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.课题Unit8 Dolls日期12.6主备人单元分析本单元主要教学内容是描述人物的外貌。四会单词是eye,small,his,short,ear,thin tall;三会单词是hair,nose,mouth,king,snowman. 主要句型是Hes/ShesHis/Heris/are在教学时,老师可以根据学生的年龄特点,借助动物玩具和文具等物品,设计一些游戏活动,让学生在实际情景中使用本单元的句型。教学目标1. 知识技能目标:1)能听懂、会说、会读、会运用单词:eye,small,his,short,ear,thin tall2)能听懂、会说、会读、单词:hair,nose,mouth,king,snowman. 3)能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Hes/ShesHis/Heris/are 4)能够正确读出辅音字母Zz的发音,并自己归纳一些词。5)能朗读并背诵小诗 Two fat boys2. 情感态度目标:学会一些形容人物特征的单词和表达方式,来介绍自己和朋友,亲戚,要多多赞扬别人。教学重点1)能灵活运用单词:eye,small,his,short,ear,thin tall2)能熟练运用单词:hair,nose,mouth,king,snowman. 3)能熟练运用句型Hes/ShesHis/Heris/are 4)能够正确读出辅音字母Zz在单词中的发音。教学难点1) 单词的熟练背诵和运用。2) 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Hes/ShesHis/Heris/are课时安排第一课时:Story time第二课时:复习Story time, 学习Fun time和Rhyme time,Sound time第三课时:Cartoon time,滚动复习,完成Checking time和Ticking time第四课时:综合复习,完成补充习题第五课时:综合复习,完成同步练习Unit8 Dolls第一课时二备教学目标: 1.通过歌曲,学生能够理解人体部位单词;2.通过洋娃娃介绍,学生能够听懂、会说、会读单词hair,eyes, nose,mouth;3.通过对比外貌迥异的娃娃以及看动作猜测游戏,学生能够理解会说形容词big,small,long,short, tall;4.在介绍朋友猜测同学后,学生能够准确运用句型His/Heris/are教学重点:1通过洋娃娃介绍,学生能够听懂、会说、会读单词hair,eyes, nose,mouth;2. 通过对比外貌迥异的娃娃以及看动作猜测游戏,学生能够理解会说形容词big, small, long, short;3. 在介绍朋友猜测同学后,学生能够准确运用句型His/Heris/are教学难点:1.单词hair,eyes,ears, his, mouth,thin,tall,short等单词的正确发音。2.句型Hes/ShesHis/Heris/are的灵活运用课前准备:挂图,卡片,多媒体(PPT)教学过程:Step1 Warm up1. FreeHow are you?How old are you?2. Listen to song Head, shoulder, knees and toesa. Listen to the song and the teacher do the actionb. Listen to the song again and do the action together3. Play a game Touch yourT: Touch your nose / mouthSs: Do the actionStep2 Presentation1. Show a doll(复习五官类单词)T: I have a doll. Look at my doll. What colour is her dress?Ss: Its yellow.T: Is it cute?Ss: Yes.T: She can look with her _.S: She can look with her eyes.S: She can smell with her nose.S: She can listen with her ears.S: She can eat with her mouth.T: Look at her hair, its long.S:Learn to say “hair.”2. Learn to say .(学习课文)Draw two different dolls on the blackboard. Then ask the students to compare.T: Here are two dolls. This is a girl doll. Her hair is long. Her eyes are big. Her nose and mouth are small. Thats a boy doll. His hair is short. His eyes and nose are small. His mouth is big. His ears are big, too.2. Teacher acts, the students guess老师做一些形容词的动作,学生分组PK猜测比赛。3. Watch the cartoon and finish the formhaireyesnosemouthEarsGirl dollLongbigsmallsmallBoy dollshortsmallsmallBigbig4. Retell the text.1) Girls doll. Shes beautiful. Her hair is long. Her eyes are big. Her nose and mouth are small.2) Boys doll Hes cool. His hair is short. His eyes and nose are small. But his mouth and ears are big. Step3 Consolidation1.Read the text after the tape2. Read the text in groups3. Act in roles4. Say a rhymeI have two eyes to see with,I have two feet to run with,I have two hands to wave with,And nose I have but one.Step4 Practice1. Describe and guess(这个游戏可以让学生在预习作业中完成,课上只要读一读)教师要求学生选择班级里的一个同学来描述,其他学生根据描述猜出被描述的同学是谁。如果班级人数多,为降低难度,可以提示被描述人所在的小组。如:S1: Hes boy. Hes short. His eyes are small. His ears are small. His nose is big. His mouth is big Who is he?S2:Is he ?2. Show a picture of friends学生出示一张好朋友的照片或画一张画像,根据照片或画像来描述朋友的外貌。S1: Look! This is my friend. Shes tall. Her eyes are big. Her ears are big. Her nose is small.Step 5 Homework1. Read the dialogues after the tape and imitate the pronunciation.2. Try to recite the dialogue.3. Copy the new words.4. Draw a doll(为下节课做准备)板书设计:Unit8 DollsGirlsdoll Boysdoll haireyesnosemouthEarsGirls dollLongbigsmallsmallBoys dollshortsmallsmallBigbig 教学反思:Unit8 Dolls第二课时二备教学目标: 1. 通过转述能够养成认真倾听的好习惯,并能尝试运用Hes Shes . His/Heris/are等句型介绍别人或自己;2. 通过比较动物和人,能够听懂、会读、会说、熟练运用单词fat,short,thin,tall等形容词;3. 通过描述自己所画人物,能够在真实语境中熟练运用句型Hes Shes . His/Heris/are等句型进行描述;4. 通过欣赏动画,表演动画,能够体会故事的趣味性,享受语言带来的愉悦。教学重点1.能自如运用Hes Shes . His is. Herare等句型介绍别人或自己;2. 通过比较动物和人,能够听懂、会读、会说、熟练运用单词fat,short,thin,tall等形容词;3. 通过描述自己所画人物,能够在真实语境中熟练运用句型Hes Shes . His is. Herare等句型进行描述。教学难点:通过描述自己所画人物,能够在真实语境中熟练运用句型Hes Shes . His is. Herare等课前准备:单词卡片,多媒体(PPT)教学过程:Step 1 Greeting and warm up1. Greeting2. Introduce yourselfT: Im Miss Wu. Im tall,my hair is long,my eyes are big,my nose and mouth are small. I like pandas.I can swim well.Can you introduce yourself?Ss: Im 再让其他学生转述Ss: Shes Shes tall.3. Review story time1) Girls doll2) Boys dollStep 2 Presentation1. 出示一些卡通动物的图片 (大象,兔子,猪,猴子, 河马, 小鸟)卡通图片尽量能找出有性别的图片T:Look at these animals. Can you say something about them? (Point to the elephant) His nose is long.Ss: His tail is short He is fat. Hes nose is long.His mouth is big. His ears are big.Teach big, small, fat, thin, long, short, tall, short2. Show two peoples photoT: Now lets take a close look at Mr Black and Mrs Black.现在我们来仔细观察一下布莱克夫 妇,他们也有很多不同的地方。谁能试着来说说看呢? (PPT,把要教授的“tall, short, thin, fat, long, short, big, small”这些特点以图片的方式分别体现在布莱克夫妇身上。) (鼓励学生用英语描述这些特点。) T: Right. Mr Black is tall, and Mrs Black is short.T:Any other differenc T: Yes, Mr Black is fat, and Mrs Black is thin.T: Now if you are Mr Black and Mrs Black. How about your hair?T: Good job. Mrs Blacks hair is long, and Mr Blacks hair is short.3T: Lets make a quick review . Please listen to the tape carefully and try to repeat the words loudly. T: Ok! Lets play this game now. 在屏幕上会依次出现这些单词,请你读出这个单词并说出它的反义词。 Step 3 Consolidation1. Show their pictures and try to describeT: This is . His/Heris/are2. Say and draw老师邀请一个画画比较好的学生在黑板上画雪人。教师先说出第一句描述,然后要求其他学生轮流说下面的句子,直至画完雪儿。画完后请画画的学生向大家完整描述雪人。如:T: The snowman is tall.S1: His mouth is big.S2: His eyes are small.S3: His nose is big and red.S4: This is our snowman. Hes tall. His mouth is big. His eyes are small. His nose is big and red. 3. Play the game in groupsStep 4 Cartoon time1. Show the pictureT: Bobby and Sam are at a museum. What can they see?Ss: They can see some robots.2. Watch the cartoon and answer some questionsa. Are the robots eyes big or small?b. What can the robot do?c. Is he tall or short?3. Read after the tape3. Act in rolesStep 5 HomeworkRecite the dialogue and try to write it after class.2. Draw your best friend and describe him/her板书设计: Unit8 DollsfatthintallshortbigsmalllongshortHe is His is/are.She is. Her are/are教学反思:Unit8 Dolls第三课时二备教学目标: 1. 通过复习及头脑风暴游戏,学生能够说出关于人体五官的单词;2. 能够在真实语境中熟练运用Hes Shes . His is. Herare等句型来描述同学或朋友。3.会唱歌谣Two fat boys,并通过改编歌遥体会语言的韵律美。4. 通过朗读单词,体会字母的读音,并能归纳已学含有/z/发音的单词。教学重点:1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2.句型的熟练运用3.能理解并且会读/z/,能总结归纳过去所学单词教学难点:1、语音/z/在正确发音2、句型的熟练运用课前准备:挂图,卡片,多媒体(PPT)教学过程:Step 1 Greeting and warm up1.Free talk2. Brain storm尽可能多地说出人体部分单词尽可能多的说出形容词1. Show some pictures and describe老师出示一些有明显特征的人,ppt快闪让学生描述e.g. He is fat. She is thin and tall. His eyes are big. His mouth is small. Her ears are big. Step 2 Ticking time1. Try to guess学生描述班级中的一名同学,其他同学来猜测Hes a boy. He s fat/thin. Hes tall/ short. His is His are. Who is he?学生尝试描述一种动物It is big/ small. It is tall/ short. Its is . Its are. What is it?2. Check out timea. Show the picture and discuss the pictureS1: Look. Whats this?S2: Its a dog/cat.S1: Is he fat/ big?S2: Yes, he is.b. Try to say the descriptionsc. Finish the sentences on the bookd. Check out the answerStep 3 Rhyme time1. 教师在两个拇指上画出两个胖男孩的头像,引入话题2. 教师播放歌谣让学生跟读欣赏,同时用两个拇指,配以相应的动作。3. 教师让学生齐读歌谣,并要求他们用拇指配以相应的动作。4. 鼓励学生适当地进行替换表演,同时配以其他手指做同样的动作。如:Two thin girls meet in the rain.Two tall girls meet in the rain.Two short boys meet in the rain.Step 4 Sound time T1. Show the pictureT: Look, whats this?Ss: Its a zebra.T: Where are the zebras?Ss: They are in the zoo.3. 教师板书并领读新单词,用彩色粉笔圈出单词中字母z,让学生体会字母z在单词中的发音。4. 教师解释句子意思。如:动物园里的斑马,和你我一起吃苹果。5. 播放录音一起读列出一些其他含有/z/读音的单词如:zip Step 5 Homework1. 完成部分同步探究练习一和二笔试。2.背诵-Sound time和Rhyme time板书设计:Unit8 Dolls z zebra zoo The zebras in the zoo.Eat apples with me and you.教学反思:Unit 8 Dolls第四课时二备教学目标: 1.能熟练掌握本单元的四会单词。2.能熟练运用句型His/Heris/are3.能运用本单元单词和句型流利的介绍同学或朋友。4.完成补充习题教学重点:1、能综合运用本单元知识点。2、完成补充习题教学难点:1、能综合运用本单元交际用语。2、注意多让学生自己去观察题目,让学生再跟着录音去读,再次加深对题目的理解,还可以多练习发音。课前准备:磁带,录音机教学过程:Step1 Free talk and revision1.How are you,today?How old are you?What can you do ?2. Introduce yourself.Hello,ImMy is/are3. Introduce your friend or your deskmate.Hes/Shes His/Heris/areStep 3 Practice 1、完成同步练习一和二的听力2、完成补充习题1)Listen and number.2)Listen and circle.3)look and s


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