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This is my sister第4课时分层训练Section B2 2a2c.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1The girl_ (在这里) is my sister Kate. 2This is a_ (照片) of my English friend. 3A nice_ (图画) is on the wall. 4The_ (狗) is black and white. 5Who is the_ (下一个)?.用所给单词的适当形式填空1There are seven_ (dog) under the tree.2What are_ (this)?They are pears(梨)3His teacher_ (be) Miss Gao.4Please color_ (they) brown and yellow.5They are twin(孪生的) _ (sister).单项填空()1.Here_ my family pictures.Aam BareCis Dbe ()2.His family _ very big, and his family _ all happy every day. Ais; are Bare; areCis; is Dare; is()3.Look at that photo! What a happy family!Yes, its a photo _ my family.Aat BforCof Din()4.You can see my grandparents in the_Akey Bnumber Cpen Dpicture()5._ dogs are black. _ are my dogs.AThis; They BThose; They CThat; Those DThey; Those()6.Tom _ in the _ photo.Ais; one Bare; one Cis; first Dare; first()7.This is Jack.Thats Mary._ are my cousins.AHe BTheyCShe DIt()8.Is this your ruler?No, _Its _ ruler.Athis isnt; Li Leis Bthis is; Li LeisCit isnt; Li Leis Dit is; Li Lei()9.This is _ family photo. AKate BKatesCof Kate Dof Kates()10.In the next picture _ my sisters.Aam Bis Cisnt Dare.根据汉语意思完成句子1杰克,那是你叔叔吗?_ that your _, Jack?2妈妈,这是我的好朋友,汤姆。Mom, this is my_ _, Tom.3这些是我的英语书。_ are my English _4那是吉姆的全家福。Thats Jims _ photo.5这些是我的堂兄弟,那些是我的朋友。These _ my _ and _ are my _. .完形填空I love the photo _1_ my family.I have(有) a big family.My _2_ are old now.My grandfather is 70 years old and my grandmother _3_ 69 years old.I have an _4_Hes my fathers _5_.I have two _6_Theyre my mothers sisters.I have _7_ cousinsa boy and a girl.They are my uncles _8_ and daughter.I have a sister,too.But(但是) she _9_ in the photo.I am in a nice _10_I love my family.()1.A.at BofCin Don()2.A.grandparents BparentsCgrandfather Dgrandmother()3.A.am BareCbe Dis()4.A.eraser BorangeCuncle Daunt()5.A.brother BfatherCsister Dfriend()6.A.sons BauntsCbrothers Duncles()7.A.one BtwoCthree Dfour()8.A.boy BgirlCson Ddaughter()9.A.isnt BareCis Darent()10.A.school Bschoolbag(书包)Cclass Dfamily.阅读理解My name is Mary.This is my family tree.These are my parents.Their names are Bill Brown and Grace Brown.Those are my grandparents.Their names are Henry Brown and Linda Brown.This is my uncle.His name is John.That boy is my brother.His name is Tony.This is Susan.She is my uncles daughter.()1.Marys brother is_ASusan BJohnCTony DBill()2.Bill is Johns_Auncle BfatherCbrother Dgrandfather()3.Henry is Susans_Afather BgrandfatherCuncle Dbrother()4.Grace is Susans_Amother BgrandmotherCaunt Dsister()5.Tony and Mary are Susans_Acousins BbrothersCsisters Duncles.任务型阅读AHi,Im Grace. (1)This_is_a_photo_of_my_family. These are my grandparentsJim and Anna. Theyre my dads parents. My dad is Leo Smith and my mom is Lily Smith. I have a sister and a brother. My sister is Sue, and my brother is Eric. This is my uncle Jerry.(2)他是我爸爸的弟弟。And Mary is his wife(妻子)Thats their dog Peter. Where am I in the photo?Ha!Im not in the photo.根据短文内容,完成下列各题。1Whats the last name of Graces dad?_2Who is Peter?_3How many people(多少人) are there in the photo?_4将短文中画线句子(1)翻译成汉语。_5将短文中画线句子(2)翻译成英语。_BHello! My name is Dave Black. I have a happy (幸福的) family. Look! This is a photo of my family. This is my wife(妻子). Her name is Emma. I have a son and a daughter. This is my son and this is my daughter. My sons name is Tom.He is 10 years old. My daughters name is Mona. She is 8 years old. They are students. I love my family. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。6How many people are there in Daves family?_7Whats Daves last name?_8Is Mona Emmas daughter?_9How old(多大岁数) is Tom?_10Are Tom and Mona students?_.根据短文内容和首字母提示完成短文Im a 1.g_. My name is Wang Ying. Wang is my 2.f_ name. This is my schoolbag. Its 3.y_. My book and my pencil 4.b_ are in it. My 5.E_ teacher is Miss Zhang. Miss Zhang is a 6.g_ teacher. Miss Zhang says(说) her English 7.n_ is Nancy and her 8.l_ name is Black. Her telephone 9.n_ is 8764235. You can 10.c_ her.详解详析课内基础自测.1.here2.picture/photo3.picture4dog5.next.1.dogs2.these3.is4them5.sisters课后巩固提升.1.B根据后面的主语pictures可知,谓语动词用are。2A当family表示“家庭”时,是集合名词,视为整体,谓语动词用单数形式;当family表示“家庭成员”时,强调个体,谓语动词用复数形式。故选A。3C4.D5.B6.C 7.B由are可知主语要用复数形式。8C以this提出的问句用it回答;第二空要用所有格形式。9B10D这是一个倒装句,主语是复数名词sisters,故谓语动词要用复数形式are。.1.Is; uncle2.good friend3These; books4.family5are; cousins; those; friends.1.Ba photo of 意为“一张的照片”。2A3.D4C由下文可知“他是我爸爸的兄弟”,故应为“我”的uncle。5A6B由下文“Theyre my mothers sisters.”可知,“我”有两个姨母。7B8.C9.A10D最后一句总述全文:我生活在一个快乐的家庭里。我爱我的家。.15CCBCA.1.Smith is the last name of Grace


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