



精选积累复习五年级上学期小学英语二单元模拟试卷B卷时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 仿照例子选择相应的选项。class D A.end week_B.times Sun_ C.work foot_D.roomhome_ E.day some_ F.ball 2. 单词翻译。早晨_高的_书_足球_汤_食物_3. 词组翻译。在周末_许多地方_大英博物馆_大本钟_4. 找出不同类的单词( )A .classB .mathC .Chinese5. Is it Friday?_A .Yes, its.B .No, it is.C .No, it isnt.6. Please look _ this picture.A .atB .inC .of7. 选出你所听到的短语( )A .play the violinB .in the studyC .play the guitar8. 选出你所听到的短语( )音频A .do exerciseB .do homeworkC .whose guitar二、词语练习(30分)9. do / you / what / usually / do / parents / your / with (?)_10. are you, Mum? Im in the kitchen.A .HowB .WhereC .What11. 根据听到的句子,选出正确的上句或下句( ) A .What do the elephants eat?B .When do the elephants eat?C .How much hay do the elephants eat?12. 选出你听到的句子的应答语( )A .I have maths and Chinese.B .I love music.13. What does Li Wei usually do on Saturday?A .CookingB .Doing his homeworkC .Doing some washing14. How often does Bill drink milk?A .Once a weekB .Every dayC .Never15. 选出你所听到的句子( )A .Do you like this story book?B .I like readingC .There are many pictures in it三、提升练习(30分)16. I often play _(the football/football)on the weekend .17. Grandma is telling _a story.(我们)18. 看图读一读,把句子代码填在相应的横线上A. Lily and Peter are in the same class. They are both in Class 1, Grade1.B.I have three friends. They are all girls. They all like dancing very much.C. Lisa likes helping old people. She often helps them carry heavy bags.D. Tim and Tom are brothers. They like different sports._19. 判断下列福娃与其名字是否相正确应,用“正确”或“错误”表示。Nini( )20. What _ Zoom do on Sunday?He often plays with Zip.A .doB .isC .does21. 阅读理解,判断正误。 Wang Hui is a good girl. She doesnt go to school on weekends. She often does her homework and reads books in the morning. Then she helps her mother do housework. In the afternoon, she goes to play ping-pong with her friends. After dinner, she and her mother watch TV. She likes weekends.1. (1)Wang Hui is a boy.2. (2)She doesnt go to school on weekends.3. (3)In the morning, she goes to play ping-pong.4. (4)She does her homework in the afternoon.5. (5)S


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