



Unit 6 An old man tried to moved the mountains课题Unit 6 An old man tried to moved the mountains.Section B (3a-Self Check)授课类型new一、教材分析本着一切从学生的实际出发的原则,由于本节课 的功能与话题部分与学生的日常较为贴近,学生对这些较熟悉、也感兴趣,因此可以通过谈论读过的故事讲给同伴听,学习讲故事的方法。对于本单元的语法教学,可以采用教师讲解引导,学生模仿练习的方式,利用学生感兴趣的语言载体,讲解连词unless, as soon as, so that的用法。我班学生存在主要问题是学生差异较大,大部分学生有较强的学习能力,还有部分学生接受能力差,需要老师、同学的帮助。所以在教学时特别注意因材施教。二、学情分析本单元是以一则励志故事愚公移山作为学习背景的,因为在汉语的学习过程中学习过这篇中文的材料。且学生对于这种神话故事类型的材料背景很感兴趣。除了这些而外,还穿插了一些比如说西天取金,后羿射日,哪吒闹海之类的故事,因此,本单元的知识点学习将是轻松愉快的。但是有可能会出现将知识点的时候,学生很被动。特别是进入暑期,学生的精神面貌会有所下降。三、教学目标 教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 复习动词不定式的不同用法。掌握生词ground, lead, voice, brave 2) 能够用英语讲述一些自己熟悉的故事,并就伙伴所讲述的故事的相关人物或细节进行询问。3) 能用就本单元所学习的寓言故事等语言材料,进行完型填空。 四、教学重点难点重点教学重点:学会表达故事中的人物或情节,并发表一些简单的看法或观点。 What do you think of / about the story of Yu Gong? I think its a little bit silly. I still dont agree with you. 难点教学难点:阅读短文,完成写段落关键词及短文填空的任务。 五、教学过程设计教学过程Step 1 Revision1. Have a dictation of the new words and expressions. 2. Review the main sentences in the play. 3. Let Ss act out the play in groups. Step 2 Writing Work on 3a: 1. Tell Ss what they should do. 2. The key words in a scene help you know the main meaning of the play. Read the story again and write some key words from each scene. Scene 1: plan, kill, save, _Scene 2: _Scene 3: _Scene 4: _Scene 5: _Scene 6: _Scene 7:_ 阅读指导: 每场剧中,确定最重要的一些人物的活动。 然后,找出这些与之相关的关键句子。 最后,写出这些关键句中的动词或名词。 3. Ss try to write down their answers in the blanks. 4. Walk around the class give any help Ss may need. 5. Let some Ss read their answers and discuss with their partners.Step 3 Asking and answering 1. Read the questions in 3b. Make sure all the Ss know the meaning of the sentences. Let Ss think and try to answer the questions: 2. Ask one Ss answer the questions as a model. 3. Ss discussing the questions and try to write down their answers. 4. Let some Ss tell their answers.Step 4 Self check Work on Self check 1: 1. Review the use of unless; as soon as; sothat. 2. Let Ss read the sentences in Self check 1. Then Ss try to make their own sentences. 1. Well be late unless2. You wont be successful unless 3. As soon as I got to the bus stop4. Bill opened his book as soon as 5. The movie was so touching that6. The boy was so excited that3. Let some Ss read their sentences. Correct the mistakes. Work on Self check 2 1. Tell Ss to read the short passage and fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the verbs in the brackets. 2. Tell Ss should try to read through the passage first. Then try to fill in the blanks. Make sure to use the right tense. 3. Ss work and by themselves and try to fill in the blanks. 4. Check the answers with the class. Step 5 ExercisesIf time is enough, do some more exercises on big screen. 六、练习及检测题动词填空 1 He tried _ (climb) the mountain, but he failed. 2 Yu Gong kept _ (try) and didnt _ (give) up. 3 But what could Yu Gong do instead of _ (move) the mountains. 4 Do you find a good way _ (solve) the pr


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