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陕 西:西 安-丝绸之路的起点,世界历史名城,华夏精神故乡1.简介Xian, the historical city, was called Changan in ancient times, and is now the capital of Shaanxi province. Xian is situated in the center of Weihe Plain with the towering and verdant Mt. Qinling in the south, with the meandering and rolling Beishan mountain system in the north and eight rivers around it, all of which are at Guang Zhong Plain 2.标志性建筑古城墙 The City Wall of Xian is one of oldest existing Chinese city wall. It is based in Xian, an ancient capital of China.钟楼 Chinas largest and most magnificent building, the best preserved Ming Dynasty architecture.大雁塔As the symbol of the old-line Xian, Big Wild Goose Pagoda is a well-preserved ancient building and a holy place for Buddhists. It is located in the southern suburb of Xian City, about 4 kilometers (2.49 miles) from the downtown of the city. Standing in the Da Cien Temple complex, it attracts numerous visitors for its fame in the Buddhist religion, its simple but appealing style of construction, and its new square in front of the temple. It is rated as a National Key Cultural Relic Preserve as well as an AAAA Tourist Attraction.大唐芙蓉园Tang Paradise (Tang Paradise) Big Wild Goose Pagoda in Xian, the ancient capital of the side, is Chinas first large-scale all-round display style of the Tang Dynasty imperial garden-style cultural theme park.小雁塔The Small Wild Goose Pagoda is located in the Jianfu Temple . Its one kilometer south from the downtown area .The Small Wild Goose Pagoda was built in Tang Dynast. It has fifteen storey and its about forty-five meters above ground . In 1555 , there was an earthquak in Huaxian of this province . As a result , the top two storeys of the pagoda were destroyed. The present structure has only thirteen storeys . There is a story about the small wild goose pagoda .3.传统文化秦腔-国家级非物质文化遗产 Popular in Shaanxi and northwestern Shaanxi and other places, also known as Luan Tan, also known as Bangzi.长安画派 Chinese painting in the Chang school of painting, originated in the relationship before the Han Dynasty in shadow, puppet show from the Western Zhou Dynasty in Shaanxi and color rich Huxian peasant paintings of Zhong Kui Zhong Kui paintings are all hometown Xian culture are an important part.4.旅游景点秦始皇兵马俑The Terracotta Army (Chinese: 兵马俑; Pinyin: Bng M Yng; literally military servants) or Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses is a collection of 8,099 life-size terra cotta figures of warriors and horses located in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor (秦始皇陵; Qn Sh Hung Lng). The figures were discovered in 1974 near Xian, Shaanxi province.西岳华山 Huashan has historically been a place of retreat for hardy hermits, whether Daoist, Buddhist or other; access to the mountain was only deliberately available to the strong-willed, or those who had found the way. With greater mobility and prosperity, Chinese, particularly students, began to test their mettle and visit in the 80s.阿房宫遗址Epang Palace was built during the Qin Dynasty (BC 221 BC206) but it turns out the builders never got further than the front hall. There is no evidence that other parts of it were destroyed.Legend has it that Xiang Yu, a nobleman attempting to overthrow the authority of Qin, set Epang Palace on fire. Since this cannot be the case, archeologists have suggested the palace Xiang Yu destroyed was in fact Xianyang palace.5.陕西小吃 羊肉泡馍 乾州锅盔 秦镇凉皮 Bingbiang面重 庆:1.简介ChongQing is in the south of China. ChongQing is in the center zone of Yangtze River Three Gorges .The acreage of Chongqing is 82400 square kilometer and the whole acreage is double than the whole acreage of TianJing BeiJing and ShangHai.So it is the largest city in China.There are more than 31000000 people in ChongQing.The proportion of minority is 5.7%.The climate in ChongQing is Sub-tropical monsoon climate.Whats more, There are 13 sections 18 counties and 5 self-governing counties in ChoinQing.3.旅游观光具有三千年悠久历史的重庆旅游资源丰富,即有集山、水、林、泉、瀑、峡、洞等为一体的壮丽自然景色,又有熔巴渝文化、民族文化、移民文化、三峡文化、陪都文化、都市文化于一炉的浓郁文化景观。长江三峡 The Yangtse Three Gorges , one of Chinese 10 big scenery famous places for scenery or historical relics, of Chinese 40 nice tours landscape. Stretch from the west of Chongqing Feng Jie Bai Di town to the east of Hubei Yi Chang City moist the Yangtse Three Gorges south turn off , the umbrella name being gazing alarmedly pond gorge , Wu Xia and Xiling Gorge three section of canyon, are 192 kilometres be elegant strange magnificent landscape gallery , the overall length most on the Yangtse River , are just big Three Gorges often speaking. 磁器口 Ciqikou town located 14 km west of Chongqing banks of the Jialing River. Self-evident, since the Qing Dynasty Ciqikou town famous Bashu earth. The past here is a thriving land and sea terminals, goods distribution center for the Jialing River downstream. The Millennium unchanged by the rich simplicity of the palaeowind and make it become the epitome of the ancient city of Chongqing Jiangzhou and symbolic.大足石刻 Dazu Stone Carvings are located in the country of Dazu, about 120 km away from Chongqing.The carving work began in late Tang Dynasty and saw its hey day in the Song Dynasty.There are over 60,000 statues altogether and they are in 40 places of Dzau County. 白帝城The Baidi City was said to be built by Gongsun Shu, an official turned soldier, as the site of his headquarters durissng the end of the Western Han Dynasty.解放碑 By the end of 1997, the jiangbei district built commercial walk street, and around about 1 square kilometers, within the scope of implementation create the west street and the central business district of chongqing city.4.文化艺术川剧 Sichuan Opera is the treasure house of Chinese opera in a Guangcaizhaoren the pearl. It has a long history of keeping the fine traditions of a lot of repertoire, and rich melodies and superb performing arts. It is Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Southwest China province a few people happy to see news of folk art. Tune in opera, Sichuan Opera is by Gao Qiang, Kunqiang and Huqin cavity, such as weak cavity Tune plus a four Taiwanese folk opera composed of lights. In addition to the five types of lights Xiwai are from the late Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, by the middle of the troupe has imported from other provinces of Sichuan. 铜梁龙灯 Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets, attracting countless visitors. Children will hold self-made or bought lanterns to stroll with on the streets, extremely excited. 5.饮食特色火锅 酸辣粉 毛血旺浙 江:杭 州1.简介Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province in East China, is one of the more modern and prosperous cities in China, about 100 kilometers (60 miles) southwest of Shanghai. It sits at the southern end of the Grand Canal and is one of Chinas seven ancient national capitals2.市花市树桂 花 香 樟 杭州市市标3.旅游景点杭州区域西湖 West Lake in Hangzhou, south of the Five Dock Yunqi, the Hollywood landscape of wooded hills, Bamboo-shaded, streams Ding Dong. very cool. Penny Yunxi one kilometer long track flanked by Bamboo-shaded, meandering paths depth murmur Qingxi according trails, Jiao graceful blend of birds from the forest out, and the whole environment was quiet cool and downtown, particularly Health and fitness feel relaxed. Shuangxin excitement钱塘江The Qiantang River , the ancient times call Zhejiang , the river , Luo stop gradually the Jiang He Zhi river, is motherland southeast famous river , maximal river of Zhejiang Province , famous scenic spot of Hangzhou. Qiantang River overall length the river basin covers an area of 48887 square kilometers 605 kilometres, flow throught Hang Zhou City gate following pouring into the Hangzhou bay.千岛湖The Fuchun River-Xinan River-Qiandao Lake scenic area is a picturesque waterway. As long as 300 kilometers, it covers more than 1100 square kilometers. With numerous tourist attractions, its scenery is especially enchanting. 灵隐寺The Lingyin Monastery, or the Monastery of Souls Retreat, is a famous historical site of the West Lake. Here exists the Lingyin Monastery, a famous ancient temple in China, in front of which there are Feilai Peak, Cold Spring, Longhong Cave and precious rock cave arts and queer and varied natural caves and gullies雷峰塔Leifeng Pagoda is a tower by the West Lake in Hangzhou which was originally constructed in the year AD 975. It has been a popular tourist attraction since being rebuilt in 2002.其他区域(北)雁荡山The Yandang Shan mountains,a breathtaking area with high peaks,bold rock formations,roaring waterfalls and rocky cliffs,lie northeast of Yueqing district in the southern part of Zhejiang Province. The highest mountain of the Yandang Shan range is 1,150 m high.The entire massif covers an area of 400 km.普陀山Putuo Mountain, one of the Four Holy Buddhist Mountains, covers an area of 12.5 square kilometers. The highest peak, the Fudingshan Mountain is 300 meters high above the sea level. Temples, monasteries, nunneries are spread all over the mountain.The remained ten ancient architecture complex and historical sights were built in Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing. Putuo Mountain once had 82 temples, 128 huts, accommodating 4,000 monk and nuns at its heyday.楠溪江It is Nanxi River in Wenzhou. the river is beautiful. The rocks are grotesque. The trees on the beach are exuberant. It has unique old villages too. There are so many wonderful views here. the mountain is beautiful. The green trees on the banks are exuberant. The water in Nanxi River is limpid and clear.西塘Xitang is level,densely distributed with rivers and has a very quiet natural environment.9 rivers converge in this town,dividing it into 8 sections,but many bridges link this water town together(anciently called as “nine dragon old pearl”and“wind from 8 sides”).Inside the town,there are many well-preserved architectural groups constructed during the Ming and Qing dynasties,which boast a higher artistry and study value,thus being highlighted by the experts at home and abroad studying antique buildings.南浔镇Nanxun is located in the plains of northern Zhejiang Province.The Grand Canal, long fairways and South Lake Shen Xun river bordering the city the city, through the Nanxun things dongtiao River tributaries are the lifeblood of this town and symbolic. That the United Kingdom is the silk business lake Shanghai Waterway along the length upon dongtiao River into the Nanxun.乌镇Wuzhen lies at the north of Tongxiang City. This small town, with its black tiled and timber framework houses, contrasts sharply with its white walls and gray flagging, bringing to mind a Chinese ink and wash painting. The morning of Wuzhen starts with women washing clothes by the clear river and black wooden windows propped up. The river running through the town was once the main means of transportation for local people. 小桥流水人家天一阁The Tianyige Museum is take the book collection culture as a characteristic, melts the social history, art in a bodys comprehensive museum, occupies a land area of 26000 square meters. The environment is quiet and tasteful, the botanical garden is fine, the building is plain, rich rich local characteristics. The entire distribution by the book collection culture area, the botanical garden leisure area, the exhibition display area three great merit energy region is composed4.文化遗产良渚遗址In the Backside of tombs,corpses and those buried with bead,it is splendid civilization emerging.The book contacts ancients from the nearest distance,reveals the secrets buride in the past by digging layers of dust.Wiht abundant precious cultural relics,unusual historical documents and the help of authoritative archaeologists,the book tells not only adventures of archaeological excavation but also splendid historical stories. 河姆渡文化 Situated at Hemudu Town, Yuyao City, Hemudu Site is one of the world-famous cultural sites of the Neolithic age, and belongs to a matriarchal commune 7,000 years ago. It was unearthed twice in 1973 and 1977 respectively, and its cultural relics amount to more than 7,000. 江南丝竹 Chinese classical music is the traditional art or court music of China. It has a long history stretching for more than three thousand years. It has its own unique systems of musical notation, as well as musical tuning and pitch, musical instruments and styles or musical genres.Chinese music is pentatonic-diatonic, having a scale of twelve notes to an octave as does European-influenced music.桐乡蓝印花布Tianmen Department of famous cotton Township, the development of blue cloth to create a very favorable conditions. 50 years, in the Fu River south of the street, there are nearly home dye workshop, hundreds of workers, Nissan blue cloth 10000, sold to Sichuan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Jiangsu and other provinces.5.浙江特色(1)杭州特产 杭州丝绸 西湖龙井 西湖藕粉 西湖绸伞(2)地方风味西湖醋鱼 龙井虾仁 干炸响铃 东坡肉 梅干菜焖肉(3)风味小吃 鱼 丸 宁波汤圆 嘉兴粽子 云 南:昆 明 1.简介 As one of Chinas most diversified provinces, Yunnan is certainly one of Chinas most alluring destinations. Yunnan is home to more than one third of Chinas ethnic minorities and over half of the countrys plant and animal species. The province is blessed by its mixture of traditional folk cultures as well as breath-taking scenery. Kunming, Yunnans capital, resides at an elevation of 1890m and boasts a milder climate than most other Chinese cities. Celebrated as the Spring City, Kunming has neither severe winters nor extremely hot summers and can be visited at any time of the year. 2.城市标志市花-云南山茶 市树-玉兰树建筑金马碧鸡坊3.云南艺术文化蜡染Batik is an ancient textile dyeing, batik process in ethnic minority areas in Guizhou, inherit and carry forward the traditional batik, and the prevalence is very broad, ethnic minority womens lives has become an indispensable form of art. 撒尼挂包women with nature, love and fine hand sewing skills, is welcome domestic and overseas tourists to the embroidery is their masterpiece hang bag it is not only a kind of life appliance, is also a kind of elegant folk handicrafts, hang bag design and the skill, has picked strong ethnic characteristics and local color is hanged, yunnan minority representation of the package, was awarded the national tourism product award云子 Go is a puzzle game, originated in China. Today, the population in Asia Go tens of millions of people in Europe and the United States, there are many people will go under. Go the rules is very simple, but with a very large space can Lazi, making Go changeable than the Chinese chess is more complicated. This is the charm of Go. Go the next set of time does not require, the fast five minutes, would slow the past few days, most of the time need to move to the next set 1-2 hours.云南水果 Yunnan natural geographical condition is superior, the high mountain long water abundant precipitation, fertile soil, both tropical and subtropical climate temperate frigid ShiXian, various kinds of fruit, the four seasons is constantly, kunming street perennial have supply4.旅游景点云南八大城市符号1丽江古城Lijiang City is a fairly large geographical area that comprises one district and four counties, including the Liijang new town, Dayan old town, Shuhe old town , Baisha old town , and parts of the Tiger Leaping Gorge.2石林The Stone Forest lies about 80 miles to the southeast of Kunming. A geological phenomenon, the Stone Forest was a vast expanse of sea during the Paleozoic erasome 270 million years ago. Later, the movement of tectonic plates altered the earths crust, causing the sea to recede and its limestone bottom to appear, thereby forming land. Due to the constant seeping of rain through the cracks in the limestone, some of the stone formation dissolved and the fissures broadened, producing a group of great sculptures of different shapes, all molded by nature. 3滇池Known also as Kunming lake, Lake Dian is located at the foot of the Western Hills south-west of Kunming city in Yunnan Province. Being a bright and smooth highland lake, its reputed as A Pearl on the Yungui Plateau.The picturesque lake, dotted with sails, appears green and boundless and shining with ripples. Along its 150 kilometers long winding bank, lies numerous scenic spots and historical sites such as the Grand View Pavilion, West Garden, the Lake Embankment.4玉龙雪山Locating between 10004-10016east longitude and 2703-2740 north latitude, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (Yulong Mountain) is the southernmost glacier in the Northern Hemisphere. 5泸沽湖The lu buys the lake to be located the Yunnan Province rather county and the Sichuan 盐源 county border place, the areaapproximately more than 50 square kilometers, buys the lakeside in thelu to live an ancient nationality 6.香格里拉 Shangri-La is a mystical, harmonious valley, gently guided from a lamasery, enclosed in the western end of the Kunlun Mountains. Shangri-La has become synonymous with any earthly paradise but particularly a mythical Himalayan utopia 7茶马古道For thousands of years, only humans and horses treaded the mountains of Southwest China as they followed an ancient pathway through the Chinese hinterlands and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.8.西双版纳Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed Aerial Garden for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests, which are teeming with animals and plants.5,文化活动 傣族泼水节 彝族火把节 东巴文化 白族三月街6特色饮食,特产过桥米线 鸡丝凉面 汽锅鸡 嘉华鲜花饼 红烧鸡枞 豆花米线 白族三道茶普洱茶(优质普洱呈红色)冬虫夏草 贵 州:1.简介Guizhou Province, referred to as Qian and expensive is a beautiful mountains and rivers, climate, resource rich nation a large number of inland mountainous province. Its name comes from the mountain with your name. Tang G


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