



初一英语下册语法填空1. My first name _(be) Jack.2. Im Kate. He is my brother. _(he) name is Jack.3. This gold ring is _(her).4. Here are two_(photo) of my family.5. Is this _(you) son?6. Are these your keys? No, _(it) arent.7. _(be) those your parents?8. I want _(eat) ice-cream.9. Let him _(watch) TV.10. Bill _(have) a computer.11. What about_(play) soccer.12. Dose your brother _(play) sports every day?13. Whats _(it) name? Its Jimmy. Its _(I) cat.14. My sister_(like) oranges.15. Lets _(play) basketball.16. How about_(watch) TV.17. Lets play computer games! Thats _(sound) interesting!18. Frank only _(watch) sports on TV.19. Homework makes me _(tire).20. _(Bob) favorite day is Friday.21. My father is _(real) busy today.22. Im sure you like some _(subject).23. Do you like _(eat) apples?24. _(Who) baseball is that?25. What color are the _(watch)?26. Those _(child) boats are on the river.27. I want to buy a pair of _(shoe) for sports.28. Tom wants _(play) ping-pong.29. His name is Jim Brown. Jim is his_(one) name.30. She is an _(England) girl.31. Welcome you to join our_(swim) club.32. Jacks father and mother are_(music).33. There are two_(piano) in the music club in our school.34. She likes music very much, so she is good at_(sing).35. He has a _(health) life.36. Please come in and have a cup of tea with_(we).37. I dont have time_(clean)my room.38. What time does your sister _(go) home every day?39. What do you do after_(eat) lunch?40. They usually get to school on _(foot).41. I spent half an hour_(finish) reading the book.42. Does he need_(clean) the classroom now?43. I think its fun_(play) in the water in summer.44. Did you finish_(write) an e-mail to Mike?45. Dont _(talk) in class.46. Yao Ming practices_(play) basketball every day.47. Dont be _(noise) in the library.48. Everyone feels _(relax) when they listen to light music.1. -Are these crayons _(你的)? No, _ are not _. They are _(他的).2. _ enjoy _in _tents, singing and dancing happily.(我们)3. -Where are Tom and Jame from? -_ come from France.-Are those _ cars? -Yes, they are _.(他们)4. -_(谁的) pencil is this? _ Bettys. 5. David is in great danger now. Lets help _ right now. 6. Im sure they are old enough to take care of _. so dont worry about _.7. Is this yellow bag Kates, Tom? -No, it isnt. _ is in her desk.8._(we) classroom is on the second floor. _(they) is below _(we).9. The world _ is very small. We will meet each other soon.10. Jim can _basketball very well but he would like _at home watching Tv.11. Mary likes _ the piano at weekends and she also _ books every day.12. What about _ a blike to the countryside this afternoon? -Sorry. Lets _ shopping and I want _sth for my dad. it is _ Day.13. -Can your brother _(游泳) well? -Yes, he can and he _(跳舞) well, too.14. Mr. Li _(教)us us science and he always _(担心) about us. 15. _(选择) me as your moniter and I promise_(help) you _ your lessons.16. You look _(担心) today? -I _(丢失) my ipad. you know my dad _ (买) it for me last year.17. After _ _(完成做) his homework, Li Ming went to play basketball.18. The little girl _(离开) in the hurry and he _(遗忘) her notebook in the library.19. James likes _(骑) horse very much and he usually _ his bike to school.20. Would you like _(教) me how to solve this problem ? of course.21. Mr. Li _(教) us math last term, but this term Miss Li _ us math.22. What _ you do yesterday? -I _(放飞) kites with my friends.23. Do you like _? -Certainly. And I just _ in the swimming pool.(游泳)24. We all look forward to _friends in our new school. (make)25. Enjoy _(you) to some fish, my dear children.26. We _(露营) at the foot of the mountain that evening and we enjoyed _(us).27. Im sure our school _(改变) even better in the future.28. Must I finish my homework before going home? -No, you _.(不需要)29. The sun _ from the east and sets in the west. 30. It _ _(雨下得很大) so we have to stay at home.31. The fruit _(看起来)fresh and it _(卖) at a good price. There is a _(降价) today.32. The old man _(付钱) for the product on the Internet and got it two days later.33. They spent two hours _(制作) this model plane and _(送) it to the boy.34. We _(收到) his presents but we didnt accept(接受) it.35. They turned around and _(发现) a tiger _(跑) towards them.36. We saw many children _(玩) with snow when we went _ the playground.37. They _(建造) the theater again after the big fire. Now it looks new.38. In the eighteenth century, he _ _.(成名)39. He _(死) in 1958 and his _(死讯) made everyone_(伤心).40. Those famous stars _ _(到达) Shanghai early this morning.41. They _(摘)two baskets of apples on the farm and _(收集) all the litter in the park and left. Although they were very _(累的), they still _(感觉) happy.42. That girl can speak four_(语言). Thats really amazing.43. Last weekend, we had great fun _a picnic in the park. Everyone _ _(放松).44. Its polite _ hands with others when we _others for the first time in China.45. Remember _(微笑) at others and it will help you _ (交)friends.46. When the president goes to Russia, he _(亲吻) with everyone at the meeting.47. We asked the boy where his parents were, but he _(摇晃) his head _(伤心).48. No _in the museum means you mustnt touch anything in the museum.49. The little girl _(握住) her mothers hand and was afraid _(移动).50. His hard work _ (带来)him great_(成功).51. The _(轻快的) music makes us_(开心).52. Rock music _ _(听起来很吵) . Many old people dont like to listen to it.53. We cant _(相信)that he won the match so_(容易的).54. Is this _() yours, Daming? -Yes, its_.55. Tom is _ with everything and he does everything_.(care)56. Look at those_(照相机). They are _sale today.57. _(千) of people are waiting at the _(机场).58. Five _(球队) are going to take part in the match. I hope ours _(获胜).59. Mum is busy _the cleaning now. Lets help her _it.60. You must collect all the _(垃圾) after finishing the picnic.61. Hainan is famous _ the _(海滩). People like _ _(观光) there.62. Im sure teachers wont use _(粉笔) in the future any more.63. The policemen saved hundreds of _(生命)last year. 64. _(光) travels faster than _(声音).65. _ _(工作时间) will be shorter, so people will have _(much)free time.66. Children like eating _(草莓) very much.67. Shopping online has _ _.(几个优点)68. This is a famous _(博物馆) with lots of world-famous _(油画).69. Cross the _(桥),


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