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英语自主学习习题及答案视听说2 -Unit 5Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions.1. CA. She is all for it.B. She is completely against it.C. She is willing to accept a dog, but on certain conditions.D. She needs only a dog that can do a lot of hard work.2. BA. The man is in favor of it while the woman is against it.B. The woman is in favor of it while the man is against it.C. Both the man and woman are in favor of it.D. Both the man and woman are against it.3. BA. The man and woman know there is a law against keeping exotic birds.B. The man and woman are against keeping exotic birds.C. The man thinks we had better treat an exotic bird as a toy.D. The woman thinks intelligent birds have more health problems.4. DA. The woman likes ants while the man is horrified by their eating dead insects.B. The woman dislikes the complex society of ants while the man appreciates it.C. Both the man and woman are horrified by the cooperative society of ants.D. Both the man and woman appreciate the cooperative society of ants.5. BA. A ladybird lives only in Germany.B. A ladybird is believed to bring good luck.C. A ladybird especially likes to stay on a ladys shoulder.D. A ladybird is a female bird.6. CA. She started riding a pony when she was very young.B. She once worked at stables.C. Both A) and B).D. Her uncle worked at the local stables.7. AA. His parents wanted him to learn to be responsible.B. His parents believed it was good for his health.C. His parents hoped he would not be lonely.D. All of the above.8. DA. She is being bothered by the dog.B. She likes the dog very much.C. He is bored with the dog.D. He wants to concentrate on his work.9. CA. To take her dog.B. To give his dog to her.C. To take her cat.D. To take the landlords cat.10. AA. The woman jokes that as rare animals of the world, pandas enjoy comfortable lives and the care of the world.B. The woman finds the pandas boring while the man found their life valuable.C. The man wants the pandas to eat less while the woman wanted them to sleep less.D. Both the man and woman believes the pandas were good only for eating and sleeping.Part 2 Short passages and multiple choice questions1.How could the repairman get into the apartment? DA. Making an appointment with the woman.B. Making an appointment with the womans husband.C. Climbing through the window.D. Using the key put under the mat.2.How is the woman going to pay the repairman? AA. By mailing him the check.B. By mailing him cash.C. By leaving the money on the table.D. By leaving the check on the table.3.What advice did the woman give the repairman? BA. Not to talk to the dog.B. Not to talk to the parrot.C. To play with the dog.D. To play with the parrot.4.What did the dog do when the repairman entered? CA. It jumped on him at once.B. It barked.C. It looked on quietly.D. None of the above.5.What may happen after the repairman replied to the parrot? CA. The repairman may laugh at the parrot.B. The repairman may play with the dog.C. The dog may attack the repairman.D. The dog may attack the parrot.Part 3 Short passages and True/False questions1.The saucer from which the cat is licking milk is extremely old and worthless. FTF2.The collector says he needs the cat to catch mice. TTF3.Twenty dollars does not seem a very high offer for a cat. FTF4.The owner refuses to sell his cat at whatever price. FTF5.Many people have tried to get the saucer, but in vain. TTFPart 4 Long dialogs and multiple choice questions1.Why is the cat called Bo? BA. The cat is named after a clown called Bo.B. The cat is named after a singer called Bo.C. A jazz composer called Bo gave the cat the name.D. A magician called Bo gave the cat the name.2.Why does the woman call her cat a rascal? CA. He lives in the countryside.B. He runs out in the fields.C. He catches various kinds of animals.D. He attacks a vet.3.Why was the woman concerned about the cat one day? DA. He killed too many animals.B. He was run over by a car.C. He jumped down from too high a place.D. He could not walk steadily.4.What happened at the vets clinic? AA. The cat attacked the vet.B. The cat ran away from the vets.C. The vet gave the cat a thorough checkup.D. The vet gave the cat a shot.5.Why was the cat limping? CA. He got hurt in a traffic accident.B. He fell out of a window.C. He wanted attention and love.D. He was feeling playful.视听说2 -Unit 6Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions1. CA. Idiots like to wear jeans.B. Gentlemen wear best-quality trousers.C. Old-looking jeans are preferred.D. New jeans are preferred.2. AA. It is worthwhile to buy the expensive sunglasses.B. It is not worthwhile to buy the expensive sunglasses.C. Cheaper sunglasses sell well.D. Expensive sunglasses sell well.3. DA. The man thinks negatively about them while the woman is positive about them.B. The woman thinks negatively about them while the man is positive about them.C. Both the man and woman think they play a positive role.D. Both the man and woman think they play a negative role.4. BA. They are proud of their beautiful figures.B. They are too worried about their appearance.C. They are beautiful.D. They are too thin.5. CA. They are really too short.B. They are really too long.C. They will look well if one wears suitable shoes.D. They will look well if the tailor shortens them a bit.6. DA. Long skirts are in fashion this summer.B. She prefers to wear miniskirts.C. She likes very long skirts.D. She dislikes very long skirts.7. AA. He has little sense of style.B. He is good at choosing a tie that matches his shirt.C. He likes polka dots.D. He favors stripes.8. BA. She cleaned the mans shoes.B. She discarded the mans shoes.C. She bought the man a new pair of shoes.D. She helped the man look for his sneakers.9. CA. He was a late starter on his career path.B. Early success brings lifelong happiness.C. Often there is a high price to pay for success.D. A high salary is the key to satisfaction.10. CA. Shanghai has been on the same level with Paris.B. The chances of Shanghai becoming a fashion capital are small.C. Shanghai may soon rival Paris and MilanD. Shanghai lacks the elements that make a fashion leader.Part 2 Short passages and multiple choice questions1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an example of fashion? AA. English.B. Mathematics.C. Clothes.D. Computer program writing.2.According to the passage, when will a fashion trend start? BA. When most people begin to like something new.B. When important people begin to wear something new or different.C. When something different is introduced from abroad.D. When something in the past attracts the public attention.3.What is the main feature of fashion? DA. Satisfying the young.B. Overlooking the old.C. Beauty.D. Change.4.Why are some people against fashion? DA. Because they dont like spending money on clothes.B. Because they dont like change.C. Because they enjoy variety.D. Because it causes waste.5.What is the main idea of this passage? CA. The social and economic role of fashion.B. The definition and evolution of fashion.C. The functions and characteristics of fashion.D. The constant changes of fashion.Part 3 Short passages and True/False questions1.Fashion design started about a thousand years ago. FTF2.Fashion designing grew because of increased tourism. TTF3.Jackie Kennedy, Marylin Monroe and Jane Mansfield are examples of famous people promoting fashion designing. TTF4.Fashion designers limited their attentions to famous people in the 1960s. FTF5.In the decades following 1960, fashionable clothes were available to the mass market. TTFPart 4 Long dialogs and multiple choice questions1.What does the woman suggest? AA. Buying the man a suit for work.B. Buying the man a suit for travel.C. Buying herself a suit for work.D. Buying herself a suit for modeling.2.What does the woman think about the suit the man is wearing? CA. It looks handsome.B. It looks outdated.C. It should be cleaned.D. It should be ironed.3.Why doesnt the man like the jacket the woman recommends?A. Because it is single-breasted (单排扣的). BB. Because it is double-breasted (双排扣的).C. Because it is brown.D. Because it looks out of style.4.What kind of trousers does the man dislike? DA. Dark blue trousers.B. Short trousers.C. Black trousers.D. Brown trousers.5.What does the woman think about the black trousers? CA. They are too long.B. They are too short.C. They can be shortened if they are too long.D. They should be longer.视听说2 -Unit 7Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions1. BA. They are worthless people.B. They are not liking to spend money.C. They make too much money.D. They spend too much money.2. CA. She is going to travel.B. She is going to blow it all immediately.C. She is going to save it for future use.D. She is going to invest it in a project.3. DA. They depend mainly on bookstores to get rich.B. They depend mainly on cheating.C. They know the secret to getting rich.D. They may not really know how to make a fortune.4. AA. To spend it at Christmas.B. To pay the tuition.C. To buy books.D. To pay for the accommodations.5. CA. The interest rates have been low.B. The interest rates would rise soon.C. Her old computer did not work well.D. The new computer was on sale.6. AA. More than 30 pounds.B. Exactly 30 pounds.C. Less than 30 pounds.D. Less than 13 pounds.7. DA. Put all her money in the bank.B. Put her money in his hands.C. Write down her decision to save.D. Make a budget.8. AA. She will try her luck with a lottery ticket.B. She is sure she is going to win.C. She wants to share the money she wins with the man.D. She wants to buy the ticket by herself.9. DA. She would try to become a famous star.B. She would spend all of it on travel.C. She would save all of it in a bank.D. She would consider both saving and enjoyment.10. B A. When he borrows money from a friend.B. When he receives his salary.C. Not until half a year later.D. Not until a year later.Part 2 Short passages and multiple choice questions1.How much did the hotel charge them initially? DA. $13.B. $27.C. $29.D. $30.2.How much did the hotel overcharged them? CA. $1.B. $2.C. $5.D. $9.3.How did the bellboy ((旅馆的)男侍者) expect the guests to react after he pocketed $2? BA. The guests would be angry.B. The guests would be happy enough to get a refund.C. The guests would be slightly disappointed.D. None of the above.4.Which of the following calculations did the bellboy use to find that $1 was missing? AA. 30 - (27 + 2)B. 29 - (27 + 1)C. 5 - 3 - 1D. 9 - 5 - 35.Which of the following calculations should the bellboy use to solve his puzzle? BA. 27 + 2 + 1 = 30B. 30 - 5 = 27 - 2C. 29 + 1 = 30D. 30 - 1 = 29Part 3 Long dialogs and multiple choice questions1.What is Robert doing? CA. He is buying a lottery ticket.B. He is looking at his lottery ticket.C. He is looking at Janes lottery ticket.D. He is asking Jane to look at the wining lottery ticket.2.Why doesnt Jane know the fi


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