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一,二,三,四,一、根据英文描述的使用情景和首字母或汉语提示,用本课生词填空 1.If you s something,you bring forward a plan or idea for someone to think about. 2.The (标题) of a book,play,film or piece of music is its name. 3.The d of someone or something is the place to which they are going or being sent. 4.If you e a room or building,you leave it. 5.H people,situations,or things that existed in the past are thought to be a part of history.,suggest,title,destination,exit,Historical,一,二,三,四,6.When you p a bag,you put your things into it,because you are leaving a place or going on holiday. 7.A(n) (百万富翁) is a very rich person who has money worth at least a million pounds or dollars,etc. 8.Your (脚趾) are the five movable parts at the end of each foot.,pack,millionaire,toes,一,二,三,四,二、阅读课文,选择正确答案 1.What does Cathy have to do this weekend? A.Finish a project on the history of the Internet. B.Go camping with her family if the weather is fine. C.Help Tom with his project. D.Look for books in the library. 2.According to Cathy,if we had virtual reality holidays,we . A.wouldnt worry about the weather B.would only spend a short time travelling on the plane to get to the holiday destination C.would go anywhere with anyone we like D.all would like to have an around-the-world tour,A,A,一,二,三,四,3.What does Tom advise Cathy to do? A.Look for books in the library. B.Use the library computer to look for information. C.Go to a science museum. D.Go camping with him and his family. 4.How does Tom think about the virtual reality holiday? A.Its worth expecting to have a chance. B.Its as interesting as travelling somewhere in the flesh. C.Its hard to imagine. D.He is very interested in it.,B,C,一,二,三,四,5.As for the virtual reality, . A.Tom prefers virtual reality holidays to virtual universities B.Cathy prefers virtual reality holidays to virtual universities C.Tom prefers virtual universities to virtual reality holidays D.Cathy prefers virtual universities to virtual reality holidays,C,一,二,三,四,三、根据课文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F) 1.Tom will help Cathy finish a project on the history of the Internet this weekend. 2.Tom will have a virtual reality holiday this weekend. 3.A virtual university will be more interesting than a real university. 4.Virtual reality holidays take less time than real holidays. 5.You neednt go to the real place in virtual reality holidays. 6.The Science Museum online doesnt exist in fact.,F,F,F,T,T,F,一,二,三,四,四、从课文中找出与下列各句意义相同的句子 1.What are you going to do this weekend? 2.But we will go unless it rains. 3.In the future,we can use modern technology to go anywhere we like. 4.But I still find it is hard to imagine.,What are you up to this weekend?,But we wont go if it rains.,In the future,well be able to use modern technology to go anywhere we like.,But I still find it hard to imagine.,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,1.It depends on the weather. 这取决于天气。 考点 depend on 取决于 【高考典句】(2015陕西卷)The shade of the forest trees provides a home for birds and other species that depend on the trees flowers and fruits. 森林的树荫给那些以树的花朵和果实为生的鸟类和其他物种提供了一个家。 Whether the game will be played depends on the weather. 比赛是否举行要看天气而定。 Health depends on good food,fresh air and enough sleep. 健康有赖于健康的食物、新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,Whether or not she can pass the exam depends on how hard she works.她是否能通过考试取决于她的努力程度。 It depends on whether youve got enough time. 那取决于你是否有足够的时间。 归纳:depend on 后可接名词、连接副词(如how)及whether引导的从句等作宾语。,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,1)同义短语:depend upon 2)阅读下面的句子,体会depend on的意义。 (1)I dont want to depend too much on my parents. 我不想过度依赖父母。 意义:依赖 (2)You shouldnt always listen to others.You can depend on your own judgement. 你不要老是听别人的话,你可以依靠自己的判断。 意义:依靠 (3)Were depending on you to tell us the truth. 我们指望你告诉我们真相。 意义:指望,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,活学活用 语法填空 1)When will you arrive? I dont know.It depends the traffic. 2)Could you do me a favour? It depends on it is. 3)Villagers here depend the fishing industry without which there wont be much work.,on,what,on,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,2.Tom,can you suggest any good books for my project? 汤姆,你能提供一些和我的课题有关的好书吗? 考点 suggest vt. 提议,建议 【高考典句】(2016全国乙卷)What does the woman suggest the man do? 女人建议男人做什么? Research suggests that night owls feel most alert and function best in the evenings and at night. 研究表明,夜鹰在晚上和夜里最警觉,能力发挥得最好。 He suggested taking the children to the zoo. 他提议带孩子们去动物园。 May I suggest you/your closing the door? 我能建议你把门关上吗?,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,Can you suggest how we might solve the problem? 我们怎样解决这个问题,你能给出个主意吗? I suggested you (should) give him a call before going there. 我建议你去那儿之前先给他打个电话。 归纳 suggest后可接名词、动词-ing形式以及动词-ing形式的复合结构或从句作宾语。接从句作宾语时,从句谓语用“(should+)动词原形”的形式。,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,1)阅读下面的句子,体会suggest的含义。 (1)His attitude suggests that he isnt really interested in English. 他的态度表明他并不是真的对英语感兴趣。 含义:表明;暗示 (2)The sight of birds suggested a new idea for flying machines. 人们看到鸟,便对飞行器有了新的设想。 含义:使想起;使产生,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,2)suggestion n. 建议,提议 Please write to me at once if you have any suggestions. 如果你有任何建议,请立即写信给我。 At/On his suggestion,I bought the more expensive printer. 在他的建议下,我买了那台贵一些的打印机。 归纳:“关于的建议”用介词for,on或about都可以;at/on ones suggestion表示“在某人的建议下”。 3)suggestion还有“暗示,迹象”的意思。 There was no suggestion that he was doing anything illegal. 没有迹象表明他在做任何违法的事。,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,4)与suggestion相关的从句: My suggestion is that we (should) add some sand to this soil. 我的建议是在土壤里加些沙子。 Your suggestion that we go swimming is out of the question. 你提的我们去游泳的建议是不可能的。 There was a suggestion that he was bored with the work. 有迹象表明他对这项工作感到厌烦。 归纳:suggestion表示“建议”,用于同位语从句时,与其相关的从句的谓语用“should+动词原形”的形式(should可省略);表示“暗示,迹象”时,与其相关的从句的谓语时态与主句时态相呼应。,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,活学活用 语法填空 1)Why did you suggest us (buy) a new machine? Because the old one has been beyond repair. 2)The evidence suggests quite strongly that the fire (cause) by an explosion(爆炸). 3)The teacher suggested that each student (make) a study plan. 4)What do you think of the suggestion that a meeting (hold) to discuss the plan? 5)What do you think of Wang Fangs (suggest)?,buying,was caused,(should)make,(should)be held,suggestion,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,6)I suggest he (phone)his parents before he goes there. 7)Janes pale face suggested that she (be)ill,and her parents suggested that she (have)a medical examination.,(should)phone,was,(should)have,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,3.Whats more,we wouldnt have to spend a long time travelling on planes to get to our holiday destinations. 而且,我们不用花很长时间在飞机上就能到达度假的目的地。 剖析 whats more用作插入语;不定式短语to get to.作目的状语。 考点 whats more 而且,更为重要的是 【高考典句】(2015四川卷)Whats more,I have a gift for getting my ideas across. 而且,我有一种能让别人理解我的观点的天赋。 The decorations were absolutely beautiful and whats more,the children had made them themselves. 装饰品真的很漂亮,而且还都是孩子们自己做的。 归纳:whats more用作插入语,用于对所陈述的情况进行补充说明。,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,活学活用 完成句子 1)没人知道他在哪里,而且也没人知道他的电话号码。 No one knows where he is. . 2)你应该记住它,更重要的是,应该正确理解它。 You should remember it,and . 3)他们就要结婚了,而且还要一起做生意呢。 They are going to get married,and .,Whats more,nobody knows his phone number,whats more,you should get it right,whats more,they are doing/will do business together,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,4.We wont have to go there in the flesh at all! 我们根本无须亲自前往那儿! 考点 in the flesh 亲自;本人 His appearance in the flesh ended the rumours about his death. 他的亲自露面使他已死亡的谣言不攻自破。 Ive got all her records but Ive never seen her in the flesh. 我有她的所有唱片,但从未见过她本人。,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,活学活用 语法填空 1)The first thing viewers usually say when they see him the flesh is “Hes smaller than he looks on TV”. 完成句子 2)我在电视上见过她,但从未见到过她本人。 I have seen her on television,but .,in,never in the flesh,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,5.Cathy,do you mean well use the computer to travel around the world,entering and exiting countries in seconds and visiting all the historical sites? 凯西,你是说我们将使用计算机环游世界,短时间内出入国境并参观所有的历史古迹吗? 剖析 “well use.sites”是省略that的宾语从句,其中不定式短语“to travel around the world”作目的状语,动词-ing形式短语“entering and exiting.”作伴随状语。 考点一 exit vt.& vi. 出,离开 Exit the building to your left,please. 请从左边离开大楼。 Passengers are requested to exit from the back door. 乘客们被要求从后门下车。,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,阅读下面的句子,体会exit的词性和含义。 (1)The exit signs in many cinemas are usually made bright. 许多电影院的出口标记通常都是带灯光的。 词性:名词 含义:出口 (2)They made a quick exit when they saw the police approaching. 他们看到警察来了,于是赶紧离开了。 词性:名词 含义:离开,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,考点二 historical adj. 历史的,有关历史的 Not all historical buildings are attractive. 并非所有的历史性建筑都吸引人。 Was King Arthur a real historical figure? 历史上真的有亚瑟王这个人吗? Many important historical documents were destroyed when the library was bombed. 许多重要的历史文献在图书馆遭到轰炸时被毁了。,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,辨析:historical和historic We have no historical evidence for it. 我们缺乏可以证明这一点的史学根据。 This is a historic occasion. 这是具有重大历史意义的时刻。 归纳:historical表示与历史有关的事实,即历史上存在或发生过的事实;historic表示有重要历史意义的,即在历史上著名的或是重要的事实。,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,活学活用 语法填空 1)She walked into the front door of a store and (exit) from the back door. 2)A (history) novel may do more than mirror history;it may even influence future events. 翻译句子 3)Please exit from the front door. 4)This is a historical play.,exited,Historical,请从前门离场。,这是一部历史剧。,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,6.Just imagine never having to pack a suitcase! 想象一下不用收拾行李! 考点一 imagine vt.想象 【高考典句】(2015湖南卷)Imagine having your entire house,garage,and yard inspected at any timewith no warning. 想象一下你的整个房子、花园和院子都被时时监控的情景吧还是在完全没有预警的情况下。 Imagine a house with a big garden. 设想有一所带大花园的房子。 She imagined walking into the office and telling everyone what she thought of them. 她想象着自己走进办公室并对每个人都说出自己对他们的看法的情景。,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,I cant imagine why people always speak against her. 我不明白人们为什么总是反对她。 We had once imagined our English teacher as a tall man. 我们曾把我们的英语老师想象成一个高个子男人。 Imagine yourself (to be) rich and famous. 想象一下你既有钱又有名的情况。 归纳:imagine后可跟名词、动词-ing形式及从句作宾语,接从句时多以否定形式出现;还可和介词as连用,表示“把想象成”。,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,1)在imagine后若需用代词代替前面已出现的内容,尤其是所需代替的内容是名词或名词性从句时,应该用so,而不用it。 Do you imagine they will help us?你想他们会帮助我们吗? Yes,I imagine so.是的,我想会的。 2)注意下面两句的意义: I can imagine how excited you are to see your parents again after such a long time. =I cant imagine how excited you are to see your parents again after such a long time. 在这两个句子中,虽然一个主句用了肯定,另一个主句用了否定,但它们的意义实际上是一样的。句意为:我能想象到(我简直不能想象)经过这么长时间后,当你再次见到你的父母时会是多么激动啊!,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,3)派生词(名词):imagination想象;想象力 Children often have very vivid imaginations. 孩子通常拥有生动的想象力。 4)派生词(形容词): imaginable 可想象的,想象得到的 imaginary 想象中的;幻想的;虚构的 imaginative 创新的;富于想象力的 It was the most shocking sight imaginable. 那是能想象到的最骇人的景象。 A dragon is an imaginary animal. 龙是一种想象出来的动物。 He is an imaginative poet.他是一位富于想象力的诗人。,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,考点二 pack vt.收拾(行李);打包 Just a moment.I havent finished packing my suitcase. 等一下,我还没有收拾好行李箱。 Dont forget to pack your things! 别忘了把你的东西收拾好! All these books need to be packed into boxes. 这些书都需要打包(装箱)。,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,活学活用 语法填空 1)There is a story in the paper about a 110-year-old man. My goodness!I cant imagine (be) that old. 2)That is the only way we can imagine (reduce) the overuse of water in students bathrooms. 翻译句子 3)我经常想象在大草原上旅行。 4)你能想象宇航员在太空行走吗?,being,to reduce,I often imagine travelling on the grand grassland.,Can you imagine astronauts walking in space?,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,5)在二十年前,人们不能想象我们现在居然能从网络上获取那么多的信息。 用imagine的适当形式填空 6)You dont need to use your when watching TV. 7)Doctors have tried every treatment for her skin disease. 8)Don Quixote(堂吉诃德) was so that he fought many battles.,Twenty years ago,people couldnt imagine that we would get so much information from the Internet.,imagination,imaginable,imaginative,imaginary,1,2,3,4,6,7,5,7.语法 考点一 if引导的真实条件句(英语中称为First Conditional) 在真实条件句中,假设的情况可能发生。 If he comes,he will bring his violin. 如果


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