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商 务 英 语 写 作 知 识 要 点 01 IntroductionSchool Writing: 1 In the form of essays, 2 To demonstrate the knowledge and language skills,3 Always use complicated structures Business Writing:1 In the form of letters,2 Intended to communicate information,3 Readers and writers are in demand-supply relationship1. Principles of Business Writing: 7CClarity 清晰Correctness准确 Conciseness简洁 Courtesy 礼貌Concreteness具体 Completeness完整 Consideration周全2. Logical Organization 14因果关系(Cause & Effect)时间顺序(Chronological Development)序列顺序(Sequential Development)比较(Comparison)一般到特殊(From General to Specific)特殊到一般(From Specific to General) 02 Layout of Business Letters1. The Essential Parts of a Business Letter:1) Letter head2) Reference 3) Date line4) Inside Address5) Salutation6) Body of the letter7) Complimentary Close8) Signature2. Letter Styles: Full Block Style(齐头式) ,Indented Style(缩进式) and Mixed Style(交错式)3. Letter head identifies the sender of the letter. It includes:1) Companys logo2) Its address and postal codes3) Telephone number, Fax number4) Internet address, e-mail address5) Telegraphic and telex address6) A trademark or a brief slogan4. Body of the letter is the actual message of the letter, which begins one blank line below the salutation. It is the most important part of the letter, the written speaker.Principles of the body: Clarity, Consideration, Correctness5. Organization of the body:1) Opening or Introduction 2) Details3) Responses or Action4) Close6. Optional Parts of the body1) Attention Line2) Subject Line3) Enclosure4) Carbon Copy 5) Postscript附言7. Layout of the Envelope: The Indented Form and the Blocked Form8. Open punctuation: NO full stops or commas are used in the Essential Parts of a Business Letter unless to ensure the grammatical sense. Its important to use open punctuation consistently in the letter(18) 03 E-mail1. Layout of Heading1) To: (email address of the recipient )2) From: (email address of the senderusually automatically filled in)3) Date: (automatically filled in)4) Subject (main idea of the message)5) Cc: (carbon copy recipients whom the author wishes to inform of the message publicly)6) Bcc: (Blind carbon copy- recipients who are secretly being informed of the message)7) Attachment (the files you desire to send along with the message)2. Body: Salutation + Content + Complementary Close + Signature3. Points to ponder when writing1) Write a meaningful subject line.(主题栏意义明确)2) Keep the message focused and readable.(行文重点突出、排版清楚易读)3) Avoid attachments.(少发或不发附件)4) identify yourself clearly.(标明身份)5) Be kind. Dont flame.(心平气和)6) Proof read.(仔细较读)7) Dont assume privacy.(注意保护隐私)8) Distinguish between formal and informal situations.(分清场合和事宜)9) Respond promptly.(及时回复)10) Show respect and restrain.(宽容限制) 04 Good News & Bad News Letters1. 商务信函种类:1) 询 盘 enquiries2) 发 盘 response to enquiries3) 订 单 函 order4) 订单确认函 order acknowledgement5) 确 认 函 confirming letter6) 拒 绝 函 declining letter7) 礼 节 函 social letter8) 建立商务关系的信函(买方或卖方之间)Establishment of business relationship2. General structure of Good News Messages and Neutral MessagesDirect Approach3. Occasions of Direct Approach1) Making enquiries or responses to enquires2) Making orders or order acknowledgements3) Confirming letter4) Social letters5) Declining letter6) Establishment of business relationship4. Structure of Good News Letter:1) Begin with the main point (Introduction)2) Present necessary explanations (Details)3) Cover the remaining part of the objective (Action)(询价)4) End with adapted goodwill (Close)5. Useful sentences for closing of the good news letter:1) Looking forward to hearing from you.2) I hope this information will help you.3) We look forward to receiving confirmation of the reservation.4) Its great to be working together once again.6. Indirect Approach to Bad News Messages1) Dont tell the bad news at the beginning.2) Begin with some good news or neutral information.3) Give explanations before releasing bad news.7. General Structure of Bad-news Messages:1) Begin with a buffer缓冲 (introduction)2) Explain why the refusal has to be made (details)3) State the refusal (action)4) Close positively (close)8. State the Refusals1) Make the refusal clear without misunderstanding.2) Offer some constructive and feasible suggestions.9. Close of Bad News Letter:1) Polite2) Positive3) Confident4) Do not remind your readers of the negative message.5) Do not apologize for your refusal10. Ways to buffer: 1) Showing positive attitude, appreciation2) Showing sympathy and care3) Demonstrating understanding11. Useful sentences for explaining why the refusal has to be made (Present objective, reasonable and convincing reasons. Make the impression that the refusal is necessary and based on careful consideration) 1) Had we not gone through careful and thorough investigation, we wouldnt have made such a decision. 2) It is on the basis of careful consideration that we made such a decision.12. To be avoided: We must reject/turn down/refuse/disappoint youYou surely understand .We were surprised at your request.You claim / You state in your letterThis is the best we can do 05 Complaint Letter1. Inevitable Complaints:1) Improperly filled order2) Damaged merchandise商品;货物3) Misunderstanding about prices2. Direct approach to Complaints and Claims:Business people want to know as soon as possible when something wrong has happened to their products or services so that they can correct the situation immediately. Directness lends to clarity of purpose and success.3. Types for complaints1) Complaint for Poor Quality2) Complaint for Shortage 3) Complaint for Invoice Mistake4) Complaint for Delivery Delay 5) Complaint for Wrong Items 6) Complaint for Poor Packaging 4. Structure of Complaint letter1) Explanation of Problem + Background Information (what situation, when, color, model No.) help to identify the problem + How You Suffered (if necessary)2) Action required with deadline ( replace the faulty goods, refund the money, repair the goods, etc) 3) Warning (strong but polite)5. Reply to Complaint Letter(括号内是句型)1) Explanation the problem + Background(Thank you for your letter of About our delay of shipment. We are sorry for not having been able to deliver the goods you ordered on)2) Action required + Deadline (We take the responsibility for the mistake and we will arrange for the replacement to be sent to you within two days.)3) Ending (Polite We can assure you that every effort will be made to ensure that similar errors.)6Useful Sentences for Complaint Letter1)Describe the problem:On examination, we found all the goods were wetted.2)Action Required:Therefore, we are compelled to claim against you. We appreciate your seeing the matter seriously and arranging for the delivery within 5 days. 3)Strong Demand:We will ask for the law if you cannot send the goods to us within 10 days.4)Courteous demand for action:In view of our friendly business relations, we are sure that the matter will be settled appropriately 06 Persuasion/sales Letter(促销/推销函)1. Approach of Persuasion LetterIndirect Approach2. General structureAIDA1) To Arouse Attention2) To Create Interest a) Benefits of the goodsb) Choose the right appeal to feature your product or servicec) Appeals mean the strategies you use to present a product or service to your readers.d) Emotional Appeals: How people feel, taste, smell, hear, and see. Strategies that arouse people through love, anger, pride, fear, and enjoyment.(Perfume, candy And food etc.)e) Rational Appeals: Reason-thinking mind. Strategies based on saving money, making money, doing a job better, or getting better use from a product.(Automobile tires,Tools,Industrial ,equipment)3) Desire: To Convince the readera) Benefits of the goodsb) Point out and stress all the benefits that your product can offerc) Determine the strongest psychological selling point: stressing a products benefits rather than its physical features4) To Motivate Actiona) Ask for orders.b) Offer other incentives that will make your reader responsive: a gift, a limited availability and a discount.c) No-risk guarantee.d) Strengthening words.3. Principles of Persuasion Letter Writing1) Vivid language.2) Be concrete.3) Focus on central selling point.4) Use inductive(归纳)approach (deductive演绎).5) Some “dont” in Persuasion letter.a) Dont exaggerate.b) Dont belittle your reader.c) Dont speak ill of your competitors. Show the reader what you can do, but not what others can not do! 07 Memo/ memorandum1. Components of Memo1) Heading MEMORANDUM / Companys Logo / Slogan To: (readers name and job title) From: (writers name and job title) Date: (complete and current date) Subject: (what the memo is about, highlighted in some way) -Informative2) Body Opening-state the purpose-Direct Details-Highlighted3) Closing Action or Conclusive Sentence2. Characteristics of Successful Memos1) Subject Headings2) Single topic3) Conversational toneInformal4) Conciseness-Avoid Wordy Sentences5) Visual Signaling: numbers/ bullets编号 boldface斜体italics斜体 heading3. Three points to Avoid1) Avoid abruptness2) Avoid over-politeness3) Avoid unnecessary expressions4. AttentionInside the companyOne topic in one memoWithout company letterhead 08 Meeting MaterialPart 1 Notice1. The Nature of Notice1) Purpose: To give information briefly and make the reader follow the message quickly2) Form to expressa) written on a blackboard or bulletin board公告板b) written as a memoc) written as a letterd) written as a postcarde) written in an email2. Types of Notice Meeting notice Notice for Greeting New Colleagues Holiday Notice Practice Notice 3. Layout of Notices1) Heading (Subject matter or Notice)2) Body (time, place, purpose, materials) Full-blocked form Use asterisks or bullet points or number Leave spaces between headings and different sections Use capitals, bold, italics or underlying Use sub-headings3) Name and position(右下方4) Date(右下方4. Language Tone of Notices: Brief; Specific; Eye-catching; Polite5. Useful expressions1) 请注意 Please note that2) 我们很高兴通知您 We are pleased to inform youWe have pleasure in informing you that3) 我们想通知您 We would like to notify you4) 我们特此奉告 We have the honor to apprise you of5) 我们冒昧奉告 We take the liberty of announcing to you thatPart 2 Meeting Agenda6. Difference between Agenda & Schedule:1) An agenda: Topics to be discussed at a meeting; before the meeting is held. 2) Schedule: Work timetable. agenda是会议的议程,代办事项表。schedule是时间表,进度表。7. Basic Components for the Formal Meeting1) Call to order (宣布开始)2) Approval of the agenda (批准议程)3) Approval of the minutes of the last meeting(批准上次会议纪要)4) Reports (报告)5) Old or unfinished business (旧的或尚未完成的业务)6) New business (新业务)7) Announcements (公告)8) Adjournment (休会)8. Agenda for the Informal Meeting1) Call to order2) Reports or announcements3) Discussion items4) Decision items5) Adjournment Part 3 Minutes9. Basic facts of Minute: Take notes on the meeting then make a record(会议纪要10. Types of minutes: Verbatim minutes 逐字逐句纪录 Minutes of resolution 决定 Minutes of narration 叙述11. Steps of taking minutes1) Heading: name, purpose, time, date, place, type2) Body People attending, absent members Approval of previous meetings minutes, matter arising from those minutes A record of the principal points discussed and decisions made Time, date, place of next meeting3) Signature & date12. Language and tone of minutes Past tense Third person Reported speech Passive voice Formal words13. Tips for writing minutes-About writing numbers:1) Repeat numbers in legal or commercial writing.The bill will not exceed on hundred (100) dollars.2) Be consistent in numbers in writing. Two apples, six oranges, and 3 bananas3) Write out numbers in the beginning sentence. 6% of the group failed.4) Use a combination of figures and words. The club celebrated the birthday of 6 90-year-olds who were born in the city. 09 Business Report1. Categories of Reports1) By content: feasibility report , laboratory report, proposal report2) By function: informational report, analytical report, yardstick reports(指标报告)3) By printed form: absence report, accident report, trip report, petty cash report现金出纳4) By format: memo, letter, manuscript手稿printed5) By formality: informal report, formal report6) By length: short report, long report7) By time: preliminary前期progress进程periodic阶段final report总结/总结报告2. Formats of Reports Preprinted form Letter Memo Manuscript3. Components of a formal report:1) Prefatory part序言 Cover Title Fly & Title Page提头 Letter of authorization and letter of acceptance授权书和接受函 Letter of Transmittal转送函 Executive Summary行政总结 Table of contents目录 List of illustrations说明2) Text of the Report Introduction, body, conclusion, recommendation3) Supplementary parts Appendix附录Bibliography参考文献index4. Components of an informal report1) Heading/Title2) Introduction: terms of reference + procedure/proceedings Terms of reference: The purpose of this report is to The objective of this report is to The aim of this report is to Mr. X has asked me to report toinvestigate/evaluate/study/recommend/analyze/give feedback./estimate./assess3) Body (Findings) Objective & Impersonal Specific & Factual Collected without human help4) Conclusions: Cannot be made other than by humans; Interpreted findings5) Recommendationsa) Specific & constructive: REASON + SUGGESTIONb) Describe what will happen if your recommendation is followed or what might happen if it is not.6) Executive Summary (optional, long, two parts: purpose f, c, r )5. Difference between Informational & Analytical Report1) Informational reports - Collect information, provide data2) Analytical reports - Emphasis is placed on analyzing, drawing conclusions, and proposing recommendations. Informational reports periodic reports, situational reports (trip reports, progress reports), Investigative Report6. Layout of Investigative Report1) Title: Report on 2) Introduction (Purpose + Background)3) Body (Scope of the Investigation + Methods of the Investigation + Findings)4) Conclusion (Summary)5) Recommendation (optional)7. Feasibility report - Authors analysisA feasibility report analyzes the available information to determine whether a project is worth doing and what is the chance of success. It convinces your readers whether the project should be carried out and a particular plan is the best for doing it successfully. It also helps readers to consider the feasibility of the proposal from different angles.8. Formula of Feasibility ReportTo: From: Date: Subject: Feasibility Report onIntroduction: (background, scope)_(时间) ago, I _ (背景介绍) to see whether we could _(项目名称). This report is to _(此报告的目的) and to make recommendations about _(与项目有关的活动). The information was mainly achieved by_. (调研方法)Findings:(opportunities, risks)_(对方名称) is already working on _(对方已经在做的工作).They are very positive about _ (对方的态度).They propose an idea of _(对方提出的合理化建议)Conclusions:The _(方案类型)program is very_(对项目的简单描述). This project looks _(可行与否), and it shows a _(成功率高还是低) possibility for success.Recommendations:Thus, we should _(对后续工作的建议) and _(对后续工作的建议) as soon as possible, and _(对后续工作的建议) with their managers.补充analytical report: 1)findings,conclusions,and recommendations 2) Recommendation Reports 3) Feasibility Report 4) yardstick reports(指标报告)9. Proposal - Recommendation ReportsWrite a recommendation report to seek approval when justifying or recommending something, such as installing a new computer system, hiring new employees, raising funds and adopting a new method.10. Difference between Recommendation Report & Feasibility Report :1) FR: - Study possibility of success. Answer: yes, no, may be.2)RR: - Strongly recommends the action suggested.11. Formula of Proposal (Recommendation Report)Proposal on Introduction:Our company has recently _(发生了什么事,即写作背景). _(何人) has asked me to write a report to _(写给何人) on _(何时). This report _(关于何事) and is to _(为了什么,即写作目的)Findings:After looking into all the complaints, _(指出问题都出现在哪些方面):_(问题1)_ (问题2)Conclusions:In a word, there are _ (需要改进的地方) that are in need of improving.Recommendation:Based on those findings mentioned above, the following _(解决方法) are firmly recommended:_(方法1)_(方法2)_(报告撰写人签名,职务)_ (报告撰写日期)12. Useful expressions for Business Report1) For Introduction: This report sets out to explain the companys recent success and publicize our consequent plans for expansion. The purpose of this report is to improve efficiency. The objective of this report is to summarize the achievements weve made as well as the setbacks weve experienced in the past year.2) For Recommendation: On the basis of my investigation, it is suggested most strongly that we change our package design. It is felt that it would be better to establish a


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