



use的用法小结1. used to do sth.意为过去常常做某事,它表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态,而现在已不再发生或存在。这个短语含有今昔对比之意,其否定形式常用used not to或didnt use to。反意疑问句中应该用did/didnt或used/usednt。例如:I used to swim in this river when I was young.我年轻时常在这条河里游泳。They used to be good friends, didnt they?他们过去是好朋友,是吗?2. be used to sth. / doing sth.意为习惯、适应某事/做某事,它表示习惯于某一客观事实或状态,其中to是介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词;be used可用于多种时态;如强调动作可用get或become替换be。例如:Old people are used to getting up early in the morning.老年人习惯早晨很早起床。I wasnt used to city life, but now I have got used to living in this city.我以前不习惯都市生活,但现在我已习惯住在这座城市了。3. be used to do sth.意为被用来做某事,其中use表使用之意,是被动语态形式,to是动词不定式符号。例如:Wood can be used to make paper.树木可以用来造纸。、4. be used for.意为被当做,其中use表使用之意,是被动语态形式。例如:The seals fur can be used for coats.海豹皮可当做大衣用。5. be of use意为有用的,其中use是名词,可用形容词来修饰。例如:The dictionary is of great use to the students.这本字典对学生们很有用。6. be in use意为在使用,其中use也是名词。例如:The laboratory is in use until three oclock.实验室一直到3点钟都有人使用。7. make use of sth.意为利用、使用某物,其中use也是名词,可用good, full, more, little等形容词来修饰。同学们应特别注意它的被动形式。例如:We must make full use of time to study.我们必须充分利用时间学习。8. use与for或as连用,构成短语use.for,意为用来做.;为了.而使用, use. as . 为作为.使用;用作.之意。Bamboo can be used for carrying water. 竹子可以用来运水。Modern cellphones are more than just phones-they are being used as cameras and radios, and to send e-mail or surf the Internet. 现代手机不仅仅是电话,它们也当作照相机和收音机使用,还可以发送电子邮件或上网。9. use up用完;用光。All the paper has been used up. 纸都用完了。根据use的用法,试做下列练习 I.用use, used to, be/get/become used to, be used as/for的适当形式填空。 1. As you know, cotton _ make quilts. 2. He came from the north, so he _ such hot weather. 3. Who knows the name of the tool that _ lifting cars? 4. English _ a foreign language. 5. The farmers in China _ live a poor life, but now most of them live a happy life.6. Please give me a knife _ .7. You will _ living in the country.8. We _ go there every year when I was young.9. People _ coal to cook and heat.10. There _ be a free market in this village.II.用方框中所给词或词组的适当形式填空。use, be used to, get used to, used to1. Once you _ smoking, you can hardly stop it.2. He _ Chinese tea five years ago when he was in China.3. A tape-recorder can _ record your voice.4. We _ live in the city, but now we live in the countryside.5. This machine _ make farm tools.6. I prefer not to go there by plane. I _ (not) flying.7. It was a bit of shock: I _ (not) paying so much for a Beijing roast.8. The medicine _ externally only.9. A new production line has been put _ in this factory since last month.10. I _ (not) learning in a noisy situation.III.单项选择。1. -Is Paul playing soccer and tennis for theschool?-He _ . But now he has given them up.A. is B. hasC. used toD. had2. Bamboo can _ water, cant it?A. get used to carryingB. be used to carryingC. have used to carryD. be used to carry3. Im not used to _ like that.A. being spoken toB. be spoken toC. spoken to D. speaking to4.-Have you got used to _ on this kind of computer?-Not yet, because I used to _ the abacus before.A. work; use B. working; useC. work; using D. working; using5. He used _ on the right in China, but he soon got used _ on the left in England.A. to drive; to driveB. to drive; drivingC. to driving; to driveD. to drive; to driving6. Has the boy who was made use of _ realized his mistake?A. stealing B. stolenC. to steal D. for stealing7. The old professor said to us every part of the material should be made use of _ the power station.A. to build B. buildingC. build D. built8. Every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.A. has to use B. are usedC. has been used D. have used参考答案:I. 1. is used to 2. wasnt used to/didnt get/become used to 3. is used for 4. is used as 5. used to 6. to use 7. be/become/get used to 8.


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