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Module5 A Lesson in a Lab一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. Under normal circumstances, these two gases will r to produce carbon dioxide and water. 2. The price of houses is so high that it is hard for o people to afford them. 3. The professors boring l made us all sleepy. 4. Hearing the astonishing news, everyone present had an a look on each face. 5. F a good study habit from childhood is very necessary for a student. 6. The debate didnt come to a c until midnight. 7. When you heat metal, it e . 8. A lot of modern new e has been provided for the physics lab, so we can do many more experiments with it. 9. Fill the bread with a m of lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers.10. A m of snow and rock broke away and fell on the climbers.二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)11. He gave us a long (演讲) on philosophy.12. Denmark is planning to (扩张) its land to include the North Pole and other areas in the Arctic(北极圈).13. They did not come to a (结论) until midnight.14. His angry (反应) to the decision was beyond my imagination.15. We were (惊讶的) to hear that he had passed his driving test.16. The interview will give you a chance to (形成) an impression of the company.17. A good sleeping bag is a necessary part of every travelers (设备).18. In my grandmothers time it was quite out of (普通的,平常的) for a woman to go to university.19. The visit was (以为目标) at expanding relations between the two countries.20. I think this kind of (混合物) tastes terrible.三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)21. After giving birth to a baby, she (越长越胖).22. 我们要去音乐会,你不应该穿牛仔裤。(词数不限)We are going to the concert. You wear jeans.23. 他不能不记得旧日的中国。He cannot but remember China as it .24. 这座城市变化很大,几乎认不出来了;现在的面积是20年前的五倍大。(size)The town has changed beyond recognition; now it is what it was 20 years ago.25. The bad weather (增添) the difficulties in our last journey.26. 他越是这样想,越是感到不开心。The more he thought like this, .27. Now my parents (引以为豪) my great progress in English. (proud)28. Our physics teacher said light (传播的快得多) sound last week. (travel)29. 年龄越大,我就越幸福。 I get, I am.30. 时间一年年过去,老人越来越孤独。As the years , the old man became lonely.四、单项选择31.- How do you like our city?- I think its becoming .A. more beautiful and more beautifulB. more and more beautifulC. beautiful and beautifulD. more beautiful and beautiful32.Youd better not hurt his . His parents are of him.A. proud; a prideB. pride; proudC. proud; the prideD. pride; the pride33.In the evening the car broke down suddenly and the heavy rain the helplessness of the girl driver on the country road.A. resulted fromB. made upC. turned outD. added to34.John is a(n) person and his name is very in English.A. common; ordinaryB. common; commonC. ordinary; commonD. ordinary; ordinary35.Peters jacket looked just the same as Jacks, but it cost his.A. as much twice asB. twice as much asC. much as twice asD. as twice much as36.Her friend advised her to her grandfathers story into a novel.A. shareB. expandC. explodeD. respond37.He used to cards, but now he is used to a walk after supper.A. play; takingB. playing; takeC. play; takeD. playing; taking38.Children often their parents by going against their wishes.A. react toB. react againstC. react withD. react39. exercise you take, you will become, but this is easier said than done.A. The much; the healthyB. The most; the healthiestC. The many; the healthierD. The more; the healthier40.Learning to play basketball calls for strength, time and skills. , its not a simple thing.A. As a resultB. In conclusionC. In generalD. After all41.Tom Sawyer to paint the fence, but he didnt do it. He got his friends to do it.A. has supposedB. was supposedC. had supposedD. is supposed42.He bought of milk I did.A. double an amountB. double the amountC. the double amountD. double amount43.Google is a miracle and it is much smaller than those such as eBay, Yahoo and Amazon, but it faster.A. will growB. is growingC. grewD. will have grown44.- Alvin, are you coming with us?- Id love to, but something unexpected .A. has come upB. was coming upC. had come upD. would come up45.Our friendship quickly over the weeks that followed.A. had developedB. was developingC. would developD. developed五、完形填空(共20小题;共30分) It was the last day of the final examination in a large eastern university. On the steps of one building a group of engineering(工程学) seniors(毕业班学生) 46 , discussing the coming exam in a few minutes. On their faces was 47 . This was their last examthen on to 48 and jobs. With the certainty of four years of college, they felt 49 and able to take control of the world. The approaching exam, they knew, would be a(n) 50 task. The professor had said they could bring either books or notes they wanted, requesting only that they did not 51 each other during the test. The students entered the 52 happily. The professor passed out the papers. And 53 appeared on the students faces as they noticed there were only five questions. Three hours had passed before the professor began to 54 the papers. The students no longer looked confident. On their faces was a(n) 55 expression. The professor looked at the worried faces before him, and then asked, How many completed all the questions? Not a hand was 56 . How many answered four? Still no hands. Three? Two? The students were 57 in their seats. One, then? Certainly somebody finished one. But the class remained 58 . The professor put down the papers. That is exactly what I 59 , he said. I just want to impress upon you that, 60 you have completed four years of engineering, there are still many things about the 61 you dont know. The questions you cannot answer are quite 62 in the daily life. Then smiling, he 63 , You will all pass this course, but remembereven though you are now college graduates, your education has just 64 . The years have 65 the name of this professor, but not the lesson he taught.46.A. gatheredB. worriedC. foundD. called47.A. puzzleB. doubtC. confidenceD. regret48.A. examinationB. discussionC. graduationD. education49.A. readyB. honestC. sadD. necessary50.A. importantB. easyC. difficultD. impossible51.A. talk toB. look downC. care forD. point out52.A. schoolB. societyC. companyD. classroom53.A. cloudB. sweatC. smilesD. tears54.A. handB. turnC. collectD. mark55.A. excitedB. concernedC. amusedD. interested56.A. raisedB. loweredC. movedD. exposed57.A. happyB. cheerfulC. nervousD. comfortable58.A. noisyB. silentC. activeD. curious59.A. hopedB. taughtC. expectedD. required60.A. even thoughB. so thatC. in caseD. as if61.A. subjectB. matterC. problemD. idea62.A. averageB. unknownC. meaninglessD. common63.A. warnedB. askedC. addedD. requested64.A. endedB. begunC. admittedD. tested65.A. deepenedB. weakenedC. learnedD. remembered六、阅读理解(共15小题;共30分)A In fine department stores everywhere, youll see the light-blue boxes of Estee Lauder. These popular cosmetics(化妆品) are sold in more than 130 countries. Whos the woman behind this worldwide cosmetics empire(帝国)? Estee Lauder herself, of course. This businesswoman became, for a time, the worlds richest self-made woman. Her secret? “I didnt get there by dreaming about it,” she would say. “I got there by doing it.” Estee was born in the early 1900s in Queens, New York. Her father ran a hardware(五金器具) store, and from him Estee learned how to be a successful salesperson. Estee learned from her uncle John Schotz, too. He made creams in a small laboratory behind the familys house. Estee watched him. Soon, she was experimenting with her own cosmetics. She put lipstick(唇膏) and creams on any female relative whod let her, until her annoyed father told her to stop. She married Joseph H. Lauder in 1930, and continued her experiments. She would cook dinner for the family, and at the same time, make her face creams. Then she began to sell her products in a Manhattan beauty shop. In 1960, Estee began to sell her products in Europe. After many tries she succeeded and began selling her products in some stores in London. But France proved even more difficult. The store Galleries Lafayette refused to sell her products. So Estee “by accident” dropped a bottle of youth dew(香水) on the floor in the cosmetics department. As the scent spread around the store, customers came over and asked to buy it. The store soon began selling Estees products. Estee led her company until 1982, when her son Leonard took over the business. Until her health worsened in the mid-1990s, she continued to attend the opening of a new store wherever in the world. She died on April 24, 2004. Estee Lauders talent as a saleswoman was extraordinary. Her son Leonard said, “There was never anyone who could sell like she could.” All who worked for Estee appreciated her special talent.66. Which of the following can best describe Estee Lauder?A. A successful cosmetics saleswoman.B. A beautiful shop owner in London.C. A popular cosmetics producer in France.D. A founder of a cosmetics company in America.67. What was Estee Lauders fathers attitude towards her when she tried her products on her female relatives?A. He supported her and helped her.B. He didnt care about what she did.C. He was very angry at her for what she did.D. He was proud of what she did.68. Estee managed to get her products known to the French customers by dropping a bottle of youth dew on the floor in the cosmetics department of a store .A. on purposeB. with the stores permissionC. by accidentD. carelessly69. The underlined word “scent” in Paragraph 3 probably means .A. Estees productB. a customers praiseC. a pleasant smellD. the broken pieces of glassBDear Friend, The recent success of childrens books has made the general public aware that theres a huge market out there. And theres a growing need for new writers trained to create the $3 billion worth of childrens books bought each year, plus stories and articles needed by over 650 publishers of magazines for children and teenagers. Who are these needed writers? Theyre ordinary folks like you and me. But am I good enough? I was once where you might be now. My thoughts of writing had been pushed down by self-doubt, and I didnt know where to turn for help. Then, I accepted a free offer from the Institute to test my writing aptitude(潜能), and it turned out to be the inspiration I needed. The promise that paid off The Institute made the same promise to me that they will make to you, if you show basic writing ability: You will complete at least one manuscript(手稿) suitable to hand in to a publisher by the time you finish our course. I really didnt expect any publication before I finished the course, but that happened. I sold three stories. And I soon discovered that was not unusual at the Institute. Since graduation, I have authored 34 nationally-published childrens books and over 300 stories and articles. Free test and brochure We offer a free aptitude test and will send you a copy of our brochure describing our recognized home-study courses on the basis of one-on-one training. Realize your writing dream today. Theres nothing sadder than a dream delayed until it fades forever.Sincerely, Kristi Holl, Instructor, Institute of Childrens Literature 70. From the first three paragraphs, we learn that .A. childrens books are usually bestsellersB. publishers are making $3 billion each yearC. magazines for teenagers have drawn public attentionD. there is a growing need for writers of childrens books71. When finishing the course, you are promised to .A. be a successful publisherB. become a confident editorC. finish one work for publicationD. get one story or article published72. Kristi Holl mentions her experience mainly to .A. prove she is a good instructorB. promote the writing programC. give her advice on course preparationD. show she sold more stories than articlesC There was no ordinary class. The students who came together were all science or engineering professors at Cornell University. They had interrupted their research to accept an invitation to take part in an unusual experiment: “an interesting week of poetry.” This class was part of a study to answer the questions: Why is science difficult for many non-science students? What can teachers learn about teaching if they take a class that is not in their field? The students in the poetry class listened to lectures and took notes. They had reading tasks and had to write three short papers. All students noticed one thingthe importance of spoken words. In science and engineering classes, the instructors put tables and drawings on the blackboard. But in this poetry class, the instructors just talked. They didnt write anything on the board. The scientists and engineers noticed one similarity between science and poetry. In both subjects, students need to find layers(层次) of meaning. Some layers are simple, clean, and on the surface; other layers are deeper and more difficult. This search for different levels of meaning doesnt happen much in undergraduate(本科) science classes, but it is important later, in graduate school. And it is always important in humanities(人文科学). Both the poetry instructors and their students learned something about teaching from this experience. One poetry instructor, for example, now sees the importance of using informative as he teaches. Most of the scientists agreed on several points. First, humanities classes might help science students to see patterns and decide which information is important. Second, the poetry class was fun. One engineer decided, “We need to change the way we teach engineering to make it an enjoyable experience for students.” But perhaps the most important result of the experience was this: All of the professors began to think about how they teach and how they can teach better.73. What do we know about this unusual class?A. The teachers did lots of writing on the board.B. The teacher were invited to attend several lectures.C. The student were professors from a university.D. The students were studying science and humanities.74. The experiment was designed to find out .A. how to teach the students in the science classB. whether poetry is difficult for science studentsC. what to be taught in the humanities classD. why many humanities students find science hard75. Finding levels of meaning is .A. important for graduate students in humanitiesB. difficult for graduate students in humanitiesC. common for undergraduate students in scienceD. easy for undergraduate students in science76. What did the science professors learn after the experiment?A. They should change the way they teach.B. A poem could be explained in clear definitions.C. A poetry class could be more informative.D. Their teaching was an enjoyable experience.D Rats that eat high levels of a natural sugar known as fructose(果糖) seem to age faster than other rats, and the same could be true for people who eat too much sweet junk food, Israeli researchers said Monday. Fructose, found naturally in honey and fruit, is used widely in foods ranging from soft drinks to yogurt. But while its sweet taste is popular, the sugar could cause wrinkles, the researchers said. Dr. Moshe Werman and Boaz Levi of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology fed large amounts of fructose to laboratory rats. Writing in the Journal of Nutrition, they said the fructose-fed rats showed changes in the collagen(胶原蛋白) of their skin and bones. Collagen basically holds the body together. The loss of collagen is what causes loose skin and deep wrinkles in older people. The process affected, Wermans team said, is known as cross-linking(交叉相连). Too much cross-linking makes the skin stiff, and these are the conditions that encourage wrinkled skin, Werman said in a statement. He said the same could be true of people, although this has not been shown. Americans are eating more and more processed foods such as baked goods, canned fruits, jams and dairy products that contain fructose, Werman said. Other studies have shown that taking in high fructose may cause diabetes(糖尿病). The rats Werman worke


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