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。Procedure Number程序编号HY-WP-QC-001Rev. No版本1Page页码1 of 10Document Status:文件状态: PRE/准备 CFC/执行Reference procedure No./Rev./参考程序编号/版本:N/A不适用(This column is modified only when the numbering rule of the Procedure is changed只有当程序编号规则发生变化时才修订此栏)Document Title文件名称:Visual Examination Procedure目视检查程序Document Type/文件类型 : Work Procedure工作程序Name &Title姓名及职务Signature/Date签名及日期Approved by批准Prepared by编制职务:Title:Reviewed by审核Signature/Date:签名及时期QA ReviewerQA审核Translator翻译Translation reviewer译审Copyright Declaration:版权声明 :This document is the property of the SNPEMC. It must not be used, reproduced, transmitted or disclosed without the prior written permission of SNPEMC。本程序未经山东核电设备制造有限公司书面批准不得外用、复制和泄露Historic Record of Modification修改历史记录Rev版本.Issued Date发布日期 Scope and Basis of Modification修改范围及依据1The first issuance第一次发布Table of Contents目录1.Purpose目的42.Scope范围43.Reference参考文件44.Responsibilities职责44.1 Quality Management Department质量管理部44.2 Technical Department技术部45. Prerequisite先决条件55.1 Personnel qualification人员资格55.2 Inspection tools检查工具65.3 Surface preparation表面准备65.4 welding requirements焊接要求66. Detailed description详细描述66.1 Inspection tools检查工具66.2 Inspection time检查时间66.3 Inspection methods检查方法76.4 Visual inspection of welded joints焊接接头目视检查76.5 Visual inspection of welded joints for containment vessel CV焊接接头目视检查96.6 Visual examination of welded joints for module 模块焊接接头目视检查107. Records记录108. Appendix附录10精选资料,欢迎下载1. Purpose目的This procedure is developed to define the responsibilities and requirements for the visual inspection of the product weld seam done by SNPEMC. 编制本程序是为了明确山东核电设备制造有限公司对产品焊缝外观目视检查的责任及要求。2. Scope范围This procedure is used to implement the visual inspection of the product weld seam done by SNPEMC. 本程序用来执行对山东核电设备制造有限公司产品焊缝的目视检查。3. Reference参考文件ASME Code Section division 1, Sub NE 2001ED+2002ADD ASME Code Section division 1, Sub NB, NC, ND, NE, NF 2001Ed.+2002AddASME Code section 2001ED+2002ADD ASME Code section 2001Ed.+2002AddQuality Assurance Manual for Haiyang Project HY-QAM海阳项目质量保证手册 HY-QAM “Visual examination procedure” APP-MV50-VW-007目视检查程序APP-MV50-VW-007AWS D1.1-2000AWS D1.6-19994. Responsibilities职责4.1 Quality Management Department质量管理部4.1.1 QC Section is responsible for organizing the visual inspection. QC组负责组织进行目视检查; 4.1.2 QC Section is responsible for performing inspection activities in accordance with requirements of this procedure and providing inspection records and inspection reports. QC组负责按照本程序要求进行检查工作,并出具检查记录和检查报告; 4.1.3 QC Section is responsible for following inspection of NCR. QC室负责对质量不符合项进行跟踪和检查。4.2 Technical Department技术部4.2.1 Being responsible for preparing welding specification; 负责编写焊接工艺规程;4.2.2 Being responsible for evaluating welding specification; 负责对焊接工艺规程进行评定;4.2.3 Provide the technical solution of NCR对质量不符合项的解决提供技术支持。4.3 Engineering Department工程部4.3.1 Cleaning the area to be examined in accordance with requirements, to meet the requirements of visual inspection and NDE; 对按要求进行清理,满足目视检查和NDE的要求条件;4.3.2 Completing self-inspection, completing records of self-inspection, and informing QC personnel of Quality Management Department to make the final inspection; 完成自检,形成自检记录,合格后,通知QC人员进行最终检查; 4.3.3 Being responsible for taking corrective action and rework shall be related to deviation or non conformance in accordance with this procedure. 负责采取纠正措施,按照返工程序进行返工并进行检验。 5. Prerequisite先决条件5.1 Personnel qualification人员资格5.1.1 Visual inspection QC personnel are qualified personnel based on procedure for evaluating QC personnel qualification HY-MP-ITQ-003. 目视QC人员是按照QC人员资格评定程序HY-MP-ITQ-003评定合格的人员;5.1.2 Visual inspection QC personnel must have obtained the corresponding visual inspection qualification grade certificates issued by responsible national nuclear department. 目视QC人员必须获得国家核主管部门颁发的相应目视检查等级资格证书;5.1.3 The Visual examination personnel shall have a vision test annually to assure natural corrected near distance acuity such that they are capable of reading standard J-1 letters on standard Jaeger Test Type charts for near vision or equivalent methods. 目视检查人员应每年进行一次视力检查以确保其近视视力能够识别标准Jeager检测表上的J-1字母或其它方法; 5.1.4 QC personnel shall be capable of certain welding experience and theory, and can accurately identify the following deficiencies: QC人员应具有一定的焊接经验和理论知识,能够准确识别以下各种缺陷:Porosity气孔Incomplete fusion未熔合Incomplete joint penetration未焊透Undercut咬边Underfill缺肉Overlap焊瘤Cracks裂纹Metallic and nonmetallic inclusion夹杂Excessive reinforcement余高过大5.1.5. QC personnel can correctively choose the right inspection method in accordance with requirements. QC人员根据要求能正确地选择适当的检查方法;5.1.6 QC personnel can use various inspection tools proficiently. QC人员能正确熟练地使用各种检查工具。5.2 Inspection tools检查工具Inspection tools must be checked to be qualified ones by measuring department, and they must be within the effective date. 检查工具必须是经过计量部门鉴定合格的工具,且在有效期内。5.3 Surface preparation表面准备5.3.1 The identification of the equipment and component shall be clear, accurate and correct; 设备和部件焊缝的标识明显,准确无误; 5.3.2 There must be no marc, paint, corrosion, oxide, rust, spatter, grease and insulation layer, or other impurities that will hinder the judgment of defects on the inspected weld seam surface. 被检焊缝表面必须无药渣、油漆、腐蚀、氧化物、铁锈、飞溅、 油脂、保温层、以及任何妨碍缺陷判断的杂质。 5.4 welding requirements焊接要求5.4.1 Welds and welding repairs have to be done following qualified specification; 焊接和焊缝返修必须采用评定合格的焊接工艺规程; 5.4.2 Welders must hold a welder certificate within the effective date. 施焊焊工必须持有在合格期限内的焊工证。6. Detailed description详细描述6.1 Inspection tools检查工具Tools to be used in visual inspection are: industrial endoscope, magnifier, welding inspection ruler, plane mirror, ruler, etc. 目视检查中所要运用的工具有:工业内窥镜、放大镜、焊接检验尺、平面镜、直尺等。 6.2 Inspection time检查时间6.2.1 Visual inspection must be performed by qualified QC inspector after the welding has been completed and self-inspected by welder, but before NDE inspection so that the surface defects can be eliminated. 外观检查必须在施焊完毕、焊工自检合格后、NDE检查以前由QC检查人员完成,目的在于消除表面缺陷; 6.2.2 As for the visual inspection of welded joints in the quenched and tempered steel or those subject to high constrain, the proper inspection time shall be delayed to no less than 48 hours after welding. 对于受到高拘束或调质钢的焊接接头的外观检查,合适的检查时间应该推迟到焊后不小于48小时。 6.3 Inspection methods检查方法6.3.1 Direct visual inspection: if the distance between the inspected weld seam and eyes of QC personnel is no more than 600mm, and the observation angle is no less than 30, and there is sufficient light, which shall be at least 1000 lux, in the environment of the inspected weld seam, direct visual inspection can be performed, if the light cannot meet the requirements, some illuminating equipment shall be used to reach it. 直接目视检查:当被检焊缝与QC人员眼睛的无障碍直线距离不大于600mm且观察视角不小于30度时,则可进行直接目视检查。且被检焊缝所处环境应该具有充足的光源,光照强度至少达到1000 lux,如果自然环境达不到要求必须借助一些照明设备达到规定要求; 6.3.2 Indirect visual inspection: the position of the inspected weld seam cannot meet the requirements for direct visual inspection, or under some special condition, some instrument (i.g., telescope, pipe endoscope etc.) have to be used for inspection. The observation ability of these devices shall be no worse than that of direct visual inspection. 间接目视检查:被检焊缝的观察位置达不到直接目视检查的条件或在某些特殊条件下,应借助部分仪器(如望远镜、管道内窥镜等)进行检查。运用这些仪器所达到的观察能力应不低于直接目视检查的观察能力。 6.4 Visual inspection of welded joints焊接接头目视检查6.4.1 The surface of the weld seam must be equal and in order, and the base material and welding material in the fusion area shall be sufficiently fused. Modification must be done if the weld seam is not complete or dimension is not enough. 焊缝表面必须均匀整齐,熔合区内母材与焊材要充分熔合,焊缝不完整或是尺寸不够必须整改; 6.4.2 There shall be completely free of coarse corrugation, groove, and weld overlap, convex, concave. 焊缝表面必须完全没有粗糙的波纹、沟槽、焊瘤以及凸起的凸块和凹坑; 6.4.3 The surface of the weld seam must be suitable for the NDE as required per applicable documents. 焊缝表面情况必须适合无损检测的要求;Acceptance standard验收标准The following deficiencies are not allowed to appear in the surface of weld seams: 焊缝表面不允许出现下列缺陷:1) Cracks裂纹;2) Incomplete fusion, lack of penetration未熔合、未焊透;3) Indications such as group of pores, porosity, or worm holes requires grinding repair任何气孔、缩孔等缺陷必须打磨修理;4) Thickness of Weld Reinforcement for Vessel, and surface of the reinforcement of all butt weld seam may be flush with the base material, or may have uniform crowns. However, the height of weld reinforcement in each side shall be no more than the following values: 对于容器,对接焊缝的余高,表面可以与母材平齐,也可以有均匀的凸起。但每一面余高表面高度不能超过下表数值;Table 1 Max Reinforcement for Vessel名义厚度mm(in)Nominal thickness(in)最大余高高度mm(in)Max Reinforcement mm (in) t25 (1)2.5 (3/32)25t50 (1t2)3 (1/8)50t75 (2t3)4.0 (5/32)75t100(3t4)5.5 (7/32)100t125 (4t5)6 (1/4)t127 (5)8 (5/16)5) Thickness of Weld Reinforcement for piping. For double-welded butt joints, the limitation on the reinforcement given in Column 1 of the following tabulation shall apply separately to both inside and outside surface of the joint. For single-welded butt joint the reinforcement given in Column 2 shall apply to the inside surface and the reinforcement given in Column 1 shall apply to the outside surface. the reinforcement shall be determined from the higher of the abutting surface involved. 管道的焊缝余高高度,对于管道双面焊焊接接头,下表中第一列的余高范围适合于此接头的内外表面;单面焊对接接头,下表中第一列的适用于焊缝外表面,第二列的余高范围适用于内表面。余高的值由相邻焊缝表面的最高点确定。 Table 2 Max Reinforcement for piping截面厚度 mm(in)section thickness mm(in)最大加强高mm(in)maximum reinforcement mm(in)123(1/8)2.5(2/32)2.5(2/32)3(1/8)5(3/16)3(1/8)2.5(3/32)5(3/16)13(1/2)4.0(5/32)3(1/8)13(1/2)25(1)5(3/16)4.0(5/32)25(1)50(2)6(1/4)4.0(5/32)50(2)6(1/4)且不超过焊缝宽度的1/8倍6 (1/4)and no more than 1/8 times of the weld seam width6) Undercut shall not encroach on the minimum required section thickness and shall not exceed 0.8 mm ; 咬边深度不能超过名义壁厚且不超过0.8mm,; 7) Maximum offset of butt joint in the component fit together after welding shall not exceed the scope listed below, in the table t means the nominal thickness of the thinner section in the joints. 组对部件焊接后的最大错边量不能超过下表所列出的范围,表中t为接头中较薄截面的名义厚度;Table 3 Max offset of butt joint after welding截面厚度mm(in)Section thickness mm(in)焊缝类型 weld seam type纵向焊缝mm(in)Longitudinal weld seam mm (in)环向焊缝mm(in)Circumferential weld seam mm (in)t13 (t1/2)1/4t1/4t13t19(1/2t3/4)3(1/8)1/4t19t38(3/4t1)3(1/8)5(3/16)38t50(1t2)3(1/8)1/8tt50(t2)1/16t或10(3/8)1/8t或19(3/4)t: nominal thickness名义厚度8) Any offset within the allowable tolerance provided above shall be faired to at least 3:1 taper over the width of the finished weld, if necessary, by adding additional weld metal beyond what would otherwise be the edge of weld. 在上表中(错边量表)所规定的允许公差范围内的任何错边必须修整成平滑过度,在完工的焊缝宽度范围内的斜度至少达到31。若有必要,必须在焊缝边缘的外侧堆焊附加焊缝金属。 6.5 Visual inspection of welded joints for containment vessel CV焊接接头目视检查6.5.1Visual inspection of welded joints for containment vessel CV, in compliance with ASME III, NE-4424,NE-4426 and requirements of “Visual examination procedure” APP-MV50-VW-007.CV焊缝目视检查依照ASME III, NE-4424,NE-4426和目视检查程序APP-MV50-VW-007进行。6.5.2Fillet welds may vary from convex to


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