



AEAS考试作文真题解析1Sports Does Matter Participation in sports is extremely important, especially for young people like us so that we develop good habits that we can continue into adulthood. And thats why I disapprove the shut-down of all sports and club activities. Sports has had a long and varied history throughout human civilization. The ancient Greeks were the first people to fully realize the physical and mental importance of sports, and their sporting traditions are still carried on today in the form of the Olympics. However, sport is not always about professional competitions and contests, but a fundamental way for people to push themselves to the limit. Sporting events are about physical fitness, mental endurance, competition, and teamwork. These characteristics are not just regulated to the history book or modern sports gym, but can also be applied to all aspects of life. So how the sports be beneficial for us exactly? Well, because sports are about working together as a unit to achieve a common goal, it is used as a tool to teach teamwork in a lot of schools. For example, sports like football, baseball, basketball, emphasize the importance to the team over the skills of a particular individual. Besides, learning how to accept a loss is just as important as getting a score. On the other hand, some sports are all about testing your ability and competing with others to improve yourself in tremendous ways. For instance, winning a tennis match relies on mental clarity, focus, and confidence, let alone the skills that require a long time of practice. In a word, sports help us achieve a balance between the body, mind, and spirit. Now that the fact that sports are good for us is completely undeniable, maybe it would be better to rethink the decision that all the sports will be called off.AEAS考试作文真题解析这篇作文题在题目中先交代了文章背景是学校即将在新学期取消所有的文体活动,具体的作文要求是为学校杂志写一篇文章表明自己对这个问题的看法。题目中的最后一句话明确指出要列出支持自己看法的理由和例子(give examples and reasons to support your argument),表明这篇文章的文体是议论文。议论文要求立场清晰,论据充分,从这个要求出发可以开始组织文章。我们的立场是不赞同学校的看法,认为应该保留文体活动。为支持这种立场,我们可以把主论点立为:体育活动对我们的生活很重要,所以我们必须保留体育活动。在文章题目中我们直接提出我们的论点,并在文章开头中明确说明:参加体育活动对于青少年来说十分重要,因此我们反对取消文体活动。文章采用先陈述理由后举例说明的结构。从古希腊奥林匹克运动的起源入手,进而阐述体育活动重要的理由主要表现在有助于身心健康、提高竞争力和培养团队合作精神几个方面,并强调这些方面对我们生活的方方面面都有帮助。接下来用具体例子支持上述理由。比如足球等球类运动对于团队合作能力的培养以及抗压能力的提升有极大帮助,而网球这种运动则会在意志力、专注度和自信心方面给人以极大的锻炼。最后一段重申论点和立场,再次点题,首尾呼应,使文章结构有序而完整。在语言方面,这篇文章运用了较多高级词汇和短语,但并不是一味地追求词汇的难度,而是在确保文章流畅度和内容完整性的基础上尽量多地使用高级词汇,此外,使用一些常用地道的短语也会为文章填色不少。比如mental endurance,get a score,call off等等。文章句子的组织首先应当以句意清晰为第一目的,而不一定要追求十分复杂冗长的长难句或者复合句,但这也并不意味着我们不能写出漂亮的句子。例如,在句子“For instance, winning a tennis match relies on mental clarity, focus and confidence, let alone the skills th


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