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课程Unit1 第一课时课型 课时常态课 1课时教学目标知识与技能目标:1. 能够理解was/were/had表达的是过去时间里发生的事情;2、能够模仿I had a dream last night. My mother was at home yesterday.等句式表达自己和他人在过去时间里所做的事情。过程与方法目标:1. 通过听磁带、图片、推测文章大意,从而掌握课文。2. 能够借助图片听懂并理解课文,同时能够有感情的朗读课文,习得询问时间的能力。情感态度价值观目标: 通过故事中Ken和Ann与火星人友好交往的故事引导学生与人友善的态度。教学重点一般过去时以及常用动词的过去式教学难点能够模仿I had a dream last night. My mother was at home yesterday等句式,表达自己和他人在过去时间里所做的事情。教具光盘、书以及其他学习用具教学过程一、 Warming upAsk the students about their summer vacation experience.Ask questions about where they went, who the met and what they did.Let them talk with eath other and share something interesting.二、 Set the scenePresent the past tense sentence like,“ I was in Beijing.”Then ask the question,“Where were you?” The teacher can offer help with Chinese. Ask a student where he/she was during the summer vacation, and then teacher describe by saying,“He/She was at home.”for example. Repeat this process several times.三、 Get prepared1、 提问学生昨晚是否做梦,梦里都出现了什么,发生了什么有趣的事,做梦是一种怎样的感受,他们喜欢做梦吗?2、 让学生把书翻到第2、3页,告诉他们Ann昨晚也做梦了,这节课我们就来一起看看在Ann的梦中发生了什么不可思议的事,同时让学生看插图。3、 提关于人物地点的简单问题,让学生带着问题听故事。播放故事动画,看完让学生回答问题并简单说一说故事大意。4、 播放第二遍录音,让学生试着跟读,同时划出不认识的词,读完故事指着图中的宇航员、火星、火星人告诉学生,“Its an astronaut.”用同样的方法完成单词Mars和Martians.然后解决其他新词。5、 再次跟读课文,然后让学生自读,读完回答问题。检查她们对课文的理解。Picture1: Who had a dream?(Ann had a dream last night.)Picture2: Who was in her dream?(Ken was in her dream.)Picture3: Where were they?(They were in the space.)Picture4: Where were they now?(Ther were on the Mars.)Picture5: Was it cold on the Mars?(Yes, It was very cold on Mars.)Picture6: Were there Martians on the Mars?(Yes, there were martians on the Mars.) Were Ann and Ken afraid?(Yes, they were.)Picture7/8: Were the Martians friendly?(Yes,the Martians were friendly.)四、 Tell the story.1、 让学生看第2、3页下面的文字,告诉学生这是Ann在向我们讲述她的梦,让学生看着文字听录音,把不认识的单词划下来,听完录音后让学生提出自己不认识的词。2、 再次听录音,让学生跟读,利用前两句话解释过去式。 然后让学生自己读文字,划出文字中出现的所有动词的过去式。3、 让学生说他们划了那些过去式,并要求学生把原形写在下面。老师帮助学生掌握过去式的发音。4、 两人一组进行口头练习,一人说过去式另一人说原形,然后两人再交换。五、 Extended activitiesTeacher does actions and ask the students to guess. For example, the teacher says,“I had a dream last night. In my dream I was”and acts as if she were on the Moon. Then the students should guess by saying,“You were on the Moon.” Repeat this process several times.板书设计Unit one Anns dreamI had a dream last nightIn the dream, I was an astronaut.Ann and Ken were astronaunts.反思课程Unit1 第二课时课型 课时常态课 1课时教学目标知识与技能目标:1、 能够初步听、说以下单词:Mars, Martian, soon, beanstalk, strong,dead;2、能认读以下单词:space suit, planet, air, the Earth, friendly.过程与方法目标:1、 通过听磁带、图片、推测文章大意,从而掌握课文。2、 能够借助图片听懂并理解课文,同时能够有感情的朗读课文,习得询问时间的能力。情感态度价值观目标: 能通过对故事中Ken和Ann与火星人友好交往的故事引导学生与人友善的态度。教学重点1. 听懂、会读重点句型、词汇2. 能够听懂、会说并理解课文3. 能够在具体情境中运用本课句型: I had a dream last night.教学难点能够模仿I had a dream last night. My mother was at home yesterday等句式,表达自己和他人在过去时间里所做的事情。教具光盘、书以及学习用具、职业的教学卡片等教学过程一、Warming up用事先准备好的职业的单词卡片帮助学生复习职业,拿出一张卡片藏在身后对学生说:“I had a dream last night. In my dream, I became a/an.”引导学生猜测,直到猜对为止。然后用其他卡片在做几轮游戏。二、Words to learn1、让学生把书翻到第4页,看该页上半部分内容,让学生简单说一说图片的内容。2、师问:“Can you find a spaceship?”让学生指宇宙飞船,鼓励学生说出单词a spaceship。教师示范单词发音让学生跟读。用同样的方法学校其他单词。3、然后看方框里的单词,让学生自己试着先读一读,划出自己不会读的词。老师示范之前先请学生来读一读,老师示范让学生跟读并检查学生是否掌握了每个单词的准确含义。4、播放单词录音,第一遍学生在书上指单词;然后再放一遍录音,每次放一次,让学生跟读。5、老师说单词,学生说中文;老师说中文,让学生说单词。三、Listen and number1、Ask the students to look at the pictures at the bottom of page4. Explain that each picture describes a different dream of Ann.2、Ask the students to talk about where Ann was or what Ann was in her dream using the structure She was a doctor./She was on Mars.3、Play the tape once and ask students to number as many pictures as possible.4、Play the tape again and pause after each sentence to give the students enough time to finish.5、When all the students finish working,the teacher points to each picture and repeat the sentence heard. Ask the students to correct their answers.四、Tell the story1、复习在第一课里用到的句型Where were you? 在这里把句型呈现给学生。老师说:“I was at school yesterday. Where were you?”大部分学生可能回答“I was at school.”重复这个问题让单个学生回答。2、让学生观察第5页上面左边的图片,并读一读图片下边的文字,猜测图片中的两个小孩儿在谈论些什么。3、播放录音,听完录音提问学生几个简单的问题,例如:“Who are they?,”“Where was Peter?”、“Where was Sue?”等。引导学生说出:“Sue was at the park.”“Peter was at the movie theater.”4、老师读对话,让学生跟读,解释movie theater。然后让学生两人一组读一读,再交换角色读一读。5、当学生能够独立读对话时,带领他们观察右边的图,引导他们说出这些地址的名称,让学生两人一组练习对话。鼓励学生使用右边插图中的其他地点做替换练习。例如:Where was Ann yesterday? She was at the swimming pool.五、Listen and practice1、 播放录音,让学生跟读句子,体会字母r和l的发音。2、 让学生尝试自己读句子,并让学生尝试字母r和l在单词中的发音。3、 老师示范这两个字母的发音,让学生感受这两个发音舌头位置的不同。4、 老师示范单词的发音,让学生模仿。再次播放录音,让学生跟读,体会字母r和l在单词中的发音。板书设计Unit one Anns dreamSpace a plante the MoonA space suit an astronautA spaceship a star反思课程Unit1 第三课时课型 课时常态课 1课时教学目标知识与技能目标:1、 能够用本单元的主要句型询问并回答在过去时间里所做的事情。2、熟练掌握本单元重点句型:Where were you yesterday? I was at home. We were at school. I/He/She was in the kitchen. They/We were in a spaceship.等过程与方法目标:1、通过听磁带、图片、推测文章大意,从而掌握课文。2、能够借助图片听懂并理解课文,同时能够有感情的朗读课文,习得询问时间的能力。情感态度价值观目标: 通过遨游太空的故事丰富学生的人文知识,激发学生对浩瀚宇宙的兴趣,培养学生勤于观察、乐于思考、善于探究的学习习惯。教学重点熟练掌握本单元重点句型:Where were you yesterday? I was at home. We were at school. I/He/She was in the kitchen. They/We were in a spaceship.等教学难点能够用本单元的主要句型询问并回答在过去时间里所做的事情。教具光盘、书以及其他学习用具教学过程一、 Model the structures.1、 复习故事,重点放在句型上。利用图下方的文字,让学生用动词的过去式填空,完成句子后熟读。2、 指着第一幅插图说:“Ann had a dream.In the dream, she were on Mars. They were in a spaceship.提问学生Where were you yesterday? 引导学生说出We were/I was at school. We/I had an English class.3、 把句子写在黑板上,让学生熟读每一句话。二、Uncle Bookys blackboard1、 Ask the students to read sentences on Uncle Bookys blackboard.2、 Play the video and ask the students to follow and repeat the sentences.3、 Explain that was and were are used to describe things that happened in th past.Giv e them an example to help to understand the meaning.e.g.He was in shanghai yesterday but he is in Beijing now.4、 Ask the children to work in pairs, let them use all possible combinations.5、Choose several pairs to read the sentences. And correct their pronunciation.三、Touch and say1、 让学生看第6页上方的插图。告诉她们Mocky昨夜做了个梦。我们一起来看看他梦到了什么。老师带领学生逐幅图进行观察,用问题引导学生用一句话来描述Mocky的梦。2、 Picture a:What did Mocky do last night? (Mocky had a dream last night.)Picture b:Who was in the dream?(Lulu was in the dream.)Picture c:Where were they?(They were in a spaceship./They were in space.)Picture d: Where were they them? (They were on the Moon.)Picture e: What was there? (There was a little robot.)Picture f: Was the robot friendly? (The robot was friendly.They was friends.)3、 让学生两人一组描述Mocky的梦,要求每幅图只用一句话来描述。4、 找几组同学描述Mocky的梦,老师适当进行纠正。四、Lets sing1、让学生看书第7页,告诉她们将听一首歌,听的时候可以看书上的歌词。2、播放歌曲,听完让学生他们都听到了什么,歌曲在唱什么内容。带领学生读一读歌词,让学生划出不认识的单词,老师进行简单讲解,帮助学生理解歌曲大意。3、再听一遍歌曲,听完让学生试着自己读一读歌词,然后老师带读学生跟读。4、再次播放歌曲,让学生试着跟着旋律说出歌词,反复几次后鼓励学生跟着旋律唱出歌词。板书设计Unit one Anns dreamWhere were you yesterday?We were/I was at school.We/I had an English class.反思课程Unit1 第四课时课型 课时常态课 1课时教学目标知识与技能目标:1、能够用本单元的主要句型询问并回答在过去时间里所做的事情。2、熟练掌握本单元重点句型:Where were you yesterday? I was at home. We were at school. I was in Beijing.等过程与方法目标:1、通过听磁带、图片、推测文章大意,从而掌握课文。2、能够借助图片听懂并理解课文,同时能够有感情的朗读课文,习得询问时间的能力。情感态度价值观目标: 通过对重点句型的运用使学生体会到英语和汉语在描述过去发生的事情时表达上的差异,激发学生对英语学习的兴趣。教学重点Where were you? Where was Wang Ling? We were in a spaceship.I was at home. She was at school. There was no water.There were no trees.教学难点能够用本单元的主要句型询问并回答在过去时间里所做的事情教具光盘、书以及其他学习用具教学过程一、 Decode the message1、 Ask the children to open their books at page 8 and look at the words on the page. Ask them if they can read the message.2、 Explain that Martians leave this message and that the children can figure out the message by using the code provided. Have the children look at the code. Make sure that they understand that each letter of the alphabet is represented by another letter, i.e.A is represented by Z.3、 Begin with the first Martian word, DV. Have the children look at the code and say what letter is represented by D. The children will say W. Repeat for letter V. Then the children will have the first word, WE. Ask the children to decipher the message by themselves.二、Write the message1、The book also provide opportunity for the children to write their own message to Martians. Have the children work in pairs and write their own message. Then they give their message to each other and decode the message.2、Explain that they can use the code provided on the book, or they can design their own code. The children might be interested in writing to Martians. Encourage them to write about their dreams, their family etc. It is a good opportunity to motivate the children in writing and read about their own written work.3、After finishing, ask the children to correct their answers in pairs.三、Listen and match1、Now have the children look at the pictures on top of page 9. Tell them that they are going to listen to a passage about where several children were yesterday.2、Have the children talk about what illustrated in each picture. Tell them they are going to listen to the tape and they must match the children to the places where they were. Play the tape straight through. Have the children match the names with the pictures.3、When they finish, have them tell you the name of the children in each picture. Or you can ask them to tell where each children was in the pictures.四、Lets find out1、Have the children look at the pictures at the bottom of the page. Have them read the dialogue, then tell you what they are talking about.2、Explain that the two children are interviewing each other for where they were yesterday. Tell them that you want to find out where their friends were yesterday.3、Have them walk around the classroom and interview each other.4、When they finish, ask them to report their results.板书设计Unit one Anns dreamThe answer of the exercisesZ DA W反思课程Unit1 第五课时课型 课时常态课 1课时教学目标知识与技能目标:1、能够读懂Uncle Bookys Story Time中的故事2、能够熟练掌握本单元重点句型:Where were you yesterday? I was at home. We were at school. I was in Beijing.等过程与方法目标:1、通过听磁带、图片、推测文章大意,从而掌握课文。2、能够借助图片听懂并理解课文,同时能够有感情的朗读课文,习得询问时间的能力。情感态度价值观目标: 通过对重点句型的运用使学生体会到英语和汉语在描述过去发生的事情时表达上的差异,激发学生对英语学习的兴趣。教学重点Where were you? Where was Wang Ling? We were in a spaceship.I was at home. She was at school. There was no water.There were no trees.教学难点能够读懂Uncle Bookys Story Time中的故事教具光盘、书以及其他学习用具教学过程一、 Read the story1、 让学生翻开书第10页,告诉学生接下来我们要读一个小故事。让学生先自己读故事,遇到不认识的单词根据上下文内容猜测词义并标出。2、 读完以后找同学来说说他读明白了什么,这个小故事说得是什么。3、 让学生提出不认识的单词,老师进行适当讲解。4、 再找同学复述故事大意,老师可以进行适当提示。5、 听录音,让学生圈出动词的过去式并找同学说一说他圈出的动词过去式。二、Number the picture1、让学生看插图,告诉他们每幅图描述的是故事中的一句话,下面我们再听一遍故事,要求他们按故事情结的先后给图排序。2、听录音前先带领学生观察插图,找出插图中的关键词或词组,然后让同学听,听后订正答案。三、Check the correct answer1、Explain to the children that the unfinished sentences are related to the story they read in the previous page. All the information they need to complete the sentences is in the text.2、Ask the students to work in pairs and find out the correct answer to each question according to the passage.3、When they finish, ask some pairs to report their answer. 4、Teacher tells the correct answer and the students are required to correct their answers at the same time.四、Listen and write the words.1、Explain to the children that they are goint to hear another version of the first part of Jack and the Beanstalk. This time the story will be told by the cow.2、Point to the cows speech bubble. Tell the students that as they listen to the story they are required to fill in the missing words. Now point to the box of words.Explain that all the missing words are in this box.4、 Play the tape twice. For the first time, have the students listen carefully. For the secone time, have them fill in the blanks.Stop after each sentence if it is necessary.5、 Have the children say some sentences about the story from Jack or his mothers point of view.Ask the students to tell the story to their parents.板书设计Unit one Anns dreamJack and the Beanstalk反思课程Unit1 第六课时课型 课时常态课 1课时教学目标知识与技能目标:1、能够熟练掌握本单元重点句型:Ann had a dream last night. Ann and Ken were in her dream. In the dream they were on Mars等。2. 能够用所学知识描述自己和他人的梦。过程与方法目标:1、通过听磁带、图片、推测文章大意,从而掌握课文。2、能够借助图片听懂并理解课文,同时能够有感情的朗读课文,习得询问时间的能力。情感态度价值观目标: 通过阅读Jane的信,对书信的知识有初步的了解。激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,愿意尝试用英语进行简单的书面表达。教学重点Ann had a dream last night.Ann and Ken were in her dream. In the dream they were on Mars教学难点能够用所学知识描述自己和他人的梦。教具光盘、书以及其他学习用具教学过程一、 Read and write补全信的内容1、 让学生翻开书第7页,看上面的信。告诉学生这封信是一个叫Jane的女孩儿写的。Jane住在一个朋友的家里,这封信是写给她妈妈的。告诉学生心中缺少一些单词,让学生用信下方方框里的词完成信的内容,里面的词可以反复使用。2、 让学生两人一组补全信的内容。3、 补充完后找同学朗读这封信,同时订正答案。在朗读的过程中老师要注意学生单词的发音并进行适当的纠正。描述Uncle Booky的梦1、 让学生观察第12页中间的插图,简单说一说每幅图的内容。2、 告诉学生插图描述的是Booky大叔的梦,引导学生用一句话描述每幅插图。3、 让学生俩人一组互相讲一讲Uncle Booky梦中发生的故事,然后写在图片下的横线上。4、 找3名同学分别把自己三幅图的句子写在黑板上,老师适当订正,要求其他学生改正自己的句中出现的错误。5、 练习完成后,让学生两人一组仿照描述Uncle 大叔的梦一样互相说一说自己的梦,描述一下梦里都有谁,他们在哪儿等。然后找几组同学通全班分享自己的梦。二、Self-assessmentFind the words1、 Tell the children to look at the picture on the top of page13. The first activity in the assessment is a word game. Explain that in the letters around the picture there are 5 words and they need to find out the words and then write down on the space provided on the left. You can have the children complete the activity in pairs. It is also a good idea to have them make up their own word puzzle. In this way they will be both more motivated and involved mentally in the activity.Write about Anns dream2、 Tell the students that this time they need to describe Anns dream with three sentences. 3、 Ask the students to write down their own sentences and then discuss in pairs.4、 Choose three students to say their sentences. This is an very easy exercise, you can also ask the students to finish after class.四、Reflection1、Items in reflection card are written in English. The teacher should help the students with the meaning so that they can check their learning progress by themselves.2、Ask the students to read the items in Reflection card by themselves. Tell them to ask the teacher where they have difficulty with the meaning.3、Put the students into groups of four to complete the Reflection cards.4、Choose some groups to report their result after they finish. For example, the teacher can ask the children, “Do you like Anns dream?”for item 1. Then ask individual student to give their reason for why or why not. 板书设计Unit one Anns dreamAnn had a dream last night.Ann and Ken were in her dream.In the dream they were on Mars反思课程Unit2 第一课时课型 课时常态课 1课时教学目标知识与技能目标:1、了解行为动词过去式的变化形式及其在肯、否定句中的用法,例如:Mocky visited Ken and Ann. He didnt go into the kitchen.2、指导学生在了解动词过去式变化规则的同时了解这些词在故事中的运用,以便在以后的学习中进一步归纳和总结规律。过程与方法目标:1、通过听磁带、图片、推测文章大意,从而掌握课文。2、能够借助图片听懂并理解课文,同时能够有感情的朗读课文,习得询问时间的能力。情感态度价值观目标: 让学生体会到中、英两种语言在表达过去发生的事情时的不同方式,激发学生学习兴趣和探索欲望。教学重点过去时态及常用动词的过去式教学难点了解行为动词过去式的变化形式及其在肯、否定句中的用法,例如:Mocky visited Ken and Ann. He didnt go into the kitchen.教具光盘、书以及其他学习用具教学过程一、 Review1、 Review the story from Unit 1. Use posters or have the children look at the story pages in Unit 1. Ask questions,“Where were Ann and Ken in her dream?”“Where were they in this picture?” with picture2,3 and 4.2、 Ask the children where they were yesterday. Have individual child answer the question. Verify the question with more specific time,i.e.yesterday morning, last night, last Sunday, last month, yesterday afternoon.二、Set the scene1、Ask the children if any of them have ever choked on food while they were eating. Then ask what happened, and what they think may have caused them to choke.2、The children can talk their experience in Chinese. Present the words cough, couldnt breathe and eat too quickly etc. When children mentioned them in Chinese.3、Tell the children that in this Unit Mocky eats something too quickly and then he chokes on food.三、Get prepared1、让学生翻开书第14、15页,告诉他们接下来看Mocky去Ken和Ann家里玩的故事。让学生看书上的插图。2、先让学生自己读故事,说一说故事的情节以及每幅插图的主要内容。3、放录音,让学生听故事。放第二遍录音时,可以随时暂停,提问题检查学生对故事的理解。4、让学生看第一幅插图,提问学生为什么Ken和Ann会在家。呈现词组on vacation.5、给学生解释第五幅插图中的句子What did Mocky do? 让学生理解Ken的妈妈想问Mocky刚做了什么,帮助学生掌握本单元的重点句型。四、Tell the story1、让学生看页面底部的文字,告诉学生文字部分提供了更多的故事细节。2、让学生看着插图,教师把故事讲给学生听。这个单元呈现了几个新动词,注意使学生能够理解这些动词的意义。例如在讲故事时,教师可以指图1中的Mocky,或者通过适当的动作展示visited和looked into the window的意思。3、讲完故事后,教师给学生呈现这几个动词的过去式。把单词have写在黑板上,说:“Ann had a dream last night. 呈现单词had, 用同样的方法呈现其他单词was, were, Ken is eleven now. Last year he was ten. 帮助学生了解在谈论过去发生的事情是要用到动词的过去式。4、教师给学生呈现这几个动词的过去式。把go写在黑板上,说:“I usually go to school by bus. But yesterday I went to school by bike.”然后呈现单词went.用同样的方法呈现单词sat, came和ate.只是让学生了解在谈论过去发生的动作时要用到这些词,但不要求学生这节课就能掌握这些动词过去式及其用法。5、让学生自己读文字部分,重点掌握故事大意,不要求马上掌握故事中出现的动词过去式。6、找同学说一说故事大意然后放录音,让学生边听边划出文字中出现的动词过去式。7、找同学说他划出的动词过去式并板书。8、老师示范过去式的读音,让学生找一找发音规则,帮助学生初步掌握规则动词过去式的发音。9、让学生自己读文字,然后回答问题。Picture 1:Where were Ken and Ann yesterday? (They were on vacation/at home/in the kitchen.)Who visited them?(Mockyt visited them.)Picture 2:Where did Mocky sit? (He sat at the table.)Picture 3&4 :Who came into the kitchen?(Ken and Anns mother came into the kitchen.)Picture 5:What did Mocky do? (He ate the banana too quickly.)Picture 6:How did Ke


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