【IEC标准】IEC 60050-431-1980_第1页
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Publication 50(431) COM M I S S I O N L E C T R O T E C H N I Q U E I N T E R N A T I O N A L E I N T E R N AT I O NA L E L E C T R O T EC H N I CAL C O M M I S S I ON M E M A Y H A P O A H A l 3JlEKTPOTEXHHYECKAll KOMHGGHFI Publication 50(431) - ITy6nmwm FjO(431) 1980 Vocabulaire Electro t ec h nique Internat iona I Chapitre 431 : Transducteurs magntiques International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Chapter 431 : Transductors Droits de reproduction rservs - Copyright - all rights reserved - npaao HHHR oxpaeReTcrr 3aKOHOM Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale Genve, Suisse 3, rue de Varemb Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC Not for Resale, 02/11/2016 19:12:43 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC Not for Resale, 02/11/2016 19:12:43 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- C. D. U ./U. D .C. : 621.3.01 (083.72) 001.4 =O0 621.31 8.435.3.001.33(083.71) C O M M I S S I O N L E C T R O T E C H N I Q U E I N T E R N A T I O N A L E COM M I S S I ON I N T E R N A T I ON A L EL E C T R OT E C H N I CAL MENWYHAPOWHAI 3JlEKTPOTEXHlECKAI KOMHCCHI Vocabulaire Elect rotec h niqu e In ter na tio na I Chapitre 431 : Transducteurs magntiques International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Chapter 431 : Transductors Mots cls : lectrotechnique; Key words : electrical engineering ; terminologie multilingue ; multilingual terminology; transducteurs magntiques; dfinitions. definitions. transductors ; Droits de reproduction rservs - Copyright - all rights reserved - llpaao N L I H H I I oxpaarre-rcg K O H O M A u n e partie de cetlaenx ocnpow3senee HnH KonHposaHse 3oii n y 6 1 W K a U K W H-IW ee YamH B .71060fi arbetslindning * Le terme franais transducteur magntique (anglais : transductor) ne doit pas tre confondu avec le terme plus gnral transducteur (anglais : transducer). Lemploi du terme transducteur dans le sens de transducteur magntique est admis lorsque aucune ambi- gut nest possible. * The French term transducteur * AaHHoe npmMesaame OTHOCHT- CH TOJbKO K aHrJmiCKOMy II (PpaHqy3CKOMy TeKCTY. magntique (English transductor) should not be confused with the more general French term trans- ducteur (English: transducer). The use of the term transducteur in the sense of transducteur magn- tique is permissible when no am- biguity is possible. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC Not for Resale, 02/11/2016 19:12:43 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- - 2 - 431-01-05 enroulement de commande control winding 06rnoa YiIpaBJieHHX Steuerwickiung Enroulement dexcitation aliment An excitation winding by means of 06MOTKa noAMarHnsmsaHYrR, c avvogimeno di comando par des moyens indpendants, dont which the output power is con- devanado de control n 0 0 4 b m KOTOPOM OT BHemHerO stuurwimeling le but est le rglage de la puissance la sortie du transducteur. MeHeHHe BbIXOEHOa BeJIYI4HHbI. styrlj,dning trolled from an external source. IICT09HHKB OCy4eCTBJIReTCR 113- uzwojenie stero-cze 431-01-06 enroulement de polarisation bias winding 06MOTEa CMeiQeHHJz Vorstromwickiung Enroulement dexcitation par lin- An excitation winding carrying a 06MOTKa n o M a r H m m a H m R , c awolgimento di polarizza- termdiaire duquel on peut dplacer current used for displacing the noMoqbH) HOTOOB ycTaHaBnxBa- zione le point moyen de fonctionnement mean operating point on the static eTcR H a s a n b H o e 3 a s e n e BbI- voormagnetiserings- devanado de polarizacin sur la caractristique de rglage. characteristic. XOAHOa BeJIHYkIHbi IIpH HyJIeBbIX wikkeling 3HaseHYIRX BXOAHbIX BeJIWiMH. izwojenie polaryzacyjne; uzwojenie nastawcze frmagnetiseringslindning 431-01-07 enroulement dauto-excitation Enroulement dexcitation duquel on peut raliser une self-excitation winding 0 6 0 1 c a O6paTHOH CBXSEf Riickkopplungswicklnng devanado de autoexcitacin laide An excitation winding, by means 06MoTKa IIOAMarHHsYIBaH11H, C awolgento di auto- auto- of which self-excitation is obtained. IIOMOIQbIo HOTOpOa OCyqeCTBJIR- eccitazione excitation. eTCR O6paTHaR CBR3b. zelbekrachtigings- wikkeing uzwojenie samowzbudzeniowe sjlvmagnetiseringslindniig 431-01-08 valve dauto-saturation auto self-excitation valve BeHTHJib C load voltage HanpaaceHne a r p y n Ausgangsspannnng tensin de salida Tension applique au circuit duti- temione di uscita lisation dans un ensemble compor- the load impedance in a circuit HHTHOrO YCHJIHTeJIH. uitgangsspanning tant un transducteur. which includes a transductor. nauiecie wyiSciowe The voltage which is transferred to H a n p a x e H n e H a a r p y a e Mar- - . .- utspnning ; belastnings- spanning 431-02-02 tension absorbe absorbed voltage naneme xanpaacema Ha aufgenommene Spannung MarHLITHOM VCHJiHTeJIe tensin absorbida tensione assorbita Tension qui est absorbe par le The voltage which is absorbed by H a n p a x e H H e Ha MarHHTHOM YCn- opgenomen transducteur dans un circuit. a transductor in a circuit. JiHTeJie B IIOCJIefiOBTeJIbHOM Qe- napieCie poconiete nH, COCTOFIlqefi H3 HCTOYHHK, upptagen a r p y s m H ycnnmem. 431-02-03 courant de commande control current TOR ynparmema Steuerstrom Courant qui circule dans un enrou- ducteur . TeJIH. prgd sterowniczy corriente de control di The current which flows in a con- TOK, DpOTeKamqHM no 06MOTKe lement de commande dun trans- trol winding of a transductor. YIipBneHHR MarHHTHOrO YCHJIH- stuurstroom styrstrm 431-02-04 tension de commande control voltage HanpmceHne yrrpasneHna Steuerspannung Tension aux bornes de lenroule- ment de commande dun trans- minals of a transductor. xwax qem ynpasneimn Mar- stuurspanning tensin de control tensione di comando napiccie sterownicze styrspmg The voltage across the control ter- HanpRxeHHe Ha BbIXoaHbIX 3a- ducteur. HHTHOrO yCHXHTenR. 431-02-05 caractristique de rglage (dun transducteur) . static characteristic (of a transductor); transfer curve (of a transductor) Reprsentation graphique de la re- lation entre une grandeur de sortie et une grandeur de commande en rgime tabli. state conditions. The graphic representation of the relation between an output quantity and a control quantityunder steady- 3aBHCHMOCTb M e x E y BIXOAHOM H BXOEHOM BeJHYHHaMH B yCTaH0- BHBLUeMCEI PexHMe. statische Kennlinie (eines Transduktors) caracterstica esttica (de un transductor) caratteristica statica (di un trasduttore) statische karakteristiek charakterystyka statyczna (transduktora) ; charakte- rystyka regulacyjna (transduktora) statisk karakteristik; styrkurva Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC Not for Resale, 02/11/2016 19:12:43 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- - 4 - 431-02-06 rapport des tensions; rapport damplification en tension Rapport dune variation lmen- taire de la tension de sortie la variation correspondante de la ten- sion de commande, en rgime tabli et pour des conditions de fonctioii- nement dtermines. 431-02-07 rapport des courants; rapport damplification en courant Rapport dune variation lmen- taire du courant de sortie la va- riation correspondante du courant de commande, en rgime tabli et pour des conditions de fonction- nement dtermines. 431-02-08 rapport damplification en puissance Rapport dune variation lmen- taire de la puissance de sortie la variation correspondante de la puissance de commande, en rgime tabli et pour des conditions de fonctionnement dtermines. voltage ratio; voltage amplification The ratio under steady-state con- ditions of a small change of the output voltage to the corresponding change of the control voltage at specified load and operating con- ditions. current ratio; current amplification The ratio under steady-state con- ditions of a small change of the output current to the corresponding change of the control current at specified load and operating con- ditions. power amplification The ratio under steady-state con- OTHomeHne Manor0 npMpalqeHm ditions of a small change of the MOIQHOCTII B a r p y s e K CooTBeT- output power to the corresponding CTByiOIQeMy npnpaqeHmo MOW- change of the control power at HOCTM ynpasnemm B ycTaHoBnn- specified load and operating con- meMcR pemnixe npn onpeAexeH- pexinMe pa6OTbI. ditions. HOi% Harpy3Ke II OIIpeAeJIeHHOM 431-02-09 constante de temps globale Constante de temps de la loi de va- riation de la grandeur de sortie dun transducteur aprs une varia- tion brusque de la tension de com- mande pour des conditions de fonc- tionnement dtermines. total time constant The time constant of the response of an output quantity of a trans- ductor to a sudden small change of the control voltage at specified load and operating conditions. 431-02-10 constante de temps interne de sortie Constante de temps de la loi de variation de la grandeur de sortie dun transducteur aprs une varia- tion brusque du courant de com- mande pour des conditions de fonc- tionnement dtermines. residual time constant Spannungsverhltnis ; Spannungsverstrkung relacin de tensiones ; factor de amplificacin de tensin guadagno di tensione spanningsversterkingsfactor wzmocnienie napigciowe ; wsplczynnik wzmocnienia napigciowego spnningsfrstrkning Stromverhltnis ; relacin de corrientes; factor Stromverstrkung de amplificacin de corriente guadagno di corrente stroomversterkingsfactor wzmocnienie prqdowe ; wsplczynnik wzmocnienia prqdowego strmfrstrkning Leistungsverstrkung factor de amplificacin de guadagno di Potenza vermogensversterkingsfactor wzmocnienie mocowe; potencia wspkzynnik wzmocnienia mocowego effektfrstrkning The time constant of the response IIocTomHan BpeMem npoqecca of an output quantity of a trans- H M H H Y I R BLIXOAHO BeJIHYHHbI ductor to a sudden small change of MarHnTHOrO ycmJIIITeJIR npx Ma- the control current at specified load JIOM CKaYKOO6pa3HOM E I M I H I I M and operating conditions. ToKa ynpasneHm npm onperre- JIeHHoZi a r p y a e H onpeAeneH- HOM pewme pa60TbI. Eigenzeitkonstante constante de tiempo interna costante di tempo residua inwendige tijdconstante stda czasowa szczqtkowa; stala czasowa wyjkiowa resttidkonstant, grnstid- konstant de salida Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC Not for Resale, 02/11/2016 19:12:43 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- - 5 - 431-02-11 input time constant IiOCTOSIHHaJI BpeMeHH 4 e n H Eingangszeitkonstante ynpamemsr constante de tiempo de constante de temps dentre entrada Diffrence entre la constante de The difference between the total temps globale et ia constante de time constant and the residual p ; o 6 a o u o i j r nOCTORHHbIMH Bpe- ingangstijdconstante temps interne de sortie. time constant. Me. stala czasowa wejrjciowa Pa3HOCTL M e X g y CYMMapHOt H costante di tempo dingresso ingngstidkonstant 431-02-12 dure de reponse response time BpeMJI peawm Ansprechzeit tiempo de respuesta tempo di ,.isposta czas odpowiedzi Intervalle de temps depuis linstant dune variation brusque de la gran- deur de commande jusqu linstant o la grandeur de sortie atteint une tity has reached a specified fraction omeTcTBymlqee H M H H H BbI- svarstid fraction donne de sa valeur finale. The time from a sudden change of a control quantity until the corre- H M H H H M ynpaBnamueijr Be- responsietijd sponding change of an output quan- of its final value. BpeMH MemRy CKa9KOO6pa3HbIM numm1 H MoMeHToM, R o r n a CO- X O A H O B e m m H b i AocTHraeT on- peAeneoijr nom moer0 ycTaHo- BHBIIIerOCR 3HaYeHMFI. 431 -02-1 3 inductance de saturation saturation inductance HYICTHBHOCT H a c b I q e m a Sttigungsinduktivitat Valeur de linductance propre dun enroulement de puissance, mesu- which corresponds to small flux KM, CooTBeTcTBymqaR He60XL- verzadigingsinductiviteit re pour de petites variations de variations within the saturated IIIHM H3MeHeHHFIM iIoToEa B npe- ind, auto-saturation ; auto self-excitation; e a M o n o p a r m m B a m e , Procd par lequel lauto-excitation The procedure by means of which riOxMarHMYnBaHHe, OcyIUeCTBnFI- autoexcitacin directa; auto- est obtenue par lintermdiaire des enroulements de puissance, en aid of the power winding. MOTKH. autoeccitazione diretta; fonction du courant de sortie. Selbststtigung (innere Mitkopplung) saturacin autosaturazione auto-excitation directe self-saturation BqTpeHHJIJI 06paTHaJI CBISb self-excitation is obtained with the eMoe c IIOMOIJJbH) pa6ouei.r 06- directe zelfbekrachtiging samowzbudzenie bezpoSred- sparsjlvmagnetisering nie 431-03-04 auto-excitation indirecte separate self-excitation BHBIIIHJIJI 06paTHaJI CBJISb uBere Mtkopplung Procd par lequel lauto-excitation The procedure by means of which 06paTHaFI CBEIS, O c y L W c s n e - autoexcitacin indirecta est obtenue au moyeu dun enrou- autoeccitazione indiretta lement spcial. aid of a separate excitation winding. MarHHYmBaHm. indirecte zelfbekrachtiging samowzbudzenie poirednie separat sjlvmagnetisering (getrennte Selbsterregung) self-excitation is obtained with the M a n c I I O M O H ) O M O T K H non- 431-03-05 auto-excitation critique critical self-excitation EprnTwecEaJr 06paTHaJI CBJIS kritische 1Mitkopplung autoexcitacin crtica Auto-excitation qui confre une The self-excitation which results 6 p a T H a a CBFIS, npn 00poi.r autoeccitazione critica pente infinie une partie de ia hitieke zelfbekrachtiging caractristique de rglage. static characteristic of a transductor. m m p y m a a ysacma x a p a K - samowzbudzenie krytycme in infinite steepness of part of the nMeeT MeCTO 6ecKoHesHo 60m- TePMCTLIKH YnpaBJreHEFI MarHMT- kritisk sjlvmagnetjsering HOF0 yCMJlHTeJIFI. Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC Not for Resale, 02/11/2016 19:12:43 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- - 7 - 431-03-06 auto-excitation complte Degr dauto-excitation qui con- frerait une auto-excitation critique un transducteur si la permabilit du noyau tait infinie dans le do- maine de non-saturation et si le redresseur dauto-excitation avait un fonctionnement idal. ideal self-excitation The degree of self-excitation which CaMOIIOAMalHIIHBaHHe B Mar- would result in critical self-exci- HHTHOM ycmmene c MarHHTo- tation of a transductor whose cores npoBoAaMYr c 6eCKOHeqHO 60nb- have infinite permeability in the moti MarHIITHOa IIpOHHqaeMO- unsaturated range and whose self- cTbm B HeHaCbIIIleHHOM COCTOR- excitation rectifier is ideal. HIIH II MAeJIbHbIMH BeHTHJIRMM CaMOIIOMarHIIuYrBaHHR, o6ecne- smaIolqee KpmTmecKyH) 06paT- HYH) CBFI36. ideale Selbsterregung autoexcitacin ideal autoeccitazione ideale ideale kritieke zelfbekrach- samowzbudzenie zupelne ; full sjlvmagnetisering tiging samowzbudzenie ideahe SECTION 431-04 - CLASSIFICATION SECTION 431-04 - CLASSIFICATION PASAEJI 431-04 - CJIACCHHCAI(HSI Note. - Les termes et dfinitions Note. - The terms and definitions ITpuMeZtaxue. - TepMmHbI EI On- relatifs aux montages re- related to rectifier con- peAeneHmFi, OTHocnLqnecR K dresseurs sont donns dans nections are given in BbmpmmTenbHbIM CXeMBM, m- le chapitre 551 du VEI: Chapter 551 of the IEV: HbI B rnase 551 M3C (CIIno- Electronique de puissance. Power Electronics. BaR 3JIeKTpOHHK ). 431-04-01 transducteur couplage srie series transductor MaFHETHbIH YCHJIHTeJIb C IIOCJIC- Transduktor i n Reihen- OBaTCJbHbIM 43OegHHeHMeM schaltung a 6 o s x 0 6 0 0 1 transductor serie trasduttore con accoppia- Transducteur dans lequel les en- roulements de puissance qui se sponding power windings of the POM C0OTBeTCTBYH)ILTHe pa6oue serie autotrans- ductor; directe transductor autotransduktor; transduktor samosterowny sparkopplad transduktor Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC Not for Resale, 02/11/2016 19:12:43 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- - 8 - 431-04-04 transducteur k auto-saturation auto Self-excited transductor MaFHHTHbIH JCHJlHTeJb C caMOnOMarHHHBaHHeM Transducteur a auto-excitation dont A self-excited transductor, the self- MarHHTHbIt YCHJIHTenb, B KOTO- lauto-excitation est obtenue au excitation of which is obtained by POM nogMarHmsHBaHHe AOCTHra- moyen de valves mises en srie avec means of valves in series with the eTcR c n o M o w m B e m m e forced excitation A mode of operation of a trans- ductor in which the waveshape of the current is determined by the forced waveshape of the control current. Example : the mode of operation of a series transductor with high control circuit impedance. pemriv CBO6OAHOrO HaMarmmmama PeEXXM pa6o.r MarHHTHOIO YCH- JIMTeJFI C MaJIbIM COIIpOTHBJeHH- HbIM OTHOCHTeJIbHO YaCTOTbT Ha- IIPFIXCeHEIFI IIHTaHHFI, rPMOHHK TOKa (HaIIpHMep, B MarHMTHOM yCllJIHTeJIe C IlOCJIegOBTeJIbHO COegHHeHHbTMH O Y H M H OBMOT- KaMH). eM JIKTPHYCKHX qeneit, YeT- voltage controlling transductor MaIHMTH YCHJ


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