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基于web的电网微机监控系统1绪论电网远程监控在电力系统中的应用是现代电网监控研究方向的热点。本文对电网远程监控的实现技术进行了着重研究,研制了基于Web的电网远程监控系统。 该系统能通过浏览器对电网的三相电压和三相电流进行实时、可靠的监控,从而解决了电网谐波等电能质量不能得到有效监控的问题。 针对电网的特殊性,本文从在线监控、实时分析和网络化的角度出发,提出了一种基于BS结构的电网远程监控系统,实现电能质量监控的网络化。 电网监测仪实现数据的高速实时采集,通过以太网传输到监控中心。 监控系统的设计主要包括基于数据库、监控软件和Web服务器的的设计。监控中心将电网监测仪采集到的数据存入MySQL数据库,监控软件与数据库采用JDBC连接,实现对数据的良好管理;监控软件在集成开发环境Eclispe下采用java语言编写,界面友好,完成与电网监测仪的通信,同时发挥监控中心PC机的运算能力、存储能力和显示能力,数据的计算、分析、存储和显示全部由监控中心完成;利用JSP技术设计了Web服务器,主要包括用户登录模块、实时信息显示模块和系统信息查询模块。1.1微机监控系统的功能微机监控系统是变电站综合自动化系统的子系统,随着广泛采用不断发展进步的电子技术、计算机技术和通信技术等科技技术,它取代了传统的监控方式,使变电站的监控发生了根本的变化。微机监控系统取代了常规的测量系统和指针式仪表,改变常规的操作机构和模拟盘,取代了常规的光字牌、报警、中央信号等,取代常规的远动装置等。其功能如下所述。(1)实时数据采集(2)事件顺序记录SOE和事故追忆功能;(3)故障记录、故障录波和故障测距;(4)操作控制功能;(5)安全监视;(6)人机联系和打印功能;(7)数据处理和记录功能;(8)谐波分析和监视;(9)报警处理;(10)画面生成和显示、在线计算与制表;(11)远动功能;(12)运行管理功能。除了上述基本功能外,它还有防误闭锁、系统自诊断与恢复、提供接口等功能1.2系统原理与组成该系统主要由电流、电压、功率等传感器,数据采集器,井下分站,通信接口,监控终端,Web 终端,Web 服务器等构成,如图1 所示。数据采集器和传感器安装在井下的高压开关内,数据采集器采集电流、电压、功率等传感器信号,通过井下分站、通信电缆和地面的通信接口,传给监控终端计算机。监控终端把采集的实时数据保存到Web 服务器上,并可向井下分站发送开、合闸命令。Web 终端通过网络监控井下高压开关的电流、电压、功率及其合并闸状态,并可查询、统计和打印井下设备的年、月、日耗电量报表、故障报表、运行日志等。1.3系统硬件功能及实现1.3.1通信接口通信接口的主要功能是完成通信信号的电路转换、隔离和放大。它主要由以下三部分电路组成: (1)信号转换电路,完成计算机的RS232 信号电平与标准的TTL 电平的相互转换; (2) 光电隔离电路,把计算机用电源与井下通信电缆用电源相互隔离; (3) 滤波放大电路,对通信信号进行大处理,保证信号的远距离传输,保证计算机的数据通信无误。1.3.2数据采集器 数据采集器的主要功能是通过数个不同的传感器,采集高压开关的电流、电压、功率、高压开关的开合状态等电参数,执行开、合闸控制命令。数据采集器电路由数据采集电路、A/ D 转换电路、显示电路和通信电路组成。1.4系统软件功能及实现系统软件的开发采用了浏览器/ 服务器应用开发模式,因此系统软件的开发包括Web 客户端和Web 服务器端两大部分,它们之间建立通信连接并彼此交换信息,Web 客户端请求信息,根据约定好的通信协议和信息格式,Web 服务器端提供信息。1.4.1 系统软件开发环境 服务器采用网络操作系统平台, 数据库服务器采用分布式关系型数据系统,Web 客户端采用操作系统平台。1.4.2 Web服务器应用程序功能设计Web 服务器应用程序的主要功能:根据用户密码,判断用户的操作权限;响应Web 客户端的请求,生成相应的动态Web 页面,传送给Web 客户端;负责维护数据库,定期自动备份数据库等。1.4.3 Web客户端应用程序功能设计 本系统的Web客户端包括一个特殊的客户端监控终端,该终端通过通信接口与井下分站通信。因此,Web客户端的程序又分为两类: 普通Web客户端应用程序和监控终端应用程序。普通Web客户端可以通过服务器实时查看井下高压开关的运行状态,查询打印开关运行情况记录表、遥控操作记录表、故障记录情况表、用电量情况统计表、实时与整点数据表、各开关实时功率棒型图等。监控终端除具有普通Web客户端的所有功能外,同时还具有系统定义、系统初始化和数据采集的功能,根据矿方要求,它是唯一具有控制权限的计算机,可以向井下分站发送开合闸命令。它在本系统中具有非常重要的作用,基本上是一个独立的应用系统,因此,最好是一台专用计算机。2 监控系统软件设计的方法2.1 模块化和面向对象的设计方法目前,程序设计的方法较多,其中最流行的程序设计方法主要有两种:以传统的软件工程为代表的自顶向下的模块化程序设计方法;以面向对象为代表的自底向上的程序设计方法。模块化程序设计的方法,是以实现的功能为核心。系统功能在软件开发初就可以被精确定义情况下,这个方法具有简单高效的优异特征。但是,在设计之初,软件功能还不很精确性和很不稳定,从而使得系统的功能难以精确地表达,而且该方法忽略了系统数据结构,以及随着开发的逐步深入,模块的独立性也变得较差,从而使得系统整体上缺乏可重用性、可扩充性和可维护性等质量。面向对象的程序设计方法则强调数据的重要性和以对象为核心,用系统本身的结构构造整个系统。由于对象表现出很强的独立性和通用性,使得开发的软件具有很强的可重用性、可扩充性和可维护性。这是面向对象的程序设计方法显著的有的。此外,面向对象构造系统的思想使得系统的可测性大大增强,而且面向对象编程语言的规范性较好,使得系统在开发后期以至维护阶段,故障明显降低。但是,在实践过程当中,面向对象的程序设计方法也存在许多问题。在设计过程中,建立各种对象模型的过程是艰苦和漫长的,需要高超的专业技术水平。相对前一方法,它的难度大,持续的时间长。为了使系统结构严谨清晰并且完全可靠,通常包含了不少的冗余成分,编程语言的复杂性明显增加,对程序员的素质要求较高。各层对象之间的通信信息传递缓慢,在时间执行上也不确定,这不利于提高实时性。 从前面的论述可以得出这个结论:这两种程序设计的方法是各有其优缺点的。它们单独存在,都有不尽人意的地方。于是,人们自然想出把它们结合起来用的念头。模块化的设计方法和面向对象的设计方法并不存在根本的对立,一个模块至少可以抽象成一个对象,这在现代面向对象的程序设计语言中体现的很好。因此将这两种设计方法结合起来既是完全可能的,又很有必要。本文将针对变电站综合自动化微机监控系统监控软件的特点,把这两种编程方法结合起来,进行系统软件的开发。这样,这两种设计和编程方法可以相互补充,把它们的优点都展现出来,从而使得它们相得益彰。2.2 分层的设计方法分层的设计方法也是设计常用的方法,因为它有许多优点,并且这种方法符合现实世界事物分层的规律。下面,就简要分析其优点。(1)使任何一个复杂的问题简化。(2)使每个层面上的功能减少,从而减轻其难度和负担。 (3)通过使功能分数、危险分散,以提高系统的整体可靠性。(4)使系统结构变得清晰,有利于系统功能的划分。分层设计,离不开模块化设计方法。分层,就是把系统的功能分级模块化。因此,可以看出,分层设计方法其实就是模块化设计方法的延伸和拓展。本文对变电站综合自动化微机监控系统设计的全过程中,都体现出了这两种设计方法。在软件部分的设计中,它们的结合便更进一步。3 微机监控系统软件的分析3.1 软件的层次分析监控系统的软件可以分为三个层次:操作系统、支撑软件、应用软件。如图1-1所示。操作系统位于系统的最底层,它的上面是支撑软件,应用软件位于系统的最上层。在图中:支撑软件指数据库管理系统、办公应用软件等为用户应用软件提供运行支撑的系统软件和工具软件;应用软件包括了数据处理系统、图形查看程序、告警显示、图形显示及维护、下发命令管理程序、报表打印程序等。 应用软件支撑软件操作系统图1-1 系统软件层次示意图本文采用的操作系统,是Microsoft公司的专业及服务的最新版本。这是一个跨平台的操作系统,具有丰富的第三方软、硬件支持,提供了良好的二次开发平台。此外,它具有强大的网络功能,支持客户/服务器通信方式和流行的许多通信协议,方便地实现Internet/Intranet的目标。总之,用它既能取得最佳的性价比,又能保护用户软件方面上的投资。支撑软件最主要的是数据库软件和网络管理软件。本文软件的设计,主要是针对应用软件的。3.2 监控软件功能的分析对需求的完全理解是对软件开发工作取得成功的前提。对需求进行详尽的分析、精确的描述和定义可以缩短开发周期、降低后期开发成本,也是设计出高质量、高可靠性软件的前提工作。只有明白了系统的功能,才有可能成功设计出高质量的软件来。因此,在开发设计软件之前,必须完全掌握系统要实现的功能。根据对变电站综合自动化微机监控系统应具备的功能的理解,监控软件应该具备如下的功能。(1)通信功能。监控主机与变电站RTU之间的通信,由上行通信和下行通信这两方面内容组成。上行通信主控程序接收变电站RTU所采集的变电站运行的实时信息,包括遥测量、遥信量、电度脉冲量、事件顺序记录等数据,对各种控制命令的反馈信息等。下行通信主控程序向变电站子站发送遥控、遥调、设置子站时钟、召唤子站时钟、设置时钟校正值命令、广播命令等各种控制命令。另外,监控主机还与调度控制中心进行通信,其过程类似。(2)数据处理及记录功能。对通信程序采集的原始数据进行加工和处理,并进行各种累计和统计运算,以得到变电站运行的监控信息。(3)安全监视功能。系统对采集到的遥测量、遥信量、保护信息以及开关变位的次数进行监视。当发生遥测量越限、遥信量状态异常、保护动作等,系统能及时在本地发出报警并记录相应信息以供运行人员分析处理用。报警处理分两种方式,一种是事故报警,包括非操作引起的开关跳闸和保护装置动作信号;另一种是预告报警,包括一般设备变位、状态异常信息、模拟量越限/ 复限、计算机站控系统的各个部件、间隔层单元的状态异常等。(4)事件顺序记录和事故追忆功能。事件顺序记录和事故追忆有利于对事故的分析和处理。当变电站发生故障时,能够将上报的异常状态变化的时间、事件顺序地存储,并能打印。发生事故时,能够记录事故前M帧、后N帧的变电站电气运行参数变化过程,并能够以表格或图形方式再现追忆内容,即事故发生的变化过程。(5)控制与调节功能。主要完成遥控和遥调功能,即完成对断路器和隔离开关的开合操作,可以对有载调压变压器的分接头调节进行调节控制,对电容器组进行远方投切。(6)接线图编辑设计功能和打印功能。通过编辑好的一次主接线图,可以直观地显示电能生产的状况。本系统提供多种打印功能,可将所关心的数据图形报表打印出来。可打印的内容:各种报表、各种告警信息、事故追忆、各种表格操作记录,事件记录等、设备参数历史数据。打印的方式主要有召唤打印、定时打印、随机打印。(7)报表功能。以表格的形式记录、显示变电站主要设备运行的数据信息可,代替人工抄表填写变电站运行报表。主要的报表有:日运行报表、月运行报表、旬电量分析报表、电压质量统计报表、电容器投切运行记录报表、变电站安全综合月报表、主变压器报表和有载调压操作记录报表等。(8)参数设置和维护功能。完成系统运行的各项参数的设置,包括所监视的遥测量、遥信量、电度量、越限参数、遥调参数、遥控参数等参数的维护。(9)安全管理功能。为保证数据及操作等的安全,根据操作的内容和对象将系统的操作权限分为以下三级:值班员仅有数据浏览权限;值班长浏览,遥控,遥调操作;系统管理员浏览,遥控,遥调和修改各种数据。另外,在遥控和遥调操作时,需要有操作员和监护员同时输入口令才能进行。Web-based grid of computer monitoring system1 IntroductionGrid remote monitoring applications in the power system is the hotspot of modern grid monitoring research.Grid remote monitoring technology focuses on research, developed a Web-based grid remote monitoring system.The system through the browser on the three-phase voltage and phase current of the grid in real time, reliable monitoring, so as to solve the network harmonics and power quality can not be effectively monitored.The particularity of the grid, from the perspective of online monitoring, real-time analysis and network is proposed based on the B S structure grid remote monitoring system, power quality monitoring network.The grid monitor to achieve high-speed real-time collection of data to the monitoring center via Ethernet.The monitoring system design including database monitoring software and Web server-based design.Grid monitor the data collected by the monitoring center will be deposited into the MySQL database monitoring software with the database using the JDBC connection, the good management of the data; monitoring software in the Java language integrated development environment Eclispe, friendly interface, complete with network monitoring instrument of communication, to play a monitoring center PCs computing power, storage capacity and display capabilities, data calculation, analysis, storage and display all done by the monitoring center; use JSP technology to design a Web server, including user login module, real-time The information display module and system information query module1.1 computer monitoring function of the systemThe computer monitoring system is a subsystem of the substation automation system, with the widespread adoption of the technology of continuous development and progress of electronic technology, computer technology and communication technology and other technology, it replaces the traditional way of monitoring, the monitoring of the substation a fundamental change has occurred. The computer monitoring system to replace the conventional measuring system and dial instrument to change the normal operation of agencies and analog panel, replacing conventional light plate, alarm, central signals to replace the conventional remote device. Its functions as described below.(1) real-time data acquisition(2) the sequence of events recorded SOE and accident recall function;(3) fault recording, fault recording, fault location;(4) Operation control function;(5) security monitoring;(6) man-machine contact and printing capabilities;(7) data processing and recording functions;(8) harmonic analysis and monitoring;(9) alarm processing;(10) picture generation and display, on-line calculation and tabulation;(11) remote control function;(12) the operation and management functions.In addition to these basic functions, it has error lockout prevention, the system self-diagnosis and recovery, interface, etc1.2 system theory and compositionThe system mainly consists of current, voltage, power sensors, data acquisition, underground sub-stations, communication interface, the control terminal, Web terminal, the Web server structure, shown in Figure 1. Data acquisition and sensors installed in the underground high-voltage switch, the data collector to collect current, voltage, power and sensor signals through the underground sub-stations, communication cable and terrestrial communication interface to a supervisor terminal computer. Monitoring terminal to save the collected real-time data to a Web server, and can be sent to the underground sub-station open, closing command. Web terminal through the network to monitor the underground high-voltage switch current, voltage, power, and its merger gate state, and can query, statistics and print the year of the downhole equipment, monthly, daily electricity consumption reports, fault reports, running log.1.3 System hardware features and1.3.1 Communication InterfaceThe main function of the communication interface circuit to complete the communications signal conversion, isolation and amplification. It is mainly composed of three parts of the circuit consists of the following: (1) signal conversion circuit, RS232 signal levels to complete the computer with a standard TTL level conversion between; (2) optical isolation circuit, computer power supply and underground communication cable with power isolated from each other; (3) filter amplifier circuit, the communication signals big deal with to ensure the long-distance transmission of signals to ensure that the computer data communication and correct.1.3.2 The data loggerThe main function of data acquisition by a number of different sensing, Acquisition of high-voltage switch current, voltage, power, high-pressure switch openCo-state electrical parameters, the implementation of open, closing control commands. Data acquisitionCircuit by the data acquisition circuit, the A / D conversion circuit, display circuitAnd the communication circuit.1.4 system software features andSystem software development using the browser / server application development model, system software development, including Web client and Web server-side two parts, to establish a communications link between them and exchange information with each other, the Web client requests information, according to the agreed good communication protocols and message formats, and Web server-side information.1.4.1 System Software Development EnvironmentThe server network operating system platform, database servers using distributed relational data system, the Web client uses the operating system platform.1.4.2 Web server application functional designThe main functions: the Web server application based on the users password, to determine user permissions; respond to Web client requests, generate dynamic Web page, sent to the Web client; responsible for maintaining the database on a regular basis automatically backup the database.1.4.3 Web client application functional designThe Web client of this system include a special client - monitoring terminal, the terminal through the communication interface with the underground sub-station communication. Therefore, the Web client program is divided into two categories: ordinary Web client applications and monitoring the Terminal application. Ordinary Web client through the server real-time view of the underground high-voltage openRelated to running state, the query print switch operation of the record sheet, record table of the remote operation, the fault log table, battery condition tables, real-time and the whole point of the data table, the switch real-time power bar type map. Monitor terminal has all the features of ordinary Web client, and also with system definition, system initialization and data acquisition functions, according to the requirements of the mining side, it is the only control permissions computer, can be sent to the underground sub-station open closing command. It has a very important role in this system basically is an independent application systems, preferably on a dedicated machine.Monitoring system software design2.1 modular and object-oriented design methodsAt present, the method of program design more, one of the most popular method of programming there are mainly two:Traditional software engineering, top-down modular program design; object-oriented, bottom-up method of programming.The modular program design is to achieve the function as the core. The system functions at the beginning of the software development can be a precise definition of the case, this method has a simple and efficient, excellent features. However, early in the design, the software features are not very accuracy and very unstable, so that the function of the system is difficult to precisely express, and the method ignores the system data structures, as well as the development of the gradual deepening of the independence of the modules the worse, making the system as a whole, the lack of reusability, scalability and maintainability, and quality.Object-oriented programming methodology emphasized the importance of data and objects for the core system itself of the structure to construct the entire system. Because the object is to show a strong independence and versatility, making the development of software has a strong reusability, scalability and maintainability. This is some significant object-oriented programming methods. In addition, the idea of object-oriented structure makes the testability of the system greatly enhanced, and the specification of object-oriented programming language is better, making the system as well as the maintenance phase in the development of late failure is significantly reduced. However, in practice the process of object-oriented programming methods also exist many problems. In the design process, the process of establishing the object model is arduous and lengthy, and requires a high level of professional and technical level. Relative to the previous method, its difficult, and continued a long time. System is structured, clear and completely reliable, and usually contains a lot of redundant components, significantly increased the complexity of the programming language, and require a higher quality of the programmer. Slow communication and information transfer between the layers of objects, not sure on the time to perform, this does not help to improve the real-time.From the previous discussion can come to this conclusion: these two programming methods have their advantages and disadvantages. They exist independently, have unsatisfactory areas. Thus, it is natural to come up with them combined with the idea. Modular design and object-oriented design method does not exist a fundamental antagonism, at least a module can be abstracted into an object, this reflected well in the modern object-oriented programming language. Therefore, these two design methods combine both entirely possible, but also very necessary. This article describes the characteristics of the integrated substation automation computer monitoring system monitoring software, these two programming methods combine the development of system software. In this way, design and programming of these two methods can complement each other, and have demonstrated their advantages, allowing them to complement each other.2.2 hierarchical design methodHierarchical design method is also a design commonly used method, because it has many advantages, and this approach is consistent with the regularity of the stratification of the real world things. Below, a brief analysis of its advantages.(1) to simplify a complex problem.(2) so that each level of function reduced, thereby reducing the difficulty and burden.(3) function scores, the risk of dispersion, in order to improve overall system reliability.(4) the system structure becomes clear, the division of the system function.Hierarchical design, without a modular design approach. Stratification, is the system of functional classification of modular. Therefore, we can see, the hierarchical design method is actually a modular design approach to extend and expand. In this paper, the whole process of integrated substation automation computer monitoring system design reflects these two design methods. The design of the software part of a combination of them will go further.3 computer monitoring system software analysis3.1 software level analysisThe monitoring system software can be divided into three levels: operating system, support software, application software. Shown in Figure 1-1. Operating system in the system of the bottom, on top of it is the support software, application software in the system top level.In the figure: the support software, database management system, office applications, such as user application software, system software and tools to provide run support; application software includes a data processing system, graphics viewing program, alarm display, graphics, and maintenance, the next an order management procedures, and report printing procedures.Figure 1-1 System software level schematicIn this paper, the operating system is the latest version of the professional services of the Microsoft Corporation. This is a cross-platform operating system, has a wealth of third party software, hardware support, provide a good secondary development platform. In addition, it has a strong network of support for client / server communication, and many of the popular communication protocols and easily achieve the t


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