



Unit 2 Working the land土地耕种晨读记忆A New Farming Way Tuan was a farmer in Vietnam. For decades, he had been struggling to rid his family of hunger. However, it always confused him how to expand the output of his crops. This disturbing problem led to his regretting being a farmer. He would rather have chosen another job. One day, when skimming through a newspaper, Tuan read a comment on Yuan Longpin. He underlined Yuans nationality and occupation, and then focused on his discovery and the statistics of his research. He found the knowledge Yuan circulated very practical. Therefore, he made a summary and began to build up a new farming method. He planted super grain of rich nutrition and equipped himself to keep his crops roots free from bacteria and pests. He also enriched minerals in the soil while reducing chemical fertilizers. Though it cost him more time and freedom, he was full of hope. The next year, Tuan was sunburnt but satisfied with his production very much. Thanks to Yuan Longpin, he not only won the battle against hunger, but he could also export his crops abroad.新的耕种方式 俊是一名越南的农民,几十年来,他都一直在努力使家人摆脱饥饿。然而,如何扩大他的农作物产量这一问题却一直在困扰着他。这个恼人的问题导致了他后悔当一名农民,而宁愿自己当初选择其它的工作。 一天,俊在浏览报纸的时候,读到一篇关于袁隆平的评论。他在袁的国籍和职业下面划了线,然后将焦点集中在他的发现和研究数据上。他发现袁传播的知识非常实用,因此,他做了摘要,并开始建立一种新的耕作方式。他种植营养丰富的超级谷物,添置设备以使作物的根部免受细菌害虫的伤害;他还增加土壤所含的矿物质,同时减少化学肥料的使用。尽管耗费了他更多的时间和自由,他却充满着希望。第二年,俊被晒黑了,但是却对自己的生产非常满意。多亏了袁隆平,他不仅赢得了对抗饥饿的战斗,而且还将自己的作物出口到国外。I.单词盘点1._(n.) 数据;统计;统计数字;统计资料2._(adj.) 晒黑的 3._(vi.n.) 斗争;拼搏;努力4._(n.) 十年;十年期 5._(adj.) 特级的;超级的 6._(n.) 产量;输出7._(n.) 庄稼;农作物;产量8._(n.) 饥饿;欲望 (vt.vi.) (使)饥饿_(adj.) 饥饿的;渴望得到的9._(adj.) 引起烦恼的;令人不安的_(vt.) 打扰10._(vt.vi.) 使变大;伸展11._(vt.vi.) 循环;流传 12._(n.) 战役;战斗;较量;斗争(v.);搏斗;奋斗13._(vi.) 摆脱;除去14._(n.) 自由;自主 15._(adv.) 因此;所以;因而 16._(vt.vi.) 配备;装备17._(n.) 谷物;粮食;颗粒18._(vt.vi.) 输出;出口 _(vt.vi.) 输入;进口 19._(n.) 国籍 20._(n.) 工作;职业;占领21._(vt.) 使迷惑;使为难 _(adj.) 令人迷惑的 _(adj.) 感到迷惑的 _(n.) 迷惑22._(vt.) 遗憾;惋惜 (n.)遗憾;懊悔 23._ (adj.) 化学的;关于化学的 _(n.) 化学 24._ (n.) 生产;制造 _(vt.) 生产;产生 25._(n.) (bacterium的复数形式)细菌26. _(n.) 害虫;害兽;害鸟 27. _(n.) 营养;滋养;食物28. _(n.) 矿物;矿石 29._(n.) 发现;发觉 _(vt.) 发现;发觉 30._(n.) 焦点;中心点(vt.) 集中;聚焦31._(n.) 土壤 32._(vt.) 减少;缩减 33._(n.) 根;根源34._(vt.) 浏览;略读35._(vt.) 花底线标出;强调36._(n.) 总结;摘要;概要37._(n.) 评论;议论(v.)表达意见;作出评论II.短语回顾1.幸亏;由于;因为 _2.摆脱;除去 _3.对感到满意 _4.宁愿;宁可 _ 5.逐渐增强;建立;开发 _6.导致;造成(后果) _7.集中(注意力、精力)于 _8.使免受(影响、伤害等); 使不含(有害物) _ III.句式扫描1.If so,what did you do to grow them?(教材P9)如果这样,你做什么来种植它们?2.Dr Yuan grows what is called super hybrid rice.(教材P10)袁隆平种植所谓的超级水稻。3.The special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.(教材P10)这种特殊的稻种使得同样的田地多收获三分之一的产量成为可能。4. He would much rather keep time for his hobbies.(教材P10) 他宁愿把时间花在自己的业余爱好上。5.Recently,however,scientists have been finding that long-term use of these fertilizers can cause damage to the land and,even more dangerous,to peoples health.(教材P14)然而最近,科学家们已经发现长期使用化肥会给土地造成 损害,甚至更危险的是会给人类的健康造成损害. IV.小试牛刀 .单词填空1.The toys produced in our factory are mainly _(export) to European countries.2.We were told to keep all our sports _(equip) in the lockers downstairs.3.The people there enjoy complete _(free) of speech.4.The rapid_(expand) of cities can cause social and economic problems.5.In some poor African areas,many children died of _(hungry) every year.6.The basic needs of the world population should be_(satisfy) first.7.He made some _(comment) about my dress,and then carried on reading his book.8.He was really confused by the _ (confuse)problem which also confused other people for a long time.9.For decades,they_(struggle) to search for ways to increase rice harvests,but without success.10.He returned from Paris and found his office was under someone elses_(occupy) .短语填空thanks to,focus on,be satisfied with,lead to,get rid of ,build up,keep.free from.1.His eyes slowly began to_what looked like a small dark ball.2.Balanced diet and proper exercise can_you_disease.3.Every morning he spends 45 minutes doing physical exercises to _his strength.4.This kind of discussion will_still greater differences between the two parties.5._your help,we finished the task ahead of schedule.6.He _ what you have done.7.She wanted to _ her parents and their authority. .单句填词1.He has been struggling_ a job for months,and finally he succeeded.(find)2._with a computer in every classroom,our school is the most advanced one in our town.(equip)3.I often regret not _your advice.(take)4.I regret_you that Mr.Smith has departed from the world for ever.(tell)5._with what I did,so mother agreed that I could go swimming with my friends.(satisfy)6.Staying up too late led to his_late.(be)7.Why,Jack,you look so tired. Well,I have been_the house and I must finish the work tomorrow.(paint)IV. 单句改错1.More than 800 millions people go to bed hungry every day.2.I believe you sell video cameras. If such, would you send me a price list?3.America is where was called “India” by Columbus.4.Im not used to eat so much at lunchtime.5.You cant imagine what difficulty we had walked home in the snowstorm.6.One learns a language by making mistakes and corrects them.7.He devoted himself to help the poor. English or Chinglish?脑子进水了Out to lunch Recently I was chatting with a Chinese friend on msn. We had been chatting during the morning.At noon I looked for my friend again online but noticed that he had written the caption, out to lunch. In English, however, out to lunch means“没脑子!脑子进水” . What he should have written was“out for lunch” . 近日我在msn上与一位中国朋友聊天。我们聊了一上午。中午我看到他依然在线,同时也注意到他的签名旁边的说明为“out to lunch”。但在英语中,“out to lunch”是指“没脑子,脑子进水”。他应该写的是:“out for lunch(外出就餐)”。知识扩展 When chatting online and texting in English, there are lots of abbreviations. Learn the following :BBLbe back later -会儿就回来LR (talk) later过会儿聊LOLlaughing out loud大笑IC I see我知道了BTW by the way顺便TTYL talk to you later以后再聊CULsee you late再见,待会儿见FYIfor your information仅供参考QTcutie美人儿,漂亮的女孩UWyoure welcome你客气了JKjust kidding开个玩笑 摘自Kirk Kenny笑死我的英文书参考答案I.单词盘点1.statistic 2.sunburnt 3.struggle 4.decade 5.super 6.output 7.crop 8.hunger;hungry 9.disturbing ;disturb 10.expand 11.circulate 12.battle 13.rid 14.freedom;free 15.therefore 16.equip;equipment 17.grain 18.export;import 19.nationality 20.occupation 21.confuse;confusing;confused;confusion 22.regret 23.chemical;chemistry 24.p


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