



Unit 5 Family and HomeLesson 29A Birthday Card课时分层训练(二十九)Lesson 29.根据句意及首字母、汉语或音标提示完成句子1Is the skirt _(柔软的) or hard?2I have a nice _(礼物) for you. Look! Do you like it?3Its warm i_, but cold outside.4I like reading Li Bais p_. Theyre really beautiful. 5May I borrow five pieces of _/pep/?.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空poem, have, rose, make, present1They are _ a birthday party at home.2Jack gets many _ from his classmates.3Lily is _ the birthday card now.4My teacher likes Xu Zhimos _ very much.5My father buys many _ for my mother.单项填空()1.Please give me _ to write on.Aa paper Bone paperCa piece of paperDsome piece of paper()2.Its raining hard. Please wait _the house.Thank you.Aoutside BaroundCbehind Dinside ()3._?She is making dumplings in the kitchen.AWhat does your mother doBHow is your motherCWhere is your mother goingDWhat is your mother doing()4. Happy birthday, Jim!_!AThe same to youBThank youCGood luckDHave a nice time()5. They _ a birthday party now.Ahave Bhaving Care having Dhas()6.My cousin is using crayons _ a picture of a cat.Adraw Bto drawCdraws Ddrawing ()7. Listen!The students _ in the classroom.Asing BsingsCwill sing Dare singing()8.Happy birthday _ your grandma.Ain BtoConDfor .完形填空My name is Jim. Today is my birthday. I am twelve now. Dad and Mum get me a big _1_. I like cakes. _2_ the table of my bedroom, you can see my lovely cake. You can also _3_ my name on it. There are _4_ other things for my birthday. _5_ are apples, pears and bananas. But I would _6_ to have something to drink now. My _7_ Bill and Sam are coming. I would like to eat the food _8_ my friends.I thank my _9_ for preparing the delicious food and fruits. After that, I will watch a new movie with my friends. I will never _10_ this day. I feel so happy!()1.A.apple BcakeCbanana Dpear ()2.A.InBAtCOnDOver ()3.A.get Bknow Clook Dsee()4.A.much Ban Cmany Dthe()5.A.They BThoseCThese DThat ()6.A.want Btake Clike Dget ()7.A.teachers BsistersCbrothers Dfriends()8.A.from Bof Cwith Dfor ()9.A.friends BparentsCclassmates Dcousins()10.A.show BrememberCforget Dneed详解详析【课时分层训练】课内基础自测.1.soft2.present3.inside4poems5.paper.1.having2.presents3.making4poems5.roses课后巩固提升.1.C句意:请给我一张纸在上面写。paper意为“纸”,是不可数名词,常借助量词piece来表示数量。当数量超过“一”时,piece用复数形式。故选C。2D由“Its raining hard.”可知,请在屋里等。inside意为“在里”。故选D。3D4B此题考查交际用语。当祝福语只适用于对方时,答语应用“Thank y


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