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Period 27 Rational Cloze Text (介词)Part I: 完成以下五道热身题目1. Your appearance simply adds up _ her worry.2. People in Beijing speak Mandarin _ their first language.3. A great many people choose to travel to the countryside _ the weekend.4. There is no such thing _ free lunch.5. Dont ask her details, which she cares _ least.介词,我们都知道,是在没有提示的情况下,放在名词或者动词ing形式前面的词。作为七年高考中考查了九次的考点,对于介词我们必须做一个详细的总结。首先,介词与一些动词构成固定的动词词组。其次,介词在一些名词前面使用的固定搭配。再次,根据具体的语境使用某些介词。Part II: 积累以下的短语,填上适当的介词1. be similar _ sth. 与相似2. be opposed _ sth. 反对3. compete _ sb. _ a game _ sth. 与某人在某比赛中为了某事而竞赛4. have an effect _ sth. = have an influence _ sth. = have an impact _ sth. 对有影响5. increase _ 增加了 (decrease规则一样)6. increase _ 增加到 (decrease规则一样)7. the connection _ A and B = the link _ A and B = the relation between A and B = the relationship _ A and B A与B之间的关系8. an introduction _ sth. 对的简介9. _ ones own = _ oneself 自己10. _ time going by = as time goes byPart III: 完成以下五道题目1. The number of pandas has decreased sharply _ 95% since 1950.2. I am always grateful _ him _ what he has done.3. Her parents dont like to see her married _ someone of lower social status.4. Thanks to the influence the project has _ the poor region, many mountainous children now are able to return to school.5. I am speaking _ behalf of peoples interest.Period 28 Reading Aloud (Try it!)请读准以下词汇1. Pacific psifik n. 太平洋2. critical kritikl adj. 很重要的3. unchecked ntekt adj. 未被检查的4. crisis kraisis n. 危机5. resident rezidnt n. 居民6. ensure inu v. 保证7. marine mrin adj. 海洋的8. commitment kmitmnt n. 投入,致力9. cooperation ku,prein n. 合作2011年A套模仿朗读The South Pacific is on the face of it still a healthy ocean. We depend on it. Over 60% of the worlds fish catch comes from the Pacific. But like all oceans, it has little or no protection, so it may not stay healthy much longer. For the South Pacific, this is a critical time. Its changing in ways that, if left unchecked, could develop into a global crisis. Some of its residents have been through crisis before. And protecting the fish will ensure a healthy ocean for all the marine life of the Pacific. It will require international commitment and cooperation.Period 29 Rational Cloze Text (代词 Part I)Part I: 请完成以下五道热身题目1. I dont care about what _ say. I just care about what you think about this matter. 2. Brought up by _ grandparents in the countryside, he failed to adapt to the city life at first.3. 20,000 pounds is not enough. I am afraid you need _ 10,000 pounds.4. God help _ who help _.5. He describes his mean words as a sense of human but I just cant accept _.代词在高考中的考查较为常见,而且也蛮集中在某个单词上。但实际上,代词的考点还是很多且很杂的,另外,代词并没提示。下面我们来进行归纳。1. 人称代词作为主语、宾语例如I、she、him等等。这类考查较为简单和直观,也会有上下文的对应。例如:l Mary found it difficult to get along with her roommates. In addition, _ came across many difficulties with studies.l John is a jerk. No one likes to hang out with _.2. 反身代词 oneself尤其注意拼写,例如myself、ourselves等。当主语和宾语在逻辑上指同一个(群)人时,就必须使用反身代词。另外,固定搭配by oneself。l No matter what happens, you should believe in _.l Dont help me. I would like to do it by _. (= on _ own)3. 形容词性物主代词例如his, my, its等。当主语和宾语形成逻辑上的物主关系时,就必须使用形容词性物主代词。尤其注意与the之间的区别。l China gained _ independence in 1949.l The food and _ customs here are quite different from our hometown.4. it的用法it是代词中最常考查的一个词。它的要点归纳如下:l I bought you a present. See, do you like it? 用于指代上文出现的同一件东西或同一句话。l I found it interesting to talk to you. 充当形式主语或形式宾语。l It is fine today. / It is six oclock. 泛指天气、时间、长度等概念。l make it 成功做到;dont buy it 不买账,不接受;It doesnt work. 没用;Ill appreciate it 我很感激;It doesnt matter. 没关系。在一些句子和短语中,it 并无任何特定的含义,就泛指某事,用多了就约定俗成。5. one(s),anyone和those的区别l _ who treats his parents in a bad manner should be criticized.l _ who fight for their dreams should be highly thought of.l She once came up with an idea to kill herself, but she decided to survive for the _ she loved her children.Period 30 Rational Cloze Text (代词 Part II)完成以下五道热身题目1. _ who always treat their homework carelessly are doomed to fail.2. After years of hard work, he finally made _.3. Abandoned by _ workmates, he felt depressed.4. No matter what happens, you should live well for the _ you love and those who love you.5. To be confident, you should learn to love _.下面让我们继续积累关于代词的考点:关于其他表示“其他”的代词共有三个:other, others和another。l Today you are supposed to finish exercise 1 and _ exercises can be delayed.l Picasso was outstanding. Van Gough was _ example of impressionist.l Some hold that a golden week is necessary, while _ think that the long holiday should be divided into shorter ones. 小结: other为形容词,后接名词的_形式;another也是形容词,后接名词的_形式。两者都是表“其他的”。others = other people,经常构成“_”句型。但是也有例外情况,试完成以下两道题目:1. He is taller than any _ boy in his class.2. Youve been waiting for long, but I am afraid that you have to wait for _ two hours.试试其他代词3. You should buy the salt at a price _ too expensive nor too cheap.4. _ you or I am going to represent our school to take part in the game.5. Now the two parties are not content. They are trying to reach a compromise that makes _ of them happy.根据这两节课所学,完成以下题目:1. _ is always delighting to receive praise from others.2. Simon is an athletic boy. _ is fond of ball games of all kinds.3. Impressed by _ skillful basketball techniques, the coach asked the boy to join his team.4. _ who doesnt give up deserves our respect.5. The old lady treated us to a delicious dinner. _ villagers brought us cheese and ham.6. Be patient. You are supposed to wait for _ five minutes.Period 31 Role Play (Try it!)拿出草稿纸,对折,准备记笔记。2011年高考真题A套三问五答角色:你是学生任务:(1) 与同学讨论双胞胎的兴趣培养问题;(2) 根据谈话内容回答问题生词:gene 基因三问五答: 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _小结1. 三十秒钟时间,根据情境描述,迅速进入备战状态;2. 视频对话时,尽可能多地记下笔记,若无法记下完整单词,也必须记下单词的前几个字母,或首字母,然后在间歇时间尽快补齐;3. 三问必须把问题完整写下。4. 三问的回答有两遍,只要细心和专注,就能记完整。5. 五答部分,首先必须听懂问题。第一是听懂疑问词,究竟是why, where, what还是how, when。第二是听明白主语,例如刚刚的第一问,问的是the mans brother,切勿搞错对象。第三是听懂关键信息。6. 回答问题是,允许使用省略句。例如,我们无需说He skated in school,只需说In school即可。Period 32 Rational Cloze Text (定语从句 Part I)Part I: 完成以下五道热身题目1. Those _ can find the treasure first are going to be awarded 20 thousand Yuan.2. Ill always treasure the days _ we trust each other and give each other a hand whenever in need. 3. They finally reached the top of Mount Qomolangma at the altitude of over 8000 meters, _ is covered with snow.4. They finally reached the top of Mount Qomolangma at the altitude of over 8000 meters, _ they could catch sight of great views. 5. She is always speaking highly of her role in the team, _, of course, annoys her teammates.定语从句是我们比较熟悉的环节,也是高考中每年必考的1.5分。首先我们先明确,之所以会构成一个定语从句,是因为它有先行词。而确定定语从句填上什么,则是根据先行词放在从句中的位置而定。接着我们明确我们解题的基本步骤:先思考:which (表物充当主宾语), who (表人充当主宾语), whom (表人充当宾语), that (表人、物,充当主宾语)再思考:whose (从属关系), as (句首或固定搭配)接着思考:when (时间状语), where (地点状语), why (原因状语)Part II: 三问专练:翻译以下两个句子1. 珠穆朗玛峰地处于哪里?2. 珍惜大自然资源,好吗?Period 33 Rational Cloze Text (定语从句 Part II)继续定语从句的话题。下面我们来看看几个解题的难点。1. 在非限制性定语从句中,当先行词表物且被:最高级、序数词、very (正是那个)、the only、不定代词等词所修饰时,我们不能使用which,而是使用that作为连接词1) Thank you, it is the very book that I want.2) This is one of the best movies that are on show this year. 3) This is the first Christmas gift that Ive received. (注意区别:He is always the first one to arrive in class)2. 不能使用that而必须使用which的情况:1) 非限制性定语从句中表物的主语或宾语1) He finally made it and realized his dream, which delighted everyone.2) The little kid got annoyed and tore apart a toy, which was bought abroad by his father.注意区别3) It was the first time that he had left his village, _ he grew up as a child.4) She always spoke highly of herself. _ annoyed everyone.5) She always spoke highly of herself, and _ annoyed everyone.2) 介词前置的情况下1) Can you show me a room of which the window faces south?2) Can you show me a room the window of which faces south?3) There are three kinds of paper cutting, among which decorative products are most popular.注意区别4) There are 100 million smokers in China, 78% of _ are men.5) There are 100 million smokers in China, and 22% of _ are women.3. whose的用法1) The children whose parents were killed in the Wenchuan Earthquake was adopted by a family from the army.2) The meeting whose purpose was to help the poor mountainous children was held in Nanjing once a year.4. as的用法:as在定语从句中表“正如”,位置比较灵活1) As we know, the moon moves around the earth as a satellite.2) The method, as I told you, is bound to benefit you a lot.3) She married the man eventually, as was expected.5. 注意关系副词 (when, where, why, that)的考查,并区别前后两个句子1) Ill never forget the days when I studied in this middle school.2) Ill never forget the days that (=which) we spent together.3) The school where they studied was located in the poor mountainous area.4) The school that (=which) we visited was located in the poor mountainous area.5) Is it the reason why he is late again?6) Is it the reason that (=which) he explained for being late?7) I really dont appreciate the way that you treat your children.8) I really dont appreciate the way that you adopt to solve the problem.6. 注意以下使用where的特殊先行词:3) Every time I reach a stage where I can hardly go on, I will tell myself that it is just matter of time before I make it.4) Have you ever been caught in a situation where you find it difficult to go on?5) Can you name a case where you have to give up?6) You can hardly imagine a circumstance where water, food and even air are severely lacked.7. 辨析定语从句和强调句的区别1) It was in the school that I studied for nearly 6 years.2) It was the school where I studied for nearly 6 years.3) It was in 1999 _ I graduated from high school.4) It was 1951 _ the first PC was invented.5) It was 2008 _ witnessed the Wenchuan Earthquake. Period 34 Rational Cloze Text (定语从句 Part III)以下定语从句考查中的一些特殊规则:1. 当先行词为表人的不定代词时,我们使用who或whom,不使用that。1) Anyone who works hard for his dream deserves our respect.2) Those who never fight for their dreams are doomed to fail.注意比较:3) Ive told you everything that I know.2. 当先行词被the same修饰时,注意以下两种不同情况的比较:4) You should bring the same book that I lent you yesterday. (同一个物体)5) Id like to buy the same clothes as you wore yesterday. (同一类物体)3. 当先行词被such 修饰时,我们使用as作为连接词6) Ive never heard such things as you said.4. 在非限制性定语从句中,很多时候,宾语 (无论表人或表物)是可以省略的。另外,the way that的that假如是充当状语,也是可以省略的。很多时候出题人会拿这一点来大做文章。7) TV offers a great many programs and most of the time we receive and accept the information _ provides us passively.8) She knows me too well and I really liked the present _ had given me.根据这三节课所学到的知识,让我们一起完成以下题目1. There is no such thing on the island _ is described in the textbook.2. It was in Shanxi _ such a t


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