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Unit 3 We love animals课堂实录(一)教学目标:1、知识目标:掌握新单词Monkey ,dog ,duck ,panda, cat ,rabbit2、能力目标:学会表演。(Can act like some animals.)3、情感目标:爱动物、保护动物的情感。(Can love the animals and protect the animals.)教学重点:听说认读单词Monkey ,dog ,duck ,panda, cat ,rabbit教学难点:谈论喜欢的动物。一、歌曲导入: T: Lets sing a song. The songs name is One little finger. 评:教学热身是英语课堂TPR教学方法的重要形式之一,教师采用歌曲来缓解学生的紧张情绪,建立轻松和谐民主的课堂氛围,为进一步的学习奠定了良好的基础。 二、师生问候: T: Class begins! Hello, everyone! Ss: Hello, Miss Cai! T: How are you to day? Ss: Were fine, thank you. T: Whats the weather like today? Ss: Its fine. 评:简单的问候,可以帮助学生适应英语语感,使学生很自然地进入英语学习状态。 三、新授知识: T: A lovely today, isnt it? I have a good news for you. Were going to visit the zoo. Are you happy? Ss: Yes! T: Today well learn a lesson about the zoo. Please tell me. Which lesson shall we learn? Ss: Lesson 9 T: OK! Now, lets count from one to nine! (教师同时书写板书Lesson9。) 评:在学生原有知识的基础上,以数字引入,使课题的出示别具特色,自然而不失趣味性。 T: Well, who can tell me what you can find in the zoo? Ss: Monkeys, tigers, and hippos. T: Oh, well see so many animals. Thats great! Now, please look here. Well meet many animal friends today. Whats this?(出示动物头饰) T: Do you have a monkey? S: No, I dont. T: Oh, Dont worry. This monkey is for you! (S1带上头饰) (以下 lion, hippo, tiger, panda, elephant, dog, goat同上) T:Now, we have so many animals, they are our best friends! But look there, there is another friend. Shes waiting to meet us. Whos she?(指向长颈鹿玩偶) Ss: Changjinglu. T: Yes, its a Changjinglu, but in English its a giraffe. Now, please say after me, “giraffe”! T: Look there, I have a beautiful picture, whats this?(贴出长颈鹿图) Ss: Giraffe. T: Yes, but how to spell it?(出示单词卡) Ss: “g-i-r-a-f-f-e” T: Lets sing a song, make a giraffe in the air.(师生同唱并拼写,教师指图) T: Whats this? Ss: Its a giraffe. 评:运用头饰这一简单的教具,将学生喜爱的动物请到了课堂上来,使学生产生了浓厚的兴趣,使抽象化的词汇学习具体化,易化了词汇这一教学难点。 T: We met so many animal friends. And would you like to go to the zoo with Tutu? Are you ready? Lets go! OK? Tand Ss: One, Two, Three, go.(师生同看多媒体投影) 评:从英语学科的实际特点出发,教者运用电脑多媒体再现课文内容,使学生有如身临其境,培养了学生的观察能力和语言应用能力。 T: What did Jack say? Ss: Look there! T: Yes, Jack说“看那儿”,in English we should say, Look there. T: Now, look at me please. Look there! Its a monkey. Look there! Its ahippo. Do you under stand? Please say after me.(教师手指教室内戴头饰的学生) T: Now, lets sing a songOne little finger,but this time please sing that like me.(师生共同唱并手指相应的动物头饰)。 T:Now please point to ananimal, ask and answer in pairs. (学生分组练习) T:Well, please look at me please. Look there!(指向猴子)Its a monkey. I like monkeys(拿出心形单词卡)Do you under stand? What does it mean in Chinese? Ss:Xi huan. T:Yes. Please follow me. I like monkeys. (板书 : like monkeys ) T:OH. Now look there. There is a“s”, but why?(拿出单数卡)There is a monkey. Only one! So theres no“s”.(拿出复数卡)Wow, there are so many monkeys, then, we must addan“s”(利用多张卡片领学生练习这区分单词的单复数) T: Now, every one make a sentence like me, please. Ss: I like monkeys. I like elephants T: Well, please listen to me carefully. Do you like monkeys? If you like, you can say ,“Yes, I do.”(师生练习句型) T: Lets play a game. Ill ask you “Do you like?”If you like it, please stand up. 评:这部分内容是教学的难点,教师通过TPR教学法最大限度地引发学生积极学习的兴趣,使句型的操练这有一枯燥的演练形式兴趣化。 T: Your pronunciations are fine. Now lets listen to the tape and read after it.(Listen and speak) 评:在英语教学中,原声语音的模仿是必不可少的步骤,有利于培养学生优美的语感,为英语的终身学习打下良好的基础。 T: Ok, good job! But Id like to know which is your favorite animal, so lets ask each other.(由学生进行调查练习) 评:采用采访形式,设计得情趣盎然,生动活泼,突出了教师的主导地位,同时学生的主体作用也得到了更大限度的发挥,学生争先恐后参与活动,成为活动的主人,他们在轻松、民主的氛围中得到了知识的巩固,得到了英语语言交际能力的锻炼,提高了交际性能力,从而达到了良好的教学反馈。 T: We all like the animals, but the zoo isnt really the animals home town. Where is their real home town? S:大自然。 T: Yes! Lets look at the animal in nature. OK?(观看多媒体影片) T: Do you like animals? Ss: Yes! T: The earth be longs to both animals and human beings. We should live peacefully together. We should try to give them a better living environment, and protect them from being hurt. Do you think so? Ss: Yes! T: OK! Lets begin from now on! T: The time is up. Good-bye everyone! 评:结束语知识性与思想性融为一体,既强调了本课知识的重点,又对学生进行了思想教育,使学生对所学内容有了一个更高层次的认识,使英语教学的目的得以充分的发挥。 What would you like课堂实录(二)教学目标:知识目标1、会认读水果类单词pear peachorange water melon;2、能根据“Drawa*”的指令画出本次课上所学的水果并涂色;能力目标继续培养学生听、说、认、读英语的能力。情感目标培养学生的合作意识,陶冶学生的审美情趣。教学准备教学光盘: 课件、卡片1、第一册Unit3B 部分Letsing2、本课Lets learn部分3、本课Lets play部分其他教学用具:1、自制的桃、西瓜等水果的图片、单词卡片以及用于课堂评价的水果剪贴画2、学生准备数张白纸和水彩笔,准备画图。在上课之前,老师把课室的一角布置成麦当劳餐厅,为最后的语言交际活动做好充分的准备。教学过程:Step 1 Leading inT: Hello, boys and girls. Do you like animals?Ss: Yes.T: What animal do you like?Ss give their answers.T: Ok! Please listen and guess whats this.(CAI)Listen to the sound of the tiger. ( The Ss give their answers)T: Yes, its a tiger. Look, whats this? (Look at the shadow of a rabbit)Ss: Its a rabbit.T: Yes. Youre very excellent. Today I will tell you a story about the tiger and the rabbit.通过老虎的声音和兔子的阴影让学生猜出故事的主角,能非常有效地调动学生的好奇心,他们急切地想知道他们之间究竟发生了什么故事。Step 2 Presentation1. The students watch the CAI(多媒体演示动画故事)( In a forest, there is a tiger and a rabbit) T: Im hungry.R: Tiger, can I help?T: Yes, Id like some food.R: Follow me. Please.(before a house-enter the house-they see many tableware on the table: fork, knife, chopsticks, spoon and plate)(The tiger follows the rabbit. They come to a house. They see many tableware fork, knife, chopsticks, spoon and plate, but they can not see the food.)T: Oh, no food.R: Let me go inside.(The rabbit goes into the house, she sees many foods on the table: cake, soup, vegetable, hamburger)R: Wow, so many foods.T: Rabbit. Can I help?R: Yes, pass me a knife, please. T: Knife? Knife? Oh, here you are. Knife!( The rabbit uses the knife to cut the cake)T: Rabbit. Can I help?R: Yes, pass me a plate, please.T: Plate? Plate? Oh, here is a plate.(The rabbit put the cake on the plate)T: Rabbit. Can I help?R: Yes, pass me a fork, please.T: Fork, fork, here you are, fork.( The rabbit uses the fork to eat the cake.)R: Tiger.T: Can I help?R: Yes, pass me the spoon, please.T: Spoon, spoon, here is the spoon.( The rabbit uses the spoon to eat soup)T: Hi, rabbit.R: Pass me the chopsticks, please.T: Chopsticks, chopsticks, here you are. Chopsticks.( The rabbit uses the chopsticks to eat vegetables. The tiger hears the sound and runs into the house. The tiger is very angry. The rabbit is scared.)R: Tiger, can I help?T: Yes, Give me s spoon.R: Spoon. T: Pass me a fork and a knife.R: A fork and a knife.T: Pass me the chopsticks.R: Chopsticks.T: Wash the plate.R: Ok.(The rabbit wants to wash the tableware. But she falls down and all the things are in the pool now. There are five lighting spots in the pool with the letters: k, s, f, p, c.)R: Oh, my god.The CAI stops. 故事围绕聪明的兔子和凶猛的老虎而展开,一波三折,引人入胜。最重要的是在故事情节的设置中,不断地出现课文的新单词和新句型,先让学生认识单词和句型的音和义(图)。Step 3 Drills and words learning1. Learn : knife(1) watch the CAI(2) Take out the knife. Look, this is a “knife”.(3) Correct their pronunciation.(猜拳)(4) Knife, knife, cut with the knife. Knife, knife, pass me a knife. (5) Now I am tiger and youre rabbit. “Teach pass me a knife.”通过游戏猜拳巩固knife的发音,并通过角色扮演进行句型的教学,摆脱了以往教师说,学生跟读的呆板教学方式。2. Learn: plate.(1) watch the CAI(2) T: Hello, rabbit. Can I help?Ss: Yes, pass me the plate, please.(3) Plate, plate, wash the plate.(4) Now, I am rabbit. And youre a tiger. (Hello, rabbit. Can I help?)把plate放在Wash the plate.当中,为接下来的chant(韵律诗)学习做好铺垫。3. Learn: fork(1) watch CAI(2) Ask two students to act as tiger and rabbit.(3) Teach fork. Fork, fork, give me a fork.(4) Pair work, act out the story.有了前面的学习做铺垫,在这一节当中,教师鼓励学生在看完故事后直接模仿和表演,这也是有意识地培养学生良好的学习习惯。4. Learn: spoon. (1)watch CAI(2)T takes out the spoon. This is a spoon. (3)Pass me the spoon, please.(4)Pair work and act out the story.继续鼓励学生创新表演故事。5. Learn: chopsticks(1) watch the CAI. (2) I can use the chopsticks.(3) Correct the pronunciation.(4) Game: Use the chopsticks.(T: Come here, please. Use the chopsticks to pick up the tomatoes, please. And put the tomatoes on the plate. Lets say “ use the chopsticks” together.Play the game the whole class.Do you want how to play the game? Now lets play the game in groups. When I say “ one two begin” You begin to pick up the tomatoes. When I say “ stop” , you must stop. Are you ready? Go.Count the number. And who is the winner.)由于chopsticks 的发音是难点,因此通过这个游戏来突破难点能寓教于乐,也能给紧张的学习注入轻松愉快的气氛,另外通过小组活动能增强小组间的凝聚力。6. Play a game: diceNow lets play a game. I have a dice. Whats this? ( Ss say out the new words.)T goes to a group. “I think itll be chopsticks. What do you think? Ok, when I say 1 2 begin you say out your words. Throw the dice. Oh, yeah, chopsticks. Oh, no fork. Now stop. Do you want to play the game?Play the game in groups.在学习完所有的句型和单词以后,用一个游戏来进行复习和巩固,能加深印象和提高学习的效果。7. Show the word forms.(1) Show the word form.(2) Ask the children to pass the word card to the teacher.T: Who can help me?Ss: Can I help?T: Yes, pass me the . Please.8. Guess what s in the water.(1) Look, whats in the water? (每一个单词都有第一个字母帮助提示)(2) Ss say out the words.在解决了音和义的基础上,进行“形”的识记。9. Help the rabbit get the things from the water.(1) watch CAI Tortoise: Hello, Rabbit. Can I help?R: Yes, pass me the spoon, please.Tor: OK, here you are.R: Thank you.Tor: Youre welcome.(2) Act like the tortoise and the rabbit.(3) Make a model. Ss: Hello, rabbit. Can I help?R: Yes, pass me the fork, please. Ss: Here you are. R: Thank you. Ss: Youre welcome.(4) Practice in pairs. Pairs work.(5) Act out the story.通过扮演小乌龟,帮助小兔子找回掉到水里的餐具,既巩固了字形,也培养了学生乐于助人的品质。10. Learn the chant.(1) Now the rabbit get all the things. What are they?(2)They are very happy. Lets see. They are chanting.(3) Listen to the chant.Pass me the fork.Give a spoon.Wash the plate. Use the chopsticks.Cut with a knife.(4) Follow the chant.(5) Say the chant.Step 4 Development(1) The rabbit is very happy. He goes to Macdonalds. Do you want to go?(2) Now I am a waitress. (food and tableware)Hello. Can I help?Yes, pass me the please.(3) Who want to try? Ask eight students to act as the waiter or waitress. Others act as the customers. (4) Turn on the music.在课堂的最后一部分,由于孩子们的帮助,小兔子拿回了餐具,它非常开心,于是它邀请孩子们和它一起到麦当劳餐厅,这样场景就很自然地过渡到餐厅,学生可以结合以前的知识进行买和卖的语言综合训练,同时孩子们还通过卖出和买到体会到成功的喜悦,课堂就在孩子们的笑声中结束。小学英语优质课展评课堂实录(三) 课题: Travel 授课过程: (A) Warmer up: (The pupils come to the seat.) T: Hello, where are you from? Ss: Im from xx Primary School. T: Welcome. (Show a cartoon picture of the teacher on the screen.) T: Can you guess whos she? Ss: Cindia. T: Yes, its me. (The pupils come to the seat and sit well.) (B)New Teaching. (Teacher plays the music of Beijing Opera.) T: Beijing is a beautiful city. Well go to Beijing tomorrow. What will we watch? Ss: Well watch Beijing Opera. T: What will we eat? Ss: Well eat rock duck. T: Tomorrow itll be Wednesday. Well go to Xiangshan on Wednesday. What will we do on Thursday? S1: Well go to Tianan men. T: What will you do on Friday? S2: Well go to the Great Wall. T: Saturday? S3: Well go to the Summer Palace. T: Well watch Beijing Opera on Sunday. T say a chant: Well go to Beijing. Well eat there. Well go to the Summer Palace. Well have good time there. Ss say the chant again. T: Beijing is a good place. (Then teacher show a VCD: Succession of Beijings application for Olympic Games.) (Teacher shows a fan and act as a beautiful girl in Suzhou.) T: Where am I from? Ss: Suzhou. T: Where have you visited in Suzhou? Can you say something? S1: LiuYuan. S2: Shi Zilin. S3: Han Shansi. T: You have some pictures on your desk. You can say where you will go. (The pupils say the sentences in the groups.) T: Where will you go? S1: Ill go to Liu Yuan. T: What will you see? S1: Ill see many flowers. T: There are many beautiful places in Suzhou. Have you got friends in other city? Ss: Yes. (Teacher shows a postcard.) T: Look at the postcard. On the postcard what can we write? S1: We are in Suzhou. (Teacher writes the sentence on the card.) T: Suzhou is a beautiful city. There are lots of trees. I love this city. (Ss write the postcards in groups and teacher plays the tape of the music.) Then each group give a report. (Teacher shows a picture of Hanshan Temple.) T: Whats this? Ss: Hanshan Temple. T: I love the place. Do you know why? (Play the tape of music) T: Do you want to Hanshan Temple? Look at the map of Suzhou. Hanshan Temple is here. (Show the map of Suzhou and Hanshan Temple.) T: How can we go there? Walk there? By foot? No. S1: Well go there by car. S2: Well go there by bike. T: And? S3: Well go there by motorcycle. S4: Well go there by car. T: Look, this is a plan for visiting Suzhou. Lets finish this form together. (Show a big form on the blackboard.) A Plan For Visiting Suzhou where when how photos card (Teacher and the pupils finish the form together. And the pupils come to the front and stick the photos and cards in the form. Then pupils give a report.) T: Welcome to Suzhou. 小学英语课堂实录(四)课题:Festivals .Warming up: T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, teacher. .New Teaching: T: What do you know about some festivals? S1: Childrens Day. T: Good. S2: Teachers Day. T: Wonderful. T: What is the most important festivals in China? S3: Spring Festival. T: What is the most important festivals in USA? S3: Christmas. T: Lets say something about Christmas. S4: Snow. S5: Tree. S6: Presents. S7: Food.(板书) T: I have a student. His English is poor. His name is Jason. Now there is a letter. Lets read it and help him. (教师领读,学生跟读。) T: Tell the main idea about the letter. S8: The letter is about Christmas. S9: (教师出示2011年12月份的日历) S10: Christmas is very important on 25th of December. (出示圣诞树) T: People put the Christmas tree in the house. T: People put the parcel in the tree. T: People put the box in the tree. T: Whats in the box? S11: Perfume. S12: (出示巧克力、袜子、领带) T: These presents are for Christmas. (出示卡片) T:Christmas cards are for Christmas. (出示水果、三明治、火鸡) T:he food is for Christmas.(板书) :Read the letter again and find more information. (板书,提示学生线索,让学生进行问答。) hen is ? What do people usually do during ? Presents for . Food for . T: What do you usually do during the Spring Festival? (小组讨论,教师提示单词,板书) T: Red. T: Red package. T: Visit friends. T: Complicates. T: Fire crackers. (屏幕出示句子,学生判断“”、“”。) .Summary: 教师领读黑板上的短语及句子。 T: Goodbye, boys and girls. Ss: Goodbye, teacher. 板书: Festivals Spring Festival When is ? Christmas red What do people usually do during ? snow red package Presents for . tree Friends Food for . presents complicates food fire crackers 小学英课堂实录(五) 课题:Home Greetings T: Hello,boys and girls . Ss:Hello,Mr wang .T: (do action)tell me what can I do? Ss: play football! T:Right! T(do action)What can I do? Ss:play basketball! T:Yes! T:( do action)What can I do? Ss:play piano! T:You are clever!Tell me what can you do? S1:I can run!(action) S2:I can dance!(action) S3:I can jump!(action) T:You are so great! New teaching T:Look,its a wonderful picture!(CAI)its my home,I love my home!(show the topic and slide it on the blackboard) (系围裙)oh,look,I can cook the meal(CAI)(do the action) (show the cards)cook the meal! Ss:cook the meal! T:Look I am strong!I can sweep the floor!(CAI)(do the actiong)I can sweep the floor!(手势,voice:lowhigh) Ss: I can sweep the floor.(flow the teacher voice:lowhigh) T(Show some cards)try read and remember,ok? Ss:ok! T:Lets begin!go!(show the cards) cook the meal(do the action) Ss:cook the meal(do the action) T:water the flower(show the card, do the action) Ss:water the flower(do the action) T:wash the clothes(show the card, do the action) Ss:wash the c


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