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Enjoying Cambridge Book I享在剑桥大学实用英语综合教程第一册电子教案及备课笔记 基础部英语教研室编 200892 Unit Six A Teaching Objectivesa. Contents of the textFocus 1: Help the young students understand the meaning of unconditional love, that is, people should not only love those who are good-looking or fun to have around. Focus 2: Discussion of the moral choice for a couple: to continue expensive medical treatment of their child who is suffering an incurable disease or give up the child.b. Key language points in the textFocus 1: 1. Words such as treat, favor, praise, campaign and burden may function both as a noun and as a verb. 2. Indefinite pronouns.3. Modal verb phrase would ratherthat4. “verb + it + adj. +inf.” Pattern.c. VocabularyFocus 1: 20 B-level words, 14 A-level words, 10 phrases and expressions listed under Vocabulary.Focus 2: 15 B-level words, 12 A-level words, 6 phrases and expressions listed under Vocabulary.d. Comprehensive skillsUnderstand a passage at the pre-intermediate level of difficulty and on this basis, be able to write a summary of the text. e. FunctionsFocus 1: Expressing Sympathy. Focus 2: Writing a Letter of Sympathy. B Procedures and Methods Eight teaching periods are needed to cover the present unit. 1. Period One and Period Two: l Step One: a. Background information:The Vietnam War was the longest and most unpopular war in which Americans ever fought. And there is no calculating the cost. The toll (bad effect) in suffering, sorrow, and angry national confusion can never be tabulated. No one wants ever to see America so divided again. And for many of the more than two million American veterans of the war, the wounds of Vietnam will never be healed.The hostilities in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia claimed (killed) the lives of more than 58,000 Americans. Another 304,000 were wounded. Vietnam War Timeline1965-1968 The Jungle Years 1969-1975 The Bitter Endb. warm-up questionsDo your parents give up or are ready to give up everything for you? Do they set any conditions when they buy you food and clothes or pay for your tuition fees? (The warm-up exercise shall not take up more than 8 minutes.)l Step Two: Go over the key words and expressions in the text. *unconditional /nkndISnl/a. 无条件的,无限制的,绝对的The enemy were/was forced to make an unconditional surrender. *favor /feIv(r)/n. C, U 恩惠,善意的行为,好事;好感,喜爱vt. 赞同,偏爱,偏袒Ive come to ask you a favor. disclose /dIsklUz/vt. 透露;揭开;揭发;露出 He disclosed the secret to me. *continue /kntInju/vt./vi. 继续,延伸,连续He ate lunch and then continued his work. *pretty /prItI/ad. 相当地,颇a. 漂亮的,秀丽的Im pretty well. campaign /kQmpeIn/ n. C 战役,运动 Did you serve in either of the last two campaigns? obliged /blaIdZd/a. 感激的,感谢的We are obliged to you for dinner. *injury /IndZrI/n. C 伤害,损害;受伤处His injuries were bad, so he was sent to the hospital. *burden /bdn/n. C 负担 It is a burden to the people. interfere /IntfI(r)/vi. 妨碍;干扰,干涉,介入The icy weather interfered with the contact. scarcely /skeslI/ad. 几乎不,简直没有,勉强地He was so frightened that he could scarcely speak.*hang /hQN/vi./vt. 悬挂,吊;吊死,绞死Curtains hang at the windows.*sadden /sQdn/vt./vi. 使悲伤,使伤心,对感到悲伤Her death saddened him. cast /kAst/ vt. 将(视线、目光)投向;投,抛,扔;浇铸,铸造 She cast her eyes up proudly. *recognize /rekgnaIz/vt. 认出,识别;承认I recognized him after he took off his hat. *horror /hr(r)/n. U 震惊;恐怖;憎恶They were filled with horror when they heard the bad news. *inconvenience /InknvinIns/vt./vi. 给(某人)添麻烦,给(某人)带来不便;打扰Am I inconveniencing you if I park my car in front of your house? competent /kmpItnt/a. 有能力的,胜任的Is Mary competent as a teacher? *smart /smAt/a. 聪明的,精明的;漂亮的,时髦的Don is smart in mathematics. *thankfully /TQNkflI/ad. 幸亏;感激地,高兴地Thankfully, its at last stopped raining. treat /trit/vt. 对待,看待;处理;医疗,医治;款待,请(客)We should treat animals kindly. regardless /rIgAdls/ad. 无论如何,不管怎样The boy went swimming in the deep lake regardless of his mothers fears for his safety. *rare /re(r)/a. 难得的,珍奇的,稀有的;稀薄的,稀疏的It is rare for her to arrive late. *indeed /Indid/ad. 实际上,的确;确实,实在A friend in need is a friend indeed.*encourage /InkrIdZ/vt. 鼓励,支持,助长He always encourages me in my studies. *succeed /sksid/vi./vt. 成功;继承,接替If you try hard, you will succeed. *share /Se(r)/vt. 分享,分担,共有;分配,均分n. C 一份,份额;股份The two friends shared everything.*praise /preIz/n. U, C 赞美,称赞;赞美的话vt. 表扬,称赞,歌颂,赞扬He had a lot of praise for Toms work. feel/be obliged to对表示感激interfere with 妨碍hang up挂断(电话)hear from收到的信(或电话)take ones own life自杀cast ones eyes over粗略地看一看,匆匆查看,用眼光一瞥(或扫)to sb.s horror使某人震惊地,使某人恐惧地regardless of不顾,不管stay away不露面,不在家,远离lend an ear倾听,聆听l Step Three: Start to teach the text para. by para. Help students understand the text and explain language points meanwhile. Questions about Para. 1-3 (1) Who was the young man in the story?(2) What did he ask his parents to do on the phone? (3) What was his parents first reply?Notes of Paras. 1-2unconditional: a. not conditional or limited, absolute 无条件的,无限制的,绝对的 e.g. (1) The enemy were/was forced to make an unconditional surrender. 敌军被迫无条件投降。(2) The unconditional release of the soldier will be considered. 将考虑无条件释放这个士兵。after后面的动名词having fought用的是完成体形式,表示该行为在本句的主要谓语动词(was coming home)之前已经结束。注意,有了介词after,fight和come home两个动作发生的前后关系已经很明确了,因此after having fought可以改成after fighting。参见Note 14: Their son had died after falling from a building.e.g. (1) Having finished her homework, she logged onto the Internet to chat online. 她做完作业后,就上网聊天去了。 (2) They didnt leave until having done their job. 干完活后他们才离开。favor: n. C, U an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual 恩惠,善意的行为,好事;好感,喜爱 e.g. (1) Ive come to ask you a favor. 我是来向你请求帮助的。(2) Can you do me a favor to buy me a dictionary? 你可以帮我买一本字典吗?(3) This style of dressing is out of favor. 这种穿着款式不再受人喜爱了。d like = would like: to wish, want想要;愿意e.g. (1) I would like some drinks. 我想要一些饮料。(2) Many people would like to take holidays abroad. 许多人想到国外度假。(3) I would like him to do it. 我想要他来做这件事。Questions About Para. 4(4) What did the young man tell his parents about his friend? (5) Could the young mans friend find a place to live when he went back after the war? (6) What arrangements did the young man make for his disabled friend?Notes of Para. 4disclose: vt. to make sth. known to the public 透露;揭开;揭发;露出 e.g. (1) He disclosed the secret to me. 他向我透露了这个秘密。 (2) He disclosed that his father had owned a small shop. 他透露他父亲曾经拥有一家小商店。 (3) The case was disclosed by a young man. 这个案子是一个年轻人揭发出来的。(4) He cleared away the grass and disclosed a narrow opening. 他清掉杂草,露出了一个狭小的洞口。 nowhere else: no any other places 任何地方都不,没有其他地方e.g. I am going to nowhere else. 我不准备再去别的什么地方了。 He has nowhere else to go. 可理解为:He can go nowhere else.feel/be obliged to sb.: you are grateful to sb. 对某人表示感激e.g. (1) We are obliged to you for dinner. 谢谢你请我们吃饭。(2) I am so much obliged to you for your kindness. 我非常感谢你的好意。Question About Paras. 5 7 (7) What did the young mans parents say in response to their sons suggestion? (8) Why didnt the parents like to live with their sons friend? Notes of Para. 7interfere with: to prevent sth. from succeeding or from being done or happening as planned 妨碍 e.g. (1) I dont allow my personal affairs to interfere with my work. 我从不让个人事情妨碍工作。(2) Do you let sport interfere with your studies? 你会让运动影响你的学习吗?Questions About Para. 8(9) How did the son respond? (10) Did the young man phone his parents again? (11) From where did the young mans parents receive a call? (12) What were the parents told by the caller? (13) What did the parents find out when they were taken to the hospital to identify the body of their son?Notes of Para. 8 scarcelywhen (before): only a moment ago before 刚一就 e.g. (1) Scarcely had he rung the bell when the door flew open. 他刚一按铃,门一下子开了。 (2) Scarcely had I arrived before he came out to meet me. 我刚到他便出来迎接了。注意:scarcely要放在句首,谓语动词用完成体;时间状语从句可以用when,也可以用before。 hung是hang的过去式和过去分词,可作不及物动词和及物动词,意为“to fix something at the top so that the lower part falls freely 悬挂,吊;吊死,绞死”。注意:当hang意为“悬挂,吊”时,其过去式和过去分词为:hung, hung。而当其意为“吊死,绞死”时,其过去式和过去分词为:hanged, hanged。 e.g. (1) Curtains hang at the windows. 窗帘挂在窗上。(2) He hung his head. 他低下了头。(3) He hanged himself in sorrow after his wife died. 妻子死后,他在悲伤中自缢身亡。hang up: to put the receiver on the hook of the telephone 挂断(电话) e.g. (1) I hung up when our talk was through. 我们谈完后,我就把电话挂断了。 (2) Carols mother told her she had talked long enough on the phone and made her hang up. 卡罗尔的母亲对她说她已聊了够长时间了,让她把电话挂断。take ones own life: to kill oneself 自杀 e.g. (1) In despair at his failure, he took his own life. 他因失败而绝望地自杀了。(2) She took her own life by shooting her head with a short gun. 她用短枪射击头部自杀。 sadden: vt./vi. to make sb. sad使悲伤,使伤心,对感到悲伤e.g. (1) Her death saddened him. 她的死让他悲伤不已。 (2) She saddened at the thought of his departure. 想到他的离去,她就觉得很伤心。 sadden由形容词sad变化而来。不少形容词加后缀-en变成动词,例如fat fatten 肥胖,使肥胖。 cast ones eyes over sth.: to look at or examine sth. quickly 粗略地看一看,匆匆查看,用眼光一瞥(或扫)e.g. Could you just cast your eyes over this news? 你就粗略地看一下这则新闻好吗?cast: vt. to direct ones eyes or look at sth. 将(视线、目光)投向;投,抛,扔;浇铸,铸造e.g. (1) She cast her eyes up proudly. 她傲慢地抬起眼睛。(2) She cast him a disappointing look. 她失望地看了他一眼。(3) The fisherman cast a large net around a school of fish. 渔夫在一群鱼周围撒了一张大网。(4) A bell was cast for the church. 为教堂制作了一口钟。cast的过去式、过去分词仍为cast。recognize: vt. to know someone when you see him again; to know something because you have seen it, heard it, etc. before 认出,识别;承认 e.g. (1) I recognized him after he took off his hat. 他摘下帽子后我就认出了他。(2) Can you recognize her from this picture? 你能从这张照片中认出她吗?(3) His thorough knowledge was recognized. 他渊博的学识得到了认可。Questions About Paras. 9-10(14) What kind of people are the parents of the young man in the story?(15) What lesson does this story teach us?Notes of Paras. 9-10We find it + adj. + to do sth.: 相当于We find it is + adj. + to do sth.。当宾语是动词不定式或名词性从句时,须用形式宾语(it),写成vt. + it + 形容词 + 不定式或名词性从句。e.g. (1) He made it clear what he intended to do. 他清楚地表明他想要做什么。(2) They feel it necessary to work harder. 他们觉得有必要工作再努力点。例(1)的宾语是what he intended to do,例(2)的宾语是to work harder。在以上两个例子中it均是形式宾语。形式宾语使句子更简洁明了,而且形式宾语就是宾语从句的省略形式。e.g. I think (that) it is difficult for me to explain this to you. = I think it difficult for me to explain this to you.inconvenience: vt./vi. to cause trouble or difficulty to disturb sb. 给(某人)添麻烦,给(某人)带来不便;打扰 e.g. (1) Am I inconveniencing you if I park my car in front of your house? 如果我把车停在你家门前会妨碍你吗? (2) You will not inconvenience in the least. 你一点也不会打扰到我。would rather: would prefer to do something 宁可(宁愿),更喜欢 e.g. (1) I would rather fail than cheat in the examination. 我宁愿考不及格,也不愿在考试中作弊。(2) I would rather stay at home. 我宁可呆在家里。(3) They would rather go fishing than stay at home. 他们宁愿去钓鱼,也不愿呆在家里。stay away: to remain absent or at a distance远离;不来;不露面;不在家e.g. (1) Tell him to stay away from my sister! 叫他离我妹妹远点儿!(2) Why did you stay away from school? 你为什么不来上课?competent: a. properly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient 有能力的,胜任的 e.g. (1) Is Mary competent as a teacher? 玛丽能胜任教师的工作吗? (2) We know you are competent in doing this job. 我们知道你能胜任这项工作。treat: vt. to behave towards someone or something 对待,看待;处理;医疗,医治;款待,请(客)e.g. (1) We should treat animals kindly. 我们应该爱护动物。 (2) My mother always treats us like children. 我妈妈总把我们当小孩子看待。(3) He was treated for sunstroke. 他因中暑而接受治疗。(4) Ill treat you all. 我来请大家。(5) He treated his friends to some beer (the opera). 他请朋友们喝了些啤酒(去听 歌剧)。regardless of: without regard or consideration of 不顾,不管e.g. (1) The boy went swimming in the deep lake regardless of his mothers fears for his safety. 那个男孩不顾母亲对他的安全的担忧,依旧跑到深湖中游泳。 (2) The club welcomes all new members regardless of age. 俱乐部对新成员不分年龄一律欢迎。(3) She is determined to do the work regardless of all consequences. 她不顾一切后果,决心做这项工作。Notes of Paras. 11-12indeed: ad. really, truly 实际上,的确;确实,实在 e.g. (1) A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。(2) He is a great man indeed. 他的确是一个伟人。(3) I dont mind. Indeed, I am delighted to help. 我不介意。其实,我很乐于帮忙。 注意:“Friends are a very rare gift, indeed.”此句采用了比喻的修辞方式。encourage: vt. to give someone hope, courage, support, etc. 鼓励,支持,助长 e.g. (1) He always encourages me in my studies. 他总是鼓励我用功读书。 (2) Her first success encouraged her to work even harder. 她的首次成功鼓舞了她更加努力工作。 encourage从名词courage派生而来,类似的例子有:sureensure (make sure);powerempower (make sb. powerful)。 succeed: vi./vt. to gain ones purpose or reach an aim 成功;继承,接替 e.g. (1) If you try hard, you will succeed. 只要你努力干,一定会成功的。 (2) I hope you will succeed in life. 我希望你事业成功。 (3) He always succeeds. 他总是一帆风顺。 (4) He had no son to succeed him. 他没有儿子继承他。lend an ear: to listen to someone, especially in a sympathetic way 倾听,聆听e.g. (1) Hes always prepared to lend a sympathetic ear. 他总是乐于同情地倾听他人。 (2) She was talking about her house to anyone willing to lend an ear. 她在向那些愿意倾听的人谈论她的房子。share: vt. to tell other people about your ideas, experiences and feelings 分享,分担,共有;分配,均分e.g. (1) The two friends shared everything. 这一对好朋友分享一切。 (2) We shared the work between the three of us. 我们三个人把那份工作分摊了。 share 也可作可数名词,意为“one part of sth. that is divided between two or more people 一份,份额;股份”。 e.g. We hope to have a bigger share of the market next year. 我们希望明年获得更大的市场份额。words of praise: 表扬的话e.g. (1) Her words of praise were a stimulus for people to work harder. 她赞扬的话鼓舞了人们更努力工作。(2) A few words of praise from her would have completed his happiness. 她要是能夸他几句,他也就心满意足了。 2. Period Three and Period Four: l Step One: Review the whole text.l Step Two: Proceed to Exercises. First, do Exercise I. 2. Although the questions in Exercise I. 2 take the multiple-choice form, they are not as straightforward as the questions in Exercise I. 1, hence more challenging. In doing Exercise I. 2, group discussion in class is encouraged.l Step Three: Continue with Exercises II, III, IV and V. Exercise II is relatively easy while in doing Exercise III the students should also have some knowledge of word formation in English so that they may be able to use the appropriate forms of the words provided to fill in the blanks. Exercise IV. 1 also deals with conversion in English. Go over the words: treat, favor, praise, campaign and burden in these exercises again before doing the present exercise. Exercise IV. 2 is intended to consolidate the students understanding and use of indefinite pronouns and adverbs, especially the post position of adjectives modifying the indefinite pronouns.In Exercise V, two main language points in this unit are dealt with. The first point is the modal verb phrase would ratherthan. The second point is that some English verbs (such as find) can take a complex object as shown in the pattern of verb + it + adj. + inf. In this pattern, it serves as a formal object while the real object is the infinitive with the adjective functioning as its complement. 3. Period Five and Period Six:l Step One: Review the whole text.l Step Two: On the basis of the revision of the text, proceed to Exercise VI. This exercise is a comprehensive exercise, involving both the students comprehension and production skills. Go over Exercise I. 1 first before doing this prcis exercise. The time for the exercises to the text shall not exceed one period and Exercise VI will be assigned as homework. Do Exercise VII to consolidate the text and help develop the students translation skills. l Step Three: Focus on Listening and Speaking which will take up the second period. Listening: There are three exercises in this part, and the first one is a dialogue based on the model passage and designed to consolidate the learning of it. The second one is a song entitled Love Is All Around and the students should learn to sing this wonderful song in praise of unconditional love. The third exercise is a passage which eulogizes the unconditional love the little daughter harbours for her dearest father. In doing the second and the third listening exercises, special attention should be paid to expanding the students listening comprehension skills. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the students understand every line of the song provided and all the possible new words in the passage before playing the tape. The possible new words in the passage include: wrapping, embarrassed, overreaction, flare, crushed, imaginary, container and possessions.Speaking: This part consists of a dialogue focused on expressing sympathy. Pair the students to complete the dialogue first and then have the students practice it. While reconstructing the dialogue, the students are encouraged to refer to the Functional Expressions Table in this section to draw some of the words and expressions concerning expressing sympathy to make their dialogue more expressive.Speaking Section may be approached in two steps. In step one, the students are asked to work in pairs to reconstruct the dialogue and then they practice reading and role playing the dialogues. In step two, the course instructor may select a few pairs to act out the dialogue before the whole class. 4. Period Seven and Period Eight:l Step One: Proceed to Focus 2, practical reading. After the students have finished reading, do Exercise I to check their understanding of the text. Then go over language points for further understanding and after that do Exercise II. Step one may need 60 minutes.Language points: 1. A Life-and-death Choice: A Mo


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