk,He _crossing the street at that place. 他警告我不要在那个地方过马路。,warned me against,In some countries packets of cigarettes come with a government health attached to them. A. warning B. symbol C. goal D. signal 【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。句意: 在一些国家, 香烟盒上附带着政府对健康的一个警告。warning告诫, 警告; symbol象征, 符号; goal目的, 目标; signal信号, 标志。根据句意和词义选择A项。,4. damage n. & v. 损失;损害 *Fires caused by the California Earthquake did the most damage. 加利福尼亚地震引起的大火造成的损失最为严重。 *The storm did a lot of damage to the crops. 暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失。 *The front part of my car was damaged when it hit the tree. 我的车子撞到树时车头部分被撞坏。,【归纳拓展】 do/cause damage to. . . 对造成损害/损失,【易混辨析】,【即学活用】用damage/hurt/injure/wound的适当形式填空。 He warned that the action was _ the economy. 他警告说该行动正对经济造成破坏。 Shes afraid shes going to _ anyone else and that shell never fall in love again. 她害怕自己会伤害到其他任何人,并且永远不会再恋爱了。 Ten soldiers were killed and thirty serious _. 有十名战士阵亡,三十名重伤。,damaging,hurt,wounded,A bomb has exploded on a bus, seriously _ at least five people. 一个炸弹在公交车上爆炸,造成至少5人重伤。,injuring,【思维延伸】 (2011新课标全国卷)William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to . A. disappear B. fall C. fail D. damage,【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。句意: 威廉发现读书越来越难, 因为他的视力正逐渐变弱。disappear“消失”; fall“落下, (数量、数目)下降”; fail“(指健康)衰退, 变弱, 消失”; damage毁坏。,Mike didnt play football yesterday because he had his leg. A. damaged B. hurt C. hit D. struck 【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意: 迈克昨天没有去踢足球, 因为他的腿受伤了。表示使人的身体或心理受到伤害用hurt。damage指“损坏”某物的价值或有用性或某人的名声等; hit指“撞击, 击中”; strike指“打, 攻击, 敲, 擦”。,5. set fire to 放火(焚烧) *Ash and lava poured down the mountain, setting fire to hundreds of houses. 火山灰和熔岩沿着山倾泻下来,烧毁了几百座房子。 *It is said that his neighbour set fire to his house. =It is said that his neighbour set his house on fire. 据说是他的邻居放火烧了他的房子。,【归纳拓展】 on fire 着火(强调状态) catch fire 着火(强调动作) make a fire 生火 put out the fire 扑灭火 set sth. on fire=set fire to sth. 点火烧,*Take that carpet awayit might catch fire. 把那块地毯拿开,它可能会着火。 *We saw a house on fire when we passed the road. 我们经过这条路时,看到一所房子失火了。,【即学活用】完成句子。 This material is not easy to _. 这种材料不易着火。 The forest has been _ for several hours. 这片森林已经着火好几个小时了。,catch fire,on fire,The room was very cold, and she had to _ to warm herself. 房间很冷,她只好生火取暖。 Last night the factory _. When the firefighters _,one firefighter lost his life. 昨天晚上这个工厂着火了,在扑灭火的过程中,一名消防队员牺牲了自己的生命。,make a fire,caught fire,put out the fire,他点燃了那堆纸。 He _ the pile of paper _. He _the pile of paper.,set,on fire,set fire to,The campers began to make fire from the dry branches to cook their lunch, which made their tent catch fire. A. a; a B. /; a C. a; the D. a; / 【解析】选D。考查冠词。句意: 野营者开始用干树枝生火做午饭, 这使得他们的帐篷着火了。make a fire“生火”; catch fire“着火”。,6. put out 扑灭(火) *We put all the fires out. 我们扑灭了所有的火灾。 *She put out the light and closed the door. 她关掉灯,然后关上了门。,【易混辨析】,【归纳拓展】 put up 举起;张贴;建造;支起;为提供食宿 put off 推迟,拖延 put on 穿上;上演;假装 put in 插入 put through 使经受;接通(电话) put down 放下,使(乘客等)下(车);写下,记下,*The local drama club is putting on “Macbeth”. 当地的剧社正在演出麦克佩斯。 *The concert had to be put off because the main singer was ill. 由于主唱病了,音乐会不得不延期。,【即学活用】用合适的副词或介词填空。 Never put _ till tomorrow what should be done today. Make sure that you put _ every word she says. The forest guards often find campfires that have not been put _ completely. We will be happy to put you _ when you come to town next month. He was not really angry. He was putting it _.,off,down,out,up,on,(2012全国卷)Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can almost every word her teacher says. A. put out B. put down C. put away D. put together 【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 玛丽的确擅长在课堂上记笔记。她几乎能把老师说的每个词都记下来。put out扑灭; put down放下, 写下; put away放好; put together放在一起。根据句意可知选B。,He the cigarette as soon as he heard his father coming back. A. put out B. figured out C. carried out D. sent out 【解析】选A。考查动词词组。句意: 一听到父亲回来的声音, 他就把香烟熄掉了。put out熄灭, 扑灭; figure out解决, 算出, 理解, 弄明白; carry out贯彻, 执行; send out发出, 分发, 散发。,【思维延伸】 (2011江西高考)You cant predict everything. Often things dont as you expect. A. run out B. break out C. work out D. put out 【解析】选C。考查动词词组。句意: 你不能预言一切事情。事情常常不会像你期待的那样实现。run out耗尽; break out打破; work out算出, 实现; put out扑灭。选C。,7. take place 发生;举行 *Is a volcanic eruption taking place now? 现在火山喷发还在发生着吗? *When will the wedding take place? 什么时候举行婚礼?,【名师点津】不能被动的take place take place不用于被动语态,多指预先计划、安排要发生的事情;突然发生则用happen或occur。 *Since 1980 great changes have taken place in China. 自从1980年以来中国发生了巨大的变化。,【归纳拓展】 take the place of sb. take sb. s place 代替某人,接替某人 take ones placetake ones seat 就座 in place of 代替 in place 在适当的位置上;适当的,恰当的 out of place 位置不对;不合适,*Electric trains have now taken the place of steam trains in England. 现在在英国电动机车已代替了蒸汽机车了。 *Mr Yang is sick,so you had better take his place. 杨先生病了,最好还是由你来代他一下吧。 *Lets use metal in place of wood for this chair. 让我们用金属代替木料制作这把椅子吧。,*In his house everything is always in place. 在他家每样东西总是放得整整齐齐的。 * Everything is out of place in your study. 你书房里的东西都摆得不是地方。,【易混辨析】,【即学活用】选词并用其适当形式填空(take place/occur/happen)。 The evening party will _ on New Years Eve. Police said the accident _ about 4: 30 p. m. .,take place,occurred/happened,(2012重庆高考)Sam has been appointed manager of the engineering department to take place of George. A. /; / B. the; / C. the; the D. /; the 【解析】选D。考查冠词。句意: Sam代替了George, 被任命为工程部经理。第一个空是表示头衔、职务的名词, 在句中作主语补足语时, 不能加冠词; 第二个空是固定搭配: take the place of代替。,My sisters marriage at ten oclock today. A. happened B. took place C. occurred D. was taken place 【解析】选B。考查动词及动词短语用法。句意: 我姐姐的婚礼今天10点举行的。happen和occur表示突然发生; take place多指预先计划、安排要发生的事情, 没有被动语态。,8. in all总共;总计 *In all, 830, 000 people lost their lives. 总共有830 000人失去了生命。 *We received 1, 550 in cash and promises of another 650, making 2, 200 in all. 我们收到1 550英镑现金,另外还有650英镑的承诺,总计2 200英镑。,【归纳拓展】 after all 毕竟,归根结底 above all 尤其是,最重要的是 all in all 总之,从各方面来说 first of all 首先 at all 一点也不(否定句);到底,真的,竟然(肯定句和 疑问句),*Dont get discouraged by setbacks;we are new to the work after all. 别因挫折而灰心,这工作对我们来说毕竟还是新的。 *I enjoyed all the other subjects, but history above all. 我喜欢所有课程,尤其是历史。 *All in all his new book is a great success. 从各方面来说, 他这本新书都是极大的成功。,*First of all let me express my thanks to you for your valuable help. 首先,让我向你们的大力协助表示谢意。 *Theyve done nothing at all to solve the problem. 他们根本没有采取任何措施去解决这个问题。,【即学活用】选短语填空(in all/after all/above all/first of all/at all)。 He hasnt finished the work,but _ he has tried his best. _ she just smiled,and then she started to laugh. Has the situation improved _? Never waste anything,and _ never waste time. He spent very little time at school,perhaps not more than a year _.,after all,First of all,at all,above all,in all,(2011安徽高考)To be great, you must be smart, confident, and, _ , honest. A. therefore B. above all C. however D. after all 【解析】选B。考查词汇辨析。句意: 要想成为伟大的人物, 你必须聪明、自信, 而最重要的是要为人诚实。A项为“因此, 所以”; B项为“首先, 尤其是, 最重要的是”; C项为“可是, 然而”; D项为“毕竟; 终究”。根据句意选择B项。,【思维延伸】 (2014江西高考)Starting your own business could be a way to achieving financial independence. _ , it could just put you in debt. A. In other words B. All in all C. As a result D. On the other hand,【解析】选D。考查短语辨析。句意: 创业可能是获得经济独立的一个方法。另一方面, 它也可能让你负债。In other words换句话说; All in all总的说来; As a result结果; On the other hand另一方面。根据句意可知这里是说明一件事情的两个方面, 所以D项符合上下文句意。,(2012浙江高考)Brown said he was by no means annoyed; , he was glad to be able to make himself clearly understood. A. all in all B. for one thing C. on the contrary D. by the way,【解析】选C。考查短语辨析。句意: 布朗说他绝不生气; 相反, 他很高兴能使别人清楚地了解他自己。all in all总而言之; for one thing一则; on the contrary正相反, 相反地; by the way顺便说, 顺便提。,9. When the lava reached the sea, there was the possibility of a huge tidal wave which could flood half the island. 当岩浆到达大海时, 有可能引起巨大的潮汐, 淹没半个岛屿。,【句式分析】 (1)本句是复合句, when the lava reached the sea是时间状语从句, which could flood half the island是定语从句, 修饰a huge tidal wave, 主句是there was the possibility of a huge tidal wave。 (2)There is a/the/ no possibility of sth. /doing sth. /that. . . 表示“有/没有的可能性”, 其中that引导同位语从句, 表明possibility的内容。,*There is no possibility of changing furniture at this shop once bought. 在这家商店,家具一旦购买就绝对没有更换的可能性。 *Is there any possibility that well see you this weekend? 我们本周末能见到你吗?,【思维延伸】 其他表示“有可能做某事”的句型: it is possible/probable (for sb. ) to do sth. ; it is possible/probable that. . . ; it is likely that. . . ; sb. /sth. is likely to do sth. 例如: Is it possible that well see you this weekend? 我们本周末能见到你吗? It is likely that he will come. 他可能会来。,【即学活用】完成句子。 _ your getting to London this week? 本周你有可能去伦敦吗? Take your umbrella because _ it will rain. 带上伞吧, 因为有可能下雨。,Is there any possibility of,theres a possibility that,Is there any possibility you could pick me up at the airport? No problem. A. when B. that C. whether D. what 【解析】选B。考查引导词。问句句意: 你可能到机场接我吗?Is there any possibility that. . . ?意为“有的可能吗?”that在句中引导同位语从句, 补充说明possibility的具体内容。that在从句中无实际含义, 但不可省略。,【思维延伸】一句多译。 你们球队这次比赛有可能得冠军吗? a. _your team will win this match? b. _for your team _this match? c. _your team will win this match? d. _to win this match?,Is there any possibility that,Is it possible/probable/likely,to win,Is it likely that,Is your team likely,【要点拾遗】 1. luckily/fortunately adv. 幸运地; 幸亏 *Luckily/Fortunately,I passed the exam. 幸运的是,我考试及格了。 *Luckily I was at home when he dropped in. 幸好他来的时候我在家。,【归纳拓展】 luckily/fortunately for sb. 某人运气不错,对某人来说很幸运 lucky/fortunate adj. 好运的,幸运的 luck n. 运气 fortune n. 运气;财富 unluckily/unfortunately adv. 不幸地,*Unluckily/Unfortunately,he didnt get the job. 不幸的是,他没有得到这份工作。 *It was lucky/fortunate that I met you here. 我在这儿见到你真走运。 *I was very lucky/fortunate to get a copy so cheap. 我这么便宜地买到一本,真是幸运极了。,【名师点津】常用来修饰全句的副词有: fortunately/luckily(幸运地);unfortunately/unluckily(不幸的是);thankfully(感谢地);hopefully(满怀希望地);sadly(悲伤地);happily(高兴地)。,【即学活用】完成句子。 _, the fire was discovered soon after it had started. 幸运的是, 大火刚着不久就被发现了。 I got to the station late, _the train was still there. 我到车站时已经晚了, 但是幸运的是火车还没开。 _, he braked in time to avoid an accident. 他们真幸运, 他及时踩了刹车, 避免了一场事故。,Fortunately/Luckily,but luckily/fortunately,Luckily for them,2. thankfully adv. 感激地;满怀感谢地 *There was a fire in the building,but thankfully no one was hurt. 大楼失火了,但幸好没有伤着人。 *Thankfully,the house was empty when I got home. 谢天谢地,我到家的时候房子还空着。,【归纳拓展】 thankful adj. 对某人感谢的,感激的 be thankful to sb. for sth. 因某事对某人有感激之心 thank v. 感谢 thankless adj. 不感激的;不领情的 thanks n. 感谢;感激 thanks to 多亏,由于,*I am thankful to you for your present. 我感谢你的礼物。 *Thanks to your help we were successful. 多亏你的帮助,我们成功了。,【即学活用】完成句子。 _(thankful),I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end. 感到欣慰的是,我通过了比赛,付出的痛苦最终也是值得的。 We _ you for your help. 我们感谢你们的帮助。 _his decision, things have come out right. 幸亏他的果断,形势得以好转。,Thankfully,are thankful to,Thanks to,3. hopefully adv. 满怀希望地;有希望地 *Hopefully, it wont be too long. 希望时间不会太久。 *Hopefully we can solve the problem. 我们有望解决这个问题。,【归纳拓展】 hopeful adj. 有希望的 hopeless adj. 没有希望的 *Everyone is feeling pretty hopeful about the future. 人人都对未来充满希望。 *The economy is in a hopeless mess in that country. 那个国家的经济无可救药。,【即学活用】 We have done half the work so far. , well have finished it by December. A. Unluckily B. Fortunately C. Hopefully D. Thankfully 【解析】选C。考查副词辨析。句意: 到现在为止我们已经做了一半的工作了, 希望到十二月底完成所有的工作。unluckily不幸地; fortunately幸运地; hopefully有希望地; thankfully感谢地。根据句意可知, 我们“希望”年底之前完成工作, 故选择C项。,They are discussing the problem right now. It will have been solved by the end of next week. A. eagerly B. hopefully C. immediately D. gradually 【解析】选B。考查副词辨析。句意: 他们现在正在讨论这个问题, 希望在下周末之前解决好这个问题。eagerly急切地, 渴望地; hopefully有希望地; immediately立刻, 马上; gradually逐渐地。根据句意和词义选择B项。,4. active adj. 积极的;活跃的 *China is situated in one of the most active earthquake regions in the world. 中国位于世界上地震活动最活跃的地区之一。 *Although he is quite old he is still very active. 他虽然年纪大了,可仍很活跃。,【归纳拓展】 (1)be active in (doing) sth. 积极参加 take an active part in. . . 积极参加 (2)activity n. 活动;活跃 *She used to take an active part in physical labour. 她过去常常积极参加体力劳动。 *Her activities include tennis and painting. 她的活动包括网球和绘画。,【即学活用】完成句子。 He is _of the club. 他是俱乐部的积极分子。 She _ local politics. 她积极参加当地的政治活动。 She _outdoor activities. 她热衷于户外活动。 Sailing is _ I enjoy very much. 帆船运动是我非常喜爱的运动。,an active member,takes an active part in,is active in,an activity,写自然灾害、灾难类文章 【文体感知】 自然灾害或灾难性事件主要是指自然灾害或人类行为导致的灾难性事件。命题人通常会以世界上发生的自然灾难及其救援活动命题。作文常由灾害或灾难报道引出, 要求考生就事件、预防措施、灾难事件发生时的自救方法和面对灾难的


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